THE WESTFIELD LEADER Thm Leading And Moat Widely Circulated Weekly Nempaper In Union County Inure* u Second ClaM Matte Published SIXTY-EIGHTH YEAR—No. 44 Port OMc*. WutliM. N. 1. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1958 •very Tkureiir Fingerprinting own Olympics Battle Pledged Board Approves Smaller >et For Saturday By Democrats Gym As Pool Substitute Protest Action Playgrounds No Injury.Accidents Taken Against Dr. Craver, VP, . '•- Says Switch In Here During Weekend Canvassers Here Resigns From Addition Plans to Take Part There were no ill jury-accidents County Democrats have served in Westfield during the • three-day 'notice that continued demands for In Annual Event Fourth of July weekend, Police fingerprinting of their vote regis- School Body Chief Albert Pnrrmann has an- tration canvassers in Westfield or saves other Republican communities will nounced. The radar was in op- Dr. Bradford N. Craver of 805 „ The Board of Education Tuei>, The annual playground Olympic eration during the entire period lend to legal action over constitu- tional rights. fountain avenue, vice president f » lay night announced it* decision ames will be held Saturday at and 75 motorists were picked up jf the Board of Education, sub- change the plans for the seniof lecreation Field at 9:30 a.m. till for various motor vehicle viola- The warning was issued by mitted his resignation, effective igh school addition by subttitut- oon. Trophies, medals and olym- tions, especially speeding, the Thomas G. Dunn of Elizabeth, re- immediately, from the school (i smaller gymnasium forth* Mc hats will be presented to event chief reported. gistry chairman, as he prepared board Tuesday night, He gave as ne in the original plans whlclj'', linnets. All participants will be an official letter of protest to iis reason lack of time, because ould have accommodated i iwini" peated to ice creani after the * — Fete Stevenson Westfield officials over the finger- if his professional and business | ling pool. • :' ames. Field events will include TOWN CHAMPS—Top wi«a.r. in the ke« hockey town turn.- printing of three of, his young can- iffaii-s, "to do justice to the time- i It is estimated that the saving* oad jump, high jump, and dis- Westfield Deans m»t Held laat Thvrejajr for playground children tra ihown vassers Monday by municipal po- :onsuming duties of a member of I be effected by the change will" ^nce throws along with dashes •bov. at follows from loft U> right! John Cordjraclc, Ihird place, lice. he board." 3e approximately fSt\OOD, th*-, nd relay races. Playgrounders Given New Posts Rooutelt playground; Ronald Goodwin, first pUco, WiUon play- Dunn demanded the police "pull H. D. Merrill Jr., president,, oard reported, ; fe making their Olympic flags ground, and Harry,Blue, •«ond, McKinley playground. the prints from the file of common ipoke of the "outstanding con-1 The proposal to substitute t, |is week and also participating criminals at once,"' and asserted ributions" made by Dr. Craver ool for the large gymnasium wH i track clinics at Recreation field. that if they don't, he will test the Meder, Swink In luring his 4% years as a board| 'ejected by the voters at the April , others, fathers and friends" Westfield ordinance on canvassing member. He has been a member ichool election. The smaller gym fcve been invited Ip attend and Rutgers Changes Rev. Clark Hunt Named himself Saturday. f the joint committee on sUtf will be large enough for a tooyi'..' isist their cKildren in the dis- The registry chairman, a free- development and employee bene- DR. B. N. CRAVER tandard basketball court and will' ^nce throw which is a partner Two Westfield deans have been holder candidate, said he would fits, chairman of the special com- built at the same floor level U ent. named to new - positions at Rut- New Methodist Minister join in the door-to-door voter sur- mittee which revised the board he present gym, accoiding to" I Joseph Coleman, director of gers University, according to an vey in Westfield on Saturday with- rules and regulations, chairman ho board. ."^ |creation announced a new high announcement by Dr. Lewis Web- out the required police permit if if the committee on finance and Boro Recreation 'Fifteen teachers were hlred| total registration for the first ster Jones, president. The Rev. Clark W. Hunt, for his request is ignored by town of- budget, and chairman of the com- Tinging the total new personnel weeks of the playgrounds. Albert E. 