O *S IV .,<"•" ! New Heating System ior ers to iiuu.j \t>V \' - v-,,rf - their dogs .show any bigiio T'^'^ Brayto! n Will be Installed mad. The mayor says: This Summer "Within the last two weeks, two dogs have developed labies and it has been necessary to kill thorn. It Is Enrollment Largest on Record known that one of thetfe dogs bit a i List of .Questions Submitted I * number of other clogs in the eastern I The Board,,-of Education on Mon­ section of tlio city, Don't; misS" it! Several pio, i,,,,,. day night heard a delegation of three "It is therefore very imperative Attendance indications large. posed zoning praiiiuiicv. " , members frp'm' the Parent-Teachers' thiat every owner of a dog shall keep ; Date: Wednesday, February 15th. were received Tuesday night ^J' „>,. Association' of the Lincoln School, 1 it tied up and not allow it to run at Time: 7:15 o'clock, sharp. meeting of the Common Council. who are ,anxious to have the board large. It is also equally urgent that • Place: Oakes Memorial Church, Among the protestants were Mrs. buy the DIJ. .Charles S. Hardy lot .at if any one has or knows of a sick dog East Summit. Frederick H. Doremus, Mrs. James Beechwood,, road and DeForest ave­ or one acting in an unnatural manner Cost: $1.5 0s each. W. Cromwell, Mrs. KirkeL William nue to'be/used mainly as a play­ that he report the case Immediately Invited: Any citizen of Summit in­ "Halls, Jr., W. Oakley Raymond, Mrs. ground in (toimcclion with the school. to the Police Department, terested in its welfare. Ernest Dressel North, Walter C. In the delegation were Mrs. Clifford A genuine, old-fashioned. New Heath, and J. William Cromwell, Jr. "Tf further cases develop it will be H. IjCendali; Mrp- Frederick Scott and England, democratic Town Meeting | Only one of the protests was read necessary to issue a proclamation re- Mrs. Elmer Underhill. The school should interest every citizen who I and that was from J. William Crom- commissioner^, were powerless to of­ quiring the muzzling of "all dogs. The would like to express himself, or her­ voluntary co-operation of all* owners ! well, Jr. It was pointed out that the fer any liolp. H. Donald Holmes, self, upon some phase of our com­ I New England avenue section should ] chairman' Njff' the buildings and of dogs will, I hope, make unneces-.' munity life. ' be restricted. Announcement was j grounds committee, expressed the sary the issuing of such a proclama- If you are satisfied with Summit ! made by Chairman Topping that the' on sentiment o'f'j'his colleagues when he | " - ^_ as it is, say so, and why! ordinance would be introduced at 1 said that'the board was willing, but I ' If you are not satisfied with Sum­ I the meeting February 20. In the ; that there'were no available funds laluilff .PreCaUtlOIlS mit as it is, say so, and why! ] conference that preceded the regular When the color organ comes 'to ly introduces color." ' ' ' ' ' He went ott ' to say that the bond O If you approve of the Civic Club, meeting Orion O. Oaks, president of Summit to take part in. the Summit Mr. Wilfred will present four limit, so faj^Bi'schools are concerned, \ say so. and why! the Bast Summit Men's League Choral Society's first concert bf the had practically been reached, or j Against Mad Dogs If you disapprove of the Civic Club, color compositions in the middle sec­ talked against certain sections of> the ' season musicians will have no mon- tion of the concert, also an accom­ would be Mien the addition to the, s:iy so, and why! measure as affecting the interests of i oply of interest in its exhibition. It Washington^School in North Summit' This will be an oppbrtunity to paniment to IMacDowell's "To a Wild- ] his section of the city. ] is provoking much attention from- a return- to the first." is paid fori arid a complete new heat­ Board of Health Arranges criticize or suggest, without fear or j Former Councilman J. Truslow those who love scenic- effects and ing system) for the Brayton School Inoculation Periods for favor. From such an interchange of I acknowledged the gift of a floral i from artists, " 'The New Art of' Light' is what' installed. T^ese two necessities are ideas much good should result. I piece sent, by the Council out of re- | Norman Lee Bwartout, playwright Mr. Wilfred himself will .call, his in- expected to;" cost' something over Tuesdays and Fridays The committee on arrangements spect to his father, former Mayor ' and best known to Summit as direc- Rose," sung by the Choral Society. $50,000. ''"," has already received many important The song sections of the program 