Bodal Chemicals Ltd. C □ l. □ URS. INTEGRATION. INNOVATION. By online submission Sec/20-21/ 42 Date: 29/07/2020 To, To, The General Manager, The General Manager, Department of Corporate Services National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. BSE Ltd. Exchange Plaza, 1st Floor, New Trading Ring, Plot No. C/1, G Block, Rotunda Building, P. J Tower, Bandra Kurla Complex, Dalal Street, Fort Bandra (E), Mumbai-400 051. Mumbai-400 001 NSE Code:BODALCHEM BSE Code: 524370 Dear Sir /Madam, Sub: Copies of Newspaper Advertisement for Notice of 34th Annual General Meeting, E-voting Information and Book Closures of the Company. We herewith enclose Scan copy of Newspaper for advertisement of Notice of 34th Annual General Meeting, Information on E-Voting & Book Closures, published in The Economic Times (English Edition in English Language at page no.4 and Gujarati Edition in Gujarati Language at Page no. 7) on Wednesday 29th July 2020. Kindly find the said Scan copies of Newspapers for your information and records. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For, BODAL CHEMIC Company Secretary Encl: As Above. HEAD OFFICE: Tel: +91 79 2583 5437 Plot No. 123-124, Phase-1, www.bodal.com 2583 4223, 25831684 G.l.D.C, Vatva, Ahmedabad- 382 445., CIN No.: L24110GJl986PLC009003 Fax: +91 2583 5245, 25836052 I Gujarat, India. E-mail: [email protected] I Commodities THE ECONOMIC TIMES _I AHMEDABAD I WEDNESDAY I 29 JULY 2020 I WWW.ECONOMICTIMES.COM 3RD FlOOR,C� . --CIIIIIL.-. c---. a-.�.n--...___- - TOGETHER WITH UNDMDED SHARE OF LAND ADMEASURING ABOUT 42.364 SQ MTRS A The borrower's attention Is Invited to provisions of sub-section (8) of section 13 of theAct, In respectof time SCHEME KNOWN AS "GOKUL GALAXY RESIDENCY" OF N.A. LAND BEARING avallable, to redeem the secured assets. Home FirstFinance Company India Limited, AMALGAMATION BLOCK NO. 782, 785 ADMEASURING ABOUT 44940 SQ. MTRS. (OLD DESCRIPTION OF THE IMMOVABLE PROPERTY CIN:U65990MH2010PTC240703, Website: homeflrstindia.com SURVEYN0. 1726, 1730, 1731, 1732, 1733/1, 1733/2,1733/3, 1736) 0FM0JE VILLAGE KATHWADA SIM, TALUKA DASKROI, IN THE REGISTRATION SUB-DISTRICT OF 1. All piece& Parcelof immovable propertybearing plot no 32 R S No 763/2 paiki Deesa highway Road B/h NeesargMotors homelirstWelltahyoulNIN Phone No.: 180030008425, Email ID: [email protected] AHMEDABAD & SUB REGISTRAR AHMEDABAD-12 (NIKOL) WITHIN THE STATE OF PalanpurDist. Banaskantha admeasuring in all 1570 Sq fti.e 145.85 Sq. Mir. belongs_to Mr. Bhemjibhai Bhikhabhai Pavaya. NOTICE OF SALE THROUGH PRIVATE TREATY GUJARAT AND THE SAID FLAT IS BOUNDED BY: EAST: BLOCK NO. N17, WEST : FLAT NO. A 18/17, NORTH: BLOCK NO. N21, SOUTH: FLAT ND. A 18/19 (P.S.Meena) Sale of Secured assets under Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Dlle:MT/2818 Id/- �olllcer Place: Palanpur AuthorizedOfficer/Chief Manager , Enforcement of Security Interest Act. 2002 - (Notice Under Rule 8 (6)) Place:___,,.. CltllrlllNII lllntol Date: 21-07-2020 Bank of Baroda, Palanpur Main Branch, Palanpar The undersignedas Authorizedof Offioer Home F'IISIFinance Company India Limited(Home First) has taken over possessionof theschedules property,in tenns of section13(4) of the subjectact in connectionwith outstandingdues payable by you to us. Please refer our Notice datlld 1ll/0l/2020,wherein we informedthat we have published Auction Noticein Economic limn(English + Gujarati) by fixingthe Rnerve Priceof !ll m Rs. 5,53,000/•.Tbe Auctionwas scheduledon 20/07/2020.TbeAuction could not be successfuldue to lackof any bidder. 