![Nazi and Rnniania] S in Hungary;](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
MONDAY, MARCH 20,1044 Manchester Evening Herald -c" Cltnchy pastor of Center church, whatever the reasons, there wem taffen by someone on the calling Privata^^WilUam A. Fuller, 25, Hartford, \ will be the gueat 46 Let Blood 40 people who hn ^ made appoint­ liaL x : -f Range an7*Fu5: Of 89 Chatter Oak street, who is Free America speaker. ments for donations who did not About Town with the U. 8,->rmy Engineers, appear and dW not cancel. This la back in BnidWat from North meant that the amount of bipod - Roofing—Asbestos O IL Africa where he saW a^lon al­ From Bigotry Bank Down collected felt''abort o< the quota, TICKET PI ; Corpma' Robert BI. ConnoM, most from the beginning of the To Give Lecture while there were plenty of names 3lhe U. S. Marine!, fc»» returned to North African campaign. He on the reserve Hat of people who Siding and Rock MI Xherry Point, N. 0„ after a fur* will help train other Engineers ih Had Made Appointments would have been glad to fill In, had Meter printrlimonnt of / ' 3oue:h of a few daya apent with hia preparation for the Invasion. He Preacher al Lenten In­ Tonight at the Y the committee known that there Wool Insulation MANCHESTER, CONN., T U E ^A Y , MARCH 21, 1944 pother. Mra. Catherine Connoraof But Failed to Appuar was in the action at El Guettar, stitute Makes Plea for were -to be vacancies; people wno Expert workmanship. All work livery o o ^o r slip for: , iledar atreet/ Sedjamane Valley, Kaaserlne Pass, bad been turned down because the Dr. Alan Overatrebt, professor On Friday. gnaranteed. Reasonable Frieea. protfeCloB. *- Maknassy and BIzerte, Church Unity. appointment schedule was filled. No obUgatlon for an estimata. A Myatlc Review, Womah’a Bene- in International 'Relations at Wes­ Last Friday, about 1 p. m.. word On the other hand, Plant J In Write. ‘MerrUl’s Marauders* O dss Burma Stream ilt Aaaoclatlon, will meet tomor- The evening group of Red Cross The Rev. Charles A. Hutchinson leyan University w*li speak on Auckland had a perfect acore. Al­ T . Wood Co, JTow evening In Odd FeUows’ Hall. was telephoned to TTie Herald though several who bad originally good turnout la hoped for aa surgical dressings workers will speaking before a large congrega­ "Chins. Today and Tomorrow.” to­ SlBlssenSL TeL4496 Strike meet tonight at 7:30 in thr Pro­ tion at the Lenten Evening Insti­ night at the Y. This will be the from the Red Crosa Blood Bank Mgned up could not, keep their ap­ Burton Insulatit^^Coi^ Nazi and Rnniania] .;meparation8 must be made for the duction room at Center church. All unit at St. Mary’s church, that pointments, they found substitutes ISO Oxford St. m aptitB /9Work of the Guarda at the coming women interested are Invited to tute of the North and South Meth­ last lecture, in the series of six Just so'that thelA were as many donors ,/jptate convention. A social time odist churches last evening at the presented. everything was going smoothly Phone Hertford St-MIfl rwlth refreshments anil follow the Join the group tonight or any Mon­ and the day promised to be highly from the plant as were scheduled. Read ^ e^ ■ a ld Advs. At Rocket Co^t; l^taslness session. day evening. The daytime sessions North Methodist church presented Dr. Overstreet is a brilliant successful, and tha- Information Appointments are being made will be held as u.suai from 1C a. m. the .platform for a '‘Christian speaker who has a splendid back­ appeared In the paper. However, now for the April visit of the mo­ The Booster Club of the North to 4:30 p. m. Wednesday, at Amer­ ground for hia topic since he haS bile unit, oh the 21at. The commit­ s in Hungary; America." Mr. Huichinson,'minis­ during thi afternoon the picture ican Le^on Hall on Leonard street traveled and lived In China within tee appeals to all those who make Methodist church will meet this and newcomers will be heartily ter of the Methodist church Dan­ a period up to the outbreak of the changed very decidedly, and what Little Resistam .evening at 8 o’clock at the par- ielson, and member of the Connec­ had seemed to be a very'satisfac­ appointments to realize the im­ welcome. Each worker is request­ war. He has been on a Committee portance of keeping the appoint­ ^uaige on Heiuy street. ed to wear a clean wash dress or I ticut Legislature urged that a of faculty In Wesleyan which, has tory day proved very disappoint­ coverall apron and a scarf that Christian America will . be an developed, a new course on world ing. ment,. finding a substitute or can­ ^ Essentials Second Heavy Attack / Beaman, Second Class, George will completely cover the hair. America free from want. Second relationship. Dr. Ov-irstr*et la the Perhaps It was the rain; but. celling In time for the time to be 38 Escort EUiott, 10 Hathaway Lane, Also. National Headquarters has it will be an America free from son of Prof. Harry Oyprstreet, On Sector in Three ^ Will complete his basic training asked that no nail polish be used, racial antagonisms. Third it will who is a writer and lecturer, and For Your Home---- Days; Take Advan­ * t the Naval Training Station, and very little powder and lip­ be an America (tee from religious he alsb has a mother ai^d brother Vessels Go /^m pson, N. Y., tomorrow and stick. bigotry. Mr. Hutchinson quoted who are lecturing on similar top­ tage of Overcast to 100,000 Occupying Na­ Will be granted leave. Archbishop Spellman of the Ro­ ics. This family background has tion Against Grow-1 Miss Phyllis Rogers, daughter of man Catholic chiu-ch who recently given him a wealth of knowledge Thwart Anti-Aircraft To Britain Germans Regain I ^am an, , Second Class, Albert Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Rogers of issued a plea for religrious tol and his research studies in Asiatic ing Threat of Rns-j Garrison, of 57 Alton street. Will 500 East Center street', is at home crance and then asserted that "we civilization adds to the vast STORM ' INDOWS Opposition Today. ,’Complete his basic training at the with her parents enjoying the cannot get along in this country amount of information which will sian Armies Bare 1001 ^ a v a i Training Station, Camp spring vacation from House in the without a aplrltual oneneaa." make his talk a most ihtereating /. London; March 21\;—(iPy— Knox Reports Delivery Jto p ao n , N. Y., tomorrow and Real Church Unity y Cassino’s Hotel Miles from BordeY^I Pines, Norton, Mass. Continuing the elaboration of one. Britain-based American Lib­ Of Aircraft Carriers Wttf be granted leave. There^will be a fine opportunity Of Expanded King­ Legionnaires are reminded that the platform Mr, Hutchinson as for (questions at <;he close ol Dr. We W ill Start jpiushing erators heavily bombarded Under Lend • Lease > Beamui, Second Class, Robert a pot-luck supper will be served at aerted that a Christian America Ovefatreet’s talk, which will begin STORM Nazi Defenses in South­ would be one that would present the Pas-de-Calais ‘‘rocket dom; Imredi Form­ ,'J. Clifford, of 247 West Center the Lieglon Home on Leonard at 8:15 p. m. coast” area across the chan­ Program; 50 ^ Left* western Pdrt and in Three Balkan “ <^street, has ^mpleted preliminary street at 6:30 tonight. The pot- a convincing and positive demon­ ing New Government- 'X S T training at the Amphibious luck dishes are being provided by stration of Church unity. And be­ The Main Pipes Of Our nel today. It was the second yond this it would be a land free Washington, March 2 1 . (P)— Hills Behind Town ^Training Base, Camp Bradfwd, members of the Lef^on Ainciliary< heavy attack on that sector Nations Face London, March 21.—(ff)—'•j Norfolk, Virginia, and has been from Ignorance. FOR TOP VALUE • INSULATION in three days. The Liberator Secretary of the Navy Knox an­ Are Sti0ened Today. J. J. Fallon, assistant superin­ Finally he asserted that a ChrlS' Upwards of 100,000 and Ru-^. Assigned to the crew of an LST tlan America will take a lead In IN A NEW HOME System North of thV force, apparently not large, nounced today that 38 escort air­ Yor active duty,. tendent of the New York, New Ha­ Civil Rule End msnian troops were reported*^ ven and Hartford railroad, will be the formation of a world commun' took advantage of a solid overcast craft carriers built in the United With the Fifth Army at the guest speaker at the dinne%, Ity based on the fact of the world's See the Ones Being Built By to thwart anti-aircraft opposition States have been delivered to Great Casaino, March 21.—(A*)-— occupying Hungary today, ; Seaman First Class Reynolds oneness pollUcaliy, And economi­ Note It the Time to Order Them that had been heavy last Satur­ iPopoff arrived home yesterday af- meeting ‘ of the Rotary Club to­ Railroad Tracks. Britain under the lend-lense pro­ German troops fought their against the growing threat of < morrow evening at 6:30 at the cally. He concluded by calling for day, and the first bombers back Full German Military Russian Annies a bare 100 •temoon for a five-day furlough. a faith in this kind of an America GREENBROOKE today reported little ground fire gram. » I way back into the wrecked He is the son of Mr.
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