3004 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 1 O, 1976 Mr. DELANEY' Mr. DER WINSKI, Mr. RINALDO, Mr. RoNCALIO, Mr. RoDINO, 95) relating to the Department of Agricul­ DODD, Mr. DOWNEY of New York, Mr. Mr. RoE, and Mr. RoSENTHAL): ture, Soil Conservation Service, which is pro­ DRINAN, Mr. EDWARDS of California, H. Con. Res. 552. Concurrent resolution posed by the President in his message of and Mr. EILBERG) : supporting the Brussels Conference on January 23, 1976, transmitted under sec­ H. Con. Res. 550. Concurrent resolution Soviet Jewry; to the Committee on Interna­ tion 1013 of the Impoundment Control Act supporting the Brussels Conference on So­ tional Relations. of 1974; to the Committee on Appropriations. viet Jewry; to the Committee on Interna­ By Mr. SCHEUER (for himself, Mr. tional Relations. SARBANES, Mr. SoLARZ, Mr. STOKES, By Mr. SCHEUER (for himself, Mr. FASCELL, Mr. JAMES V. STANTON, Mr. VANIK, PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Ms. FENWICK, Mr. FISH, Mr. FORD of Mr. VIGORITO, Mr. WAGGONNER, Mr. Tennessee, Mr. FITHIAN, Mr. FRASER, WAXMAN, Mr. WHITEHURST, Mr. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Mr. GILMAN, Mr. GRADISON, Mr. WOLFF, Mr. SANTINI, and Mr. TRAX­ bills and resolutions were introduced and GREEN, Mr. HARRIS, Mr. HAWKINS, LER) : severally referred as follows: M·r. HEINZ, Ms. HOLTZMAN, Mr. H. Con. Res. 553. Concurrent resolution By Mr. GRADISON: supporting the Brussels Conference on HOWARD, Mr. HuGHES, Mr. !CHORD, Ms. H.R. 11858. A bill for the relief of Mrs. JORDAN, Mr. KEMP, Mr. KOCH, Mr. Soviet Jewry; to the Committee on Interna­ Chong Sun Yi Rauch; to the Committee on LAGOMARSINO, Mr. LEHMAN, Mr. LENT, tional Relations. the Judiciary. Mr. LONG of Maryland, and Mr. By Mr. RYAN (for himself, Mrs. HECK­ By Mr. PICKLE: LER of Massachusetts, and Mrs. MAGUIRE): H.R. 11859. A bill for the relief of William H. Con. Res. 551. Concurrent resolution SPELLMAN): H. Res. 1031. Resolution to direct the Com­ H. Klusmeier, publisher of the Austin Citi­ supporting the Brussels Conference on So­ zen, of Austin, Tex.; to the Committee on viet Jewry; to the Committee on Interna­ mittee on Appropriations and the Committee the Judiciary. tional Relations. on International Relations to begin imme­ By Mr. SCHEUER (for himself, Mr. diate studies of the relationship of the MCCLOSKEY, Mr. METCALFE, Mr. United States with the United Nations and MIKvA, Mr. MINE;TA, Mr. MINISH, Mr. to report, within 3 months, to the Speaker l\1EMORIALS MITCHELL of New York, Mr. MOAK­ of the House of Representatives, recommen­ Lll:Y, Mr. O'NEILL, Mr. NOWAK, Mr. dations with respect to whether the man­ Under clause 4 of rule XX, ner and nature of such relationship should 0BERSTAR, Mr. Or'!'INGER; Mr. PATTEN, 291. The SPEAKER presented a memorial be changed; to tl;l.e Committee on Rules. of the Legislature of the State of Kentucky, Mr. PATTISON of New York, Mr. PEP­ By Mr. WfilTTEN: l?ER, Mr. PEYSER, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. relative to prayer and Bible reading in pub­ H. Res. 1032. Resolution disapproving the Uc schools; to the Committee on the Judi­ REES, Mr. REUSS, Mr. RICHMOND, Mr. deferral of certain budget authority (D76- ciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SHIMEJI KANAZAWA: STRONG AD­ utive director of the commission per­ Shimeji Kanazawa as Chairman of the State VOCATE FOR THE ELDERLY IN sonally accompanied the subcommittee Commission on Aging brought extensive and HAWAII to each of its six hearings held on five continuous growth by the Commission; and different islands during a 7-day period. Whereas, the State of Hawaii Comprehen­ She came to listen, and to take corrective sive Master Plan for the Elderly was devel­ .HON. SPARK M. MATSUNAGA oped and accepted by the legislature during action about problems where she could. the dedicated Chairmanship of Mrs. Shimejl OF HAWAII I regret, Mr. Speaker, that the com­ Kanazawa; and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mission will lose such a vital leader as Whereas, Mrs. Shimeji Kanazawa during Tuesday, February 10, 1976 Shim Kanazawa as its chairman. her Chairmanship was instrumental in ob­ Only the limit imposed by State law taining the Retired Senior Volunteer Pro­ Mr. MATSUNAGA. Mr. Speaker, in the on length of service could have removed gram grant award for the State in 1972 and months I have been serving as a subcom­ her from the commission. But if there is Nutrition Grant Awards for the State Com­ mittee chairman on the new House Se­ mission; and one sure bet, it is that Shim Kanazawa Whereas, Mrs. Shimeji Kanazawa was suc­ lect Committee on Aging, I have had will continue to play a major part in cessful in obtaining from the legislature demonstrated time and time again the seeking social justice for the elderly and funding for an International Governor's Bi­ principle that positive social change other groups in need of assistance in centennial