
United Nations Nations Vnies Ul'ffiESTR!CTED A/296 GENERAL ASSEMBLEE 28 April 1947 ASSEMBLY GENERALE ORIGINAL; ENG:LISH QUESTION OF PALESTINE lvORKING DOCll'ME'NTATION PREPARED BY THE SECRETARIAT VOLUME I REFERENCE LIBRARY ON P.ALESTIIi!E INTRODUCTORY NOTE The Reference Library on Palestine assembled by the Secretariat consists of official documents on this subject. Its purpose is to assist members of Delegations and the Secretariat in their study of the Palestine question. Althouch every effort has been ma.cte to bring together all official documents, the Reference Library on Palestine can not be regarded at this stage as complete. Certain documents, particularly documents from Arab sources, are not available in t~e United States and could not be obtained at short notice • .Additions to the Libr<J.ry are being made every day, and it is proposed to issue supplements to this document during the course of the present session. The material available in the Reference Library'on PaleBtine is restrictea to documents issued by (a) international orga.TJ.izations; (b) individual Gove!'Lments; (c) the .Arab Higher Committee and its :predecessors and the Jewish J-;c;ency for :Palestine and its predecessors. Th€l Re:f'ereuce Li'bre:ry on Palestine is located in the Writing .Room, Delegates 1 lounge at Flushing. It is ope!f to members of Delegations and the Secretariat, from 10:30 a .. m. to the close of meetings, and at other times by request. Documents may be consulted in the Librr..ry but mey not 1mder any circumstances be removed from it. Included herein are (I) a list of documonts containacl in tl:e Library, and (II) a S'J..bjeet ind.ex to the documents. /I. LIST OF A/296 Page 2 _.; .)'- ·I. LIST OF JJOClJMETJli'S IN TEE HEFEJ!.ENCE LI:SRARY mJ PAlES"'l'Tiili This list is a catalogue arranged in chronological order according. to the follm-ring sources: (a) International Organizations. and Conferences I.easue of Nations League of Arab States United Nations. (b) United Kingdcm Gover11ment. (c) Other Governments. (d) Arab Higher Cmurni ttee and its p:redecee.sors. (e) Jmrrsh Agency for Palestine and itspredecessors. II. S""J.BJ-ECT II:zD'\X TO DOCOME:rTTS TIJ THE RE}l"'ERENCE LIBT:PBY ON P lV~.::.:TIN:EE The inclex co~rers the ma,~ori ty of the docU!I!.ents in the Reference Library on Palestir:.e. 0-vd.ng to l2ck of tir:J.e and. to tho fnct tbat additional docv.rnents are beinr; received alllJost daily, it bas not been possible to prepare an ex.'laustive subject 1ndex. A list of th9 documents not covered by the index is available in the Library and the Secretariat will endeavour to give every assistance whenever it may be necessary to use such documents as are not indexed. It is hoped to issue a more ca.mprehensive subject indox during the course of the General Assembly. In a few cases it has not "been possible to obtain official copies of cLocuments. Refer:?nce has accordingly been mad.e to repro.ductio:ns or ext-racts contained. jn other publications. /I. LIST OF DOCu:tJENTS A/2')6 Page 3 I •. LIST OF DOC"t"MENTS. IN THE liEFEBENCE LIBRARY. ON PALESTINE (a) International O:rgBnizati.s£_? and Ccnferences ( 1) League of Nations Covenant of the League of Nations including Amendments in force, 16 December 1935. Geneva, Secretariat of the League of Nations. Resolution of the Council of the League of Nations on Palestine, adopted 16 S6ptember 1937. ·League of Nations document C.390. 