Zoners Rej ect Airport Townhouse Proj ect SEE STORY PAGE 13 Sunny and Mild Sunny and mild today. Cloudy and mild with chance of show- Ked Bank, Freehold f FINAL ers tonight and Friday. Long Branch / EDITION Momnoiith County's Outstanding'Home Newspaper VOL 94 NO. 13 RED BANK, N.J., THURSDAY, July 15,1971 TEN CENTS. Bell Strike Fails to Curtail Service ,. -Telephone company ^execu- says its complicated strike-en- the incidents were '"regret- executive, who .was assigned A prime reason for this is tives and supervisory person- ding procedures guarantee table," but warned that union the task of giving directory the fact that more than 95 per- nel found themselves in- the walkout will last at least members were getting tired assistance at the Ked Bank of- cent of all telephone calls are stalling telephones, repairing two weeks. of "talk, talk, talk." fice. handled by automatic equip- switches and answering the Some Long Delays In Monmouth County, vir- Chores Vary ment not requiring any hu- phone today as the nationwide A company spokesman in tually all of the 430 switch- Another executive, he said, man assistance. telephone strike entered its New Jersey said % per cent of board operators were out on was sent to Neptune to give a However, all calls to the second day. all calls were handled without strike, and the task of keeping hand in installing telephones "operator" for assistance,, Bell spokesmen in Washing- problems by supervisory per- service as normal as possible and maintaining equipment/ and special long distance ton reported that generally, sonnel, but long delays were fell to those normally sitting In spite of the nationwide calls, are being handled by su- the public was hardly both- reported in reaching long dis- behind desks. strike, telephone service, ac- pervisory personnel. ered yesterday as up to half of tance and directory service "They've got us working all cording to the company, is In addition, supervisors are the one million employes of operators. over the place s-ud one busy close to normal. performing maintenance to the highly automated Bell sys- In Newark, six members of keep the automatic switching tem struck over a variety of the Telephone Workers Union equipment in operation; are issues. were arrested outside the installing essential tele- However,- in New Jersey state Bell Telephone Co. head- phones, and "other functions there were some service quarters after eggs were Emergency 911 required to provide.basic tele- delays and some picket line thrown against the building phone service," a spokesman incidents yesterday as most of and spattered policemen. > SHREWSBURY - CouncUman'Gerald A. Bruno, chair- said. the New Jersey Bell Tele- The six were charged as man of the f ire committee, suggests that residents reporting a Takes a While phone Co.'s 32,000 workers disorderly persons,and were fire should dial 911-if they experience delay due to the tele- About the only noticeable here joined the nationwide released on bail ranging from phone strike in reaching the operator by dialing 0. effect of the strike to the av- strike. $50 to $250. One man was. re- Mr. Bruno' said other fire companies in this area also de- erage phone user is that it Nationally, both sides said portedly arrested on picket pend on the operator to transmit fire alarm information and takes an unusually long time Register Staff Plato it is only a matter of time be- line duty in Jersey City. that residents in those municipalities should be made aware of to reach the operator and the PICKET DUTY — New Jersey Bell Telephone workers take picket duty fore phone service begins to Michael Price, president of the 911 dialing. Use of 911, he cautioned, should be limited to See Bell, Page 2 casually yesterday on Shrewsbury Avenue, Shrewsbury. The Strike Is now deteriorate, and the union the 11,000 member TWU. said , emergencies. In Its second day. ' ByHALLIESCHRAEGER turned to the county jaij l in the dows at the jail "immediat- the car, he changed his mind isolation cells to get light morning," said Capt. Man ely." and started to bolt,'Sgt. through their windows' before FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - ning. The youth was in jail await- Kryscnski said. There was a letting himself into the juve- It was back to the Monmouth Second Break ing a Juvenile Court hearing. slight scuffle and the police nile wing. County Correctional In- It was the second jailbreak Capt. Manning said Naturile car, moving slowly, struck a. When he removed the stitution this morning for a at the new jail since it went had previously escaped from parked vehicle, damaging it breakfast cart, he locked the slender, athletic youngster into operation last September. authorities in Hudson County, slightly. corridor door, but not the door from Union Beach who Authorities said Natnrile where he was being held on a He said Patrolman Schaef- to the juvenile section. smashed out a window