conference on Aging to be held in ' comes, not only from spending more Hawaii and elsewhere in America, for Hawaii in 1976; and money on a problem but also, and per­ many years to come. Whereas, additionally, Mrs. Shlmeji Kana­ haps primarily, from the actions of dedi­ It has been my great privilege to be zawa has served on other community non­ cated, right-min(ied people who refuse included within Shim Kanazawa's circle profit organization management committees to accept the shortcomings in existing such as the Aloha United Fund Board and of friends for over 27 years, ever since Budget Committee, Health and Community social systems. she and her husband Kinji lived in Services Council Board, the Annual Meet­ Mrs. Shimeji Kanazawa, who is step­ Boston while Kinji attended Boston Col­ ing Dinner Committee for the Mo111111 Com· ping down as chairman of the Hawaii lege Law School and I was a law student munity Center, and was a member of the State Commission on Aging, is a living at Harvard. Because of her deep and in­ Commission on Children and Youth; and embodiment of that principle. nate compassion for people, especially Whereas, Mrs. Shimeji Kanazawa was Shim Kanazawa chaired the commis­ for those in need, I know I can look for­ awarded a most Outstanding Volunteer sion for the past 4 years, and was a com­ ward to continuing to work with her on Award in the State of Hawall ln 1974; and mission member for 4 years before that. issues of importance to the people of Whereas, Mrs. Shimeji Kanazawa's un­ In all of that time, she has been more stinting consideration of the plight of the Hawaii and the Nation. aged and the community at large inspired her active in what is basically an advisory, Mr. Speaker, the Hawaii State Com .... fellow Commission on Aging members to unpaid position, that anyone could have mission on Aging and the Hawaii State exhibit unselfish dedication to Commission expected from a full-time paid employee. House of Representatives have officially business; and A great many of the achievements of the recognized the contributions through Whereas, the Commission on Aging and commission during her period of service service made by Mrs. Kanazawa and I the staff of that Commission now wish to are attributable directly to her zeal, her join them in honoring her by inserting honor Mrs. Shimeji Kanazawa for a volun­ determination, her thoughtful persua­ their duly adopted resolutions into the teer position well filled, as under the pro­ an visions of the State of Hawau law it be­ sion, and her refusal to take "no" for RECORD at this point: comes necessary for Mrs. Shimeji Kanazawa answer. RESOLUTION No. 49 to relinquish the Chairmanship of the State When my subcommittee held hearings Whereas, Mrs. Shimeji Kanazawa has Commission on Aging; now, therefore, be it last fall into the problems of the elderly served as a member of the State Commission resolved, the State Commission on Aging in Hawaii, Shim Kanazawa saw to it that on Aging since 1968 and was named Chair­ does hereby extend its congratulations to Mrs. the commission's staff cooperated to the man by Acting Governor Ariyoshi in 1972; Shimeji Kanazawa and honor her for the fullest possible extent. Then she took and many years of dedicated service and strong that extra step: she and the acting exec- Whereas, the dedicated service of Mrs volunteer leadership she has provided to the February 10, 1976 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 3005 Commission and the community at large; fare; the Mayors of the several counties of THE ANTI-ISRAEL RESOLUTION OF and be it further resolved, that true copies Hawaii; the Chairpersons of the County THE UNITED NATIONS of this resolution be forwarded to Mrs. Committees on Aging; and each member of Shimeji Ka.na.zawa, Governor George Ariyo­ Hawaii's delegation to the United States shi, members of the Senate and House of Congress. Representatives of the State Legislature, HON. CHARLES B. .RANGEL members of Hawaii's Congressional delega­ OF NEW YORK tion, the Federal Administration on Aging IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and other interested parties. HAMMOND, IND., REVENUE Adopted this 12th day of December 1975, by SHARING Tuesday, February 10, 1976 the State Commission of Aging at its regu­ Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, the vote lar monthly meeting at Honolulu, Hawaii. in the General Assembly of the United Nations equating Zionism with racism H.R. No. 90 HON. RAY J. MADDEN OF INDIANA was obscene and can only make a peace­ Whereas, Mrs. Shimeji Kanaza.wa. has ful solution to the crisis in the Middle served as a member of the State Commission IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES East more difficult to achieve. on Aging since 1968 and was named Chair­ Tuesday, February 10, 1976 man by Acting Governor Ariyoshi in '1972; I believe that the developing nations and Mr.
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