Newsletter - Fall 2020 Eric Lindey Appointed as New President/CEO Step By Step, Inc. We’re confident that Eric is that per- ies. is pleased to wel- son who will leverage the leadership Eric Lindey received an honorable come Eric Lindey, examples set by Jim Bobeck and Mike discharge from the United States Ar- who has joined Bernatovich, while taking us to the my Reserve, serving an 8-year com- the Agency as next level of success for our consum- mitment. He is a past recipient of the President/CEO. ers and employees.” Linda Rosen Memorial Award for He succeeds Mike Bernatovich, Interim President/ “Outstanding Direct Care Staff” given James Bobeck, CEO stated, “We look forward to Eric by the Allegheny County Department who retired after joining the Step By Step Team. His of Human Services. In 2017, he was 42 years with wealth of experience in the Human named a Wishart Fellow by The Step By Step. Eric Lindey most recent- Service field is impressive and will help Forbes Funds and attended the Car- ly served as Executive Vice President Step By Step strengthen its reputation negie Bosch Institute at Carnegie PA Adult IDD services at Inperium, Mellon University. In addition, he is a Inc. and President/CEO of Supportive as a quality-driven agency.” member of The National Association Concepts For Families, Inc. Throughout his 30-year career in hu- of QMRP’s, American Association of man services, Eric Lindey has worked George Rable, Chairperson of Step By Developmental Disabilities, the Na- in a management capacity with coun- Step’s Board of Directors, shared: “On tional Association of Direct Support ty government, supports coordina- behalf of the Search Committee and Professionals, and the American Col- tion, and provider organizations. He Board of Directors overall, I’m excited lege of Healthcare Executives. was the founder and CEO of The Hab to welcome Eric Lindey as the next Group before merging it with a large We are excited to have Eric Lindey in leader of the Step By Step team. This non-profit provider. He holds a Mas- our Agency and believe his talent, search process was lengthy, and we ters of Arts from Seton Hall University skills and experience will enable Step cast a wide net to get the right pro- and a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Stud- fessional to lead the Agency forward. By Step, Inc. to reach new heights. A Message From Mike - Goodbye to My Step By Step Family Upon the retirement of Step By say goodbye. Who we have all worked tirelessly and oper- Step, Inc.’s President/CEO Jim knew back in Septem- ated as a well-oiled machine to ensure Bobeck in February 2020, Mike ber of 1980 that I quality was a cornerstone of all our Bernatovich, Executive VP Op- would end up cele- services. For that I take great pride, as erations/COO, graciously brating a 40-year ca- should all of you, in what we have agreed to serve as Interim Presi- reer with Step By Step accomplished. dent/CEO. Now that a Presi- and holding down the I hope long after I am gone, you will dent/CEO has been found, fort as your Interim never forget the importance of Heinz Mike will be leaving the compa- President and Chief ketchup. Remember my mantra .... ny to begin the next chapter of his life. Executive Officer. "Step By Step is the ‘Heinz ketchup’ of Following is his farewell letter: Over these years we have celebrated the human service field!" Always #1; By now you probably know that I will together, challenged each other, and never settling for second best! Never be leaving Step By Step with Novem- shed a tear together. We have forget the importance of "TEAM." ber 20th my last day in the office. Hav- watched each other grow both pro- With good communication, good exe- ing worked with many of you for fessionally and personally, have wel- cution, being open to new ideas, years, I have to say that I have truly comed new team members along the learning from our mistakes, always enjoyed your support and your friend- way, parted ways with some, and striving to get better, we, as the Step ship and I will cherish these memories grieved the loss of respected col- -continued on page 5- for years to come. It will be difficult to leagues. But through all these years, Page 2 The Vision 2020 Direct Support Professional Recognition/Staff Celebrations September 13-19, 2020, Direct Sup- portant work of our direct support our incredible direct support profes- port Professional Recognition Week, professionals and applaud their re- sionals, and demonstrate just a small was a great opportunity to highlight sponse to the unprecedented chal- fraction of the recognition that they the dedicated, hard-working, and lenges of 2020. Throughout Step By deserve throughout the year. innovative direct support workforce Step’s regions, our goal during this Various staff celebrations/ recogni- that are the heart and soul of Step By year’s DSP Week was to showcase the tions were held throughout Step By Step, Inc. We recognize the im- amazing and often unsung work of Step’s regions, as follows: Southeast Region - Honoring Our Heroes and Staying “Stronger Together” This year’s annual During DSP Week, to support all staff and celebration of staff were show- consumers. Christine Direct Support ered with gifts Coughenour, Vice Presi- Professional’s such as donuts, dent Operations/SE, Week and the fall-themed bas- reports, “We have some Southeast Re- kets, Step By Step very special staff who g i o n a l S t a f f winter hats, raf- have worked long and Award Luncheon fle baskets, HERO tirelessly providing ser- and Training was car magnets, and vices to our compro- l to r: Oluwayomi Adewale, Ma- affected greatly a special lunch riama Barry, Willliemena Innis, mised individuals and by the COVID-19 that was provided at and Marian Weiah. filling in for staff who Lynnette Womack, pandemic. the end of the week. were recovering from holding her HERO Staff were invited to the virus at home. We car magnet. Despite the con- come out earlier in the week to enjoy identified each of them as a HERO and stant obstacles ice cream, receive a Step By Step mask they received an exclusive personal- and hurdles of planning an event dur- and accept their tenure awards, along ized water bottle, along with a hand- ing this time, it did not dampen spirits. with a photo op. written letter of gratitude. We will New avenues were pursued to show continue to explore ways to boost appreciation of the hard work and Undeterred by the difficult and trying staff morale and create fun and health- dedication of each and every staff times that we all faced together, the ful interactions throughout the year, who saw us through these trying Southeast Region adopted the slogan hoping that this era will swiftly end.” times. “#Stronger Together” in a joint effort Western Region - Staff Appreciation week for which all “Appreciation is a wonderful thing. direct care staff It makes what is excellent in others were eligible. In belong to us as well.” Voltaire addition, this year, Program Manag- with cloth masks with the Agency ers were asked to logo, and “stronger together” Step By nominate Step beanies. Program Mangers wrote “outstanding” staff personalized thank you notes to each for a of their team members, and lunch was Photo1: l. to r.: Shawn Holmes and Lea Urbano. Photo 2: Denise chance to provided to the teams at each program Cavenaugh, Brenda Andrews, Ellen D. and Toyatta Allen. win a spe- location at some point throughout the cial prize. week. The Region even took to social During Direct Support Appreciation The “outstanding” staff nominated media this year, with a few managers Week, the Western Region honored its were: Monica Kabbaz, Bobby Davis, and the Regional VP, appearing in a hardworking and dedicated Direct Desiree Allen, Gladys Amandong, video message on Facebook, convey- Support Staff, Mobile Direct Support Rosemond Adjei, Daniel Tirop, Bukola ing appreciation and gratitude for our Staff, Program Assistants, DSS Leads, Benson, Oscar Ojah, Isaac Aidoo, Bren- direct support staff. and Program Instructors with a variety da Andrews, Christina Rymarowicz, Denise Cavenaugh, Vice President Op- of activities and giveaways aimed at Jeff Hardy, David Abe, Jessica Camp- erations/West, stated, “Our frontline showing them all just how much we bell, Jonah Ike, Darvin Gray, Angela staff are our most valuable resource, value and appreciate the supports they Gittings, and Hakeem Bello. and we are grateful for the opportuni- provide to the individuals we serve. The Senior Leadership team in the re- ty to recognize their dedication to the The week’s activities included the an- gion enjoyed taking the time to deliver people we support in each one of our nual gift basket raffle each day of the “snack sacks” to each location, along programs.” - Continued on page 3 - Page 3 2020 Direct Support Professional Recognition/Staff Celebrations (continued from page 2) Celebrating Lehigh Valley’s Sheroes and Heroes September 13- Drawing by Phil Fritchey. er our Super Hero Wall 19 was a week Tuesday – Delivery of of Fame! It was great designated to Shero/Hero T-shirts and to collaborate with celebrating our PPE kits (Step By Step each other and come Sheroes and cloth Facemasks, hand up with special names Heroes who sanitizer and gloves). for each of our have been ab- Wednesday – Take-out MDSP's! It was also fun solutely stellar picnic and dress as your decorating our office throughout the shero/hero day! and showering them entire COVID- Thursday – Delivery Diane Barrett (l.) and Elizabeth with gifts throughout 19 pandemic.
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