JUX u» NEWS of - - BED BANK ' - MM! gananBdlnt Tows. Robert 4 Tola Fearleaaly anil Without BUf d Mrs. George ort. No-date •edding." *r ' , i OLUME LXII, NO.-28. RED BANK,;K J,, THURSDAY,. JANUARY 4, 1940. PAGES^fe? .ring former Mayor Charles P. Cross, Four Officials Overseer of the Poor George Haw- First Of Series New Phone, Books MiddUtown Collects kins, Building Inspector H, Edgar Smith, Fire Chief Charles. Wesson Being Distributed town To Sworn Into- Office aiia~form«T Fire Chief Herbert Haw- OT "University. •"•'. Ten thousand changes have had kins. fo be made to produce.the new issue At Fair Haven Of tife"Sunday ' of the Monmouth county New Jersey Bell -telephone directory; distribu- John M. West, tax'collector, and tion ot -which 'Started thiF week.1 toward W. Roberts, clerk, 61 Mid- Hunting Is President— Dr. Gordon Poteat Changes in listings which carry Jetowirf township, made reports to Large Colt's Neck over from the June issue are due ae. township committee last week. Pro»pect-for Lower - of Crozer Seminary to to change* of address or other rea- !r, Wes,t in his report.stated that sons, disconnections of telephones at fO% of the townjhlp's taxes had been Farm Spld To taxe* in 1940 Be Guest Speaker the end of the season and at other Dllected In the past year ai against times, new listings ' for. new tele- bout 63% for 1938, - The ,iotal Thejratof a series of. talks under phones connected and extra listings Eatontown Couple Councilman Tony Hunting, wW) u [mount of tax title Miens collected was re-elected to the Fair Haven the caption "University of Life -wlll -a'ccquhtvfor the many changes. '. .. I |n 1939 was 1235,532.^, as against governing body in November, wa» be held at the First' Baptist church. Approximately 33,000 copies of the Bible Society Investigating C&m- WMS40 for 1938. 1 Maple avenue and Oakland street new Spok-are to be distributed Uhis Mr.(ahd Mrs. Leroy eworn in at the reorganization meet- 'The total current taxes collected Ing New Years day and was elected Sunday afternoon. The series will week,and next. Names Officers mittees Appointed i fhls year was J419.118.34 as against Hunt Buy the Charlea be continued thereafter every Sun- IIJ3?,751.73 for. 1838 and the total day afternoon to February 25", In- , Annual Meeting Ne> iMnoiint collected this year for in- E. Knight Place , clusive. Tea will- be' served from Mayor And Two Fran&i,N. Linderoth, Jr., terest on arrears was $45,320.4$ as 4:15 to 4:15 o'clock, and the classes Years Day ompared to $7,383.49 for 1938. as outlined will be conducted be- ElectedJ'resident Items outlined in Mr. West's r<i- - Hay. H. Stlllman, real estate broker tween 5 and 6 .o'clock. '_".,, -1, Councilmen Sworn MM, T ot Eatontown, N. J., has jiwt re- •The talks arc open to /he "public? port were 1939 taxes collected, $360,- ported the saltie 6i>\1 t thh e Charles E. • Frank N. Linderoth, Jr., was unan- 878.30; 1938,, taxes? collected, $64,- and are absolutely free.'I. There" Is imously elected president of the Knight farm In CMlfs Neck, N. J., no tuition. A nursery will tie' pro- In At Sea Bright u (66,36; 1936'-taxes collected, J71.68; to Mr. and Mrs: Leroy Hunt of Young Men's Bible class of the Pres- Runyon Re-Elected J I ic liens .. collected, $235,532,62; In- vided for children so' that 'parents byterian church at the Muiual meet- ontown? . •eit on arrears,' 115320.41; bulk- may give their undivided attention ing of that organlzaOTn Sunday The Knight farm i» *ald to; be one to those, who will address the as- . Leon Reussille. ad assessments, 4fH6.l9; garbage of the most fertile small farms in the morning. Township Chairman;: lessment*, $680.46; road assess- sembly. There will be competent per- Red Bank area. It comprises' 16 HENRY H. KOHL, sons in charge, toys will be provided Is Re&ippointed Mr. Linderoth succeeds John A. •nU, (2,510.90; franchise taxes, acres'pt land which Is all'tillable. Matthews of Shrewsbury. Other of- (jSJ&lbi ' gross receipts .taxes, Trust company and the Merchants The farm buildings Include an old- An si-mayor's badge was present- Trust company of Red Bank and the Borough Attorney flcers elected Sunday were Harry C. The Middletown'township CO J29.96 and tax searches, $236.50. fashioned colonial eight-room' (arm ed to former Mayor Augustus M. Fay Worden vice president, Frank Jlr. Roberts made a statement ol Eatontown Natiqnat bank were tee at Ita annual organization house built over one hundred years Mintoa by Mayor Sickles in recog- named depositories of borough funds. A. Rogers secretary, William Ford ing New Years day passed n JN'.balance 'of license fees, a check ago. In the farm kitchen there U a nition