_ . ! ’ . -, 4 , ■ ■ ■' \ ^ . llAfiiliQESIXiBiV' . WEPNESDAT^, itUVEMBER 21, 1945' ^ Arerage Daily Circulation The Weather Manchester Evening Herald For the MoatV of October* lf40 Forornrt of 1'. S. Weather Bareno — r - ------------ ----------------—T Cloudy and continued cold to- Arthur A. KnofUa. local real es­ the deaperate conditions' in post­ ; 8,995 -siifht with snow flurries; Saturday tate and insurance dealer, ia con­ Aiiiiual Social Poles to Mark war Poland. partly cloudy with scattered snow About T om 11 valescing with a fractured left N o Heral<| Mrs. Bernice Sendrowski will 31®inb®r ot th® Andlt flurries, considerably colder shoulder suffered on the course at give a short lecture on Ouiintc.sa ■Bnrenn of Ctrenlntlon® Fmillia Platter, reknowned hero­ the Manchester Country club. He At Lcjsioii Hall T o m o r r o w Pamous.Date RANGE AND FUEL OIL Manchester-— A City of Village Charm OocpenU Joatph C. Cwikit, son was in the crowd watching a match ine of that Poliah- uprialng. St. 9t Jtr. and Mrs. Oeorfre Cwlkis. of a week ago Sunday when he slip­ Cecilia and Lutnia cboirs are to (E i g h t e e n p a g e s ) PRICE THREE CENI-S IM Woodbridge strset, is st Camp ped on an incline and fell sharply sing well known patriotic songs. Wholesale Gasoline VOL. LXV., NO. 46 (CISMtHed Advertlalag on 16) MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY* NOVEMBER 23, 1945 Cooks, CaUfomls, where he will be to the ground. He was taken home I'lirliPv, Gobsp aiul Pi" There will he no i.s.sue of S|»ecial Ohservaiice on Children of the parish will recite -i— releas^ from ser\'ice within 10 and a doctor callcil. Removed to Drawing to Kp llcldj The F^vening Herald to- Siimlay of UpriRiii" appropriate poems: The Misses dajpa. He has been with the .^57th the.hoapital'for X-rays it was re- Olbeit, Opalach, Koaak and Skra- Field Artillery" Battalion since vedied that the shoulder bone was Tonight; SlarW al 8 moriow (Thanksgiving AgaiiiRt OppreRRora bac* will p e r fo r m a variety tap Bantly Oil Company June 1943 and has the Piirple fractured. He is able to be at his Day). dance In .Polish costumes to the Children Worth A^pney to G1 Father Heart medal, four Battle stars, the office each day. The 47th Annual Thanksgiving I The Polish National Catholic accompaniment of Mias Phyllis .1.31 Main Street ' Tel. 5293 or 2-1057 10 Documents W ill War Expected Prior GomI Conduct medal, the Victory Skrabaez, organist, oT tlie church, medal and the European an(l I A daughter was born yesterday Kve Social of Hose and Ladder! church of St. John will observe t Wladek Grzyb will play Chopin's Opposite the Armory American theater ribbon.v. I at the Hartford hospital to Mr. Company No. I. South Manchester the 11.5th anniversary of. the No­ Sion of the dance. TTie music for r'PoIonai.se." All Poles from Man- I and Mrs. Arthur Tolf of 21 flow- Fire Department, will be held to -; vember uprising, or Polish-Russian chesjterlester and vicinity are cordially The U. S. Naval Personnel I er street. They have.^,one other the evening wifi be supplied by Be Main Evidence night at the I^eglon Hall on Leon­ war. Sunday. NdV, 25 at the Pu­ I'invvited. Reparation Center, Lido Beach, small daughter,, Janice. ■ Buckys Melody Boys of Rockville, ard street. , * ' ’ popular entertainers at trie Legion J_ To Japanese L. I., N. Y „ today announced the laski hall, 71 North street, at 4 Thi.s popular ^vent has each year Home on Saturday nights for the -V- discharge from the Naval Service I Among the local people who will gained new fame as one of the p. m. Rev. P. Kozlowski will be of Maurice J. McKeever, S 1-c 296 I attend the wedding of Miss Alice pa.st few months. Against 20 Nazis standoufevents in Manchester. All The Melody Boys will play for the main speaker and will, review • RECORDS N. Xlain. street. ' ' I Catherine Fletcher and Pvt. Theo- proceeds from the social and dance RUDY JOHNSON I (lore. McGovern. Thanksgiving Day all types of dancing including sev­ the history of that fahiotis Polish will be turned over to the depart­ eral old fashioned numbers along The Wesley group, of the South j in the Methodist church, .Spring- ment fo* the purchase of new Insurrection flght for freedom Electric Wiring and Played to Gain Time MetHbdist WSCS will meet at the with modern numbers. The orches­ I field, Mas.s., will be Mr. and Mrs. equipment for the firehouse. and Independence in 1830-31. |K . Range Burner Service Punishment Demanded church this evening at 7:45. j Che.ster Morgan and sons. David tra has received many fine compli­ The speaker will remind the lis­ British Employ Clarence Freheit as general ments for their