0 1 William Newton Adams who died I tor ot (he Playhouse, has this to say "It would',.' * a fine thing for the Case Develops in East Summit topics for consideration, among which a few days ago. ' " ' about it in a personal letter Mr. preceding and following the Clavilux pupils and' the city if we could see are: Jacob MiUitel was given permis-' James J. Allen, vice-president of the are as follows: our way clear to get the Hardy lot," Are Summit's taxes, to be re­ sion to shoot squirrels on the prop- i Summit Choral Society: A Kpniitf Symphony- ('aniat;i ti>r, three- continued !Miy Holmes, "but I cannot The head of a spaniel owned by duced or equalized? part chorus <}i>U<m erties at 27 Bellevue avenue, and 125 ; "I saw an exhibition of the a. Allegro con nioto ; li. Andante appas- see how it cUri be accomplished at this J. J. King, of 43 Morris,avenue, wa'fi Are health regulations regard­ Beechwood road, it having been re- j Clavilux at the Neighborhood time. The^ feoard is as close to its Hionat.i ; c. Kchi-rzo ; Finale, Presto. sent to the Newark Board of Health, ing streets, alleys and garbage ' ported that the frisky animals were Playhouse in New York last a. Snow Fairies Civil Forsyth debt limit'as ^lt can consistently go," 1 last Saturday and on the following collection being enforced? damaging the houses. season, and have never forgot-~\ h. March Hitntinytoa Woorfmuji "Suppose We could get an option Monday word came back that the Does Summit need a full-time e. Waters Ripple and Flow 1 The bonds of City Treasurer Al- ten it. I take pleasure in recom­ on the lot',* said Mrs. Kendall, animal had rabies. The dog was act­ mayor ? hert Leach, Tax Receiver William mending it to any one who wish­ Czecho-Klovalt Folksong "would that,help any?" When is West Summit going Group of nnmposltlcniB on the Clavilux ing strangely and word was sent to Schultz and Constable Charles E. es a new and fascinating experi­ THOMAS WILFRED Commissioner John D. Morgan, Dr. Albert H. Mcintosh. His belief to get an elementary school? Fisher were filed. ence in the theatre, and endorso To a Wild Rose Edioant. MacDowull who is a/ lawyer, said that the city was that the spaniel had rabies and Is a community chest desir­ To the streets and sewer commit­ almost everything said of it in (Choral .Society accompanied by Clavilux) Group of Compositions on the Clavilux could not enter into any negotiations he advised that it be put to death, able for Summit? tee was referred a letter received by your circular. I sincerely hope until the money was available or was TrruMAS WILFRED which was done. What action shall we take to Mayor Merrill from the Union County that the people of Summit will a. Dawn of L,ovo (.Comer Wall^)_,_, in sight." ' Last Friday night the Board of Improve the commuting service? Board of Freeholders asking the mu­ avail themselves of the privilege Rudolf Frcnil l>. Cradle Song TsehaikowskiJ Then It was suggested by Mm, Health discussed tne precautions Direct representation for East nicipality to clear the snow from you are offering them." Kendall that perhaps the people of Summit in the Common Council. a. Spinning Sonp ..Old German Folksong that ought to be taken in the case of county bridges in its territory. Miss Bertha Saunders, artist and Arranged for women's volenti by the' norths/side might be generous What is the present status of dogs, It having been reported that Certification was made of the instructor at Kent Place School, is Mary Helen Brown enough to'buy the lot and present it Summit's program for parks, several had acted in such a amount needed for school purposes urging her colleagues to go and see b. The Komaika Edna liosalino Park to the boajd, Under these circum­ playgrounds, soldiers' memorial manner that there was a belief for tha current year. It is estimated what this new art is doing in form Great interest has been shown in stances there would be nothing to and zoning. that they might be ' suffering that $165,759 will be needed. this presentation of the color-organ prevent the board from accepting it. and color. As one scientifically from rabies. It was decided to order What can be done to develop On the certificate of the Bond of minded spectator of the organ ex­ by musical celebrities, and special President Robert Nixon -interject­ a supply of anti-rabies serum and it North Summit? Fire Chiefs, Owen Smith was admit­ plains: "Sinuous streams of colored, guests of the Choral Society will be: ed to say that gifts to the board were came on Monday.
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