SEPTEMBER 10,2009 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION *WWW.PIONEERLOCALCOM *82.00 THIS WEEK DIVERSiONS LIVING DOLLS The animated sci-fi :. dUvelitule, featured in this week's Film Clips. SEE PAGE BZ FOOD PICKLE BILL Learn ways to preserve fall's harvest. SEE PAGE 27 PIONEER PRESS ''z COMPLETE A BINGO LINE FOR YOUR CHANCETOWINI Sara Martorano, 4, gets a kiss from Chiquita, a Cavalier King Charles spaniel, as they play in the 9/3/0910toriio PUPPY Pediatiic Oncology Unit at Lutheran General Children's Hospital in Park Ridge. The hospital has SEE PASE 21 expanded its use o? Canine Therapy Corps dogs to include the Pediatric Oncology Unit. PAGE 10 LOVE (Rob Hart/Staff Photographer) Start here withahealth °2 $;W £SIQ AIll!IIlJu18,ldS1W care career. jsra /7f1 3f77fld S371H Attend a free Health Care Information Session. ÇLflX1ÛÛL ì'OÚ3 l' 6QL1.-l-t-11 MedicalLaboratory Technology & Phlebotomy Thursday September 17, at 5:30 p.m., Des Plaines. Campus, Room 1604 For more information,call847.635.1629. Oakton 1600East Golf Road, Des Plaineswww.oakton.edu CommunityCollege A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION www.pfoneeflocaj.com 3- 2 www.pioneerocaLcom THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2009 First-time buyer + $8,000 TaxCredit* : , s y Ia Happy New Homeowner , A lIA If you haven t owned a home for the past 3 years are able to purchase before Dec 1 , 2009 and re a sirIetaxpayer . ti I with income up to $75 000 or married couple with incomes up to $1 50 000 there's never been a better time to buy' 1245 Waukegan Road Glenview Outstanding Agents. Outstanding RCSLIILS. Servièes teamisrády ardìgértóanswer any of your additional inquiries and guide Sm : -- -you ;;, ;. MORTON GROVE SKOKIE GLENVIEW DEEIIFIELD Hurry time is running out *1o%ofthehomespurchasepr,ceupt$8oUo ..%1 Lb- . 9225 MAMIO . IARCELONA COUDO AT GREAT PIUCE 1/2 CRE-WIJI1FUL FENCED YAIID!! EMITIFUL fISTOL PUEE ¡UID(VI$IOU Choiceoa - ftbious loti l.00Qe 4 BodwOm, 25 Bats hone Mli WeIinri09a cur wEr iwfln*v pool, tordcroend healed .Wh o groat deck. piOc,d siesO. trd. Sadous oncle w8r Iivlo d oocoded arno cl or4y 38 hOEnet BarOny Roov7dn OIlers null OOIOniSy room + mosler boderonn w boOr. ticinO iva0e Qerage. M 0u039r Iui&y &paoly veert BeavdtOI nietoS 01 the fta03WOod lecco OI 25 Ch ZffXted gzrse. teeny room or 191e 31511 . lt 04 2-slay loyer anoy 190 035 spacoo arid tvi9IO ynot Wood 900er und 90009 dOm wIth *dow ecato & 3ds nl seckidedcoulyerd bern Il WOIOII.S4ereOIa9bIn aco093liOn 091 003n Penol IndReeruIle, room krlu9 Melad baseonat 3bedrooms herne with many opgradee .ckan OIceriao cer.derl093 OtOn. M 8030*Tleot 2.5 c gaiiO& IOO1O4l9O posnoS0iI, Omhloll. The Cr1e FOC Penfermio AvIS. Irsonperlatiorr. golf cane Jod 2 I1 baths. Mary knovenicnt5 104 çridet Wonderli coor4c 93v floorS. sep000le *9er. OIrOwer & n4*ool w/nk4le In ' . .. $349000 aoidrn,jc mov cxa.Y$1250 Incitino 00I9MOIßOSI0000 118 ShOppr9 CarterS 8477.S UMO Woe-b, clonots and abixodalt stoerge Ens b301,nner* 8 onore! COCEIE - . - - - . U7517-5U1 Cil kilth it U7-U2-74W . call i.it at $47-U2-745 r . - . S ERT1flI*EOCk.ciuor kEfllUIAUEOCLcemsr '90 CaMEltU74O2745 . ,r JCI )9 EIT1INAEOCLc. - WflhtII$Lcia EITNThIU.c. er Skokie 2 1 - $485,000Lincoinwood $475,000Evanston ' $423,000 Skokie - _,$389,000MortonGrove $389,000 - . , iOesirahlelaIrviewneighbo,hoodl EpninCeIhe4IeveI» Welcome hdmll Slew,, lOwnhome v/soaring cIing & Big corne, lot 589 l.5b w/m Im, OrcpIae. tal-in Charmln34BRbickGeorglanW/spadauumssepDRlor- 19drm,2.1Ba1stflrlmirnmlrsuile,1geatInkll,hdwd -ç . ;otlolal living . 