Ca.506Ec.Cwk (WP)

Ca.506Ec.Cwk (WP)

CATALOGUE OF SUBUN-SO BOOK STORE No.506 2010 item no.1442 ◇◆◇◆ GENERAL ECONOMICS ◇◆◇◆ 1 ABEL (C.) & LEWIS (C.M.)(Ed.) LATIN AMERICA, ECONOMIC IMPERIALIISM AND THESTATE: The Political economy of the External connection from Independence to the Present. Athlone press,1985. xiv,540pp. dw. 3,000 2 ABEL (M.) DYNAMISCHE WIRTSCHAFTSFUHRUNG. Fuhrungslehre fur die Betriebspraxis. Wiesbaden: Dr.Th.Gabler, 1961. 260pp. 3,000 3 ABRAHAM-FROIS (G.) & BERREBI (E.) THEORY OF VALUE, PRICES AND ACCUMULATION. A mathematical integration of Marx, von Neumann and Sraffa. Cambridge U.P., 1979. 260pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5,000 4 ADDY (S.O.) CHURCH AND MANOR A Study in English Economic History. (1912) Kelley, 1970. xxx,473pp. 3,000 5 AGAZZINI (M.) LA SCIENCE DE L'ECONOMIE POLITIQUE, Ou principes de laformation, du progres, et de la decadence de la richesse et application de ces principes a L'administration economique des nations. Paris: Londres, Bossange,1822.First Ed.,1 engraved plate and 13 folding tables. xv,389pp. 3/4 calf & marbled boads. spine rubbed. title page. 2 stamped. owner's sign. 42,000 6 ALISON (A.) THE PRINCIPLES OF POPULATION, and their connection with Human Happiness. Edinburgh: W.Blackwood, 1840. First Ed. 2 vols. half cloth with boards. cover & spine worn. in recently slip-case. 102,900 - 1 - 7 ALT (J.E.) & SHEPSLE (K.A.)(Ed.) PERSPECTIVES ON POSITIVE POLITICAL ECONOMY. Cambridge U.P., 1990. 268pp. lar.8vo. 8,000 8 ANTHONY (M.) & BIGGS (N.) MATHEMATICS FOR ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Methods and modeling. Cambridge U.P., 1997. 394pp. lar.8vo. pb. 4,200 9 ASTLE (W.E.) SHIPOWNERS' CARGO LIABILITIES AND IMMUNITIES. London: witherby,1954. 386pp. dw. (chipped) 3,000 10 BAGEHOT (W.): THE COLLECTED WORKS OF WALTER BAGEHOT. Edited by Norman St John- Stevas. Vol.1,2:Literary Essays. Vol.3,4:Historical. Vol.5,6,7,8: Political. Vol.9.10,11:Economic. Vol.12,13:Letters. Vol.14,15:Miscellany. London: Economist, 1986. 15 vols. with dust cover. good condition. 98,000 11 BALDACCHINO (G.) & MILNE (D.)(Ed.) LESSONS FROM THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF SMALL ISLANDS. The Resourcefulness of Jurisdiction. Macmillan,2000. xxiii,267pp. dw. 9,000 12 BALDASSARRI (M.) & ANNUNZIATO (P.)(Ed.) IS THE ECONOMIC CYCLE STILL ALIVE? Theory, Evidence and Policies. Macmillan, 1994. 303pp. lar.8vo. with dust cover. fine. 9,240 13 BALOPOULOS (E.T.) & BALL (R.J.) FISCAL POLICY MODELS OF THE BRITISH ECONOMY. Amsterdam: North-Hololand, 1967. 313pp. lar.8vo. dw. 3,000 14 BARING (A.) AN INQUIRY INTO THE CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF THE ORDERS IN COUNCIL: AND AN EXAMINATION OF THE CONDUCT OF GREAT BRITAIN TOWARDS THE NEUTRAL COMMERCE OF AMERICA. London: Printed for J.M.Richardson, 1808. First Ed. iv,179pp. 3/4 morocco with marbled boards. gilt spine. fine copy. 52,500 15 BARNETT (W.A.) & SINGLETON (K.J.)(Ed.) NEW APPROACHES TO MONETARY ECONOMICS. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics. Cambridge U.P., 1987. 367pp. lar.8vo. 3,000 16 BARRO (R.J.) MACROECONOMIC POLICY. Harvard U.P., 1990. 379pp. lar.8vo. dw. 4,200 17 BASTIAT (F.): HENDRICK (R.M.) FREDERIC BASTIAT, FORGOTTEN LIBERAL: SPOKESMAN FOR AN IDEOLOGY IN CRISIS. U.M.I., 1987. facsimile Ed. iv,313pp. 5,000 18 BATSON (H.E.)