1_ob_ oo_ k_ �_ �_ 'J_ iii_ ve_ r_ ssis_ �_ -�-n-� Public al largeIs informedthat the secured property(ies)as mentioned In the Scheduleare available for sale through Private Treaty, as par the T'IMESinfer _•____ BODAL CHEMICALS LTD. tennsagreeable to the Companyfor realisation of Company's dues on "/ISIS WHERE IS BASIS" and "AS IS WHAT IS BASIS", at the minimum Only). -�I.Id. CIN: L24110GJ1986PLC009003 SlitP!lce of RI. 5,50,000,,. (RupeesFlw Laca andFifty Thousand FINANCE Hence,in termsof the provisionsof thesubject Act and Rules made thereunder, we issue thisnotice to you to enable you to discharge the amount jobs PROPERTY Registered Office : Plot No. 123 &124, Phase-I, GIDC, Vatva, Ahmedabad-382 445. due to the Company and takeback theassets mentioned in the schedule,failing which the essets will besold to dischargethe liabilities.This Is ANCILLARIES Corporate Office : "BODA!.CORPORATE HOUSE', Nr. Anand Niketan School, withoutprejudice to any olherrights available to theCompany under the subjectActor any otherlaw in force. n"C\Yield/, Nr. Shilaj Circle, Off.S P Ring Road, Thaltej, Ahmedabad-380059. The interestedparties may contact the AuthorizedOfficer forfurlher details/ clarificationsand for submitting their offers. Sale shall be inA SITUATION #� Financef Ph.: 079-68160100 • E-mail: [email protected]• Web: www.bodal.com 8CCOldanceprovisions withthe of SARFAESIAct/Rules. VACANT A COMPLm TRADEFl NANCE Name of the Detailsof property/owner - OutstandingAmount as on Date & time of onslte SOLUTIONSCOMPANY OFFERING Notice of the 34th Annual General Meeting, Information on E-Voting, Book Closures Account/Gunntorl ofthe nronertv Demand Notice Date IIIIOldloneltheDl'Olllffll FOUDWINGPRODUCTS : LEASE&RENT NoticeIs herebygiven that the 34thAnnual General Meeting (AGM) of theCompany wtII be held on llanvwf1): Flat No. 401, having a BuiltupAree of 27. 77 Sq. Mir.and RI. 6,66,3161- as on 30/07/2020to 04/08/2020 MARr,ETING ■ lettnof CreditSight at Thursday,20th August 2020 at 12.00 noon 1ST throughVideo Conference�C)/ Other Audio Visual VljayAsaram Survalllhl CarpetAreaof270Sq. Ft. and Super Bulltup Areeof 491 03/01/2020plus interest & 11.00AMto 5.00PM ADVERTISING & ■ u..nceLettn of Credit Means(OAVM)totransactthebuslnessassetoutlnthe NotlceofAnnualGeneralMeetlngwltlchhas 111d Sq. Ft., Shlvay Residency, Block No. 200/A, Plot No. otherincidental (AO - Mr. Kunal Chauhan ■ StandbyLettn of Credit been sent to the Members. Chaya VljaySurvalllhl 291 to 295, Gokuldham Vila, Moje Tatithaya, Palsana, SALES AVAILABLE on Rent, ■ Bank Guarantees Surat- 394305 chargesthereon. Mob: 9106879750) n In view of ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and In Compliancewith theprovision of the CompaniesAct, Iscon Plati um,Bopal, 4 BHK, ■ RWA/POF/SWiftUeaagn DateI 29.07.2020 Sd/- AuthorizedOfficer, New Flat, New Fully Fur­ 2013 (theAct) and the cln:ularsIssued by the Mlnlstly