c Slmerkan. r * — — — ■ ■ ■■■■■■ —■ r»rcB $t oo n. €U,stP0rtl| ^YVI *' 212' ; ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 18, 1920. No. 33 LOCAL AFFAIRS Mr*. Henry Hawkins of Brewer is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. W. A. National Bank NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Alexander. Liberty Mrs. Charles Brewster, with little OF ELLSWORTH E. O. Moore. son Gerald, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Bangor fair. *r J. P. Eldrldge. J. A. Haynes. J. Henry Ellis of New York, noted M. L. Adams. “Get Rich Quieto" composer and pianist, was the week- Schemes and Investments ol Le»al Notices. end guest of Mrs. Charles N. Gibson. H. C. Austin & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Archambo and "Premised" N. E. Telephone Co. Large Returns little daughter Jean, of N. Classified Advertisements. Syracuse, Have no under the Y., were week-end of Mr. and place National ami Federal H. F. Weseott guests Heserve Hardware Co. Mrs all do not as a Banks. Twice a J. F. Knowiton. Large wages spent represent good System year examinations by Govern- A. K. Mitchell, Ellsworth Falla. Miss Blanche Livermore of Sebec ment examiners, and at least five sworn and condition as a smaller income and of it saved. published Station and Misses Muriel Shannon part statements sre your assurances that this safeetiaH is BCHBDPl.E OP MAILS. and Sadie Lake of Lewiston are In other words—It’s what save that counts. followed. you Ella worth Poatotlce. guests of E. N. Merrill and family. t a Account here. 4 R.tnk with us for and Services In Catholic churches. Sun- Open Savings per cent, interest Safely Service. MAILS RECEIVED Yonr or day. 22. 9 personal mail enquiries are Aug. Mass, Ellsworth. From West—7.04. 7.18 and 11.80 a. paid. solicited. 2 and o’clock; Bucksport, 11 o’clock; 24 per cent, paid m., 8.50 p. m. Northeast 6 on checking accounts. 4 cent, on Harbor, and 10 o’clock. Bank with us. per From East—12.20, 3.40, 4.68 and 10.37 NMVlng*. Mrs. It. H. Is p. m. Moyle entertaining her mother, Mrs. John MAILS CLOSE AT POSTOFFICE. Parker, of Westerly, R. I„ and her Mrs. Going West—11.60 a. m.. 4.30 sister, 3.20, and Nathan Capital, $100,000 Surplus and Profits, $150,000 0 p. m. Kendall, and her children of Bangor. Going East—0.35 a. m., 3-20 p. m. The usual services will be held at the Methodist church next Sunday arrives from West at 7.04 and Sunday— worning at 10.30 and at 11.30 a m.; closes for West at 3.20, 4.30 evening Union Hiust 7.30, in the afternoon at Company] and 9.00 p. m. No mail East Sunday. Preaching Goose Cove at 2.30. Registered mall should be at post- Mrs. Sabina one Ellsworth,Maine office half an hour before mall closes. Scott, of the old- Kitchen Work a Pleasure est residents of Ellsworth, died Mon- day night at the home of her sister, WEATHER IN ELLSWORTH. Mrs. Annie Hurley, on Yv'est Maple A s Seller "MASTERCRAFT" Kitchen Cabinet In street, where she had made her home For Week Ending at Midnight Tueartay your home makes your kitchen work a real since the death of her husband, Wil- pleasure. Aug 17, lUtO. Clean anil liam Scott, some years ago. Mrs. orderly with Its Automatic 1 Frew ©brerwttion* taken at the Lowering potret Scott was born in ata*Jon of the hur Haroor & Ireland March 4, Flour Bln. Its Dust Proof Base Top anil White Union Hirer Power Co., in fillivrc».*th. Precipitation i» 1.S32, and came to this country as a SAVE YOUR MONEY gtoen in tncfipe Sanitary Porceliron Work Table, the "MASTER- for #*e twenty-four boar* girl. The funeral was held at St. ending at midnight. | CRAFT is a Joseph's Catholic church This fore- delightful Invention, a complete pan- Weather THE HANCOCK COUNTY SAVINGS BANK OF ELLSWORTH, MAINE Procip- noon. try. containing within your easy reach, every cook- Teraperatore condition* itatiou The body of William C. Dodge, HAS ALREADY PAID 04 SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDENDS ing Ingredient anil utensil that 4 a ni 12 m you could desire. iorenoou afternoon son ol Mr. and JBrs. George A. Dodge Wed — FT 70— rain cloudy,raia .24 of Ellsworth, who died in Liverpool, Thur* 6*— 66— The last dividend was at the rate of 4 per cent, com- r*in cloudy,raia .14 Eng., November 1, 1918, while in the Fri 66— 71— cloudy cloudy,rain .01 aero service, arrived here Saturday, pounded semi-annually Sat f»6- 68— cloudy cloudy,rain .15 and was taken to Bludifill for Inter- Sun 86— TO— cloudy cioudy^air ment Services were held at the Mon 6E— 70— fair "The Best Servant in Your cloudy Congwgational church in Bluehil’i House” Ttreu '66— 82— cloudy fair Sunday afternoon. The church was filled with