(compiled) A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MODERN ECONOMIC THEORY 1870- 1929. with an Introduction by Lionel Robbins. Routledge, 1930. reimpression. 224pp. dw. 3,000 19 BATSTONE (E.), BORASTON (I.) & FRENKEL (S.) STOP STEWARDS IN ACTION. The Organization of Workplace Conflict and Accommodation. Oxford: B.Blackwell, 1977. 316pp. 3,000 20 BEER (M.) EARLY BRITISH ECONOMICS. From the XIIIth to the Middle of the XVIIth Century. G.Allen & Unwin, 1938. signed by Paul Einzig, 8.4.1938. 250pp. sm.8vo. spine & cover edges some wear. scratched. 7,140 21 BELSLEY (D.A.) & KUH (E.)(Ed.) MODEL RELIABILITY. MIT Press, 1986. 244pp. lar.8vo. dw. 5,250 - 2 - 22 BENTHAM (J.) AN INTRODUCTION TO THE PRINCIPLES OF MORALS AND LEGISLATAION. London: W.Pickering, 1823. 2nd Ed., A new edition, corrected by the author. 2 vols in 1. xxix,281,ix,279pp. contemporary half calf with marbled boards. extremities of spine rubbed. 95,000 23 BENTHAM (J.): STARK (W.) JEREMY BENTHAM'S ECONOMIC WRITINGS. Critical Edition based on his Printed Works and Unprinted Manuscripts. London: G.Allen & Unwin, 1952. 3 vols. with dust cover. almost fine. 15,000 24 BETTELHEIM (C.) STUDIES IN THE THEORY OF PLANNING. Asia Publishing, 1959. 451pp. dw. sl.spotted. 5,040 25 BLANCHARD (O.J.) & FISCHER (S.) LECTURES ON MACROECONOMICS. The MIT Press, 1989. 650pp. lar.8vo. dw. 4,000 26 BODIN (C.) PRINCIPES DE SCIENCE ECONOMIQUE. Cours Elementaire D'economie Simple. Paris: R.Sirey, 1926. 644pp. Wrappers. spine & cover bit stained. 5,040 27 BODIN (J.): GUHRAUER (G.E.) DAS HEPTAPLOMERES DES JEAN BODIN. Zur Geschichte der Kultur und Literatur im Jahrhundert der Reformation. Geneve: Slatkine, 1971. lxxxviii,277pp. 5,770 28 BODKIN (R.G.), KLEIN (L.R.) & MARWAH (K.) A HISTORY OF MACROECONOMETRIC MODEEL- BUILDING. Edward Elgar,1991,xvi,573pp. lar.8vo. dw. fly leaf stamped. 15,000 29 BOEHM (E.A.) PROSPERITY AND DEPRESSION IN AUSTRALIA 1887-1897. Oxford C.P., 1971. xx,380pp. with dust cover. 6,090 30 BOHM-BAWERK (E.von) KAPITAL UND KAPITALZINS. I:Geschichte und Kritik der Kapitalzins-Theorien. II:Positive Theorie des Kapitales.(2 parts) Jena: G.Fischer, 1921. Vierte,unveranderte Auflage. 2 Bde in 3. lar.8vo. spine & fore-edges browned. 21,000 31 BONAR (J.) PHILOSOPHY AND POLITICAL ECONOMY. In some of their Historical Relations. London: S.Sonnenschein, 1909. Second Ed. xvi,410pp. stamped. 5,500 32 BONAR (J.) PHILOSOPHY AND POLITICAL ECONOMY. In some of their historical relations. London: G.Allen & Unwin, 1967. 3rd Ed.,2nd Imp. xvi,410pp. dw. 3,500 33 BONAR (J.) THEORIES OF POPULATION FROM RALEIGH TO ARTHUR YOUNG. (1931) Frank Cass, 1966. 253pp. dw. 3,000 34 BONAR (J.) & HOLLANDER (J.H.) LETTERS OF DAVID RICARDO TO HUTCHES TROWER AND OTHERS 1811-1823. Oxford C.P., 1899. First Ed. xxii,240pp. original cloth. stamped. cover stained. 12,000 35 BONBRIGHT (J.C.) THE VALUATION OF PROPERTY. A Treatise on the Appraisal of Property for Different Legal Purposes. Michie company,1965. 2 vols. 28,000 36 BONEFELD (W.),BROWN (A.) & BURNHAM (P.) A MAJOR CRISIS? The Politics of Economic Policy in Britain in the 1990s. Dartmouth, 1995. vii,240pp. 4,500 - 3 - 37 BRACZYK (H-J.),FUCHS (G.) & WOLF (H.-G.)(Ed.) MULTIMEDIA AND REGIONAL ECONOMIC RESTRUCTURING. London: Routledge, 1999. xxviii,416pp. lar.8vo. spine corners sl.bumped. 