^H SI It vlxhr&rp &( illiberal Hrtg Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/newhampshirec19191920newh The New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts Bulletin Durham, New Hampshire APRIL, 1919 Entered as second class matter, August 5, 1907, at the Post Office at Durham, N. H. under the Act of Congress of July 16, 1894 ARCHIVES 31 H XA O 13 CjENLRAL V1LW OP CAMPU5 GRLLNHOUSLS CHLM15TRY BUILDING & 5HGR5 : ' N 1ALL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING B & M oTATlON FAIBCHILD HALL ME.N'5 DORMITOR.Y 5MITM HALL WOMEN'S DORMITORY BALLARD HALL WOMLNo DORMITORY iW^2°^S# ^%F. m..U L<[ 1. OUR FLAG v* ^ 2. NEW HAMPSHIRE COLLEGE REGIMENT ON PARADE 3. Y. M. C. A. HUT 4. BARRACKS CONSTRUCTED BY THE S. A. T. C. 5. THE HOME ECONOMICS PRACTICE HOUSE 6. LINE DRAWING OF "THE COMMONS" SHOWING BUILDING AS IT WILL APPEAR WHEN COMPLETED. THE TWO MAIN UNITS WILL BE READY FOR OCCUPANCY THIS FALL x-^inuy . CALENDAR 1919 JANUARY. FEBRUARY. MARCH. APRIL. s M T|W T F|S S M T \\ T| FIS S|M|T|W!T|FIS S M T|W|T|F|S 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .. • • I 1 2 3| 4 ..1 • •I 1 ..|..l..|..|'..l..| 1 1| 21 31 4| 5 5 6 7| 8 9 10|11 2 3 4 5 6| 7| 8 2| 31 41 5| 6| 7| 8 6 7 8| 9|10|11112 12 13 14|15 lb 17 18 9 10 11 12|13 14|15 9|10|11|12'|13|14|15 13 14 15|16|17!18|19 19 20 21|22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19120| 21|22 16|17!18ll9l20 21|22 20 21 22 23124125|26 26 27 28 29 30 31 26 24 25 26271 28 .. 23|24|25|26|27I28|29 27 28 29 30 .... .. • • 30J31! ..|..|..|..|.. MAY. JUNE. JULY. AUGUST. SIM T w T|F|S SIMIT WIT FIS S|M|T|W|T' F|S S M|T|W T FIS l 1 1 • 1| 2 3 1| 2| 3 41 5 7 .. 1! 21 3 5 - 11 2 6| ..1 4| • 1 4| 5 6 7| 8| 9|1( 8| 9|10 11J12 13J14 6 71 8| 9)10' 11|12 3 4| 5| 61 71 8| 9 11112 13 14|15|16|17 15|16117 18|19 20|21 13 14 151 16 17 18119 10 lljl2|13|14| 15|16 18|19 20 21I222324 22|23|24 25|26 27128 20 21 22 23 241 25|26 17 18|19|20|21l 22123 25| 26 27 28|29130|31 29|30| . 27 28 29i30i31| . 24 27 28 29 30 ) i 25|26 ..(.. 31 SEPTEMBER. OCTOBER. 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S M T w T FIS S M T WIT FIS SIMIT w T FIS S M|T W|T F S 1 1 1 2 4 1| 2 .. 11 2 3 4 5| 6 1| 2 3 4 3| 1 5 6 7 8 9 10111 3 4 5 6 7 8| 9 71 8| 9 10 11 12|13 5 6| 7 8| 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17J18 10 11 12 13114 15116 1415116 17 18 1920 12 13 1415|16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20|21 22123 21 J22 23 24 25 2627 19 20|21|22j23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29|30 282930 26 27 28 29 30 31 '' ::(:: 31 • • •- ..!.. 6 COLLEGE CALENDAR 1919-1920 1919 FALL TERM Sept. 1 Monday Entrance Examinations begin *Sept. 23 Tuesday Registration Day Sept. 24 Wednesday Recitations begin at 8 : oo a. m. Oct. 8 Wednesday Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees Nov. 5 Wednesday Mid-Term Warnings to be filed Nov. 26 Wednesday Thanksgiving Recess begins at noon Nov. 28 Friday Thanksgiving Recess ends at 10:00 a. m. Dec. 19 Friday Fall Term closes at 4:00 p. m. 1920 WINTER TERM Jan. 2 Friday Registration Day Jan. 3 Saturday Recitations begin at 8:00 a. m. Jan. 14 Wednesday Meeting of the Board of Trustees Feb. n Wednesday Mid-Term Warnings to be filed Mar. 24 Wednesday Winter Term closes at 4:00 p. m. SPRING TERM April 1 Thursday Registration Day April 2 Friday Recitations begin at 8 : 00 A. m. April 14 Wednesday Meeting of the Board of Trustees May 12 Wednesday Mid-Term Warnings to be filed May Thursday Junior House Parties begin at 4:00 p. M. Sunday Junior House Parties close, 2:00 p. m. May 30 Sunday Memorial Day June 17 Thursday Senior Examinations end June 20 Sunday Baccalaureate Sermon June 22 Tuesday Class Day June 23 Wednesday Commencement Day * New students are urged to present themselves for Registration Monday, Sep- tember 22. 1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES His Excellency, Governor John H. Bartlett, a.b., ex-officio President, Ralph D. Hetzel, a.b., ll.b., ll.d., ex-officio *Hon. Harvey L. Boutwell, b.s., ll.d., President Maiden, Mass. Sept. i, 191 1, to Sept. 1, 1920 Hon. James A. Tufts, a.b., Secretary Exeter Jan. 10, 1914, to June 14, 1919 *Hon. Edward H. Wason, b.s., d.sc. Nashua Jan. 16, 1906, to Aug. 1, 1919 Hon. Richard W. Sulloway, a.b. Franklin May 13, 1909, to Oct. 31, 192 Hon. William H. Caldwell, b.s. Peterborough July 29, 1912, to July 29, 1921 Hon. Eugene S. Daniell Greenland June 14, 1916, to June 14, 1919 Hon. Roy D. Hunter West Claremont June 14, 1916, to June 14, 1919 Hon. Dwight L. Hall, a.b. Dover Oct. 29, 1915, to July 17, 1921 Hon. Andrew L. Felker Meredith July 17, 1917, to July 17, 1920 Hon. William T. Nichols, a.b. Manchester Feb. 15, 1918, to Feb. 15, 1921 Hon. John C. Hutchins North Stratford Oct. 3, 1918, to Aug. 30, 1920 * Elected by the Alumni. 10 THE COLLEGE FACULTY* AND TEACHING STAFF Ralph D. Hetzel, a.b., ll.b., ll.d., President of the College OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION Ralph D. Hetzel, a.b., ll.b., ll.d., President of the College Charles H. Pettee, a.m., c.e., ll.d., Dean of the College Frederick W. Taylor, b.sc. (Agr.), Dean of Agricultural Division Charles E. Hewitt, b.s., m.m.e., Dean of Engineering Division Ernest R. Groves, a.b., b.d., Dean of Arts and Science Division , Dean of Women John C. Kendall, b.s., Director of Experiment Station and Extension Work Hazzlitt A. Vickers, b.s. a., Executive Secretary and Registrar Walter M. Parker, a.b., Treasurer Oren V. Henderson, Business Secretary Oscar W. Straw, Superintendent of Power and Service ASSISTANTS IN ADMINISTRATION Martha F. Emerson, Librarian Charlotte A. Thompson, Assistant Librarian Caroline A. Barstow, Assistant Librarian Marcia N. Sanders, Matron of Smith Hall Elizabeth P.
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