'-..r. - ,'l) . \( • Town of Morristown and Village of Morristown Local Waterfront Revitalization Program , u US Department ofCom1nerce NOAA Coastal Serrvk0s Center Library 2234 South Ho!hGn>n Avenue Charleston, SC 29405·2413 Adopted: Town of Morristown Town Board, November 13, 1990 Village of Morristown Board of Trustees, November 7, 1990 Approved: NYS Secretary of State Gail S. Shaffer, April 25, 1991 Concurred: U.S. Office of Ocean and Coastal Resources Management, July 29, 1991 This Local Waterfront Revitalization Program has been adopted and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Waterfront . Revitalization of Coastal Areas and Inland Waterways Act (Executive Law, Article 42) and its implementing regulations • (6 NYCRR 601). Federal concurrence on the incorporation ofthis Local Waterfront Revitalization Program into the New York State . Coastal Management Program as a Routine Program Implementation has been obtained in accordance with the provisions of the U.S. Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (P.L. 92-583), as amended, and its implementing regulations (15 CFR 923). The preparation of this program was financially aided by a federal grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended. Federal Grant No. NA-82-AA-D-CZ068. The New York State Coastal Management Program and the preparation of Local Waterfront Revitalization Programs are administered by the New York State Department ofState, Division of Coastal Resources and Waterfront Revitalization, 162 Washington Avenue, New York 12231. • US Department of Commerce NOAA Coastal Services Center Lf1t::,:,-_­ 2234 South Eo!ho:s>:Jl. Avenue Charleston, se 204A)iJ)-2418 '. STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT* OF STATE ALBANY. N.Y. 12231·0001 GAIL S. SHAFFER SECRETARY OF STATE ~APR 2 f) Honorable Ronald R. Wright Supervisor Town of Morristown P.O. Box 240 Morristown, NY 13664 Dear Supervisor Wright: It is with great pleasure that I inform you that, pursuant to the waterfront Revitalization of Coastal Areas and Inland Waterways Act, I have approved the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) prepared jointly by the Town and Village of Morristown. The Town and Village are to be cormnended for their thoughtful and energetic response to opportunities presented along their waterfront. I will notify state agencies shortly that I have approved the LWRP and will provide them with a list of their activities which must be undertaken in a manner consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP. Again, I would like to cormnend both the Town and Village for their efforts in developing the LWRP and look forward to working with you in the years to come as you endeavor to revitalize your waterfront. Sincerely, Gail S. Shaffer GSS:gn • STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF STATE ALBANY. N.Y. 12231·0001 GAIL S. SHAFFER SECRETARY OF STATE A.PR 2 ') ".:::-! Honorable Michael Bogart Mayor Village of Morristown P.O. Box 249 Morristown, NY 13664 Dear Mayor Bogart: It is with great pleasure that I inform you that, pursuant to the Waterfront .- Revitalization of Coastal Areas and Inland Waterways Act, I have approved the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) prepared jointly by the Town and Village of Morristown. The Town and Village are to be commended for their thoughtful and energetic response to opportunities presented along their waterfront. I will notify state agencies shortly that I have approved the LWRP and will provide them with a list of their activities which must be undertaken in a manner consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP. Again, I would like to commend both the Town and Village for their efforts in developing the LWRP and look forward to working with you in the years to come as you endeavor to revitalize your waterfront. Sincerely, Gail S. Shaffer GSS:gn • COUNCILMEN .JUSnC£S DAVID STOUT JAMES T. PHILUPS JR. IIRlER HILI.. NY R·I. HAMMONO. NY RONALO R. WRIGHT WlLUAM FARLEY WILLIAM BOGARDUS Box 123 R·ll. OGDENSBuRG. NY MORRISTOWN. NY MORRISTOWN. NEW YORK 13664 WILUAM RUSSELL OR • TOWN CL£RK PHONE 375-8841 375-6510 R-I. HAMMOND. NY BARBARA VAN TASSEL JOHN WILSON. JR. MORRI5TCWN. NY R·I. HAMMONO. NY HISTORIAN LORRAINE BOGARDUS R·2. OGDENSllURG. NY March 20. 1992 Mr. Harlan Conger State of New York Dept. of State Div. of Coastal Resources 162 Washington Ave., 4th Floor Albany. NY 12231 Dear Harlon: The following is the resolution adopted by the Town Board at its November 13, 1990, meeting regarding the adoption of the LWRP: BE IT RESOLVED that the town of Morristown institute Local Law #3 to set a minimum lot size for construction of 1 acre, ALSO. BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Morristown adopt a Local Law 14 • to establish requirements and procedures for LWRP consistency in the decision-making of the Town of Morristown, FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Morristown adopt Local Law US to allow for site plan review. BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Morristown accept the final draft of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. The motion was made by Councilman Stout. seconded· by Councilman