EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Frank M . Child ill Dirk Kuyk !tinity ProftJJor of Biology Professor of E11gliJh Gerald J . Hansen, Jr. '51 Theodore T. Tansi '54 Vol. 19, No. 1 (ISSN 01643983) Winter 1989 Director of Alumni & College Relations Susan E. Weisselberg '76 Editor: William L. Churchill J . Ronald Spencer '64 Associate Editor: Roberta Jenckes M '87 Associate Academic Dean Sports Editor: Gabriel P. Harris '87 Staff Writers: Martha Davidson, Elizabeth Natale NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Publications Assistant: Kathleen Davidson Executive Committee Photograph er: Jon Lester President Robert E. Brickley '67 West Hartford, CT ARTICLES Vice Presidents Alumni Fund Stephen H . Lockton '62 MEL KENDRICK: ESSAYS 7 Greenwich, CT By Michael FitzGerald Admissions Jane W. Melvin '84 Small wood works by a gifted sculptor Hartford, CT and alumnus highlighted the fa ll exhibits A rca Associations Thomas D. Casey '80 at the Austin Arts Center. Washington, D.C. METHUSALIFE AND Nominating Committee David A. Raymond '63 ESCAPISM 10 South Windsor, CT By jennifer Rider '90 Members A work by a student playwright is Allen B. Cooper '66 Michael B. Masius '63 representative of a recent anthology of San Francisco, CA Hartford, CT plays by Trinity undergraduates. Karen A. Jeffers '76 Eugene M. Russell '80 Westport, CT Boston, MA THE CHANGING CAMPUS 18 Robert E. Kehoe '69 Jeffrey H. Seibert '79 By Roberta jenckes M'87 Chicago, IL Baltimore, MD Daniel L. Korengold '73 Stanley A. Twardy, Jr. '73 A new dormitory and additions to the Washington, D.C. Stamford, CT Ferris Athletic Center are among major Michael Maginniss '89 Pamela W. Von Seldeneck '85 campus improvements. Senior C lass President Philadelphia, PA Dorothy McAdoo MacColl '74 Alden R. Gordon '69 THE BUSINESS OF DOING Haverford, PA Faculty Representative BUSINESS IN THE SOVIET UNION 24 Athletic Advisory Committee A panel of experts discusses the benefits Donald J. Viering '42 Denise Joncs-Sciarra 'RO Simsbury, CT Wethersfield, CT and drawbacks of "cutting deals" in the U.S.S.R. Alwmri Trustees David R. Smith '52 George E. Andrews II '66 Greenwich, CT Newport, Ill DEPARTMENTS Carolyn A. Pelzel '74 Michael Zoob '58 Hampstead, NH Boston, MA Along the Walk 1 Arlene A . Forasricrc '71 Jo Anne A. Epps '73 Books 17 Ann Arbor, Ml Marlton, NJ Sports 31 Nominatin,~ Commitue David A. Raymond '63, Stanley A. Twardy, Jr. '73 Class Notes 37 chairman Stamford, CT South Windsor, CT In Memory 59 William Vibert '52 Karen Jeffers '76 Granby, CT Westport, CT Merrill Yavinsky '65 COVER: Cast sculpture, "Five Piece Purple Heart Wenda Harris Millard '76 Washington, D.C. BrMze," by Mel Kendrick '71 is a gift from him and New York, NY the Class of 1987 to the College. Board of Fellows Published by the Office of Public Relations, Triniry College, Hartford, Connecticut 06106. Issued four Bernard F. Wilbur, Jr. '50 Edward H . Yeterian '70 times a year: Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. Second West Hartford, CT Waterville, ME class postage paid at Hartford, Connecticut and addi­ Norman C. K<ayscr '57 Susan E. Wcissclbcrg '70 tional mailing offices. West Hartford, CT New Haven, CT The Trinity Reporter is mailed to al umni, parents, fac­ Vi ctor F. Keen '63 Stephen P. Jones '63 ulry, staff and friends of Trinity College without New York, NY Hartford, CT charge. All publication rights reserved and contents Robert Epstein '74 Charles H. McGill '1\3 may be reproduced or reprinted only by written per­ Minneapolis, MN mission of the Editor. Opinions expressed are those of Cambridge, MA the editors or contributors and do not reflect the official Andrew H. Walsh '79 William H . Schweitzer '66 position of Trinity College. Hartford, CT Alexandria, VA Postmaster: Send address change to Trinity Reporter, Margaret-Mary V. Preston '79 Triniry College, Hartford, CT 06106. Baltimore, MD ALONG THE WALK TRINITY COLLEGE - FALL CONVOCATION began with a discussion of the Russian Literary Tradition by Olga P . Hasty, assis­ tant professor of modern languages. Dean of the Faculty Jan Cohn and Assistant Professor of English Barbara Benedict also spoke at this session. Campaign for Trinity Development Constance Ware, the "There are still many unmet Campaign's success was assured needs," Harries told the alumni, Goes Over the Top through a trust fund established by parents and friends attending the ........................................................ the late Walter M . Farrow '11, convocation dinner. Among the which is being turned over to the needs Harries cited were the new Eight months ahead of schedule, College. The fund, now valued at academic building and the alumni/ the $42 million Campaign for Trin­ roughly $2 million, is only the third faculty house, the costs of which ity, launched in the fall of 1986, has bequest of this magnitude in Trin­ have increased above the amounts surpassed its goal. ity's history. estimated at the start of the drive. Announcement that the three­ Though the goal has been Financial aid, scientific equipment year drive had attained $42.6 mil­ achieved, fund-raising will continue and computer hardware are other lion was made during a day-long through the scheduled end of the categories where the demands con­ convocation in October highlight­ Campaign on June 30, 1989, ac­ tinue to grow. ing Trinity's Russian and Soviet cording to co-chairmen, Brenton Of the $42.6 million raised, $26.6 Studies program. W. Harries '50 and Morris Lloyd, million was donated by alumni and According to Vice President for Jr. '60. widows of alumni; $5.6 million by ALONG THE WALK parents and friends; $5.2 million by count manager for Keiler Advertis­ In addition to these appoint­ foundations; $3.6 million by corpo­ ing in Farmington, CT, an account ments, Sandra Blanchard was pro­ rations; and $1.6 million by match­ executive with Schofield & Com­ moted to assistant director of the ing gift companies and other pany in Boston, MA and a staff re­ career counseling office where she sources. porter for The New Haven Register. had been the recruiting coordinator Vice President Ware paid special Devine is a 1978 graduate of Mary­ since 1984. Previously, she worked tribute to the Trinity faculty's par­ mount College. in the executive employment and ticipation in the Campaign under In development, Rhonda L. recruitment office at G. Fox & the leadership of Edward W. Sloan, Geddis was appointed an assistant Company in Hartford and was as­ Northam Professor of History. director of annual giving with re­ sistant to the dean of admissions at "Out of 180 faculty members, we sponsibility for solicitations in the Harvard Law School. She received received gifts from 177 individ­ classes before 1935, 1950-58 and a B.A. in psychology from Central uals," Ware reported, "whi ch is a 1970-75. Before coming to Trinity, Connecticut State College in 1977. respo.nse exceeding 98 percent re­ Geddis was the registrar at Albertus sulting in a gift total of some Magnus College. She also worked $155,000." for the Private Industry Council in Gifts Benefit Campaign Director Laurence S. New Britain, CT and International Academic Building Duffy credited the Campaign's suc­ Business Machines in Hartford. She cess to a broad base of donors and holds a B.A. degree in community dedicated volunteers. "Though the psychology from Albertus Magnus. The Hartford Courant Founda­ goal has been reached, we will keep Carol P. Kessel was-named asso­ tion and J.P. Morgan & Co. Inc. our momentum over the coming ciate comptroller in the business of­ each have made gifts to The Cam­ months," he said. "The Campaign fice. Previously, she was the paign for Trinity that will be used leadership is committed to setting assistant for university financial toward the construction of the new new levels of achievement before analysis/assistant director in the of­ academic building. the drive ends next June." fice of student accounts at the State The Courant Foundation gift of University of New York at Bing­ $60,000 will be used toward a 2 hamton. Prior to that, she had lobby and lounge in the Aetna Life - Administrative worked as supervisor of income ac­ & Casualty Foundation Mathemat­ counting and coordinator of student ics Center, part of the new struc­ Appointments accounts at Skidmore College. She ture. In addition to Trinity Are Announced holds a B.A. from Skidmore Col­ students, the mathematics center ........................................................ lege and an M.B.A. from SUNY at will be used by Hartford-area pub­ Binghamton. lic school children who participate Several administrators who work with alumni were appointed re­ cently. Two appointments were made in the alumni and college relations of­ fice. Nancy Lyn Tellier '87 was named assistant director of alumni relations. Before joining the admin­ istration, she worked in New York City as an operations manager at Alcott & Andrews and a manage­ ment trainee at The Bank of New York. While majoring in history at Trinity, she founded and managed NLT Limited, a clothing and jew­ elry business geared toward college students. As the new special events coordi­ nator, Eugenie M. Devine will plan and implement major events includ­ ing Reunion. She is a free-lance public relations practitioner in the Hartford area and previously worked as a public relatiqns ac- Eugenie M. Devine and Nancy Lyn Tellier '87 ALONG THE WALK -3 Phmo by Willi:un L. Churchill DEKE HOUSE FIRE, ignited by a couch placed too close to a heater, has resulted in a temporary closing of the building and the relocation of the seven residents. Plans for renovation are incomplete; but the fraternity hopes to open the rear section of the house for the spring semester. in a variety of programs offered by members of its community by with honors in mathematics.
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