HIGH TIDE -=JJ 8-24-69 fl-L4-f,Y! 5 3 at 0242 ( at (J91 fl 4 4 at 1518 ttOURGlASS 1 2 At 2lfJIJ Saturday, August 23, 1969 VOL 9, No 8482 iWAJALEIN, MARSHALL ISLANDS TODA Y'S NEWS NIIon Defers Decision Withdrawing SAN DIEGO -- F"res conhnue to blaze Further Troops From Viel Ham ROMANIA 25th year s"nce Naz" SAN CLEMENTE (UPI) -- Presldent Nlxon has declded to defer a declslon on furth­ l"berat"on celebrated er Amerlcan troop wlthdrawa1s from Vlet Nam untl1 after he returns to Washlngton ln early September because of stepped up ml11tary actIvIty In the war zone It ARABS -- Mosque burn"ng st"ll spectacular mliltary reVlew and was announced today "bone of content"on " colorful parade Presldentla1 Press Secretary Ronald L ZIegler saId NIxon had put off a Presldent Nlcolae Ceausescu and S10n he had planned to make late next week on further cutbacks In ~erlcan troop SAN CLEMENTE -- N"xon announces Communlst Party and government offl­ levels ln Vlet Nam troop w"thdrahlal from South V"et clals watched the events from a re­ Ziegler sald that the Chlef Executlve wants to evaluate further the Vlet Cong Nam may be halted vlewlng stand along wlth _c ~gates and North Vietnamese actlvlty whlch from 16 Communlst countrIes reached a new hlgh pOlnt ln mld August SAIGON -- U S "nfantrymen near I-Ioscow was represented bllt the and he has asked for further reports to US Infantrymen Capture hel"copter s"ght Sovlet UnIon made ltS dIspleasure evaluate "the slgnlfl cance of thlS ac­ known hy sendlng onlv a low-ranklng tlVlty " Bomb Scarred Hill 111 PRAGUE -- Dubcek and 5mrkovsky delegatlon to the ceremonles The Zlegler sald that the mliltary Intel­ be be blamed for demonstrat"ons Sovlet [Jnlon has been unhappy over ligence forces have lnformatlon of the SAIGON (u~I) -- Hundreds of U S In- Romanla's forelgn P011CY probability of a new Communlst offen­ fantrymell tOOdY captured bomb-scarred WASHINGTON -- BZack students Twenty-flve years ago today under­ sive and Nlxon wants to analyze further Hlll III from North VIetnamese gunners gett"ng good educat"on ground fIghters stormed Into Ruchar­ this potential new flghtlng ann also who had blocked theIr advance toward a est's royal palace and arrested the take another look at infiltration lev­ downed hell copter for SlX days Anoth­ governme~t of Ion Antonescu whlch els from North Vlet Nam into the South er U S force fIghtlng In l13-degree Thieu Asks Minister had blO lpht RomanIa Into the war on before he makes a flnal declsion heat trapped hundreds of North Vletnam­ the SIde of the Germans The President L& due to return to ese In a nearby valley To Form New Cabinet Washington around Sept 6 or 7 and The rlflemen, assaultlng from two SAIGON (UPI) -- Presldent Ngu}en Van Ziegler said that withi~ a matter of dlrectlons under a shleld of alr and Thleu today asked Gen Tran Thlen Flam es Lick Over Hills weeks or days after that Nixon wlll artlilery strlkes, swept to the top of Khlem, South Vlet Nam's Interlor Mln­ make an announcement on troop replace­ the JOO-foot hlgh hIll wlthout reS1S­ ister, to form a new cablnet The In Southern California ments tance They took the peak at dusk and move appe~red to slgnal a stcengthen­ SAN DIFGO, CALIF (UPI) Flames The U S has lnformed the South Vlet­ Immediately set up a defense perl- lng of the mliltary In Salgon POll­ llcked over more than 63 acres of namese government ln Saigon of the de­ meter tlcs dry brush In hliis and canyors of C1Slon to put off any announcement of Tomorrow they planned to push toward Khlem's appointment carne less than three Southern Callfornla countIes further reduction ln Amerlcan forces -­ the hell copter wreckage 24 hours after PrIme Mlnlster Tran Van today and a heavy vell of smog hang­ which will not dlsplease them -- and It Battlefleld reports ~ala scores of Huong, a clvlllan, reslgned In a dlS­ lng overhead hampered flreflghters was assumed other allies were belng fortlfled bunkers from whlch the North pute with Thleu over plans for broad­ The blggest flre raged out of cop­ told VletnaFese regulars had battled the ad­ enlng the base of the government to trol over acres of dry land on the Ziegler sald that Nixon had been vanclng Amerlcans Slnce fuesday had bolster ItS posltlon In any future Camp ~endleton Marlne Corps Base and giving the question of troops In Vlet been caved In but there were nJ Commu­ electlons agalnst the VIet Cong ad]Olnlng land WhlCh IS the Cleveland Nam a close study dUllng the past few nlst bodles The U S Emba~sy had put pressure Natlonal Forest The Pcesldent's days and that he mad~ his declslon Frl­ KUNMING. on Thleu to keep Huong ln offlce fQr western White Fouse also adJolns the day He apparently dld convey to South fear that hlS departure would open the area Korean President Par~ Chung Hee hlS In­ ALLIED SOURCE!fISAY way to a government domlnated