1937 .VI. Resolution of the Assembly on Palestine, adopted on 30 September 1937. League of Nations, Official Journal, S:pecial Supplement No. 168 (October 1937) p. 28. · Records of the 'r<#entieth (Conclusion) and. the.Twenty-first Ordinary Sessions of the Assembly. Text of the Debates at the Plenary Meetings and Minutes of the F'irs-t end Second Cc:rrmi ttees. Resolutions on Mandates 7 adopted on 18 April 1946. (Twenty-first session of Assembly, Official Journal, Special Supplement, No. 194, p. 254). Sessions of the Permanent Mandates Commission of the League of Nations, in which Palestine Administration Repo1~s and Palestine policies were discussed: · Fifth Session ( extr~wrdinary), Minutes, 23 October - .. 6 November 1924. (c .617 .M.216.1924.VI). Seventh Session. Minutes, 19-30 October l925. (c.648.M.237. 1925.Vl). Ninth Session. Minutes, 8-25 Jvne 1926. (C .405.M.144.1926.VI.) (1926.VI.A.18). E;Leventh Session. Mi~utes, 20 June- 6 July 1927. (C.348.M.l22. 1927 .VI.). 'Ihtrteenth Session. Minutes, 12-29 June 1928. (C.341.M.99. 1'7'-·b.t,-·vy"l "lfJ ~ ) (._;,..;;; 1 C28 .v..L~.,I:"i.·"'.,;rr 1\ 9 ) Fifb8Lth s,y,•s5_cn ..Minu~es, 1-19 July 1929. (C.305.M.105. O"C ._, ..• , (J .,,, v·- t 0 ) l .. 1!_..../ ~ '1 J.; )~,:;; ')-,! 1 .. ,\ .. c. II" • Sev&tYLeenth ,=>oc.;s:is:;:-l (extre.ordinery). Mh:utes, 3-21 June 1930, 'TIv "'l.,.i.,,r ·1 \llrYQ ;·:) .v"ITJ ••{l ,.•.•• l ) Twentisth Sersion, Minutes, 9-27 Jw:m 1931. (c.4.22.M.r{6.1931. VI.) (193l.VI.A .1.). · . Twenty-second Session, Minutes, 3 NoY8mber - 6 December 1932. 1 1) fl9~') t. 0 ) (c ~ 77 '- •M . • 364 • 19:<r"l,JC- ~ VI .a ) \ , ..JC. ~ 'ri"' ,.,_·"). • !- f1 4 Twenty-third SeEJoion. Minutes, 19 June., 1 July 1933. (c.4o6.M. 209 .VI.A.) (1933 .VI.l.). /Twcnty~·fif·:;,, Session. \ -'1•,•' ~~~ itJjt Tventy:-fifth Bession. Minutes, 30 May - 12 June 1934. (C.259.N. 108 .., 193l·I- • VI e ...A - • )· (19'='4\ .) • ·yt. J.: •·A 'ill l ~ }\ ••~· . ' Twenty-seventh Session, Minutes, 3~18 June 1935.. (C.25l.M.l23. 1935.YI.A.) (1935.VI.A.l.). Twenty-ninth Sessiqn. Minutes, 27 May- 12 June 1936. (C.259. M.153 .. 1936.YI.) (l9.36.VI.A.l.)~ Thirty-second Seesion (extraordinary). Ninutes, 30 July - 18 AU€ust 1937. (C .330.1-1.222.1937 .VI) (1937 .VI.A .J.). Thirty-fourth Session. Minutes, 8-23 June 1938. (C.216.M.ll9~ l938.vr.) (1938.vr.A.l.). Thirty-sixth Session, ·Minutes, -9:..29 June 1939, (C.l70 ..M.l00.1939. VI.) (l939.VI.A.l.). Th!'3 Mandates System.. O:r:l.g'in-Principl.es-App1ication. Ge11eva, -L8ague<of'.. !