General Index

General Index

General Index Italicized page numbers indicate figures and tables. Color plates are in- cussed; full listings of authors’ works as cited in this volume may be dicated as “pl.” Color plates 1– 40 are in part 1 and plates 41–80 are found in the bibliographical index. in part 2. Authors are listed only when their ideas or works are dis- Aa, Pieter van der (1659–1733), 1338 of military cartography, 971 934 –39; Genoa, 864 –65; Low Coun- Aa River, pl.61, 1523 of nautical charts, 1069, 1424 tries, 1257 Aachen, 1241 printing’s impact on, 607–8 of Dutch hamlets, 1264 Abate, Agostino, 857–58, 864 –65 role of sources in, 66 –67 ecclesiastical subdivisions in, 1090, 1091 Abbeys. See also Cartularies; Monasteries of Russian maps, 1873 of forests, 50 maps: property, 50–51; water system, 43 standards of, 7 German maps in context of, 1224, 1225 plans: juridical uses of, pl.61, 1523–24, studies of, 505–8, 1258 n.53 map consciousness in, 636, 661–62 1525; Wildmore Fen (in psalter), 43– 44 of surveys, 505–8, 708, 1435–36 maps in: cadastral (See Cadastral maps); Abbreviations, 1897, 1899 of town models, 489 central Italy, 909–15; characteristics of, Abreu, Lisuarte de, 1019 Acequia Imperial de Aragón, 507 874 –75, 880 –82; coloring of, 1499, Abruzzi River, 547, 570 Acerra, 951 1588; East-Central Europe, 1806, 1808; Absolutism, 831, 833, 835–36 Ackerman, James S., 427 n.2 England, 50 –51, 1595, 1599, 1603, See also Sovereigns and monarchs Aconcio, Jacopo (d. 1566), 1611 1615, 1629, 1720; France, 1497–1500, Abstraction Acosta, José de (1539–1600), 1235 1501; humanism linked to, 909–10; in- in bird’s-eye views, 688 Acquaviva, Andrea Matteo (d. 1529), 345 creasing use of, 46, 48; Ireland, 1599, concept of routes as, 568 n.172 Acre 1609, 1615, 1622, 1671–72; manu- in military architecture treatises, 698 itinerary from London to, 42 n.96 script format of, 880 –81, 1651–52; of space, 12–16 maps: in Rudimentum novitorum, 1180; military information required in, 730 – Abu¯Mashar (Abu¯Mashar Jafar ibn by Vesconte workshop, 46 31; place-names on, 881; by Portu- Muh. ammad al-Balkhı¯) (d. 886), 83 Muslim takeover of, 47 guese cartographers, 1051–52; postal n.119, 110 Paris’s plan of, 41– 42 stations, 1501; precursors of, 49–50; Abyssinia. See Ethiopia pilgrim arrivals at, 1181 Russia, 1864 –72; Spain, 507; as tools, Academia de Matemática (Madrid) Act of Possession (1639), 1163 642– 43, 652–53, 654, 665–66; Ven- closure of, 1081 Acuña, René, 1145– 46 n.17 ice, pl.30, 730, 860, 877, 880 –92; cosmographers’ duties at, 76 Adams, Clement (1519?–87) Verona, 730; water control boards, founding of, 507, 1075, 1107, 1124, Cabot’s world map and, 1696, 1757 1263–68 1435 mentioned, 1611 of Naples, under Aragonese, 942– 43 function of, 1124 Muscovy map and, 1610, 1701, 1856 –57 of nautical cartography: cosmographical graduates of, 1076 –77, 1079, 1080 n.18 offices and, 1106 –7; inspections and li- mentioned, 1073 Adams, George, 158–59 censes, 1105–6; uses of charts and, professionals associated with, 1076, 1088, Adams, Ian H., 714 1104 –5 1091, 1103, 1127, 1147 Adams, Robert (1540 –95) office of mapmaker in, 666 –67 Academia della Crusca, 