by army FOE LOST 78 000 Vietnam The flres was several mlles due tentions when they wound up thelr talks KILLED IN MAY offlcers east of San Clemente, burnIng In a JUNE AND JUl Y ROUNDUP in San Francisco thi~ week Khlem, 44, is a four-star general southerly dlrectlon, and offlclals Ziegler, however, did not say flat­ Thieu lS also a general and Vlce sald there was no rlsk It would turn ly that Park was told although lt was Presldent Nguyen Cao Ky IS a marshall NANNING• toward the coast and Nlxon's seaSIde clear that he had been Informed The ln the Alr Force vllia S6uth Korean leader had warned Nixon that a big pullout might have repercus­ sions of security agalnst Communist ABANG Arabs Observe Day of Mourning forces throughout the world and par- UANG. ticularly on his own border whlch is threatened from the north yo ........ ~ _"w- "- Over Burning of EI Aqsa Mosque Czech Premier Links .,,/ THAILAND\ POURING OUT OF JUNGLES UPI -- The Arab world today observed a day of mournlng over the burnlng of El NORTH VIETS AND CONG Aqsa Mosque In Jerusalem wlth general strlkes and other protest demonstratlons Riots to 'Counter' Gr.oup ATTACK U S B~SES NEAll. CAMBODIAN BORDER again~t the Unlted States as well as Israel Arab leaders renewed calls for a FIGHTING IS HEAVIEST PRAGUE (UPI) -- Premier Olrlch Cernik SINCE LAST FEBRUARY Moslem holy war agtlnst the Israells said today that "counter elements" or­ Observers sald the flre whlch badly damaged the anClent mosque, one of Is­ ganized this week's liots ln Czechoslo­ lam's hollest shrlnes, had whlPped tenslons In the Mlddle Fast to thelr hlghest vakia in an attempt to overthrow the point Slnce the 1967 war One sald It could do more to unlte the wrangll ng Ar- government ab leaders agalnst Israel than cny other slngle development As Cernik spoke, in Moravio the Com­ Israel today announced the arrest of munist Party newspaper Rude Pravo Australlan Mlchael D Rohen, a sheep claimed that interrogation of arrested 'rish Protestants Threaten shearer Identlfled as a member of the demonstrators had uncovered the organi­ Chrlstlan Church of God sect, on char­ zers The reports reiterated that To March on Parliament ges of settlng flre to the mosque on the organizers might be Alexander Dub­ Thursday cek and Josef Smrkovcky BELFAST, NORTHFRN IRELAND (UPI) The announcement, however, dld llt­ The state-run Prague Radio demanded Mliltant Protestants threatened to tIe to stem the mountinf anger among that those responsible for the fighting march on ParI lament today to protest Arabs and Moslems elsewhere arou~d the "be removed from publ ic life " Both the Brltlsh government order dlsarmlng world Arabs generally denounced Ro­ Dubcek and Smrkovsky, although demoted Government Report Says the Protestant B-Special Pollce hated hen's arrest as a maneuver deslgned to from positions of leadership, are stlll by the natlon's Roman Cathollc mlnor­ shlft blame from Israel high parliamentary officials Integrated Schools Better lty In Jordan, thousands of Arabs march­ With these statements, the Czech gov­ The Brltlsh Army ordered the B-Spec­ ed in groups on the U S Embassy and ernment moved swiftly to fix blame for WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Except for some lals to turn ln thelr weapons rather the U S Informatlon SerVlce Center ~n the riots, which left at least five white parents, there IS wlde agreement than keeplng them ln thelr homes Amman but were turned back by Arab persons dead as thousands of G..:echs in desegregated Southern schools that Roman Catholics who blamed most of guerrlilas protested the start cf the second year black students are gettlng a better ed­ the elght deaths In rlotlng ln Bel­ Arahs took part In ~ general strikes of Soviet occupation ucation and that white students have fast last week on the B-Speclals have in Jordan, Lebanon and in Israell- oc­ The statements alsc hinted at more not suffered academically, the govern­ long contended they are antl-Catholic cupled terrltorles A grenade was arrests and the possible removal of ment said today gunmen thrown Into the open Arab market at some moderate government officials like This was a major concluslon of a re­ The Rev Ian Palsley, the mliltant Raflah ln the occupled Gaza ~trlp, Dubcak port by the civil rlghts offlce of the Protestant Leader, organized a march kililng- two Arabs and woun~lng 15 more The government had already acted Frl­ Department of Health, educatlon and on Stormont Castle to hand a protest day night to prevent more demonstra­ Welfare, based on Intervlews wlth petltlon to the Northern Ireland gov­ tions by issuing an emergency law pro­ 1,320 students, teachers, ~dmlnlstra­ ernment He sald the mliltants would viding summary punishment --banishment tors and parents ln 13 school dlstrlcts
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