of his years of public service which was turned over to the The treasurer's bond was fixed.at tions adopting various recommt fireplace with the original Iron craDO lo the borough as councilman and tions made by William A. Stern! mhlp committee. The report which used to be used to suspend mayor... Mr. Minton expressed his $20,000. ' j sistant treasurer. Mr. Worden suc- . hacking licenses, $5; vending 11- kettles over tbe open fire. i thanks in a brief address. A telegram extending a happy and ceeds Mr. Linderoth and Mr. Rog- pes, $180; dog licenses, $3 and prosperous New Year t» the mayor Mr. Knight razed the original farm i The Second National Bank and jers takes over tha duties of Stuart pblflg licenses, $79. and council was sent from.',. Lake j Edington. Mr. Ford succeeds Ray- a ordinances for Issuance of outbuildings several years ago and Placid by Assessor Ray VanHom." / constructed a new barn, garage and f mond Martens and Mr. Forbes suc- I to cover the purchase of land Fire department drivers named ceeds Robert F. Worden as treasur- nardo harbor and tot provide three chicken houses which have a were Leonard Mack, Charles Mc- capacity^ for 1,000 laying hens. - er. Calvin T. Cafhart Is. succeeded —1 construction of -bulkheads Grath, Robert Kreger, William Rob- by Mr. Elchman. ••«•'• terhjes at Leonardo harbor and Mr. Knight will move to New York bins, John Wagner, Robert Amendt, ansbUrg were read at a state and the new owners will engage ! TONV HUNTING The new president "has been & Oscar Becker, Joseph Boyle, James member of the Bible class since It ,..ng. The total amount of In the poultry business after they i>; Braney, George W. Curchls, Arthur , waa $40,950.' take possession of the farm. president of the council (o succeed was organized seven years sjfo. He Davlson. Abram pixon, Barney Ege-' Jiias played an active part In the or- Tb The Stlirman office reports an up- . Ruaaell Minton, whose place on land, Lester England, Herbert. Haw- «\of lots 22, 23, 8J, 88 andusually active farm market for this! the council has been • taken by Peter ganization and has missed very few kins, Joseph Herden, Harry Kurtls Sunday morning gatherings. Mr. oppostVrest to Charles' J. Hesse, season of the year. J. Eichele. Inducted with Mr. Hunt- and Louis VnnKclst. facturei,ardo jor »iso was ap- ing were Mr. Eichele, Vincent Wil- Linderoth was a member of the . doesn't \ ' lis and Henry H. Kohl, Jr. The oath Fire department police named June, 1631, graduating class of tho A food V pf C. W. Vocke of Lo- were Willard Emmons, John McCue, Red Bank senior high school. Fol- what'e InUrt j, BanHeld was us-Street Lighting Thomas Berrien, Matthew G. Baden, lowing graduation fie was employed to the oni^y at Locust for coro- Robert Cameron, Edward Hendrlck- by Doremus Brothers' market on nas to Hsti, as referred.to the son, Jesse Mclllray, John Mount, Broad street for some time. He has s W Rate Is Reduced been associated with the Hagerman «ueh warftttw for investigation Theodore Parker, Sr, Harry Veron- \h. *he section where Mr. eau, Charles Brlster and Wilfred Lumber company for quite a while. M*. BanBeld reside is Ruimon Borough to Sweeney. Recently he graduated from the .« residential.' Ambulance drivers named were Johns-Manvllle training school at Robert Amendt, Arthur Crozier, Freehold. Ho Is a member of the building % committee was also Save $155 Annually Red Bank housing guild, with head-, horded to hwndle » complaint i Abram Dixon, John McCue. Russell ! H. Minton, H. Lyn'nwood Minton and quarters at the Hagerman Lumber "From Henty C. BAumgartner that a company, and-Is also affiliated with junk yard had'Jbeen started on The - Rumson mayor and council Harry Veroneau. at the regular meeting Thursday the Brotherhood of the Presbyterian Union- avenue, ifielford, between church. Main and Church sltreets.- night Was advised in a communica- tion that under a revised rate sched- Temporary budgets for 1940 were , PETER.J. EICHELE The duties of- the newly elected ule tb» cost of furnishing electric Services At officers will begin next Sunday morn- •approved. current for the street light* will be: 1 64 pheasants WALTEik J, SWEENEY. ing at lO.o'clock.at the church. The A-bill for $176 fo $155.52 less In 1940. than lut year. and the Red Bank Dairy haB agreed killed" ..Uy^dogs «". .received from. to furnish all milk required free of Salvation Army retiring president, Mr, Matthews, "Furthermore, at least 100 «Vcandle- : : day. Hj waa sworn In at the q Dominic OlSanto of lew Mpnmouth- charge.'''-" '- ;y.'.'^•*A"-''.''.'V' '''-•••"'•'' presided at' Sunday's' meeting.
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