88 maps: Flushing, 1651; Gironde, pl.65; of overseas lands: by Dutch East India Academia Istropolitana (Bratislava), 1811, Spanish Armada’s defeat, 1631, 1659, Company, 1444 – 49, 1462; by West In- 1812 1701 n.36, 1703, 1739, 1746 dia Company, 1446 n.68, 1456 –57, Academia Veneziana, 781 position of, 1611 1462 Académie des Sciences (France), 1500, 1503, Adams, Thomas Randolph, 1724 –25 taxation and modernization of, 852 1588 Adèle (countess of Blois), 35 tools for control by, 50 Acapulco, 1156, 1157 Aden (city and gulf), 344, 1014, 1017–19 training for, 633–35, 1436 Accuracy Adgerus, Cornelis (1520/21–after 1595), Adriatic Sea of astronomical measurements, 13 1241 maps: by Agnese, 214; in painted map of bird’s-eye views (or not), 690 Adige River, 506 cycle, 822–23 Galileo’s example of, 128 Administration and governance. See also nautical charts: by Benincasa, 219–20; by German concern for, 314 Censuses (demographic); Countries and Gramolin, 191, 218, 220; medieval, humanist interests in, 343 states; Sovereigns and monarchs 1810; by Oliva family, 233; Venetian, of instruments, 67, 1641 archival structures and, 11 191, 218–19, 220 of isolarii, 269–70 cartographic allegory of good vs. bad, 810 place-names along, 205 limits of, 324 changes from medieval to Renaissance, 51 Adrichem, Christiaan van (Christianus Adri- of medieval plans, 44 city and town plans in: central Italy, 931, chomius) (1533–85), 562, 1235 2059 2060 General Index Advertisements and advertising, 1718, 1719 maps: by Agnese, 215; anonymous, fields: divisions of, 38; pasture disputes Aegean Sea and islands 1026, 1028; by Blaeu, 1351, 1352–53; and, 708, 1600; tilled, 1071–72 in Cavallini’s atlas, 231 Cantino map, 993–94; by Eckebrecht, improvements in, 712–16 in isolarii, 265, 268–69, 277, 279, 373; by Gastaldi, 784, 787, 815, 1025, land reclamation for, 880, 884 405–6 1027–28, 1302; by Hondius, 372; by manuals on, 714 nautical charts: by Benincasa, 219–20; by Jode family, 1302, 1322; by Ortelius, map signs for, 573–74 Bremond, 234; by Oliva family, 233; 805; in Pacheco Pereira codex, 1011; monopolized in colonies, 1444, by Roussin, 234; Venetian, 218–19; by place-names on, 205; in Ptolemy’s 1446 – 47 Volcio, 193 n.118, 205 Geography, pl.10, 303, 1027, 1028; rent costs in, 716 –17 Aegidius, Petrus (1486 –1533), 440 n.15 sources for, 816 n.47; by Velho, 1028; sea navigation issues linked to, 1405 Aelbertsz., Hendrick, 1388–89 by Waldseemüller, 1205; by Walsper- settlements linked to, 1771 Aelian (ca. 170 – ca. 235), 656 n.168, 804 ger, 1180; in Wilczek-Brown manu- sharecropping in, 929 Aelst, Nicolas van (ca. 1527–1613), 956 script, pl.10, 317 Agrimensores. See also Surveyors Aerssen, François van, 1274 n.149 nautical charts: by Aguiar, 979, 980, 986; areas calculated by, 481–82 Aerssen van Sommelsdijck, Cornelis van, “Angelus,” 232, 233; by Blaeu, 1424, function of, 478 1457 1425; by Claesz., Doetecum family, methods of, 504 Aesthetics and Plancius, 1408; by Daniel, 1734 – Roman grid system and, 1447– 49 informational map aspects vs., 603, 35, 1735; by Doncker, 1402; by Fre- in Spain, 1076 –77, 1079, 1080 638 ducci, 221; by Oliva family, 233; by Agrippa, Henricus