New or interesting lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France. X Emmanuël SÉRUSIAUX1, Paul DIEDERICH2, Damien ERTZ3, Maarten BRAND4 & Pieter VAN DEN BOOM5 1 Plant Taxonomy and Conservation Biology Unit, University of Liège, Sart Tilman B22, B-4000 Liège, Belgique ([email protected]) 2 Musée national d’histoire naturelle, 25 rue Munster, L-2160 Luxembourg, Luxembourg ([email protected]) 3 Jardin Botanique National de Belgique, Domaine de Bouchout, B-1860 Meise, Belgium ([email protected]) 4 Klipperwerf 5, NL-2317 DX Leiden, the Netherlands ([email protected]) 5 Arafura 16, NL-5691 JA Son, the Netherlands ([email protected]) Sérusiaux, E., P. Diederich, D. Ertz, M. Brand & P. van den Boom, 2006. New or interesting lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France. X. Bul- letin de la Société des naturalistes luxembourgeois 107 : 63-74. Abstract. Review of recent literature and studies on large and mainly recent collections of lichens and lichenicolous fungi led to the addition of 35 taxa to the flora of Belgium, Lux- embourg and northern France: Abrothallus buellianus, Absconditella delutula, Acarospora glaucocarpa var. conspersa, Anema nummularium, Anisomeridium ranunculosporum, Artho- nia epiphyscia, A. punctella, Bacidia adastra, Brodoa atrofusca, Caloplaca britannica, Cer- cidospora macrospora, Chaenotheca laevigata, Collemopsidium foveolatum, C. sublitorale, Coppinsia minutissima, Cyphelium inquinans, Involucropyrenium squamulosum, Lecania fructigena, Lecanora conferta, L. pannonica, L. xanthostoma, Lecidea variegatula, Mica- rea micrococca, Micarea subviridescens, M. vulpinaris, Opegrapha prosodea, Parmotrema stuppeum, Placynthium stenophyllum var. isidiatum, Porpidia striata, Pyrenidium actinellum, Thelopsis rubella, Toninia physaroides, Tremella coppinsii, Tubeufia heterodermiae, Verru- caria acrotella and Vezdaea stipitata. Three species are to be deleted from that flora: Brodoa intestiniformis, Fuscopannaria saubinetii and Squamarina oleosa. 1. Introduction contributions to the lichen and lichenicolous flora and vegetation of the study area have This paper continues the series of notes on been detected or published: the flora of lichens and lichenicolous fungi in Belgium, Luxembourg and northern ● Killmann & Fischer (2001) report the dis- France (incl. the Boulogne and Picardy dis- covery of Arthonia cinnabarina (DC.) Wallr. tricts in NW France). The former contribu- near Berdorf (Luxembourg) in 2001; the spe- tion appeared in 2003 (Sérusiaux et al. 2003) cies has not been seen in that country since th and it is thus appropriate to publish the the 19 century. recent additions and changes to the checklist ● Vanholen (2003) has produced a detailed of species present in that area (Diederich & survey of the epiphytic macrolichens in the Sérusiaux 2000). This paper further includes “Région de Bruxelles-Capitale” through the most recent data regarding the nomencla- 470 relevés. A total of 32 species have been ture and taxonomy of the species present. detected and a correlation with atmospheric pollution data shows an increasing eutrophi- cation of tree bark in this large urban area. 2. Survey of other publications on the lichen flora and vegetation of the study area ● van den Boom & Brand (2003) describe the new Verrucaria squamulosa Brand & Since the previous paper published in this van den Boom on the basis of material col- series (Sérusiaux et al. 2003), the following lected in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Bull. Soc. Nat. luxemb. 107 (2006) 63 Netherlands. It is closely related to V. mac- ● Diederich et al. (2004) report the results rostoma and was mentioned in the checklist of two field trips in 2002 and 2003 in south- as “Verrucaria sp. (as Verrucaria squamu- ern Belgium (Lorraine district). Two species losa ined. in Ertz 1999)” (Diederich & Séru- are reported as new for the area of study: siaux 2000: 174). It has been transferred to Micarea vulpinaris (Nyl.) Muhr (= Micarea the genus Involucropyrenium by Breuss & muhrii Coppins) and Pyrenidium actinel- Türk (2004: 214) as I. squamulosum (Brand lum Nyl., while Lichenopeltella hydrophila & van den Boom) Breuss. is mentioned for the first time in Belgium. A healthy population of the rare Clado- ● van den Boom (2003) reports Micarea nia zopfii was rediscovered near Arlon (B subviridescens (Nyl.) Hedl. as new for Bel- Lorr). gium. This species was previously included in Micarea prasina. ● Aptroot & van Herk (2004) mention the occurrence of Caloplaca britannica R. Sant. ● Sparrius & Aptroot (2003) describe the from Belgium (“Vlaams Brabant”; report new and most probably widespread Bacidia formerly published by Van den Broeck & adastra Sparrius & Aptroot, with material Aptroot 2003), a mostly saxicolous species from Belgium, Germany, Great