Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist. Hum. Hist., Ser. A, 1: 23-43, March 31, 2003 The Chrysomelidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) collected by Dr. Akio Otake, on the occasion of his entomological survey in Sri Lanka from 1973 to 1975 Shinsaku Kimoto 7-97, Miliunigaoka, Ogori City, Fukuoka, 838-0103,Japan ABSTRACT — In total, 123 species of Chrysomelidae were collected by Dr. Akio Otake, on the occa sion of his entomological survey in Sri Lanka from 1973 to 1975. Of which 9 species viz. Basilepta kandyensis, Sastroides rugicollis, Hyphaenia otakei, Hoplosaenidea strigiceps, Luperomorpha singhala, Ceylonaltica nigripes, Orthaltica nuwaraeliyana, Lankanallica fulvaand Hypnosis lankana, are described as new species. One genus, Lankanallica is described as new genus. In total, 14 species are recorded for the first time from Sri Lanka. 19. ii. 1974, PREFACE Distribution: Sri Lanka. A good number of Chrysmelid beetles were collected Lema coromandeliana (Fabricius, 1798) by Dr. Akio Otake, on the occasion of his entomological Ent. Syst. Suppl.: 154 (Tranquebar) (Leptura). survey in Sri Lanka from 1973 to 1975. This paper is a Material examined: Kalomura, Kandy Distr., 1 ex., result of my study on the material. The material includ 27. ii. 1975. ing the type specimens are preserved in the Entomologi Distribution: Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, cal Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Philippines, Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture. Some duplicate speci Sumatra, Borneo,Java, Makassar. mens will be deposited in the Kitakyushu Museum of LemagreeniJacoby, 1908 Fig. 2b Natural History and Human History, who made possible Fauna India, Col., 2: 31 (Ceylon). to publish this paper. Material examined: Udawattekela Sanctuary, Kandy, Some of the locality names listed in the paragraph of 2 exs., 4. i. 1974, 4 exs., 17. v. 1975, 1 ex., 23. i. 1974. distribution do not mean the names of nation but indi Distribution: Sri Lanka. cate merely the name of area. Such as "India" is Lema nitidissimaJacoby, 1908 Fig. 2c assinged "The Indian Subcontinent". Fauna India, Col., 2: 67 (Travancore). Material examined: Udawattekela Sanctuary, Kandy, Subfamily Zeugophorinae 1 ex., 1. iv. 1975. Distribution: Sri Lanka, India. Zeugophora murrayi (Clark, 1866) Fig. 2a This species is here recorded for the first time from App. Cat. Phytoph.: 87 (Ceylon) (Pedrillia). Sri Lanka. Material examined: Udawattekela Sanctuary, Kandy, Lema terminata Lacordaire, 1845 8 exs., 23. i. 1974, 2 exs., 4. i. 1974, 1 ex., 21. ii. 1974; Hills Mon. Phyt., 1: 341 (Coromandel). South of the Lake Kandy, 1 ex., 19. iii. 1974. Material examined: Katunayaka, Colombo Distr., 1 Distribution: Sri Lanka. ex., 13. iii. 1974. Distribution: Nepal, India, Sri Lanka. Subfamily Criocerinae This species is here recorded for the first time from Sri Lanka. Lema chalybenotata Clark, 1866 App. Cat. Phytoph: 37 (Ceylon). Subfamily Cryptocephalinae Material examined: Kalomura, Kandy Distr., 1 ex., Received 12 December 2002 24 Shinsaku Kimoto Fig. 1. a-g, Male genitalia, h. Prothorax. a, Hoplosaenidea strigiceps sp. nov.; b, Sastroides rugicollis sp. nov.; c, Hyphaenia otakei sp. nov.; d, Luperomorpha singhala sp. nov.; e, Ceylonaltica nigripes sp. nov.; f, Hyphasis lankana sp. nov.; g, Lankanallicafulva sp. nov.; h, Orthaltica nuwaraeliyana sp. nov. Chrysomelidae of Sri Lanka 25 Adiscus porculus (Suffrian, 1860) Fig. 2d v. 1975, 1 ex., 4. iv. 1975.. Linn. Ent., 14: 5 (Ceylon). Distribution: Sri Lanka. Material examined: Udawattekela Sanctuary, Kandy, Dermorhytis ceylonensis Jacoby, 1887 1 ex., 6. ix. 1973, 1 ex., 25. vii. 1973. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887: 81 (Ceylon). Distribution: Sri Lanka. Material examined: Hills South of the Lake Kandy, 1 Adiscus robustus (Jacoby, 1904) ex., 4. iv. 1975, 1 ex., 6. iii. 1975; Horton Plains, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg., 48: 383 (Nilgiris) (Atrophidius). Nuwaraeliya, 1 ex., 13. i. 1974, 3 exs., 14. i. 1974; Mt. Material examined: Sigiriya, Matale Distr., 1 ex., 20. Pidurutalagala, Nuwaraeliya, 2 exs., 13. i. 1974. iv. 1975. Distribution: Sri Lanka. Distribution: India, Sri Lanka. Dermorhytis variabilisJacoby, 1887 Fig. 2g This species is here recorded for the first time from Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887: 82 (Ceylon). Sri Lanka. Material examined: Udawattekela Sanctuary, Kandy, Coenobius insularis Weise, 1903 1 ex., 21. ii. 1974, 1 ex., 3. iii. 1975, 1 ex., 1. iv. 1975, 3 Dtsche Ent. Z., 1903: 34 (Ceylon). exs., 30. iv. 1975, 10 exs., 1. iv. 1975; Hills South of the Material examined: Kandy, 1 ex., iv. 1974. Lake Kandy, 11 exs., 18. v. 1975, 3 exs., 2. v. 1975, 1 ex., 4. Distribution: Sri Lanka. iv. 1975. Coenobius lateralis Weise, 1903 Distribution: Sri Lanka. Dtsche Ent. Zeit., 1903: 34 (Bengal, Ceylon). Platycorynus dohrni (Baly, 1864) Material examined: Udawattekela Sanctuary, Kandy, Descrip. New Gen. & Spec. Phtoph.: 4 (Ceylon) 5 exs., 19. ix. 1973, 1 ex., 6. ix. 1973, 1 ex., 21. ii. 1974, 1 (Corynodes). ex., 25. vii. 1973; Peradeniya, Kandy Distr., 1 ex., 10. iii. Material examined: Hills South of the Lake Kandy, 1 1974. ex., 4. iv. 1975. Distribution: Sri Lanka, India. Distribution: Sri Lanka. Coenobiusvariegatus Jacoby, 1908 Platycorynus ceylonensis (Jacoby, 1908) Fig. 2h Fauna India, Col., 2: 190 (Nilgiris). Fauna India, Col., 2: 496 (Ceylon) {Corynodes). Material examined: Mt. Pidurutalagala, Nuwaraeliya, Material examined: Udawattekela Sanctuary, Kandy, 1 ex., 13. i. 1974. 2 exs., 30. iv. 1975, 2 exs., 17. v. 1975, 1 ex., 26. v. 1973. Distribution: Sri Lanka, India. Distribution: Sri Lanka. This species is here recorded for the first time from Xanthophorusflavopilosa (Jacoby, 1887) Fig. 2i Sri Lanka. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887: 72 (Ceylon) (Xanthonia). Subfamily Chlamisinae Material examined: Udawattekela Sanctuary, Kandy, 8 exs., 4. i. 1974, 4 exs., 9. xi. 1973, 4 exs., 30. iv. 1975, 2 Chlamisus ceylonensis (Jacoby, 1887) exs., 23. i. 1974, 2 exs., 17. v. 1975, 2 exs., 19. ix. 1973, 3 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887: 69 (Ceylon) (Exerna). exs., 21. ii. 1974, 1 ex., 19. ix. 1973, 2 exs., 9. viii. 1973, 1 Material examined: Hills South of the Lake Kandy, 1 ex., 6. ix. 1973, 1 ex., 9. viii. 1973, 1 ex., 23. i. 1974, 1 ex., ex., 18. v. 1975, 1 ex., 2. v. 1975. 