Liber Hymnorum. the Latin Hymns of the Lutheran Church

Liber Hymnorum. the Latin Hymns of the Lutheran Church

!"#$!" % $&'()*'$!" +, -'$$.!/ 0'&1!& 6)$ !"#$#5( !--'(2!* 3&!)) 45&$ /',(!, #( CONTENTS Page Hymn CALENDAR, OR TABLE OF FIXED FEASTS xi TABLE OF HYMN ASSIGNMENTS 7eir Yearly Course xii Proper & Common of Saints xiv HYMNS IN ENGLISH #. 7e Daily O8ce [9] 9 ##. Times & Seasons [:9] ;< ###. Church Dedication [=>] =< #1. Proper of Saints [?@] == 1. Common of Saints [>=] @A 1#. Hymns of the Procession & Mass [99:] >9 1##. Additional Songs & Chants [9;:] >= 1###. Spiritual Songs [9:>] 9BA HYMNS IN LATIN #. 7e Daily O8ce [9=:] 9 ##. Times & Seasons [9@>] ;< ###. Church Dedication [;99] =< #1. Proper of Saints [;9=] == 1. Common of Saints [;<=] @A 1#. Hymns of the Procession & Mass [;?9] >9 1##. Additional Songs & Chants [;@:] >= 1###. Spiritual Songs [;A@] 9BA INDICES #. First Lines with Hymn Number & Author [;>@] ##. Authors with Hymn Numbers [:B9] ###. First Lines with Melody Numbers [:B:] #1. Comparison of the Melodies among the Sources [:B=] THE HYMNS IN THEIR YEARLY COURSE Numbers refer to the same hymn in both the English & the Latin sections. THE DAILY OFFICE From the Octave of Epiphany to Invocavit; from Trinity Sunday to Advent. Hymn Hymn Compl. Te lucis ante terminum . 9 On Saturdays a!er the Su%rages may be Matins Nocte surgentes. ;–: sung the hymn Serva Deus verbum tuum . >= Te Deum . ;: Ferial Vespers— Lauds Ecce jam noctis . < Sun. Lucis Creator optime. >–9B or Nocte surgentes. ;–: Mon. Immense cæli Conditor . 99–9; Prime Jam lucis ordo sidere. .= Tues. Telluris ingens Conditor. 9:–9< Terce Nunc sancte nobis Spiritus . .? Wed. Cæli Deus sanctissime . 9=–9? Sext Rector potens verax Deus . .@ 7ur. Magnæ Deus potentiæ. 9@–9A None Rerum Deus tenax vigor. .A Fri. Plasmator hominis Deus 9>–;B Sat. Deus Creator omnium. ;9–;; Note: Select portions of festival hymns may be sung at the Hours on festivals. TIMES & SEASONS ADVENT Epiphanytide continues with the usual O#ce. From Puri$cation until Lent, Jesu Redemptor Vesp. Conditor alme siderum . ;< sæculi (no. :>) may be sung at Compline. Compl. Veni Redemptor gentium . ;= SEPTUAGESIMA Lauds Vox ecce clara personat . ;? Vesp. Dies absoluti prætereunt . :9 A!er Lauds on Sat. in Penit. time may be sung: * Serva Deus verbum tuum . >= LENT I–II Vesp. Ex more docti mystico. :; CHRISTMASTIDE Compl. Christe qui lux es et dies. :: Vesp. A Solis ortus cardine. ;@ Lauds Audi benigne Conditor . :< Select stanzas may be sung during the Hours. Compl. Corde natus ex parentis . ;A LENT III–IV Lauds Agnoscat omne sæculum . ;> Vesp. Jesu quadragenariæ . :=–:? So for St. Stephen & St. John when the Mass is Compl. Christe qui lux es et dies. :: of Christmas. "e order above is used on the Lauds Clarum decus jejunii . :@ Circumcision also. PASSIONTIDE EPIPHANY Vesp. Vexilla Regis prodeunt. :A Vesp. Herodes hostis impie . :B Compl. Jesu Redemptor sæculi . :> Select stanzas may be sung during the Hours. Lauds Rex Christe factor omnium <B EPIPHANYTIDE PALM SUNDAY Beginning on the Octave of Epiphany: Lauds Magno salutis gaudio . <9 Compl. Te lucis ante terminum . 