IJEnr. '·T~o-o-~~· ,1I:1C~H.!'~, rH~nH ~ THE WAYNE. HERALD * OfII-IlUIllllIID SWIIlTH VEAIl MlAVHE, ftEBRASHA ••7a7. THURSDAY. APIlIL 14. 19a3 HUIIS!!1l f1R¥ J'OuIl Teacher erection Tuesday coniract C.un~iI·sets --mcreaa.-- meenllfJUl­ 2_- all.6'% The beginning salary of te-ac"'.ers In the Wayne-Carroll School sY$fem w'ilI Increase ·Iottery vote by 1.,~ percent for the 198:1·84 school year. That Is part 01 a salary and fri.~ge benefit Wayne's City COuncil wilt meet in special pao'age rallfilid by 1M ·W.·'ne·C.rroll session Wednesday morning to evaluate the Board of EduCtiflon'-a1 their regu" ar meeting results of Tuesday's municipal lottery Tu_ynight. - referendum. City planning The Wayne Education Associa':""fon (WEA) "We want to immediatelv evaluate the voted earlier to accept the salari' package. election results and hopefully move ahead The present salary tor a heglri'rilTag for a May 1start on the lottery," Wayne'sel· to seek hike teacher ls S1-2.300 pe.r sctlOOl vear. The ty administrator, Phil Kloster, 'old the beginning salary for the 1983·84 ~chool year Council Tuesday night. will be 512.500. "We have scheduled a 7 a.m. breakfast meeting on Wednesday, April 20, for that onreefees SUPERINTENDENT Francis ,1aun .ald purpose," Kloster said. Wayne's winte;, basketball and teachers salaries are based on w," ·~t is term· KLOSTER INFORMED Council of the -~:e:oI~l~he~C~ltyI¥eJAl'Sudc!i"'IO"r"'I~L1mlllunetJ.llthse"aS.son""',+ ed an Index schedule which allows for 'a .4 the ---peree-nt Ina e8$e I.h----ttte~_n_mnea special .e.slon during a Tuesday nlght"p· _~ ~t'~"'" w.Ord 1~1..KIlWaL.~, number of years 'of experIence and it S per· date on ll.e PiOPOSed lollery etec~ 'J~d,mlnlstrator. ..~ cent Increase In the base for e¥....h_'l1ne.hoUfiL Polls will beopen ollywldelrom~a.m.loa T""sday nighl, Klosler lold the City orapproved grad!Jaie'~crediI" p.m. Tuesdav lor regl.tered voters to ea.1 c:ou.nc:1l Ihal participants in "",, clly Haun ,aid Ihe lotal salary paokage lor ballots In the munlc1-pal, le:rttery elec1ion~ Rec~.tl~n 'DepartllJe.nt's prog-:-a~I:.~ leaoheuwlll relUltl" an average budgelln· , ,. P~II,ngpla_"lorlheclly'slourward." ..the,l!Udlt~rl"m w'!"ld be"."'t"paya crease Of 3.58 percent over the, 1982·83 school are, FlrSt'Wa,'d,VllIa Wayne; SeCond '~sei':lype'.e, .' Ward.- ""atlonsl Guard Armory; "Third "We need fogeta betterhandieon tile y-- Ward. MelhodlslFellowshlp Hall, Fourth utlIlIie. over 'here (at the IN ADDITION Iolncre.,lng ,,,., beginning Ward, City Auditorium. auditor'um)," Kloster said, noting tlNtt sa'ary by S200,lhe tJoard approved Ihe a<llll· Kloster told the Council that the city was participants now pay $5 per person per tfon 0' one step In the SA columns to Include working to "Incorporate a very Identifiable season. BA, BA plu. 9. BA plu. 18, and BA plu. 27. program" into the proposed lottery. "That's far below the value return- The board al.o approved a , per""nl In· "We want to be sure that regardless of ed," he added. "Next season, the pr. 'ferease In lane A of the extra-duty schedule, where you run Into it down the road, you'll pose. is to charge the utilit'es dlrectl, which Includes head football, head basket~ know ,It Is Wayne's (lottery}," he said. to them ta recover the cost," ball. head voHeyball, head wrestling, Klosler disclosed lhe'e,lpaded hike athletic director and varsity band. KLOSTER SAID Ihe proposed loller,..prc­ - whil...........ntilllJ tile· COuncln.rlllfi Certain changes in the columns of extra, g~~~ ~~ft'~!~.ong prom~t1on of wa.yne. Recreation Department's annual duty itsslgnment's afro:!'ore cpprovetJ. that will help slnc~ we hope to grow In· - -- ·-1"MC--soARO-'VOfCdTOCOntinue~pay­ dustrlally and buslnesswlse," Kloster said. ment of health, disability and $15,000 life in· "That name (Wayne's proposed lottery ~ surance. logo - Lotto-Luck) has to be very C. Hau.n said premiums fen health Insurance household," hacontlnued. have not been set by the- Ins!jranc~ carrier Klosler lold the Counoll fhal Ih. city has . .t goes had a "very positive" turnout from the y ..' .' . for 1983·8., but are estimated to es.calate by at lea,t 18 percent, for an $11.000 Increase. Wayne Chamber of Commerce. Present monthly Insurance premlums-are _t:te_"s,aJd the ,membership voted 4 to 1 to -- - -, - -- - --- ---------,~ S42,871!H'sl!!llla ""atlh In.ur""ce, 5121.27 lor support the city's proposed lottery. t 'amlly heallh In,ura.noe, 127.85 for ,Ingle beet medloare heallh In.uranoe, 555.691...lamlly to"Thevget thearegolnglodoeverylhlnglheypeople to turnout on April 19,~'can .0.· .. '.'