at the 'smashed out a narrow win- juvenile delinquency charge fer was able to subdue the. Authorities and Naturile $3,1 million facility and es- dow, wriggled his way out, arising from an alleged grand -youth, handcuff him and take went out of one of the isola- caped right after breakfast scaled the eight-foot fence of larceny. He will be charged him to the Keansburg jail. tion cell windows about 7:05 yesterday. an inner courtyard and craw- with another count of juvenile An on-site inspection at the a.m. Salvatore Naturile, 17, of led under an onter fence to delinquency for yesterday's county jail shows that in or- 741 Front St., Union Beach, gain his freedom. escape, Capt. Manning said. der to get to the juvenile sec- " Manning Reports was recaptured at about 10:15 (Sheriff, Paul Kiernan is- Further details of the re- tion, one passes through an Capt. Manning, who in- ; on Carr Ave., Keansburg, af- sued a statement saying the capture came from Sgt. Wil- anteroom with four doors in yestigatea\nad this report: ter a shprt,stwggle.wJtlJPa« .window measured Jfe inches, . Ham Kryscnski of the Keans- it. One door'leads tothe'eorri-" "At approximately 6:45 trplmatt Harry Scfiaeffeh high by 17 inches wide. For burg Police, who said Patrol- dor and one to the juvenile a.m.. Officer Kdward Ks- - ESCAPE-IM>UTE^1n^eswaprng'Vesterday frofn 'TheMoVrftouth' County' wing; the other two doors kridge served breakfast to the fall, Salvatore Naturlle took the same outside escape route as his prede- County Detective Capt. An- comparison, the Daily Regis- man Schaeffer was alone in a drew B. Manning, who com- ter is 15 inches wide and mea- patrol car when he spotted lead to unoccupied isolation juveniles ....At 7:05 a.m. he cessors, convicted murderer Daniel Brewer and Larry Johnson, accused cells. returned to pick up the break- bank robber, who escaped last April. He got out window on left side of mended Patrolman Schaeffer sures about 8 inches'from the 'Naturilfr walking at Center for his alertness, said the offi- "bottom of the masthead to the • andCarrAves. lights Not Working fast dishes, took the cart, out- •courtyard/ (not shown in bicture), scaled the eight-foot fence topped by side '.,. When he returned at . barbed wire, and crawled through a washed-out area under the outer cer recognized Naturile,' who centerfold.) He said the officer pre- Because the lights are out was known to frequent the county Freeholder Axel B. tended he didn't know Natu- of order in the dark anteroom, 7:10 a.m., he discovered that fences Brewer and Johnson escaped from windows third from right, which Salvatore Naturile was miss- • have not yet been repaired. Keansburg area. Carlson Jr., director of build- rile had escaped and offered said Undersheriff P. Paul "He will be lodged-in ings and grounds, said bars him a ride to the beach. Just Campi, a guard taking break- ing. will be placed on similar win- as the youth was stepping into fast opened the doors to the (See Jail, page 2) Court Rules Against Keansburg overnight arid re- Union Bonk Branch Marlboro Mayor Seeking Study By JAMES H.RUBIN ing the outcome of the hear- Brady permitted the Union ing. ' . y..\ County Trust Co. to establish TRENTON (AP) -New Brady granted ,the. Union a branch office in the Mon- Jersey's secondhighest*court • County! bank the^right to es- mouth County community ruled yesterday that the state tablish the-branch-office 'last several days after another Of Regional Water Authority banking commissioner acted Aug. 18, within IB days after bank failed in its bid to ac- arbitrarily and with'undue ; the much publicized closing of quire the facilities of the Ea- , ByJIMMcCOBMICK "But if residents insist on ation long enough to.deter- winter and recharge it with a the defunct Eatontown Na- tontown bank. of the Gordons'Corner, South-, haste in permitting the Union cm Gulf, Village and Central getting full service for their mine if it is a failure. greater supply of treated wa- County Trust Co. of Elizabeth, tional Bank. Brady's action was chal- FREEHOLD - The bleafc money,, which, is all the water Reason Given ter. Bank Closed lenged by the First Merchants Jersey Water Cos. to open a branch bank in Ea- future that a state study proj- The study essentially re- they want, something must be Mr. Ern said that the water Fully Acceptable j .tontown last year. Federal authorities closed National Bank of Asbury ects for residents if the four done," he added. is discolored and contains Mr. Ern said that the water Park. vealed the reed for extensive The Appellate Division of the Eatontown bank and sub- private water companies expansion by the water utili- The engineer said that the acid because it is the first • coming from the storage facil- Superior Court ordered Bank- sequently the bank president, Charge Irregularities serving Marlboro, Manalapan Gordons Corner Water Co.
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