1849* —— Niagara-on—the-Lake“ — Town (formerly early date to Newark/Niagara-on-the-Lake. It would have Newark“) — Canada - Lord Mayor — Use olthis distinc- been so exceptional that I would think the record of such a tion was originally based on Iong—userwithout documentary grant would be well-known and authenticated even it the evidence. The prevailing belief is that the origin of the title original document embodying the grant had been lost. It would seem to me much more likely that the title was is linked with the municipality being chosen as the First established by long usage.“ Capital of Upper Canada and with the establishment, by Governor Simcoe, of the seat of government in Newark.“‘‘ Upon the re-organi7,ationof local government in this part The inaugural meeting of the First Parliament of Upper of Ontario, the Regional Mrmic‘ipaliI_vQ/‘Nic1g(m1Act af- Canada was held there on September I7, I792." lirmed the long—standingtradition by providing that: as The war of I8 I2, during which all except one building in The Mayor ol'Niagara-on-the-Lake shall be known the municipality were destroyed by fire in an attack by the the Lord Mayor.“ American arrny,““is cited as the reason no documentary 1863* — Aberdeen — City — Scotland — Lord Provost — evidence exists. The embers have long sincecooled, but the While the title of Lord Provost was generally recognizedat as tradition continues. The then military nature of the commu- an earlier date it was not until I863 that any question was was nity, and its distinction as the First Capital and seat of the to the use of the title raised. The occasion in for the order of the Governor. lend further credence to the fact that the title of connection with the arrangements Lord Mayor would not have been Iightly assumed, although procession at the inauguration of the Albert Memorial in when it became for the burgh it must have existed as a courtesy title prior to incorporation London inthat year, necessary assert to the Lord so as a town in I835” and the move to an elected council and authorities to their claim title Provost. other mayor in I849.” that Aberdeen might take its rightful position among the diftieulty Acceptance ofthe titlehas been acknowledged fora long corporations during the ceremonies Indeed Provost, as period oltime. In I969 Murton A. Scymour,Town Solicitor, then raised was not so much about the title Lord that of ‘The Right Honourable the Lord Provost’.” A string referred to a previous letter earlier on in 1920. Mr. Mussen extending over more than 200 years were used was then Lord Mayor. He asked A. Courtney Kingston,later ofprecedents to establish the right of the provost of Aberdeen to be Mr. Justice Kingston. whetherhe had the right to use the title as Lord Provost. theclaim to the Lord Mayor. Mr. Seymour, who was then given the respon- recognized by the Queen has rested since I863 upon undoubted sibility of making that determination, concluded that there title of Lord Provost authority." was no established legal right. however: digging into the history and tradition, it soon appeared 44 The name Niagara is of Indian origin meaning the “thunder of that when Niagara was known as Newark, and the capital of waters“; others say it was the name ofa tribe:others contend itcame Great Britain, its Mayor was then Upper Canada, a colony of from Onghiara, the name of the old Indian Village near the falls. known, following the practice and tradition in Great Britain, “Nothing but names." by Herbert Fairbairn Gardiner, p. 273. as the Lord Mayor.“ 45 Governor Sitncoe tried to substitute the English name Newark for Researching the isstte in I953 William Kaye Lamb, Niagara, but the people prel'erredthe latter. and the name Niagara was fonnerly reinstatedby law in I798. “Nothing but names," p. Dominion Archivist, responding to a letter sent to His 273. Excellency Vincent Massey, the Governor General having 46 “Nothing but names.“ p. 223. also noted the absence ofany documentary evidence, stated: 47 WilliamL.Areher,Q.C.NiagaraRegionReview.SccaIso“Nothing It may be that the belief that Niagara has this exclusive but names" p. I08. Brigadier distinction is based on the fact that Niagara was chosen by 48 Niagara Village was burned by American Comrnander. I2or I(lth, I8 I3. Out ol"_’(l()hornes situated Governor Simcoe as the First Capital of Upper Canada in McClure on December the Village only one escaped the flames. that of a Mr. Gordon. 1792 and that the first parliament of the colony met there in See St. Cathcrines I-listoricalAtlas I876. — Historical Sketches, from 1792 to 1796 after which the capital was moved to York, pages VI. X. can find no record of General Simcoe now Toronto. I 49 The Town oI'Niagara was first incorporatedon March 29. I845 by Mayor of Niagara conferring the honour in question upon the Statutes of Canada. I845. Victoria C.A.P. LXII. This Act also and learn that it was not until 1835 that a bill to incorporate provided for the establishment of a Board of Police to govern the the Town of Niagara was introduced inthe House of Assembly municipality. of Upper Canada. 50 In I84‘) the first Municipal Corporations Act (the Baldwin Act) Canada. Act I2 Vic. CAP. 8| established a The only other explanation for the belief that the Mayor of Statutes of Upper oI'IocaIgovemmcnt for Counties, Cities.Towns.To\vnships Niagara has the right to use the honour in question is that the system and Villages in Upper Canada and provided for the first election of title may have been granted at a later date in recognition of a “Mayor” in the named municipalities. including Niagara. the First Capital.” the town having been 5| Letter by Murton A. Seymour. ofSeymour. Lampard,Nichollsand Commenting on the Niagara—on-the—Lakesituation in Greenspan. Barristers and Solicitors. November 4. I969. Archives 1976, the Deput y Keeper ofthe Records for the Corporation 52 Letter by Wm. Kaye Lamb. Dominion Archivist. Public Canada, ()ttawa. November 9. I953. As to the actual date of of London, England observed: of incorporation,see notes 49 and SI). before the late 19th century, only so far as I am aware, 53 Letter: Betty R. Masters. B.A.. F.S.A.. [)cputy Keeper ol‘ the Edinburgh a London, York and Dublin had Lord Mayors and Records. Corporatiott of London. I Sept. I976. Lord Provost, and it would seem to me unlikely that any 54 Regional Municipality oI'Niagara Act. S.O. I968.c. I06. s. 3 (6). grant of the title of Lord Mayor would have been made at an now R.S.0. I990, c. R.I3, s. 3 (3). MUNICIPALWORLD 9.
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