friends of this popular 's the time to protect with an Automobile —sthe "MASTERCRAFT" saves time, saves NflUf yourself steps, Miss Louise Johns of East Boston young man. who gave his life for his saves work. The Don’t start the car until "MASTERCRAFT” brings to you is the guest of Miss Lizzie Morris at omintry. Liability Policy. you added hours of rest and recreation. her Bavside cottage. ahryor Herth has received a com- talk with "me about it. munication from the depot quarter- A most Interesting demonstration awaits you at J. Artel le MeCown left Monday for master at the army base in where he has em- supply the store of WUltmantUvCoan., Boston W. ployment. regarding fie selling -of O, Tapley Company canned meats, and calling attention Mrs. Leman and Royal daughter tor he Tact-that many cities are order- Mary of are vis- A. THOMPSON Falrport Harbor, O., ing these supplies for sale at cost to iting relatives in Ellsworth. H. C. Austin & Oo. residents. The department agrees to IIO MAIN STREET Howard H. Adams of Boston is la gin sixty -Buys’ credit, to renlace P’tre, Marino and Automobile Insurance Main Street Ellsworth to spend his vacation witth goods or refund money if not satis- his mother, Itxs. J. Q. Adams. factory, and to take back unsold Representing Frederick Bernard of East balances. Mayor H*«th would like Ellsworth, Maine Lynn, The Equitable Fire and Msnne Insursnoe Co. MasB., has been visiting Samuel W. an expression from the people as to OF HARTFORD, COxtfJV. Moore and wtte the past two weeks. the desirability of ordering a supply George U. Hamilton and wife of lor Ellswmth, and invites such an ex- Dorchester. Mass., are at the Hamil- pression. ton nomestcaz! tor a visit of several At the .regular masting of Frarik E. weeks. Whitmore post, A. L., last Thursday Clarence E. Moore and wife, of ■evening, it was voted to accept the for a series Make a Haverhill, Mass., are with their par- plan of five entertain- Fancy Sweater ents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. ments. one each month the Moore, during WITH Fatter, Sleeker Cows for a few months. winter, beginning with the evening of The annual county contest of boys' Armistice day, Nov. 11. Arrange- and girls' clubs will be held at Han- ments have been made with an out- Good Shepherd Fingering Yarns and More Milk cock hall, Ellsworth, Friday and Sat- of-town entertainment company to urday, Oct. 1.5 and 16. put on the series of entertainments, which will be of a varied nature. WEHAVE A CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK Now that your pasture teed Is giving ont l« Ore time to use Herman Scammons was operated OF UP-TO-DATE l-arro Upon Monday at his home, for The post Is also laying plans for a Feed Balanced Ration to keep up the big (low of milk. ap- WORSTED AT Drs. course here next sum- REASONABLE PRICES Butter prices are high and latrro will help you to get the pendicitis, by Knowiton and Chautauqua lenettt of these high price*. Parcher. The case was a serious one, mer. Application blanks tor the medals were distributed to but Mr. Scamnson Is comfortable. 'Victory” Iceland Wool 75c a ball those at the Other Charles F. Jordan of Everett, present meeting. Scotch Knitting 75c a ball Mass., has Mr. and Mrs. members may secure them from Germantown The Most Economical Feed on the Market and It contains joined 65c a ball Commander Beal. Robert S. Leighton of Everett, Shetland Floss .... a beet pulp which you can't get In any other feed. The big Mass., 65c ball at their an- Sylvanus S. a native of dairies use It. Bayside cottage, for his Boynton, nual visit here. Hflgworth. kut since 1873 a resident I Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Monaghan of Minneapolis, died July 27 at COMPLETE DIRECTIONS FOR LATEST MODELS ARE GIVEN of Bangor, with their daughter, Mrs. Lakome. Minn., at the age of eighty- IN OUR FREE SWEATER BOOKLET D. J Doherty, of Melrose, Mass., and six years. Mr. Boynton was a vet- latrro contains 20 per cent, p rot lens and is a snee rallk pro- her Jittle daughter Helen, are at their eran of the Civil war, enlisting at ducer. 14.33 Per 100 Pound Bag home here for a few weeks. Ellsworth. Soon after returning New Styles in Shirtwaists Willis, the seven-year-old son of from service, he married Miss Emily Voile, $2,98, 3.49, 4.50, 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. C E. Smith, was oper- J. Swett oT Ellsworth, and in 1S65 ated Drs. Knowiton and moved to Wisconsin, going from Georgette, $6.98, 7.50 highest possible a natural upon by recently, for adenoids and there to Minnesota eight years later.
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