Cornelius (1486 –1535), of map collections, 653–54 Perestrelo, 1021; by Reinel, 984 –86, 78, 87 n.126, 805 of map trade, 790 1006; by Roussin, 234 Agropoli, 949 of official maps, 661, 677–79 as ornamental feature on charts, 202 Aguiar, Jorge de, 979, 980, 986, 1006 Aeszler (Eszler), Jacob (fl. 1504 –14), 348– in painted map cycles, pl.27, 395–96, 399, Aguilón, François d’ (1567–1617), 376, 966 49, 1206 –7 815–16 n.114 Afan de Rivera, Carlo, 944 Agaram castle (Zagreb, Croatia), 1850 Aich, Arend van (d. 1528), 1220 Afanasiev, Matvey, 1866 n.63 n.223 Ailly, Pierre d’ (Petrus Alliacus) (1350 –1420) Afonso (prince of Portugal, 1509– 40), Agas, Ralph (1540/45–1621) on astronomy and theology, 307 1036 –37 background of, 1618 background of, 309, 327 n.299 Afonso V (1432–81; king of Portugal, cartographic skills of, 1644 Bacon’s “Opus maius” and, 385–86 1438–81) on land surveys, 705, 1647 n.423 geographical works of, 302 border reconnaissance under, 1047 maps: estate, style of, 1647, 1648; Lon- interests of, 300, 366 charter of privilege from, 328 don, 1698–99; Oxford, 1655; Tod- maps: cosmographic, 59 explorations under, 1009 dington, 1647, 1652, 1661, 1662; on maritime route to Asia, 328, 335 mappamundi for, 64 –65, 315–16, 319, West Lexham (Norfolk), 1645 mentioned, 390 877, 982 on scale maps, 1642– 43 nautical chart origins and, 982 regent for, 980 on theodolite, 1651 Ptolemy’s Geography studied by, 299– Afonso, João (Jean Fonteneau; Jean Alfonse Agas map (1560s), 419–20, 1610, 1658, 301, 305 de Saintonge) (1481– ca. 1544) 1698–99 on sun’s transit, 304 n.130 Atlantic explorations of, 1009 Agnadello, 892 works: “Compendium cosmographiae,” background of, 989, 1555 Agnese, Battista (1514 –64) 299–300; Imago mundi, 59, 61, 64, Brazil conceptualized by, 1032 n.303 atlases of, 178, 181–82, 184, 185, 188, 66, 77, 299, 329, 385–86, 982, 1694 mentioned, 1474 190, 214 –15, 1082, 1667 n.4 nautical charts: Central America and axis rotation problem and, 195–96 Air Antilles, 1000 background of, 211 n.214, 213–15 Aristotle on climata zones and, 67, students of, 1729 Gastaldi compared with, 782 85–86 Thevet’s plagiarizing of, 1471 geographical knowledge of, 236 symbols and coding used for, 57 n.15 Africa and African coast. See also North maps: British Isles, 215, 1623 n.247; land Akerman, James R., 280 n.90, 1495 Africa; specific countries areas, 214 –15; Muscovy (Russia), Alain de Lille (ca. 1128–1202/3), 384 alleged prohibition on mapping beyond 1853, 1858; oval world, 215 Alarcón, Hernando de (b. 1500), 744, 752, Zaire River, 1005–7 place-names used by, 205 1154, 1155 in atlases: for Christina (queen), pl.56, scale of latitude indicated by, 193 Alaska, 1901 1452, 1453; by Martines, 226; by Mer- script of, 950 n.54 Alava, Francés de (1519–83), 1073, 1076 cator, 1325; by Russo, 225; by Teixeira sources of, 757, 1853, 1858 Alba, duke of (Fernando Alvarez de Toledo) Albernaz II, 1021 sovereign images used by, 203 (1508–82), 719, 724, 954, 1082 circumnavigation of, 305, 327, 328 students of, 179, 190 Albanès, J., 232 “Craggy Peaks” of, 1021 wind roses of, 192 n.111 Albano, Justus de (fl.

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