t1市倶一物恥ベベ研け弘''究初苅雑仁----nH者 hv 冒』周 IKo ο「札山町-E Origioals Origioals 且 Taxonomic Notes on Ophiopogon (Convallariaceae) of East Asia (1) Noriyuki Noriyuki TANAKA Department Department of Education ,School of Li beral Arts ,Teikyo University , 。tsuka 359 ,Hachioji ,Tokyo ,192 -0 395 JAPAN (Received (Received 00 October 1, 1999) Ophiopogon japonicus (Thunb.) Ker Gaw l. and O. jaburan (Siebold) Lodd. are taxonomically taxonomically reinvestigated. The following taxa are treated as synonyms of 0. japonicus (new (new synonyms 訂 e asterisked): O. umbraticola Hance , O. stolonifer H.Lev. & Vaniot , O. argyi argyi H.Lev. ,Mondo longifolium Ohwi* , O. chekiangensis K. Ki mura & Migo ,Mondo gracile gracile (Kunth) Koidz. var. brevipedicellatum Koidz. *, O. japonicus v紅 . umbrosus Maxim. *, O. japonicus var. caespitosus Okuyama* and Anemarrhena cavaleriei H.Lev. * Ophiopogonjaponicus Ophiopogonjaponicus here circumscribed occurs in China , Korea and Japan. Meanwhile , O. O. taqetii H.Lev. is treated as conspecific with O. jaburan , as was done by McKean (1986). (1986). Ophiopogonjaburan occurs in Japan and Korea. However , the distribution of this species species in the southern Ryukyu Islands needs further study. Fl owers of both O. japonicus and and o. jaburan 紅 e diurna l. These two species 訂 e regarded as closely related , as they share share this unique flowering habit and some other similar features. Key words: Distribution , East Asia , Ophiopogon jaburan ,Ophiopogon japonicus ,taxon- omy The genus Ophiopogon is widely distrib- ring in South and Southeast Asia have been uted uted in temperate to 佐opical Asia from west 蜘 reviewed in a separate series of papers em Himalaya (Kashmir ,Pakistan) , south to (Tanaka 1998 一). Sri Sri Lanka and Java ,and east to J apan. Taxonomic studies of the genus of East Asia 1) Ophiopogon japonicus have so far been carried out by many bota- The binary name 'Convallaria} αrponica' nists , such as Thunberg (1784 , under was first given by Thunberg (1780) to the Convallari α) , Siebold (1830 ,under Slateria) , plant illustrated and described as 'Mondo & Kunth (1850) ,Hance (1 868) ,Maximowicz Bialif Mondo' in Amoenitatum Exoticarum (1 870) , Baker (1 879 , under Flueggea) , (Fasc. 5: 823-824) by Kaempfer (1 712). Wright (1 903) , Bailey (1 929) ,Ohwi (1 934 , Later ,Thunberg (1784) distinguished two under Mondo; 1953) , Wang and Tang varieties ,(α) major and (s) minor ,under C. (1 937) ,Dai and Chen (1 978) ,and Yang and jα rponica. These two varieties 訂 e reg 紅白d as Li Li (1990). But , a critical revisional work is distinct species by many botanists such as still still much needed. 1n this series of papers the Kunth (1850 ,under Flueggea ,‘Fluggea') , results results of taxonomic surveys on some spe 舗 Miquel (1867 , under Flueggea) , Bailey cies cies occurring in China ,Taiwan ,Korea an d/ (1 929) and Ohwi (1 965). The former variety or or Japan will be reported. The species occur- is equivalent to O. jaburan (Siebold) Lodd. , -59- 60 60 植物研究雑誌第76 巻第2号 平成13 年4月 and and the latter to O. japonicus (Thunb.) Ker ohwii. 1 agree with him on this treatment ,be- Gaw l. cause they have no significant difference. Ophiopogon japonicus was initially According to Ohwi (1 965) ,Ophiopogon known as a stoloniferous plant , as illustrated ohwii and O. japonicus can be distinguished by Kaempfer (1712) ,Ker Gawler (1 807) and by the following key: others. others. Ophiopogon stolonifer H.Lev. & Leaves are 20-30 cm long , prominentlY Vaniot Vaniot (Fig. 1) , O. argyi H.Lev. (Fig. 2) and tufted ,plants without stolons ,pedicels 8-12 chekiangensis chekiangensis & , O. O. K.Kimura Migo (Fig. 3 mm long ・…....・ H ・-…...・ H ・-…...・ H ・....・ H ・.O.ohwii 4A-left) , which were later described from Leaves 紅 e 10-20 (-30) cm long ,plants China ,紅'e also stoloniferous. These three usually stoloniferous ,pedicels less than 8 species species do not seem to differ significantly mm long ….....・ H ・-…...・ H ・...・ H ・-… ..0. japonicus from from O. japonicus (a flower of o. chekian- In this key ,however , the leaves and the gensis gensis is compared with that of O. japonicus pedicels 訂 'e ,respectively , overlapping or in in Fig. 4A). They have already been reduced continuous in the range of variation between to to synonyms of O. japonicus by some bota- the two species. In my observation , the nists nists (Dai and Chen 1978 ,Lee 1996 , for O. specimens assignable to O. ohwii , which stolonifer; stolonifer; McKean 1986 , for O. argyi; Zeng bear long leaves and no stolons , have 1991 , for O. chekiangensis). McKean (1986) pedicels 3-10 mm long (including the basal reg 紅白d o. stolon 俳r as conspecific with o. stalky part of perianth) , while the specimens intermedius intermedius D.Don. But , O. sω lon 俳r (= O. assignable to o. japonicus , which bear japonicus) japonicus) differs from the latter by its thick stolons and relatively short leaves , have style style and thick roots (for O. intermedius see pedicels 2.7-10 mm long (cf. Figs. 4B , 4C). Tanaka Tanaka 2000). Ophiopogon japonicus bear- Thus ,their pedicels overlap largely in the ing ing stolons occurs in Japan (Ohwi 1965) , range of length. Korea Korea (Chong 1957 , under Mondo; Lee As for stolons ,Ophiopogon ohwii is re- 1996) 1996) and China (Dai and Chen 1978). 