1D194409485 camer fireplace Intheir 18194409347 kltth,n. Great home! 10193109036 mal IR.SoId aslÇ 10093509218 firIencedyd _ 10194409424 RbecaCIel . ,: '. -773-775-1855 1ynnPulpl 773:775.955% GerryGbbs . 847-491-1855 1ulie91jmlak 847491-1850 PauIineOjoilh '. : 773-115-185 NORTHBROOK CHICAGO Des Plaines GLENVIEW . - c-:- '- . 'LLP- ;: :i 1j:1 . 1J ' I . i: t_ i : >. ' i11 er..w_ww: I r . 5kokie $379,000Skokle : $349,000Skokie $345,500Skokie $3-4z000NUes $339,900 Corner unit w11488 sf.Th, 2 bathsheaIed Indoor pkg. Modern 22009F lit plan. Great n,w kIt wlgranlle island. Wonderful 4bd/lba brick rarith'Ilrdwd Str on main lvi, invltlngZyearvnewhlghlyupgradedlbrflba condowiih Lolsoihving space in this bi-level leaturing caih celiungv GetIoc,indoorpooI. 10194409148 Highceillnglin LI 19193909136 rmdldcnimplowrivi. 9093109200 privatebakony. i0182359603 Iniiyfdinrm 10194409513 WONDERFUL MISSION HILLS COUNTRY CLUB LiVING LOVELY RIDGEWOOD FLATS CONVERSION WOW II! 3/4 ACRE-WOODS & GARDENS BLENVIEW OOr500us viows of Ihn toll couine and pond 9mm thIs irreorlolis 411v 0009 Oidloor unO offerS h509wOod. maple cOlonelS w/ranito Just UstedU Dont vInos lire endless p050lbrrOIcs afforded by mio 0utztaodo 4 bdnnr, 2.1 bO Colonial or Opimo. V, acer. WaRy io DickNeswold 847-823-1855 AikJaSkiblckl 847-446-1859 itaymompson 847-491-1855 Roselloilmin, 312-943-1510 Dlne5lton 773-775-1855 Il0000nO recrnlly remodesed and updated. Over 1750 sq it. inclodInQ CoUn10010ps, flower oppInocos. 6 panni doors, mailer In bathroom. wonderlui piece of nvpcv1y. CoIn 2-story Covid 00019 be hoed in, School. town, loIn 8 00erxy. GraInons LB. ionoai sep DR, updated 2 bedonnons, 2 lull baths, 00001 den, Office or study and stunning In-UnO Washor/dryor, cer000i heatord ate, lause 2nd bodruoon O orare. added onto o mobbed lo bthid th horno 0! peurnans. Stuated In eat-In lot or/new oppio. FR wflpte, devi (could be bdern) mule batIr S malteo trepiaco. Swimming pools, tennis couda, iluQn club houso w! Beautiful innovation of oh-003e courtyard buiO3n io super Edewater sin sonsa? newerhOrmswith eeataccesslo CoO Ma Siorpn Center, walk-In closet. Fm. Onset. w/ved bau Ito Ir. Indry. Hdwd. no. o car F03000 center, restaurant and beaulafuily manicured surroundlnQs iocadan with accecato overthio. Downtown is only minutos awaytii JnStaurantO, ilnnspont000n (including 254) and much, erradatorsoli 00. Ga Wondenfui New Price $729,500 Just reduced to $355,000 Redoced to $252,500 $322,500 . : .. .. - JAERE . , Cali Keith at 847-682-7456 Call Keith at M7-6O2-7456 . Call KeIth at 847402-7456 . KEIThHAIICOCLcem er u! KEITHHANCOCLcom or kEITHIIAI4COCLcom or J4 " J6684@ 't ... - KEIThSHBSR.com . .. KEmlsHBsR.com KEI11ISIIBSN.com \ Morton Grove $335,000Skokie $324,900Evanston $318,500Northfield $299,000Evanston $260,000 Quìiilylb,3ba brk rain move-inconthIlon.iiewn,CA,atI OiigInai ownerroflhis succor-Oiled brbi-ievei produced Darling 300iehabi Compinlniy remdld Kittheni Fin bsmli 3bed1.1baieamIngiiWiinorslrevhIy painled. Large FR lbdrm2bihtlGViniagr,hdwdfirr,Covemoidingnepo8, GLENVIEW NORTHBROOK GLENVIEW GLENVIEW newwlndown. 10194409460 doclor,iawynr iDl94409411 Mnve-inreadyi i0193109035 onlLlpkngvpviv. i0193109164 byMelra,vhopn. 10983103180 'n idi0Maiiey 847-823-1855 Dianetlalon 773-775-1855 Sheilaooyir 847-491-1855 BaibaraPalmer ., ,, 847-491-1855 Debbieshore 847-491-1855 , :- r e 8-\ 0 ,- l:'tIi 4 4,- J 1L "h // 4JE!z! fAj' tJ; a.