9 Mass Gloria, laus & honor . >9 Lauds Ecce jam noctis . < xii Hymn Hymn GOOD FRIDAY Compl. Beata nobis gaudia . <> Lauds Rex Christe factor omnium <B Lauds Veni Creator (sts <, ?, @) . <A May be sung with Laus tibi Christe . >> Mass Crux Cdelis inter omnes . >; HOLY TRINITY Vespers Vexilla regis prodeunt . :A Vespers O Lux beata Trinitas (et) . =B Compl. Jesu Redemptor sæculi. :> Compl. Te lucis ante terminum . 9 Lauds O Lux beata Trinitas (tres) . =9 EASTER VIGIL (Hours) Vexilla Regis prodeunt. :A CORPUS CHRISTI Mass Inventor rutili. >: Vespers Pange lingua (corporis) . =; Compl. Jesu nostra redemptio . <? Compl. Te lucis ante terminum . 9 Lauds Verbum supernum prodiens =: EASTER DAY Vespers Vita sanctorum . <; TRINITYTIDE Mass Salve festa dies . >< Vespers O Lux beata Trinitas (et) . =B Compl. Te lucis ante terminum . 9 EASTERTIDE But from All Saints to Advent: Vespers Vita sanctorum . <; Compl. Jesu Redemptor sæculi . :> Compl. Ad cenam Agni providi . <: Lauds (in the Octave) Hæc est dies . 9B; DEDICATION OF A CHURCH (therea!er) Chorus novæ Jerusalem . << Urbs beata Jerusalem . =< ASCENSIONTIDE AD LIBITUM Vespers Festum nunc celebre . <= Against Enemies of the Church Compl. Jesu nostra redemptio . <? Serva Deus verbum tuum . >= Lauds Æterne Rex altissime . <@ Days of Prayer & Repentance Dicamus omnes cernui . :; WHITSUNTIDE (stanzas & %. of Ex more docti mystico) Vespers Veni Creator Spiritus . <A xiii PROPER OF SAINTS Hymn Hymn Conversion of St. Paul (Jan. ;=) * Quam læta perfert nuntia . ?@ Lauds Pauli diem, Pauli Cdem . == * O Christe salus unica . ?A PuriCcation of St. Mary, V (Feb. ;) St. Mary Magdalene (July ;;) Vespers A Solis ortus cardine. ;@ Vespers Jesu Christe auctor vitæ . ?> Lauds Quod chorus vatum . =? Lauds Lauda mater Ecclesia. @B Annunciation of St. Mary, V (Mar. ;=) * Mundi secuta lubrica . @9 Vespers Fit porta Christi pervia . =@ St. Lawrence (Aug. 9B) * Quod Esaias dixerat . =A Lauds En martyris Laurentii . @; Invention of the Holy Cross (May :) Assumption of Mary (Aug. 9=) Vesp. Signum crucis mirabile . => Vesp. Gaude visceribus mater . @: Lauds “ “ “ Beheading of St. John the Baptist (Aug. ;>) Nativity of St. John the Baptist (June ;<) Lauds Ut queat festo (;nd part) . @< Vespers Æterno gratias Patri . ?B Nativity of St. Mary, V (Sep. A) Lauds Ut queant laxis . ?9 Vesp. Fit porta Christi pervia . =@ * Ut queat festo (9st part) . @< or Gaude visceribus . @: Ss. Peter & Paul (June ;>) St. Michael & All Angels (Sep. ;>) Vespers Aurea luce et decore . ?; Lauds Tibi Christe splendor . @= or Lux aurea . ?: All Saints (Nov. 9) Visitation of St. Mary, V (July ;) Common of Martyrs Vespers Adsunt festa jubilæa . ?< St. Martin (Nov. 99) Lauds En miranda prodigia. ?= Lauds Martine Confessor . @? * Æterne gratias tibi . ?? St. Catherine (Nov. ;=) Lauds Christe salvator omnium . @@ COMMON OF SAINTS Of St. Mary, V Of Martyrs Vesp. Ave maris stilla . @A Vesp. Deus tuorum militum . A? Lauds Quem terra pontus. @> Lauds Rex gloriose Martyrum .A@–AA Of the Holy Angels Of Confessors Vesp. Christe sanctorum . AB–A9 Lauds Iste Confessor. A> Compl. Deum precemur supplices . A; Of Virgins * Dicimus grates tibi . A: Lauds Jesu corona Virginum . >B Of Apostles (& Evangelists) Vesp. Exultet vera Ecclesia . A< Lauds Æterna Christi munera . A= xiv H'#*, I44#0! D5 D.!! +!45&! $.! 0*5)! 