playing in the past '■ CALL 8028 On Charges of Spread­ I and Chester of Woodland street.. ! chairman, heads the committee in teners how the Polish nation, par­ I Pvt. McGovern is a grandson of and t^ip committee feels fortunate titioned by aggressive neighbors, Before 8 A. M. - After 6 P, M. Hull Gives Account of charge and from current reports in securing the Rockville group. ing Atrocious Doctrine > Mes .Mary,...Shearer McGovern ^ of another fine attendance ia expect­ Austria, Germany and Russia, un­ Tanks in Push Hungry Japs FDR Note Diplomatic 'Negolia- ' this town.’ ed at the Legion Home tonight. In­ '-^Itaffle tickets will be sold until able to bear the cruel treatment O f Aggressive Warfare DON WILLIS the time of the drawing. Tickets arose against .oppressors. Rev. former years the social'was ataged COLUMBIA — DECCA — VICTOR - CAPITOL In Plot to Murder Mil­ tion.H on Eve of Hus* Manchester Grange, No. .11, P. at Cheney hall but a shift was have been on sale for nearly a Kozlowski will also apeak - of Jii Soerabaja Steal Foods Copy Put GARAGE ' of H , will meet tonight at eight made this year and .--the Legion month and a big advance sale has tilities to Senate* ! o'clock in the .Ma.sotiic Temple. The been reported. REAL ESTATE lions All Over World Complete Auto Service Home is again expected to prove House Committee In* election ot officers for the coming popular with all who attend the Dancing .will get underway at 8 POTTERTON'S Hold Two - Thirds of From Army In Record 18 Main St. Tel. 8083 year will take place at this meet­ evenlngof'fun that will be cli­ o'clock. will pay cash for your prop­ At The Center 539-541 Main Street Bnllejlin! ing. ’ vc.sligaliu" Disa^ster m axed"^ the drawing of, tHJ'fam- MANCHESTER erty — anywhere In Man­ Open Thonuiay Until 9 F. 51. CImed Satnrda.v Al 5;SO P 51. Nuernberg. Nov. 23.— </P) City at End of .Day ous turkey, goose and pig. chester. Bolton, Vernon or At Pearl Harbor: In addition to the three so-called A U TO BODY — Ten days’ before the Ger­ O f Swiftest Advance; American Warehouse at Outlined Possible Tem­ WASHING MACHINES Sputh Windsor. 'No delay. mans attacked Poland in 1939 No Ultimatum Given ASHES AND RUBBl.SH big prixea, numerous other prises ^ 0 Oak Street' Capture Hotel ' Oranje Sendai Broken Into; porary Agreement will be raffled o ff during Intermls- ........ AND Hitler told his generals he REMOVED Telephone 8979 Howard R. Hastings Police Arrest 180 , In­ With Japan Late in LECLERC Auto Body and had given orders “ to kill Batavia, Java, Nov. 23-^4*l— Washington, Nov. 23.—(/P) .Also Local Moving and ELI^fTRIC APPLIANCES Real Estate Specialist Light Tracking PUNERAL HOME Fender Repairing without mercy all men. wom­ Employing Sherman tanka for the cluding 9 4 Women *41; Never Submitted — Cordell Hull told congres­ REPAIRED sional investigators today PHONE 8962 28 Main Street * Auto Painting 101 Phelps Road Carini Brothers en and children of the Polish flrat time in their Soerabaja of­ TELEPHONE 5059 race or language” and that Tokyo, Nov. 23.—(/P)—An Amer­ Washington, Nov. 23—(>lk — A that he had expected waf GAVELLO & E. SCHULZ Phone 6269 Oil Burners Simonizing Phones 4842 or 2-1107 fensive, British Indian .. troops German troops wearing Po­ ican Army warehouse was broken with Japan prior to the Pearl •ml Insurance Mortgages pushed 2,000 yards southward in copy of a pencilled note In' the RADIO SALES and SERVICE lish uniforms would be used that Naval base today . and by Into by rioting, hungry Japanese handwriting of the late President , tarijor attack «nd that he Furnaces in an attempt to conceal the nightfall held two-thirds of the at Sandai today, while warlords Roosevelt outlining a possibleltem- and President Uoosevelt had A Few Still Available. aggression, the Ameri­ city. whose dreams of conquest had porary agreement with JapaZ late maneuvered desperately tc THE WAR IS WON! Formerly located at 32 Oak St. can prosecution charged at A t the' end of a day of swiftest brought incipient famine surren­ In 1941 was placed In the record of gain time. The ailing 7-4-year- advances yet, the isritlah were dered one by one. t0 Allied Jail- the Pearl Harbor InvestiMting old former aecreta,i;y of state gav« ' RAUKUPFE OIL CO. the war crimes trial today. fighting for the principal hoa- era. 8N Maple Avenoe — Hartford W INTER Forced to Vacate committee today. \ . his afcount of diplomatic negotl.i- Odd Fellows Bingo telrica, capturing Hotel Oranje on Two hundred Japanese laborers. A notation said tt was -given by |i': IbL Hartford T-SI91 LET'S BUY PEACE! •nieodore R.
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