.' _.' ·'0'·.n·.··. medicare health Insurance, $5.10 for $15,000 Kloster added, noting the chamber has fife Insure-nee, and $7.85 for disability In­ Spring's the thing publicly-endorsed the lottery. _ surance. -WINTER WEARY Wayne i1reilresidents were just ready 10 burst any month now, according' to rclcal Haun said Inrome dlsablHty and fife In· CO~~~I~~~~~~eN w~~I;:'t~~I~~iv : -,( --s~--'-'~_'~ surance premiums Bre flot expected to In· about ready to give up on spring this week until the weather'l'latcl:-ers. So, talle a fling into your own spring t:::a D-s·-.,-e·--n- crease, April showers pushed up some early'seilson flowers. thing. with the "professional manner" In which The crocus flower is in bloom and the tree buds are the lottery proposal has been put together. THE TOTAL o"sl ,,' Ih~ salary ""ekage, ' Kloster'said "those towns that are in the Weyne re.ldenl. wlll be proloolad by a Including the movement of teachers on steps lottery business are doing better each <Ilywlde ele<lronlo Civil OelenSe warning and lanes of the salary schedule. will be week." .yslem by July II the CIIy Council has Its S36 18Sf ac:cordlng to Haun, way. i Lueders Inc. to start May 1 But. he noted that Wayne's proposed lot­ Proposed ohang.. In the exlra·duly .. tery was designed to go beyond the current Counellvoled unanlmou.ly Tuesday nlghl sohodule will oosl an addilional 53,974. mun-ldpal e)(pel"lenee with lolle.le-s----tn-- -to-a~,"s, a.lld spectjjcallQitS,,'dr a proposed elootronle . warning Syo",", to. Board members serving -on, the- negotia­ Nebraska, ' "Our vendor operation wlll be starting at replace the city's obsolete sirens. '" ::' tion team were Jim Hummel, chairman.. "We hope'lo have ·Inslallallon 60 days·' Nell 5llndahl and Arnold Emry. home and going OU,t from there:' he con­ firm- Irom ihe ewardlng 01 Ilia bid," Phil Kloslar, -wa,negllinewgarbage- tinued/ reiterating that the city had set a "II negollallon, oon be a· plea.ure. Ihl. eltv ajl_m~nlslralori lola the Co~nclt had to,be Ii plea5Ure/~ Hummel told board 12'month goal of SO,OOO tickets per month. member. Tuesday night. Wayne has a new Class A,garbage hauler, under Lueders Inc., and that the trucks (BIW5 GW), that's what we try to do there "1 think we can do that, and I would "otbe I"epr~ The WEA negollallon leem was headed up Lueder$ Inc. has obtained '8 license to do would carry the' "C&D Garbage" name., and thars what we're going to try todo with surprised if we eKceeded that," he said. CClIINCIL SET bid opening, on posed eleolronlc .Iren ,y,lem lor,~:45·p,m. by Duene Blomenk.mp. bu.lne., In Wayne a, a Cla'$ A garbage "We'll be ohorglng 57.50 per re.ld",,"al Ihl.," he ,ald. hauler, a~cordlng to Phil Kloster, city ad· Lueders sald "the new Class A hauling "HOPEFULLY, al .Ihal polnl we'll be Tuesday. May lb. ..' customer," LUeders told the CounCil. "Wa are esllmallng lhal I"., lop doillir . IN OTlIER oollon Tuesday nlghl•. tha mlnlstrator. "A.nd. that means no Ilmlf...plu5 It In­ operation will be offering Wayne customers making a goOO denl In Ihe properly would be $49,~.,or Ihe,y_hlm." '1<101181' board also approved salary schedules for 'Tuasday nlghl. BIII,Lueders ot BIll's GW cludes Muhs Acres and College Row," he tWice·a·week pick up. tax•..ancL of course, that's what the goal not~ pr~rty said. "Bul, w,.leeHhaltha bldswlllcomel/l hoUrly wage employees. bu. drivers and told Ihe 'CIIV Council Ihat Ihe ~ew garbage sold. He also that the company wovrd be < Is...tooffset fSJ!:," Kloster said.. oCllolderablybelow'lh.it, ....•. .•... ' .... subslllule'eedler•. ..~vloe ,hould be "rea,dy to go" on MI1y ~' Luedets said the n~w company's'adve.,tJs· focushig on special cases where residents Klosler reminded the Counoll IIulI II were uniole to have garbage at the curb­ •hould _Sieler barring th. <Ily ,Iall and lis Klo,ler . said .tha .S.f,:S3~·tO'.;d~llar. Hourly wage emp'oyee.on Ihe salary Ing campaign would start next week. prl~Il"lor schedule, Inoludlng .ecretarle•• cook, and LUEDERS INC. 9blalned Ihe Ilcen.e la.1 side. l/Wn member.lromperllclpallng In lhe 101· a-limal. was a "reellsllcil.t the . cuslodlans, .wlll reoelve an addilional 20 week, -oc~~dlng fo Kloster; who In1roduced "THE MAIN Ihlng we are going 10 .Ire,. "We'll do whal we have 10 do 10 plok up lery '10 avoid e"yeonllldol Inlere,t pro­ ,jlt'opoledClv/i l)efenJli,warnlrig tVt""'.··;, Noling thaI recenl reports hav.a.l~asl <enl' per hour., the Wayne'grOcery'store owner to ,the,Citv Is 5~rYlce to the customer,';" Lueders told the those c:ustomers," he added.
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