Distribution, Morphology, and Origin of Ridges and Arches in Mare Serenitatis T. A. MAXWELL Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 FAROUK EL-BAZ National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560 S. H. WARD Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 ABSTRACT The Apollo Lunar Sounder Experiment (ALSE) flown on Apollo 17 has produced profiles that are useful in the study of mare ridge Lunar mare ridges and arches in Mare Serenitatis were mapped systems (Phillips and others, 1973). A continuous radar profile to understand better their mode of formation. Mapping of these from the VHF mode (150 MHz) is used as a detailed topographic features indicates that several pre-mare impacts in the Serenitatis profile across ridges in southern Serenitatis, from which slopes and area may be responsible for the localization of the circular ridge elevations of the ridges and the amount of east-west crustal short- systems and that the subsurface, pre-mare topography is more ening have been measured. complex than previously recognized. Locations of the Serenitatis ridge systems were mapped, using as Apollo Lunar Sounder cross sections of ridge systems in southern a base the 1:2,750,000 scale Lunar Orbital Science Flight Chart Serenitatis indicate 50 to 100 m of local relief on these features. produced by the Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center for Ridges in the southwestern part of the basin mark the boundary of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. In mapping a bench 200 m above the local mare level. As reflected in their the ridge systems, we used Apollo metric and pan photographs and orientation, arches and ridges are possibly controlled both by rings additional Earth-based photographs from the Consolidated Lunar of pre-mare basins resulting from impacts and by a more wide- Atlas (Kuiper and others, 1967). The purpose of this paper is to (1) spread global stress system. Small-scale features of ridges, such as summarize our observations on the distribution of ridges and medial lineations and lobate margins, do not conclusively define arches in Mare Serenitatis, (2) discuss these features in relation to the origin of the ridges. However, estimates of crustal shortening the Serenitatis basin and possibly more widespread stress systems, from Lunar Sounder data and the coincidence of the major ridge and (3) describe the morphology of ridges and arches in Mare system with the Serenitatis mascon suggest that ridges and arches Serenitatis in order to understand better their origin. were formed by gravitational readjustments of the mare fill along four probable impact structures and along a north-trending frac- DISTRIBUTION ture pattern. Key words: lunar morphology, lunar tectonics, lunar ridges and arches. Ridges and arches in Mare Serenitatis exhibit five dominant trends, four of which are related to circular pre-mare impacts. A INTRODUCTION general northward trend is also evident. The dominant ridge-system orientation (400 km in diameter; A Although lunar ridges occur in the highlands, they are usually in Fig. 1) is coincident with the inner ring of the Serenitatis basin as best exposed in the lunar maria, where they either parallel the mapped by Wilhelms and McCauley (1971), but as has been noted trends of the lunar grid system (Strom, 1964) or form trends con- for ridge systems in other maria, the system is not continuous; seg- centric with the major basins. These topographic forms have been ments of ridges and more continuous arches vary locally in orienta- referred to as "mare ridges" or "wrinkle ridges." tion. In western Mare Serenitatis, the ridges mark the boundary of Four basic hypotheses have been used to explain the origin of a topographic bench, which is raised relative to the center of the mare ridges and arches: a thin lava veneer on high ridges of pre- basin. Phillips and others (1972) showed that these benches coin- mare ground (Baldwin, 1963); tectonic deformation resulting from cide with the edges of a near-surface disk model for mascons in the shrinkage and isostatic subsidence of mare lava flows (Bryan, both Serenitatis and Crisium. Both ridges and arches are associated 1973); intrusive volcanism in the form of laccoliths or sills that lo- with the bench in western Serenitatis, and their occurrence is quite cally dome the surface (Whitaker, 1966; Strom, 1972); and extru- similar to the coincidence of a ridge system and the bench in west- sive volcanism of repeated flows to form both arches and ridges ern Crisium. (Young and others, 1973; Hodges, 1973). Combinations of the Three other circular ridge systems are also evident in Serenitatis. above hypotheses were favored by Tjia (1970), Hartmann and East of Bessel, a small ridge system, 140 km in diameter (B in Fig. Wood (1971), and Colton and others (1972). Recently, a tectonic 1), is coincident