Wilson, to accept Local Law 83 to limit the minimum lot size to 1 acre, to accept Local Law #4 for consistency in the LWRP, and to accept Local Law #5 to allow for site plan review. also. to accept the final draft of the LWRP. VOTING RESULTS: Councilman Farley aye Councilman Russell aye Councilman Stout aye Councilman Wilson aye Supervisor Wright aye • Page 2 CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION • STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss,: COUNTY OF ST. LAWRENCE ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT I, Barbara J. Van Tassel, Clerk of the Town of Morristown of the County of St. Lawrence, have compared the foregoing resolutiomwith the original reso1utiomnow on file in this office, and which wee adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Morristown of said County on November 13, 1990; and that the same is a true and correct transcript of said resolutions and of the whole thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of the Town of Morristown of the County of St. Lawrence. .~eP.O, J99c?- ~-~d~ Barba~Van Tassel Town Clerk Respectfully submitted, • -;dM-l~9-~1/~~ Barbara J. Van Tassel Town Clerk • jt.. •• VILLAGE OF MORRISTOWN ~• P.O. Box 249 ~ Morristown. N.Y. 13664 • Telephone (315) 375-8822 Resolution of the Village Board of Trustees Adopting the Village of Morristown Local Waterfront Revit­ alization Program WHEREAS, the Village of Morristown entered into a contract with the New York State Department of State, dated February 17, 1986 for preparation of a Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; .and WHEREAS, a Draft Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (DLWRP) was prepared under said contract with the guidance of the Waterfront Revitalization Program Advisory Committee and consulting assistance of the St. Lawrence-Eastern Ontario Commission; and WHEREAS, a Draft Environmental impact Statement (DEIS) was prepared for the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program in accordance with the requirements of Part 617 of the implementing regulations of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law; and WHEREAS, a DLWRP and DEIS were referred to appropriate Local Couty, State , and Federal Agencies in accordance with State and Fed~ral requirements; and • WHEREAS, a public hearing was advertised and held by the Mayor and Village Board of Trustees on March 14, 1989 to receive and consider comments on the DLWRP and DElS; and WHEREAS, a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) was prepared and accepted by the Mayor and the Village Board of Trustees as complete on March 30, 1990. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Village Board of Trustees of the Village of Morristown, New York, that the Local Waterfront Revitalization Pro~ram for the Village of Morristown is hereby approved and adopted. Resolution passed at a regular meeting of the Village Board of Trustees on November 1, 1990. Dated: November 13, 1990 Village Clerk • ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS • Village of Morristown Town of Morristown Mayor: Michael Bogart Supervisor: Ronald Wright Trustees: Philip Barse Councilmen: William Farley Michael Moore William Russell: Clerk: Linda LaBlanc David Stout John Wilson Clerk: Mary Newby Waterfront Advisory Committee Chairperson: Gloria Scott Johnson Members: Irving Bailey, Jr. Richard Johnson Lorraine Bogardus Robert LaRock Michael Bogart Michael Looney Ina Cree Penny Mead • Jerry Cring Shirley McDonald Gerald Durant Michael Moore Mary Ellen Duore Stephen Robinson William Farley Stephen Spilman Scott Frasier David Stout Patrick Hackett Ronald Wright Consultant: St. Lawrence-Eastern Ontario Commission Chairman: Francis Healey Executive Director: Daniel Palm Project Manager: Rodney McNeil Project Associates: Thomas Cutter Douglas Quinn Kenneth MacDonald Laurie Beckstead • Kathryn Carroll • TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION DESCRIPTION PAGE Executive Summary I WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION AREA BOUNDARY 1-3 II INVENTORY AND ANALysrs II-3 ill LOCAL POLICIES AND APPLICABLE STATE POLICES ID-5 IV PROPOSED USES AND PROJECTS IV-3 V TECHNIQUES FOR LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM V-3 VI FEDERAL AND STATE PROGRAMS LIKELY TO AFFECT VI-I IMPLEMENTATIQN vn CONSULTATION WITH OTHER AFFECTED FEDERAL, STATE, •• REGIONAL AND LOCAL AGENCIES vm LOCAL COMMITMENT vm-3 APPENDICES A Procedural Guidelines for Coordinating NYS & LWRP Consistency Review of Federal Agency Actions A-I B Guidelines for Coordinating Reviews of Proposed State and Federal Actions B-1 • LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. DESCRIPTION PAGE • la American Island Pools II-19 Ib Chippewa Creek Marsh IT-21 2 Jacques Cartier State Park IT-35 3 Chapman Park IT-37 4 Bayside Park Vicinity IT-39 5 Bayside Park - Phase I IV-13 6 Bayside Park - Phase IT IV-15 7 Bicycling/Jogging Path IV-17 8 Stone Windmill Restoration IV-19 9 Main Street Bridge Removal IV-21 10 Existing Zoning Schedule V-5 11 Existing Zoning Map V-7 12 Proposed zoning Map V-25 LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO.
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