US 20130345177A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0345177 A1 Jansen et al. (43) Pub. Date: Dec. 26, 2013 (54) OLEYL PHOSPHOCHOLINE FOR THE Publication Classi?cation TREATMENT OF MYCOSIS (51) Int. Cl. (75) Inventors: Frans HerWig Jansen, Oud-Turnhout A61K 31/685 (2006.01) (BE); Annie Marie Forten, Montreal (52) US, Cl, (CA); Bruno Jansen, legal CPC .................................. .. A61K 31/685 (2013.01) representative, Beerse (BE) USPC ........................................................ .. 514/114 (73) Assignee: DAFRA PHARMA RESEARCH & (57) ABSTRACT DEVELOPMENT BVBA, Tumhout (BE) The present invention relates to the use of oleyl phosphocho line (Cl8zl-PC), or OlPC,for the treatment of mycosis, and (21) APP1- NO? 14/ 003,046 especially for the treatment of mycosis such as mycosis caused by pathogens belonging to a genus selected from the (22) PCT Filed: Feb- 24: 2012 group consisting of Candida, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Cryp lococcus, Microsporum, Sporolhrix, Trichophylon and Sce (86) PCT NO‘: PCT/EP2012/053144 dosporium, for example, Candida albicans, Candida parap § 371 (0X1), silosis, Candida glabrala, Candida krusei, Aspergillus (2)’ (4) Date; sep_ 4, 2013 fumigalus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus Zerreus, Fusarium solani, Scedosporium prolifacans, Cryplococcus neofor (30) Foreign Application Priority Data mans, Microsporum canis, Sporolhrix schenkii, Trichophylon rubrum, Trichophylon menlagrophyles, Aspergillus fumiga Mar. 4, 2011 (EP) ................. .. PCT/EPZOl 1/053345 Zus, Fusarium oxysporum. US 2013/0345177 A1 Dec. 26, 2013 OLEYL PHOSPHOCHOLINE FOR THE [0014] Cryplocaccus neoformans can cause a severe form TREATMENT OF MYCOSIS of meningitis and meningo-encephalitis for example in HIV positive patients and AIDS. Cryplococcus neoformans is a [0001] The present invention relates to the treatment of major human and animal pathogen. Cryplococcus laurenli i mycosis, and especially the treatment of virulent or invasive and Cryplocaccus albidus have been knoWn to cause moder mycosis such as candidemia, cryptococcosis or aspergillosis. ate-to-severe disease in human patients With compromised [0002] Mycosis is a fungal infection of vertebrates, includ immunity. Cryplocaccus gallii can cause disease in non-im ing humans. Mycosis is a common infection, and a variety of munocompromised people. environmental and physiological conditions can contribute to [0015] Presently, amphotericin B, voriconaZole and itra the development of mycosis. Inhalation of fungal spores or conaZole are amongst the most commonly used medicaments localized colonization of the skin may initiate persistent to combat severe forms of mycosis such as subcutaneous infections and, accordingly, mycosis often starts in the lungs mycosis and systemic mycosis. HoWever, serious side effects or on the skin. are associated With these drugs. [0003] Mycosis can be classi?ed according to the tissue [0016] Amphotericin B is a polyene anti-fungal drug often initially coloniZed. used intravenously for systemic mycosis. It Was originally [0004] Super?cial mycosis is limited to the outermost lay extracted from Slreplamyces nodasus, a ?lamentous bacte ers of the skin and hair. An example of super?cial mycosis is rium, in 1955. Tinea versicolor, a fungus infection that commonly affects [0017] TWo amphotericins, amphotericinA and amphoteri young people. cin B are knoWn, but only B is used clinically, because it is [0005] Cutaneous mycosis extends deeper into the epider signi?cantly more active in vivo. Amphotericin A is almost mis and also includes invasive hair and nail diseases. These identical to amphotericin B (having a double C:C bond diseases are restricted to the keratiniZed layers of the skin, betWeen the 27th and 28th carbon), but has little anti-fungal hair, and nails. Unlike the super?cial mycosis, host immune activity has been observed. responses may be evoked resulting in pathologic changes [0018] Currently, the drug is available as plain amphoteri expressed in the deeper layers of the skin. cin B, a cholesteryl sulfate complex, a lipid complex, and as [0006] Subcutaneous mycosis involves the dermis, subcu a liposomal formulation. taneous tissues, muscle, and fascia. These infections are [0019] One of the main intravenous uses of amphotericin B chronic and canbe initiated by piercing trauma functioning as is in treating various systemic mycoses, including cryptococ a port of entry for the fungi. These infections are dif?cult to cal meningitis, for example in critically ill, comorbidly treat and may require surgical interventions such as debride infected or immunocompromised patients. ment. [0020] Another intravenous use of amphotericin B is as a [0007] Systemic mycosis generally starts With infection of drug of