- er;v -r- I L .--'---- : A,v(8 :- ''- , ,- Nues' $249,000 NUes $235,000Northfield $229,000Evanston $189,000Skokie $119,900 GREAT PRICE! ENJOY SERENE VIEWS FROM EVERY WINDOW LAND FOR SALE CAN'T AFFORD NEW CONSTRUCTION? Great ntontet Condo ovodoohng tilo woter and bui, tree,On Stunted in thu heart o? Glenurew Two lots can be sold separately rd doni want a hoaso thai needs updatrng? Here Is the iroane io The renairsance space gainre ¡n this 2 00 2 BA end unit. Lre 2br2b2ndfl unliin unllW&D,iidwdilrs&walkln highS walk io evrryihlnlocation. 2 Bdrm Townhouse. Newer Condo convrslon lORJiBth.iiwd flrskl1.wIIAin- Move in condiiion. 2 bed, 1.1 both. Freshly palsied, new 200 20a und unO condo. La9 iwin9 room osi inopia o. t0nin9 3ta Wood tominotn loor,. Siidinglass doors to outdoor patio Parida bedroom, one bathlonge huleO room. Oinin3 area, Spaclou on as O pocKaQe One o! the two lois can acConrmnraatn two homes you 5 bedroom, 5 1 bath Glenorew home has betn renovated 9mm SunOiledunil 10994409377 ciosetoSpackil. iDl9440910l IlewTrienDlniikl. 10193109203 unliindylctarPkng, i0I93i09i0! cplqlnbedroom. 0394409480 included Plenty o! ouosi paiiunas well Loandry iaelhty In baridrn master bedroom hod 5mai walk-In ctouei Ont cararan parirrn, Ihnen homes can be bruti altooethon or 94550iy 12 townhomes Cal opto b000m Orante hatehen, 2 master bedmoms, onewrth timoneo Chriollnepiocek 773-775-1859 ShvonCu,oio 847-823-1855 Iheo Shaw 847-491-1805 Delialoyve 847-491-1855 Nicolefiores 773.775.5955 atnonities include pnoi, ionnls courts, Club house $109,00 plus parlanO ion 9uestsCreai ameniOns, including poet, tenni ion deiails and n tour ut the pmperiy Ihn pnelng o! 3 iois io5ethut Is bath, lmoriy mom with limpiare, eitlen, playnoem Fleorbio loon pia Coulis, adddionai storaQo area, and laundry facilities. Priced in cii $1.000,000 ion sacias. iron-ins, etc. Cat londoiaris. Poiced stashed to $739,00 $142,500 .> ....,,...., .- '/- t nv'.- p,. Lernrnre aboary fthr r MICIIEUESI$OEMAIR MICIIEIJ..ESHOEMAKER aboe by smpIV ent03ring 1.d MICI4ELLESHOEMAIR h"4' the D Number nour hmpaFAST FIt'D box Asso ors our webs;e k,b;1 Email Erlc.ahoomakor@romaLeot j lind complete Information on aji our Open Houses this ,eekend Www.ploneerlocal.com THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10,2009 , PAGE 5 Coomcî: MaU Schmitz, Assistant Managing Editor b 5.j, A p: 708.524.4433 e: mschnhitz®pioneerlocaicom U:. - : 'i :H 4 ¡se )LSIDIHT1AI3ROKERAG CoidwellBankèrOnljnecorn Boárd coïisidersprocedures Any house.Anytime. Anywhere. for ethics hotlinereports fly TONY BERTUCA i ferred that arrangement manager. ben obtained by filing Free- tberboca0tpioneerlocal.com and would be uncomfort- "There may never bedomoflnformationAcbre. able if the board became a hearings," he said. quests. o The village ofNiles Ethics tribunal that took discipli- Siegel said allowing disci- In the meantime, a sub- Board met Sept. a and dis- : eaaryaction. plinaaryactionstogo committee ofcitizens and cussed putting procedures Loverde also said he through Van Geem would be Annunzio are trying to forni , in place for investigating re- would recommend to Mayor best when dealing witha new, stricter ethics ordi- ports from the new ethics 1tobert Callero that the unionized workers. nance. i hot line. board structure be changed Van Geem said disciplin- As of Sept.
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