11,550 38 BRENT (R.J.) COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. E.Elgar,1998. xii,308pp. lar.8vo. dw. 8,400 39 BRENTANO (L.) ALTE UND NEUE FEUDALITAT. Gesammelte Aufsatze zur Erbrechtspolitik. Leipzig: Felix Meiner, 1924. Zweite Auflage. 592pp. cloth with boards. spine stained & boards rubbed. 7,350 40 BRENTANO (L.) ERBRECHTSPOLITIK Alte und neue feudalitat. (Gesammelte aufsatze erster band:) Stuttgart: J.G.Cotta'sche, 1899. 592pp. wrapper. stamped. few page water stained. spine repaired. 8,920 41 BRIDEL (P.) CAMBRIDGE MONETARY THOUGHT. The Development of Saving-Investment Analysis from Marshall to Keynes. Macmillan, 1987. 227pp. dw. 12,600 42 BRINKMANN (C.) & Others.:GRUNDRISS DER SOZIALOKONOMIK IV.Abteilung. Spezifische Elemente der modernen kapitalistischen Wirtschaft TEIL I. Tubingen: J.C.B.Mohr, 1925. 420pp. Roy.8vo. cover bit worn. 3,670 43 BRUS (W.) & LASKI (K.) FROM MARX TO THE MARKET: Socialism in search of an Economic System. Oxford C.P., 1991. 177pp. lar.8vo. dw. 3,000 44 BUCHANAN (J.M.) LIBERTY, MARKET AND STATE. Political Economy in the 1980s. Harvester Press, 1986. 278pp. lar.8vo. dw. 4,200 45 BUCHANAN (J.M.) THE ECONOMICS AND THE ETHICS OF CONSTITUTIONAL ORDER. Univ of michigane,1994.vuuu,2558pp. dw. 4,000 46 BUCHER (K.) DIE ENTSTEHUNG DER VOLKSWIRTSCHAFT. Vortrage und Aufsatze. Tubingen: Laupp'schen, 1920. Vierzehnte und funfzehnte Auflage. 2 Bde. black-cloth binding. sl.foxing. stamped on vol.2's title. 3,670 47 BUCK (P.W.) THE POLITICS OF MERCANTILISM. N.Y.: Octagon, 1964. viii,240pp. sm.8vo. bit spotted. 4,000 48 BUCK (P.W.) THE POLITICS OF MERCANTILISM. N.Y.: Octagon Books, 1964. viii,240pp. 3,990 49 BURROWS (R.) & LOADER (B.)(Ed.) TOWARDS A POST-FORDIST WELFARE STATE? Routledge, 1994. 263pp. 5,040 50 BUSSE von COLBE (W.) & LASSMANN (G.) BETRIEBSWIRTSCHAFTSTHEORIE. Band 1: Grundlagen, Produktions- und Kostentheorie. Band 2: Absatztheorie. Band 3: Investitionstheorie. Berlin: Springer, 1990-1991. 3 vols. paperback. 5,000 51 BUXTON (T.F.): BUXTON (Charles)(Ed.) MEMOIRS OF SIR THOMAS FOWELL BUXTON, Bart. London: J.Murray, 1849. 2nd Ed. with a portrait and woodcuts. 614pp. original cloth. sl.spotted. 7,500 - 4 - 52 BYRNE (R.F.) & ETC.(Ed.): STUDIES IN BUDGETING. Studies in Mathematical and Managerial Economics Vol.11. North-holland, 1971. xxiii,392pp. dw. 6,820 53 CAIRNES (J.E.) ESSAYS IN POLITICAL ECONOMY. [1873] Kelley, 1965. 371pp. fine. 5,770 54 CAIRNES (J.E.) POLITICAL ESSAYS. (1873) N.Y.: Kelley, 1967. 350pp. bit spotted. 5,040 55 CAMPBELL (R.H.) & WILSON (R.G.)(Intro.) ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN BRITAIN 1750-1939. London: Adam & C.Black, 1975. 155pp. dustcover. 3,000 56 CANNAN (E.): GREGORY (T.E.) & DALTON (H.)(Ed.) LONDON ESSAYS IN ECONOMICS: in Honour of Edwin Cannan. LOndon: G.Routledge, 1927. x,376+listpp. original text in rebound red cloth(rubbed & faded). exlibrary. 5,250 57 CANTILLON (R.) ESSAI SUR LA NATURE DU COMMERCE EN GENERAL. mit einem kommentar von J.Niehans. Faksimile der 1755 erschienenen Erst Ausgabe. by Handelsblat, 1987. together 2 Bde. Limited Ed. 12mo. full leather vol.& boards vol. 35,000 58 CAREY (H.C.) ESSAY ON THE RATE OF WAGES. [1835] Kelley, 1965.

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