last resort in otherWise untreatable parasitic proto the lungs, but also other ports of entry are knoWn, and may Zoan infections such as visceral leishmaniasis and primary spread to many organ systems and tissues. Pathogenic fungi amoebic meningoencephalitis. causing systemic mycosis are inherently virulent. [0021] Amphotericin B is Well-knoWn for its severe and [0008] A special class of systemic mycosis is systemic potentially lethal side effects. Very often, a serious acute mycosis caused by opportunistic pathogens. Systemic myco reaction after the infusion (1 to 3 hours later) is noted, con sis caused by opportunistic pathogens is often an infection in sisting of high fever, shaking chills, hypotension, anorexia, patients With immune de?ciencies. Examples of immuno nausea, vomiting, headache, dyspnea and tachypnea, droWsi compromised conditions include AIDS, alteration of normal ness, and generalised Weakness. To decrease the likelihood ?ora by antibiotics, immunosuppressive therapy and meta and severity of the symptoms, initial doses should be loW, and static cancer. Examples of opportunistic mycosis include can increased sloWly. didiasis, cryptococcosis and aspergillosis. [0022] Intravenously administered amphotericin B has also [0009] Pathogenic fungi and especially pathogenic fungi been associated With multiple organ damage in therapeutic causing systemic mycosis are, for example, fungi belonging doses. Nephrotoxicity (kidney damage) is a frequently to the genus Candida, the genus Aspergillus and the genus reported side effect and can be severe and/ or irreversible. Cryplococcus. [0023] VoriconaZole (VFEND) is a triaZole anti-fungal [0010] Candida species, such as Candida albicans, are medication that is generally used to treat virulent or invasive major human pathogens that are knoWn for causing oppor mycosis. This type of mycosis is generally seen in patients tunist infections in immunocompromised hosts such as trans Who are immunocompromised, and includes invasive can plant patients, patients suffering from AIDS and cancer didiasis, invasive aspergillosis, and certain emerging fungal patients. Infections are dif?cult to treat and can be very seri infections. ous, i.e. 30% to 40% of the systemic infections result in death. [0024] VoriconaZole has become the neW standard of care [0011] AerosoliZed Aspergillus spores are found nearly in the treatment of invasive aspergillosis, Which may occur in everyWhere and constant exposure to Aspergillus is common. immunocompromised patients, including allogeneic BMT, Aspergillus can generally cause serious mycosis in three other hematologic cancers, and solid organ transplants. Ways: through the production of mycotoxins; through induc [0025] VoriconaZole is better tolerated than amphotericin tion of allergenic responses; and through systemic infections. B, With feWer adverse effects and a longer duration of therapy. [0012] The most common pathogenic species areAspergil [0026] VoriconaZole has proven to be as effective as a regi lusfumigalus and Aspergillus?avus. Aspergillus?avus pro men of intravenous amphotericin B folloWed by oral ?ucona duces an a?atoxin Which is both a toxin and a carcinogen. Zole in patients With culture-proven candidemia. Voricona [0013] Mycosis caused by Aspergillus is generally desig Zole cleared Candida yeast from the bloodstream as quickly nated as aspergillosis. The symptoms of aspergillosis include as amphotericin B (median 2 days) and shoWed a trend toWard fever, cough, chest pain or breathlessness. better survival. VoriconaZole is also associated With feWer US 2013/0345177 A1 Dec. 26, 2013 serious adverse events and cases of renal toxicity, but a higher [0040] Invasive mycosis as used herein indicates a primary incidence of visual disturbances Was observed. fungal infection capable of further infecting, or spreading to, [0027] VoriconaZole has also been proven effective against other organs or tissues. a number of other serious fungal pathogens. These include [0041] In the present context, mycosis can be both virulent infections by Fusarium spp. and Scedasporium apiospermum and invasive. (asexual form of Pseudallescheria boydii). [0042] According to a preferred embodiment of this aspect [0028] Although infrequently seen in the present clinical of the present invention, the present mycosis is selected from setting, these fungi are emerging as more common and deadly the group consisting of super?cial mycosis, cutaneous myco causes of fungal infection in immunocompromised patients, sis, subcutaneous mycosis, and systemic mycosis and espe and the development of voriconaZole has been an important cially invasive or virulent subcutaneous mycosis or invasive advance in their treatment as they are generally resistant to or virulent
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