54 "', 6 Te lucis ante terminum — At Compline Ambrosian, 6th c., tr. J. D. Chambers EFG. 6 from G5))#2) ! " " " " " " " !"#To" " !" ee" be" - fore" the " close" "of " day,"" Cre" - a - $"#From all ill dreams de - fend our eyes, From night - %"#O Fa - ther, that we ask be done, !rough Je - ! " " " "" " " " " " tor" of" the" world we pray, !at with !y wont "- ed" ly fears and fan - ta - sies; Tread un - der - foot our sus Christ, !ine on - ly Son; Who, with the Ho - ly ! " " " fa" - vor !"ou" Wouldst" be "our" guard" and" keep" - "er " now."" ghost - ly foe, !at no pol - lu - tion we may know. Ghost and !ee, Doth live and reign e - ter - nal - ly. ! " A" " " - " " "men." "" [6] *#+!& .,-(5&2- K J'$.!&, /! 3&'#)! D.!! Nocte surgentes — Sundays at Matins (Vigils) Alcuin of York, asc.; tr. Percy Dearmer E!*. K from L!M!* ! " " " " " "" " " " " " " " "" "" %"#Fa - ther, we praise !ee, Now the night is o - ver; !"#Mon - arch of all things, Fit us for !y man - sions; $"#All - ho - ly Fa - ther, Son, and e - qual Spir - it, ! " " " " "" "" " " " " "" "" Act - ive and watch - ful, Stand we all be - fore !ee; Ban - ish our weak - ness, Health and whole - ness send - ing; Trin - i - ty bless - ed, Send us !y sal - va - tion; ! " " " " " " "" " " " " " Sing - ing, we of - fer Pray’r and med - i - ta" - tion;"" Bring us to heav - en, Where !y saints u - ni - ted; !ine is the glo - ry, Gleam - ing and re - sound - ing ! " " " " "" "" " " " #" " " "" "" !us we" a - dore !ee. Joy with - out end - ing. !ro’ all cre - a - tion. A - men. [K] & H'#*, I44#0! N Another melody Alcuin of York, asc.; tr. Percy Dearmer E!*. N from L5((2) "" ! # # # ## # # # # # ## !"#Fa# - ther,# we praise# !##ee, Now# the night is #o - ver; $"#Mon - arch of all things, Fit us for !y man - sions; %"#All - ho - ly Fa - ther, Son, and e - qual Spir - it, "" # ! # # # ## ## # # # # ## ## Act - ive and watch - ful, Stand we all be - fore !ee; Ban - ish our weak - ness, Health and whole - ness send - ing; Trin - i - ty bless - ed, Send us !y sal - va - tion; "" ! # # # # # # # # # # Sing - ing, we of #- # fer## Pray’r #and# med# - i - ta #- tion;## Bring us to heav - en, Where !y saints u - ni - ted; !ine is the glo - ry, Gleam - ing and re - sound - ing " ! " # # # # # # # # # !us we a - dore# # !#ee.# # # # ## ## Joy with - out end - ing. !ro’ all cre - a - tion. A - men. [N] & *#+!& .,-(5&2- O G5P D.! H#- Q.'"5/) Ecce jam noctis — At Lauds Gregory the Great; tr. Antiphoner & Grail, 1880 E!*. N from L5((2) " ! " # # # ## # # # # # ## %"#Lo!# the# dim shad# - ows## Of# the night are wan# - ing; !"#So shall our Ma - ker, Of His great com - pas - sion, $"#!is He vouch - safe us, God for ev - er bless - ed, "" # ! # # # ## ## # # # # ## ## Ra - diant - ly glow - ing, Dawn of day re - turn - eth; Ban - ish all sick - ness, Kind - ly health be - stow - ing; Fa - ther e - tern - al, Son, and Ho - ly Spir - it, " ! " # # # # # # # # # # Fer - vent in spir # -# #it,# To the# # might# - y Fa #- ther## And may He grant us, Of a Fa - ther’s good - ness, Whose is the glo - ry Which through all cre - a - tion " ! " # # # # # # # # # Pray we de - vout# # - #ly.# # # # ## ## Man - sions in heav - en. Ev - er re - sound -

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