~afions, 1945~"-sel:Tes of:CeagueOE'Nations 12u?linations, 191+5. VI.A.l. See :p. 77. League ~rab Stat~ Paet of thA Arab League. Printed and d:tstributed by The Arab Office, ~lashington. (Signed 22 March 1945) ·~ (iii) United Nations -- ... Chartel' of the United l'tations. Text in English, F1~ench, ·Russian, Chinese, and Spanish. United Nations, Ne'iv York, 1946. Cene:iB:.l' 'AssA:mbly; First Session, First Part, London 1946. Journals, Nos. 8, 9, 10. General Assem.l)ly; Firs'!:i Session; Second :Part, New Y;ork, ·l946. !:esoluticns adopted. A/61+/Add.l. · General Assembly; First Session, Second ]?art} New York, 1946. Plenary sessions; ciiscuss1ons on Reports of the Fourth Committee. Jou:rnals 7 Nos. 61J 62, 63. General Assembly; First Session, Second :Part, Nevr Y.ork, 1946. F·Jurth Committee, Surcm.ary Records of', Supplement No. 4 to !!_:)u:rna1s, Nos. 22, 23_; 25, 2'L 30, 33, 3h, 55, 56, 60, 62, 64. Terras of League of Nations Mandates. Ne1v- York, 1946. A/73•. Co:mmunicat ions concerning Palestine subm.i tted by the' Governments oi' Egypt and Iraq, June 1946. Press Release GA/5. Trusteeship Agreement for New Guinea, adopted by thA General Assembly on J,j December 191+6. ~r/8. Trustee::::hip Agr<:Jem.ent for Ruanda-Urdndi adopted by the GeneraJ. Asspmbly on 13 December ]_91~6. T/8. 1 /Trusteeship Agreement Ji,:!J:I:::t:! .!I!Wd##'t''i''i:!J. ':!'':!'''!I: t I •DB!~· ....:rrtrl'd ~~~~ bt ' \! ~~~~~~~~~~I !..Jei!lt A/'296 Pace 5 steeship Agreement for Caneroons under French Mandate, ,-dopted by the General Assembly on 13 December 1946. T/r3. steeship Agreement for •rogoland under French Mandate, d.opted by the General Assembly on 13 December 1S46. T/8. for Hestern Samoa, adopted by the eneral Assembly on 13 December 1946. T/8. steeship Agreem8nt for 1'anganyika, adopte,d by the eneral Assembly on 1: Dc::cember 1946. T/8. steeship Ae::,reement for Cmnero"0ns under Brittsh Maniate, c1opted by the General Assembl;y on 13 December 1946. T/8. Trhsteeship Agreement for Togoland, under Br:J_tish Mandate 1 Hiopted by the General At;;sembl;y on l~"l December 1946. Tj:3. Cohstitution of InternEtt:ional Refugee Organizat:Ion. 1 \/b'L•~ ,..., I n' d,:lu. .. J. , 1"'•..# tJ...;.t,.J.T'"'"lUa"··y .J:. 104''.,...., I • ft Trusteesh:p Agx·t~ement for former Japanese I0andated Islands, --p~proved b;,' the Security CouncH, 2 April 1947 . .llJ.. "t"d ~ 1''··,-J---·llc.... t..· 10!: ... b'Q;----,.i~ ~~... jj.._(.J (b) ._.... -.. --- -· -'-"'--':"f-~,:{;2_v-•h.-,d· __ o·m,_··--·~:::~--~~ G"•"",...r'""r>n...__ Declarat:i.. cn, 2 I'Jovem1Jer 1917. Q.uoted in Report of .o.)ral Commission, Cmd. 5479, London 19:17, p. 16. "a1 D::·af'ts of the lv~anclates for M0SOlX)tarrr'.a and Palestine for the approval of the Council of the LeaE,'l.W of l'Ta.tjons. ondon, 1921. Cmd. 1500. D5jsturbances in Ma;y-; 1S21. Reports of the Comm~ss ion o:£' 2"ng_u:iJ7 :r·~ "'t ~ a:~ 'Y),-=i 1:)"", <;.. ~ ,...., i"l}, Vl:::;:, , "'\ ..., (';')"1 '"'' i=:.l ('\ -w-'-th Corre ..'.t:'o~.,.er.ce _._,_,la.t.Lnt; :c"e~'='to.
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