Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-3, Issue-4 (2017) Table of Content Sr. No Paper Title Page No 1. Morphological, Molecular Characterization of Trichodermaspecies Isolated From 1 Different Rhizosphere Soils and Its Anti-Pathogenic Properties By Chennappa G, Naik MK, Amaresh YS, Ravikiran, Ashwathanarayan DS,Patil MG, Mahadevaswami1, Divya Nair and Shruthi P – Dept. of Plant Pathology, Dept. of Agricultural Microbiology1, College of Agriculture, UAS, Raichur- 584104, Karnataka, India 2. An Introduction to the Concept of Environmental Accounting and Reporting- 13 Indian Scenario By Dr. Pradip Kumar Das – Associate Professor& Teacher- in – Charge, Commerce Unit, Jagannath Kishore College, Purulia (West Bengal), India. Affiliation to Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Purulia, (West Bengal), India. 3. Indian Dance Drama Tradition By Dr. Geetha B V – Post-Doctoral research 23 fellow, Women Studies Department, Kuvempu University, Shankarghatta, Shimoga. 4. Ecological Impact on Varada River Phytoplankton near Haveri Belt, Karnatak- 27 India By E. B. Sedamkar1, S. R. Shirodkar2 & B. Vasanthkumar3 – 1Department of Botany, K.L.E ‘S G. H. College, HAVERI-581 110. 2Department of Zoology, G. C. College, ANKOLA. 3Department of Zoology, Govt Arts and Science College, KARWAR. Karnatak-India 5. Buddhist Sculptures of Karnataka By Dr. Jayashree Deshmanya – Lecturer, Dept. 35 of History, Karnatak Arts College Dharwad. 6. Attitude of Chamarajanagara District (India) Secondary School Teachers towards 37 Using New Technology By Dr. Haseentaj1 & Mr. Pradeepkumar. M2 – 1Professor, Department of Education, Bangalore University, Bangalore. 2Research Scholar, Department of Education, Bangalore University, Bangalore. 2Assistant professor, Vijaya teachers college Bangalore. 7. Effect Of pH Of Soil on Nesting Sites and Life Stages of Bumble Bees in Bengaluru 43 and Its Environs By Renukadevi K., Manjunaha. B & M.S.Reddy – Center for Apiculture Studies, Department of Zoology, Bangalore University, Bangalore-560056, Karnataka, India. 8. Seasonal Diversity and Distribution of Macro Benthos of Gangavali Estuary, 46 Uttar Kannada, West Coast of India. By S. R. Shirodkar1, B. Vasanthkumar2 & E. B. Sedamkar3 – 1Dept. of Zoology, Gokhale Centenary College, Ankola (UK). 2Dept. of Zoology, Govt Arts & Science College, Karwar. 3Dept of Botany, KLE’S G.H College, Haveri, Karnataka, INDIA-581314. 9. Distribution & Diversity of Crustacean Fauna in the Mangrove Ecosystem of Kali 51 Estuary, Karwar, West Coast of India. By B. Vasanthkumar1, E. B .Sedamkar2 &S. R. Shirodkar3 – P.G Department of studies in Zoology, Government Arts &Science College, ( Autonomos) Karwar- 581303, India. Department of Botany, KLE’S G.H. College, Haveri, India. Department Zoology. G. C. College, Ankola (U.K) Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-3, Issue-4, 2017 (Special Issue), ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Recent Trends in Science Technology, Management and Society Morphological, Molecular Characterization of Trichodermaspecies Isolated From Different Rhizosphere Soils and Its Anti-Pathogenic Properties Chennappa G, Naik MK, Amaresh YS, Ravikiran, Ashwathanarayan DS,Patil MG, Mahadevaswami1, Divya Nair and Shruthi P Dept. of Plant Pathology, Dept. of Agricultural Microbiology1, College of Agriculture, UAS, Raichur- 584104, Karnataka, India Abstract: Trichoderma species were isolated from 18) was most aggressive and was able to inhibit rhizosphere soils of different cropping ecosystem 80.8 per cent of Aspergillus growth. Based on bio- from Karnataka, India using serial dilution spread efficacy the superior isolates of Trichoderma were plate method. Trichoderma isolates were varied in tested for survivability at different temperature (05, colour from dark green, light green to yellowish 30, 35, 40 and 45 ºC), pH (3, 5, 7 and 9) and even green with flat to raised growth pattern. Molecular at different pesticides. Among them, Tri-9 isolate identity of Trichoderma species were studied by the recorded highest growth rate at temperature upto amplification of conserved ITS region. Genomic 40 ºC and survived at pH 5-9. Few of the isolates DNA was extracted from Trichoderma isolates by were compatible with fungicides and insecticides. following CTAB method and amplified using ITS Hence, development and use of efficient primers. The size of amplified DNA was in the Trichoderma isolates is very important candidates range of 600-650 bp length. The ITS region of for the biological control of plant pathogenic rDNA of Trichoderma isolates were sequenced and diseases. NCBI, BLAST was carried out. Conformity of the isolates was obtained which revealed that all the Keywords: Trichoderma, Bio control, Management