1 ported to be estoloniferous , as in the above confirmed confirmed in the specimens from China that key. But , the specimens assignable to o. this this species with stolons occurs in Sichuan , ohwii , which bear long tufted leaves ,occa- Guizhou , Guangxi , Guangdong , Hunan , sionally have a short stolon (e.g. , T. Makino Hubei , Jiangsu and Zhejiang. A few other s.n. from Oizumi ,Tokyo , Jun. 13 ,1944 , provinces provinces of China are also recorded for O. MAK 147351; N. Tanaka s. n. from Hagi , japonicus japonicus by Dai and Chen (1978). Yamaguchi Pre f., Sep t. 7, 1995 , Herb. Meanwhile ,Ophiopogon ohwii Okuyama Teikyo Univ.; N.Tanaka s.n. from Manazuru , [= [= Mondo longifolium Ohwi; a photograph of Kanagawa Pref. , Dec. 23 , 1982 , Herb. the the type is shown in Ohwi (1 975)] was de- Teikyo Univ ふ A specimen from Zhejiang scribed scribed from Kyushu ,Japan. Currently ,it is (J. P.Barchet 3073 ,K) , which is prominently also also recorded from Honshu and Shikoku of tufted with long leaves (reaching more than Japan Japan (Ohwi 1953 , 1965) and from the 30 cm long) , also has stolons. Further ,there southern southern part of Korea (Lee 1996). It became are also some specimens which be 紅 stolons evident evident in this study that the same form also and look to be intermediate between O. occurs occurs in Zhejiang , China (e.g. , C.Y.Chiao ohwii and O. japonicus (e.g. , T. Makino s.n. 1165 , UC 397106; Y.L.Keng 607 , UC from Oizumi ,Tokyo , Ju l. 19 ,1936 ,MAK 361567). 361567). Ohwi (1953 , 1965) treated O. 147354). japonicus japonicus var. umbrosus Maxim. and O. On the other hand ,Ophiopogon japonicus gracilis gracilis Kunth v紅 . brevipedicellatus V 紅 . caespitosus Okuyama , described from (Koidz.) (Koidz.) Nemoto as conspecific with O. central Honshu ,is similar to v紅. japonicus , April2001 April2001 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo l. 76 No. 2 61 Fig. Fig. 1. Holotype of Ophiopogon stolon 俳r (Kouy-Tcheou ,China ,J.Cavalerie 1292 , E). 62 62 植物研究雑誌第76 巻第2号 平成13 年4月 Fig. Fig. 2. Lectotype of Ophiopogon argyi (Ki ang-Sou ,China ,d' Argy s.n. ,E). April2001 April2001 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo l. 76 No. 2 63 Fig. Fig. 3. Holotype of Ophiopogon chekiangensis (Chekiang ,China ,K. Kirnura s.n. , TI 810720a). 810720a). 64 64 植物研究雑誌第76 巻第2号 平成13 年4月 except except that it is estoloniferous and promi- leaf texture and roots between them. As in o. nently nently tufted (Okuyama 1951 ,Ohwi 1965). japonicus ,o. ohwii has relatively thick fi- It It is often difficult to distinguish v紅. brous roots , recurved perianth lobes (Figs. caespitosus caespitosus from O. ohwii which has no 4B ,4C) ,a thick style (Fig. 4C) , and diumal stolons. stolons. flowers [in the plants cultivated at our uni- Ophiopogon ohwii shares with o. versity the flowers open in the moming (usu- japonicus japonicus many similar features. There is no ally between 8 a. m. and 10 a. m.) and close marked difference in flowers (Figs. 4B ,4C) , normally in the evening of the same day or Fig.4. 日owers of Ophiopogon chekiangensis , O. japonicus and o. ohwii. A. Left , O. chekiangensis chekiangensis from the same source as the type specimen (co 1. at Hangchou ,Zh 吋iang , and and cul t. in Kyoto by K. Kimura and then at Teikyo Univ. , Tokyo). Right , O. japonicus (stoloniferous (stoloniferous form) from M t. Ishidate ,Shikoku , Japan (cul t. at Teikyo Univ ふB. Left , O. O. ohwii (without stolons) from Tama-shi , Tokyo. Right , O. japonicus (with stolons) from from Shimo-koshiki Is 1., Kagoshima Pref. ,Kyushu ,Japan. Both cul t' d at Teikyo Univ. C. C. Partial flowers with some tepals and anthers removed , showing shape of style ,etc. Material Material same as in B. Fl oral features similar among the three species. Scales in mm. April2001 April2001 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo l. 76 No. 2 65 by the next moming. Some flowers ,how- Flueggea japonic α(Thunb.) Rich.] by its ever , did not close up completely even in the flexuose raceme and long pedicels. Dai and next next daytime. Ophiopogon japonicus (with Chen (1 978) reported that o. umbraticola stolons) stolons) also shows a similar flowering differs from o. jα ponicus by its estoloni- habit]. habit]. ferous habit , long scape and long pedicels. In From all these observations ,it seems more my observation , the specimens assignable to appropriate appropriate to treat Ophiopogon ohwii within O. umbraticola 訂 e estoloniferous (excep- the the specific limit of O.
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