25. vii. 1973, 1 ex., 21. iii. 1973; Hills South of the Lake Distribution: Sri Lanka. Kandy, 1 ex., 19. iii. 1974, 1 ex., 4. iv. 1975, 1 ex., 6. iv. 1975, 1 ex., 2. v. 1975, 1 ex., 18. v. 1975; Peradeniya, Subfamily Eumolpinae Kandy Distr. Distribution: Sri Lanka. Dermorhytis ornatissima Baly, 1864 Fig. 2e Nephrella elongata Jacoby, 1863 Fig. 3a Descr. Gen. & Spec. Phytoph.: 8 (Ceylon). J. Ent., 2: 155 (Ceylon). Material examined: Udawattekela Sanctuary, Kandy, Material examined: Udawattekela Sanctuary, Kandy, 2 exs., 1. v. iv. 1975, 2 exs., 30. iv. 1975,1 ex., 2. vi. 1973; 1 ex., 17. v. 1975, 1 ex., 6. ix. 1973, 1 ex., 30. iv. 1975, 2 Hills South of the Lake Kandy, 1 ex., 18. ii. 1974, 1 ex., 6. exs., 17. x. 11973, 1 ex., 21. iii. 1974, 1 ex., 9. viii. 1973; iii. 1975. Hills South of the Lake Kandy, 2 exs., 2. v. 1975, 1 ex., 18. Distribution: Sri Lanka. v. 1975; Horton Plains, Nuwaraeliya, 1 ex., 14. i. 1974. Dermorhytis kandyensisJacoby, 1908 Fig. 2f Distribution: Sri Lanka. Fauna India, Col., 2: 369 (Ceylon). Hyperaxis semifasciata (Jacoby, 1887) Fig. 3b-c Material examined: Udawattekela Sancturary, Kandy, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887: 70 (Ceylon) 1 ex., 26. v. 1973; Hills South of the Lake Kandy, 1 ex., 18. (Demotina). 26 Shinsaku Kjmoto 1 ri 1 I d I =&gKfr g h Fig. 2. a. Zeugophora murrayi (Clark); b. Lema greenijACOBY; c, Lema nitidissimajACORY; d. Adiscus porculus (Suffrian); e, Dermorhytis ornatissima Bai.v, f, Dermorhytis kandyensis Jacoby; g, Dermorhytis variabilis Jacoby; Ii, Platycorynus ceylonensis (Jacoby); i. Xanthophorus flavopilosa (Jacoby). Material examined: Udawattekela Sanctuary, Kandy, 11 exs., 18. v. 1975, 8 exs., 4. iv. 1975, 1 ex., 6. iii. 1975, 8 37 exs., 1. iv. 1975, 22 exs., 3. iii. 1975, 23 exs., 30. iv. exs., 2. v. 1975. 1975, 10 exs., 30. iv. 1975, 7 exs., 17. v. 1975, 9 exs., 9. xi. Distribution: Sri Lanka. 1973, 8 exs., 6. ix. 1973, 4 exs.. -1. i. 1974, 8 exs., 9. viii. Demotina thoracica Jacoby, 1887 1973, 2 exs., 23. i. 1974, 2 exs., 21. ii. 1974, 3 exs., 17. x. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887: 71 (Ceylon) 1973, 4 exs., 19. ix. 1973, 8 exs., 21. iii. 1974, 1 ex., 17. x. Material examined: Hills South of the Lake Kandy, 2 1973, 1 ex., 25. viii. 1973; Hills South of the Lake Kandy, exs., 3. ii. 1974, 1 ex., 18. ii. 1974, 1 ex., 4. iii. 1975, 5 exs., Chrysomelidae of Sri Lanka 27 19. iii. 1974. exs., 19. iii. 1974, 1 ex., 2. v. 1975, 4 exs., 8. i. 1974, 14. Distribution: Sri Lanka. exs., 18. ii. 1974. Pachnephorus bistriatus Mulsant, 1852 Distribution: S. India, Sri Lanka. Mem. Acad. Lyon, ser. 2, 2: 17 (Caramanie). Basilepta bistrigata (Jacoby, 1908) Fig. 3g convexicollis Baly, 1867, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, ser. Fauna India, Col., 2: 313 (Ceylon) (Nodostoma). 3, 4: 95 (Macassar). Material examined: Udawattekela Sanctuary, Kandy, Material examined: Sigiriya, Matale Distr., 1 ex., 19. 41 exs., 1. iv. 1975, 3 exs., 3. iii. 1975, 41 exs., 30. iv. 1975, iv. 1975, 1 ex., 10. v. 1975. 1 ex., 21. iii. 1974, 7 exs., 17. v. 1975; Hills South of the Distribution: Europe, Africa, India, Sri Lanka, Philip Lake Kandy, 8 exs., 4. iv. 1975, 2 exs., 18. v. 1975, 9 exs., 2. pines, Macassar. v. 1975, 1 ex., 19. iii. 1974. This species is here recorded for the first time from Distribution: Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka. Basilepta lewsii (Jacoby, 1887) Nodina ceylonensisJacoby, 1908 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887: 77 (Ceylon) Fauna India, Col., 2: 294 (Ceylon).
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