isolates belonged to Trichoderma speciesviz., T. harzianum, T. virens, T. viride,T. piluliferum and Introduction T. asperellum. All sequences were deposited in the Some groups of fungi are infectious NCBI GenBank, Mary land, USA database under agents and can cause a wide variety of diseases in the accession no KT153650-KT153665. animals, plants and humans (Idnurm and Heitman, Phylogenetic tree of Trichoderma isolates 2005). Plant diseases result in severe losses of constructed using Mega.5.2 online software formed agricultural and horticultural crops every year and three major clusters within the group of thus need to be controlled to maintain the quality Trichoderma. The three major clusters were and abundance of food, feed and fiber produced by similar in sequence analysis data. A total of seven growers around the world.Different approaches isolates viz., RCR-7, 11, 14, 5, 1, 15 and 2 formed may be used to prevent, mitigate or control plant the first major cluster. Among seven isolates, RCR- diseases. Beyond good agronomic and horticultural 7 and 11 were highly similar and that interlinked practices, growers often rely heavily on chemical with another node of RCR-14. Similarly, isolates fertilizers and pesticides. Though chemicals have RCR-5 and 1 and RCR- 15 and 2 were very similar been providing effective protection, the to each other. The second major cluster consisted environmental pollution caused by excessive use of RCR-3, 13, 9, 16 and 4. In the dendrogram and misuse of agrochemicals as well as the isolates RCR-8, 10 and 6 produced separate emergence of resistance to pathogen strains has led cluster in relation to first and second major to considerable change in people’s attitude towards cluster. the use of pesticides in agriculture.Biological Trichoderma isolates were evaluated against control involves the use of beneficial major soil borne pathogens viz., Rhizoctonia solani microorganisms, such as specialized fungi and Kuhn, SclerotiumrolfsiiSacc, Fusarium, Alternaria bacteria, to attack and control plant pathogens and andAspergilluswere tested by dual culture method. the diseases they cause. It offers an environmental Trichoderma (Tri-9) isolates recorded highest friendly approach to the management of plant inhibition of Sclerotiumrolfsii(83.6%) and R. disease and can be incorporated into cultural and Solani (89.01). Among them, Trichoderma (Tri-2) physical controls and thereby resulting in limited had shown maximum per cent inhibition of mycelia chemical usage for an effective integrated pest growth of Fusarium (88.3%). Trichoderma (Tri- management system (Monte, 2001). Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 1 Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-3, Issue-4, 2017 (Special Issue), ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Recent Trends in Science Technology, Management and Society Various microbes are being used as was purified by using DNA purification kit and the biocontrol agents for the control of plant pure quantified DNA samples were stored at -20 pathogens. Trichoderma, the fungus commonly ºCfor further use. The extracted DNA was available in soil and root ecosystems has gained quantified thermo scientific nanodrop and all the immense importance since last few decades due to DNA samples were diluted with Tris EDTA buffer its biological control activity against several plant (Naik et al. 2016). pathogens. Trichoderma species being ubiquitous The Trichoderma DNA samples were and often predominant component of the mycoflora amplified with ITS primers viz., ITS-1 (5- in native and agricultural soils play an important TCCGTAGGTGAACCTGCGG-3) and ITS-4 (5- role in ecosystem health (Komon-Zelazowskaet al. TCCTCCGCTTATTGATATGC-3) as per the 2007). The ecological adaptability of Trichoderma standard protocol given (Naik et al. 2016; White et species is evidenced by their widespread al. 1990). PCR was performed in a total volume of distribution, including under different 50 μl containing 5 μl of10 X Taq PCR buffer (100 environmental conditions and on various mM, Tris-HCl, pH 8.3, 15 mM MgCl2, 250 substrates. This physiological flexibility together mMKCl), 1U Taq polymerase (Bangalore Genei, with the antagonistic action of Trichoderma spp. India), 160 μMdNTP mixture, 50 pmol of each against phytopathogenic fungi and the ability of ITS-1 and ITS-4 primers, and 50 ng genomic DNA these fungi to promote plant growth have made in sterile dH2O. The PCR amplifications were them attractive biological control agents (Mariolaet performed by using thermal cycler (Master cycler) al. 2007).These mechanisms include competition programmed for initial DNA denaturation at 95 ºC for space and nutrients (Sivan and Chet,
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