Britain and growing in ruderal conditions and produc- the Netherlands. ing a microsquamulose thallus and granular ● In a series of papers starting in 2003, Van soredia. It should be looked for in the area den Broeck and co-workers have published covered by the checklist, as it is most likely several interesting species, including first a widespread taxon. reports for the area covered by the checklist, ● Sérusiaux, Diederich & Lambinon (2004) from a poorly studied part of Belgium, the have published identification keys for all Flemish and Campine districts (B Fl. and macrolichens present in the study area: 327 Camp.) (Van den Broeck & Aptroot, 2003; species are included, 125 are illustrated in Van den Broeck, 2003; Van den Broeck et colour and 241 distribution maps are pro- al., 2004a, b; Slembrouck et al., 2004; Van duced. An important taxonomical change den Broeck et al., 2004; Van den Broeck, with the checklist (Diederich & Sérusiaux 2005). After examination of the correspond- 2000) is the inclusion of all species of ing specimens, we accept the following spe- Cladina in Cladonia. The following spe- cies to be added to the checklist: Lecanora cies are new for the area covered: Anema conferta (Fr.) Grognot, L. pannonica Sza- nummularium (Durieu & Mont.) Nyl. and tala, Lecidea variegatula Nyl., Micarea Placynthium stenophyllum (Tuck.) Fink var. micrococca (Körb.) Coppins, Parmotrema isidiatum Henssen; Baeomyces callianthus stuppeum (Taylor) Hale, Verrucaria acro- is treated as a variety of B. rufus; and Squa- tella Nyl., and Vezdaea stipitata Poelt & marina oleosa (Zahlbr.) Poelt is deleted Döbbeler. For three others, we wish to post- from the checklist. pone such a decision until more evidence is ● van den Boom & Brand (2005) document available: Bacidia viridescens (A. Massal.) the presence of Lecania fructigena Zahlbr. Norman, Cladonia incrassata Flörke, and on rocks in coastal areas of Europe; they Verrucaria tectorum (Massal.) Körber. report its occurrence in the area of study, at Those papers are also important for the keys the “Cap Gris-Nez” in F Mar. The species of the macrolichens in the area of study must thus be added to the checklist. (Sérusiaux et al. 2004) as two species not ● Diederich et al. (2006) provide a further included in those keys are involved (Clado- contribution to the lichen flora of northern nia incrassata and Parmotrema stuppeum). France (Lorr.). A total of 264 species of ● Ertz & Duvivier (2004) have published a lichens and lichenicolous fungi are recorded detailed analysis of the lichen flora and veg- in eight localities, incl. the “forêt du Mont- etation in the “vallée de l’Eau d’Heure” (B Dieu” S of Sedan, a site of high biological Mosan). They report many interesting data, interest with Cetrelia olivetorum, Cladonia amongst which Paranectria oropensis is cyathomorpha and Lobaria pulmonaria new for Belgium. well-developed on old boles of several 64 Bull. Soc. Nat. luxemb. 107 (2006) Fraxinus trees. Acarospora glaucocarpa siaux 2000: 147): P. macrocarpa f. nigro- (Ach.) Körb. var. conspersa (Fr.) Th. Fr. cruenta (Anzi) Fryday. and Thelopsis rubella Nyl. are reported as Halda (2003) revised the species of Bagliet- new for the area covered by the checklist; toa and concluded that these species should Lecanora xanthostoma Fröberg is confirmed be included in Verrucaria. The four species for the same area and a second world report of Bagliettoa recognized in our study area of Pronectria terrestris is documented. are reduced to two species: Verrucaria bal- ● van den Boom & van den Boom (2006) densis A. Massal. (incl. B. parmigera and provide a detailed inventory of lichens and B. steineri) and Verrucaria parmigerella lichenicolous fungi in several nature reserves Zahlbr. in northern Belgium. 159 taxa are reported, Several recent papers have reorganized the incl. the following species which are new delimitations of important genera, based on for Belgium: Caloplaca phlogina, Cerci- new morphological and anatomical data and/ dospora macrospora, Lecanora persimilis, or phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences. Lichenoconium xanthoriae, Trichonectria Genera concerned are Acarospora, the rubefaciens and Tubeufia heterodermiae. parmelioid genera and Xanthoria. The lichenicolous fungi Cercidospora mac- rospora (Uloth) Hafellner & Nav.-Ros. and In Acarospora, Harris (2004) has adopted Tubeufia heterodermiae Etayo are to be the name Myriospora heppii (Hepp) R. C. added to the checklist. They also report the Harris for the quite isolated A. heppii, while occurrence of Physcia clementei, a species Vězda (2002) has introduced the new genus not seen in the study area since 1954 and Polysporinopsis Vězda for two well-known which was considered as extinct (Sérusiaux
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