'Meder of 301 Roan- the past seven'and a half years ficials. mittee on instruction and health. Program Begins tired for next year to 77. Five he figure now stands at 2,96?. oke road, dean of administration minister of Trinity Methodist Dunn said he is inclined to be- "It was due largely to Dr. osltions remain to be Ailed, Dr. •ily attendance figures reached since 1945, was named to the new Church, Albany, N.Y., will be ap- lieve the Westfjeld incident Mon- 'raver that the board adopted its !. N. Ewan Jr., superintendent of Mis. office of dean of the university pointed minister of First Method- day, in which canvassers were sub- present policy of special grants 7 Civic Groups ichools reported) These »re a and vice provost. John L. Swink of ist Church, Westfield, according jected to police fingerprinting be- which is making such a valuable cadi nit teacher, a guidance coun- [Box hockey champs crowned 3 Breeze Knoll drive, associate to an announcement by Bishop fore they were permitted to work, Support New Plan selor for Roosevelt School, • sev- huraday were Ronald Goodwin contribution to maintaining and dean of the University College Frederick B. Newell of the New is "Republican harassment of our improving the educational stand- :nth grade English teacher, a first Wilson, first; Harry Beane, since 1953 will replace. Dean York area of the Methodist program." ards in our schools," Mr, Merrill MOUNTAINSIDE—A privately trade position and an assistant IcKinley, second and John Card- Meder as dean of administration. Church. Mr. Hunt will succeed Dr. The fingerprinting was required stated. sponsored borough recreation pro- rincipalship in Franklin School. |ck, Roosevelt, third. In his new office. Dean Meder Gordon -E. Michalson who recent- according bo Police Chief Albert Robert H. Mulreany was named gram for kindergarten to 12th Of the 68 new teachers hired (Free twirling instructions of- will be responsible for develop- ly was appointed to the chair of vice president of the board by grade youngsters began Monday luring the past few months,. it |red this'^summer on the play- ing educational plans and pro- historical theology at 'Garrett (Please turn to page 5) unanimous vote. in Doerfleld School playfleld. For- ire experienced and 19 inexperi- ounda under the direction of grams for the future development Biblical Institute, Evanston, 111.. A successor to fill Dr. Crav6r's ty-three boys and girls partici- mced. One holds no degree, 01 Pat Jones have proved to be of the university. Dean Swink Mr. Hunt is a native of New unexplred term will be named pated in opening day activities. lave bachelor's degrees and six pular Uf over 100 children, will be responsible for the admin- York and Pennsylvania, having English Visitor through the screening committee John Kyreakakis, 27-ycar-old lave masters' degrees. jrirlers are practicing for the istration of the university's aca- been reared in a Methodist par- of the Joint Civic Committee ac- physical education instructor in Hired Tuesday night to teach mpic parade which will precede demic personnel, program. He will sonage. After two years in the cording to Mr, Merrill. Mountainside schools, is director in the Senior High School were Olympic games. supervise work of the university banking business, he matriculated To Preach Here The board accepted the resigna- if the summer program which will Bjnrne Tonnesen, Industrial arts; Featured at the teen-age play- registrar, .oversee publication of at Syracuse University where he tions of six teachers: Robert L. continue until Aug. 31. He is the Mrs. Susan H. Gross, chemistry ound this week waa a trip to catalogs and hulletins and plan was a member of Alpha Chi Rho Andrus, Miss Christine M. Comp- only paid employee of the new or- and physiography, and Miss Mary iacon Bath, at the shore, along and organize public-,:'ceremonies, social fraternity and of the fol- Will Be Guest Of ton, Miss Leoba M. Dempsey, Miss ganization which calls Itself the E. Learish, English. 1th basketball league, baseball including commencement. lowing honorary fraternities: Phi Congregationalism Barbara J. Fay, Miss Carolyn Mountainside Supervised Play New Roosevelt School teacheri nes in Summit and Gurwood, Dean Medui',' wh» hM been on Beta Kappa, Tau Theta Upsilon, Giroud and Mrs. Anne Mac- ground Program. are Miss Virginia K. Swensen, j-ed craft work, and e co-ed leave of absence since January, and Monx Heal. He was presl Fadyen. (Financial ppport has been pro- mathematics, and -Miss Gretchen dent of hi) fraternity during his REV. CLARK HUNT L. Schuelor, mathematics «nd ilm at the YMCi. t»»mnow. 1957, to serve a»' «*ffj&ttyl'aMrec- , The Rev. W. Andrew J»,me» .Special grants of $100 each vided by seven civic groups, Th tbT ~Ox ttH^esOlllf^tefl^J^^^pHBllie-- senior year,..»nd men's, chairman wertP-'-nwardtd to < MiW betia use of the.Da«a»U. «(*»•) facili science. Hired for the n«p Edlaon week was the hat jbew held matics, jolnad the Rutgertf faculty of the'Hehrick's Chapel Studenj M.A. of Ptsrley, Surrey, Ehglan ties has been sanctioned, by th,i Juriidr High fjfchool Wtte, Mrs. will be guest preacher at 9:30 a.rn Smith and AUen.Stiir.lt.
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