of Corporate Affairs(MCA) dated 5th May, nished & New All Electro­ Place Surat: HomeFirst Finance Company India Limited MARKETING nics, 9th Fir, Rishi Properties 2020 read withcln:ulars dated8th April,2020 and 13th April, 2020 (MCA Cln:ulars)and the 9825807808 Brokers Excuse Securitiesand Exchange ofBoard of India(SEBI} (llstlngObllgatlons and Disclosuresrequirements) WE are looking for smart & Regulations,2015 and Securitiesand ExchangeBoard of India Cln:ulardated 12thMay, 2020 enthusiastic sales person (SEBI Cln:ular)conducting Annual General Meeting through Video Conference�C) or OtherAudio male/ female for the show­ Visual Means (OAVM)l.e. without the Physical presenceof Members at Common venue Is pennltted. IIIII/Dl'i,;31fg;. "'13llfli1,J)cJ Bankof Baroda room of the premium brand .,_,BanlcafBaroda of appliances like Bosch & WAREHOUSES Accordingly,the above mentionedAGM (Annual General Meeting)of theMembers of the Company a= '!lE-... Palanpur Main Branch, Gurunanak Chowk, Palace Road, Palanpur-385001 Siemens. Candidate must wtll be held throughVC/ OAVM. Ph:-02742-252213:252313:Fax-02742•252508 [email protected] a n 1 Members may notethat theNotice of theAGM and the Annual Reportfor FY 2019-20 have been �i����� ?Y!�r:�, �:ie�ni POSSESSION NOTICE (F or immovable property) Marketing experience uploaded on thewebsite of the Company at www.bodal.com. The same can also be accessedfrom required of any field. Inter­ the website of Stock ExchangesI.e. BSE Umlted-www.bselndla.comand National SiokExchange of WhereasThe unde,signedbeing the AuthorizedOfficer of the Bank of Barodaunder theSecuritisation and Reconstructionof ested people call on +91 9825042453. TO PLACEAN India Limited:www.nselndla.com. Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security lnterestAct, 2002 and in exercise of powersconferreq 1/nderSection 13(12) read Members canAttend and PartlclpeteIn the AGM throughthe VC/ OAVM facllltyOnly. The Instruction ADVEfflSEMENT for Joining the AGM areprovided In theNotice of Annual General Meeting (AGM) for thepurpose of with rule 3 of the SecurityInterest {Enforcement)Rules, 2002 issued a Demand Noticedated 24.09.2019 callingupon the MEDICAL reckoningthe quorum under section 103 of the Act, the Attendanceof Members attendingthrough (1). Mis Unique Enterprise, a Registered Partnership Finn (Borrower), Near Neesarg Compound, Deesa-palanpur IN THISSECTION VC/ OAVM wtll be counted. Hlghway,Tal Palanpur, Dist Banaskantha-385001 (2) Mr. Yaslnbhai VajirtlhalBanglawala (Partner)(3) Mrs. Mumtazben CALL TheNotice of AGM, '.AnnualReport for thefinancial year 2019-20 and remotee-votlng Instructions Yaslnbhal Banglawala (Partner) Both (2) and (3) Partners Residing at Smrutl Khanvalavas, At & Po Kanodar, Tai MEDICAL have been sent only by electronic mode to those members whose email address are registeredwith Palanpur Dist Banaskantha-385001 (4) Mr. Dlpenkumar Prakashkumar Agrawal (Partner) (5) Mr. Prakashkumar Ah11111dahad: the Company/RTA/OeposltoriesIn accordancewith the MCA Cln:ularsand SEBICln:ular. Such Danmalbhal Agrawal(Partner) Both (4) and (5) PartnersResiding at House No. 148Ankdeep TulslparkSociety, Gobri REQRadiologist,
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