in the southeast with ridges that mark the inner mode of formation was advocated for ridge systems in Imbrium ring of the Serenitatis basin. The western limb of the "B ridge sys- (Schaber, 1973) and Serenitatis (Howard and Muehlberger, 1973; tem" extends in a north-south arc through the south-central part of Muehlberger, 1974). the basin. The mare area immediately to the north is smooth, and Adhering to the terminology proposed by Strom (1972), there is no evidence for the continuation of this ring, even when wrinkle-ridge systems in Serenitatis are divided here into mare photographed at lowest sun elevations. Evidence for the B ridge ridges and arches: arches have smooth slopes nearly indistinguish- system consists solely of the northward arc of ridges through Bes- able from the surrounding mare except under illumination at low sel. This trend may be the result of a north-south submare struc- sun elevation; ridges are smaller and have sharper edges. The term ture, but a circular structure as outlined in Figure 1 is preferred. At "ridge system" is reserved for both ridges and arches following the the northern boundary of Serenitatis, two circular ridge systems are same general trend. more clearly distinguished by discontinuous mare ridges and Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 86, p. 1273-1278, 6 figs., September 1975, Doc. no. 50910. 1273 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/86/9/1273/3418522/i0016-7606-86-9-1273.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 1274 MAXWELL AND OTHERS MORPHOLOGY The apparent difference between mare ridges and arches is most evident at low sun angles in Earth-based and lunar orbital photo- graphs; orbital radar (ALSE) has justified this distinction. Although detailed observations of the ridges and arches do not conclusively define the origin of these features, it is apparent that the ridges have been subjected to several periods of deformation. Lobate fronts (A in Fig. 3) that subdue neighboring topography at the edges of ridges have been used to indicate flows and, there- fore, an extrusive volcanic origin for the ridges (Strom, 1972). However, the possibility remains that these features may result from debris slides of regolith on the flanks of the high standing ridges (Bryan, 1973; R. S. Saunders, 1974, oral commun.). Many of these lobate fronts occur on low-angle slopes and are conspicu- ous in the interior of neighboring craters, thus indicating that slumping may be a valid mechanism of formation. Crests of mare ridges are in places characterized by parallel line- aments (B in Fig. 3) that trend in the same direction as the ridges (medial lineations). These lineations are found only on the crests of ridges and contribute to the youthful appearance; they do not ap- pear on mare arches. Slumping on the sides of ridges may be par- tially responsible for local tension that could produce the linea- tions. However, their dominant orientation, which persists despite the proximity of ridge scarps, suggests a deeper structural control. Similar lineations or parallel fractures appear on the relatively level mare in eastern Mare Serenitatis (Apollo 15 pan frame 9301), I6*N where they may be related to the same stress that produced the 26»E 30*E larger rilles in the dark mare surrounding Serenitatis (Muehlberger, C-3E? MARE ARCH MARE-HIGHLAND BOUNDARY 1974). Two areas in southern Serenitatis show a variety of relationships MARE RIDGE SCARP (BALL ON LOWER SIDE) between mare ridges and arches. Both the inner-ring ridge system Figure 1. Map of Mare Serenitatis showing distribution of mare ridges and the B ridge system roughly coincide in southeastern Serenitatis and arches. Dotted circles mark trends of ridge systems: A, inner ring; B, C, (Fig. 4). Although both ridges and arches follow the same general and D, three smaller structures. trends, there is no consistent feature that permits the ridges and arches to be assigned to either the inner-ring or the B ridge system. arches. The northeastern system, the "C ridge system" (330 km in Mare ridges in this region may form at the crest of an arch or on the diameter), continues from the mare into Serenitatis rim materials, boundary of an arch, or they may continue in smoother mare mate- but it is marked there by a scarp instead of ridges as in the mare rial that has no apparent relationship to arches (Fig. 4). (Fig. 1). Southwest of Posidonius, the continuation is marked by a Mare ridges in this area may, however, be distinguished as to age subdued arcuate rille, most likely a graben (R in Fig. 1). This sys- on the basis of their sharpness. East of the main ridge system in tem is unique because of changes in its character — grading from Figure 4, a more subdued ridge is present in relatively smooth, ridges in the mare to a probable fault in the highlands.
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