r . .. .. : ..; -.., ,. ·.• 2826 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. MARCH 31, merce of St. Panl, Minn., heartily approving enlarged relations and for same purpose-ti<> the Select Committee on the .Alcoholic Liquor reciprocal trade with Canada-to the Committ;ee on Foreign Affairs. Traffic. By bir. DORSEY: Resolutions of Farmers' Alliance of Kearney, Also, petitionofl35citizensofStenbenCounty, NewYork, upon the Nebr., favoring the Butterworth options bill-to the Committee on Ag­ same subject-to the Select Committee on the Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. riculture. l3y Mr. RUSSELL: Petition of citizens of Mystic Bridge, Conn., ill By Mr. ELLIS: Proofs to accompany H. R. 4062, for the relief of favor of short method of spelling-to the Committee on Printing. John W. Alves-to the Committee on War Claims. By Mr. SMITH, of Arizona: Remonstrance against passage of lantl By Mr. FUNSTON: Petition of citizens of Lane, Kans., for passage court bill, by citizens of Arizona-to the Committee on Private Lanu of bill to relie-ve mortgage debtors-ro the Committee on Banking and Claims. Currency. By Mr. SNIDER: Resolutions of the Trades and Labor Assembly of By Mr. GEAR: Petition of S. P. Howe and 198 others, citizens of Minneapolis, Minn.. protesting against passage of a bill permittinK Iowa, asking that a law be enacted preventing the admission of obscene judges of elections to be all of one political party-to the Committee books to the mails-ro the Committee on the Post-Office and Post­ on Elections. Roads. Also, resolutions of the Board of Trade of St. Paul, Minn. , favoring Also, resolutions of Best Post, Grand Army of the Republic, Iowa, reciprocal trade relations with Canada-to the Committee on Commer<'e. asking per diem, and also that the greenbacks they were paid shall .Also, petition of directors and members of the BoaJ."d of Trade of be made as good as gold-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Duluth, Minn., favoring protection to flax and hemp industries-to .Also, protest of the Society of Friends of Pleasant Grove, Iowa, the Committee on Ways and Means. against appropriations for Navy and coast defenses-to the Committee .Also, petition of Stone-Masons' Union, of Minneapolis, Minn., again t on Naval Affairs. employment of alien laborers on public buildings and works-to th•; By Mr. GROUT: Petition, etc., for pension of Samuel N. Rice-to Committee on Labor. the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. STIVERS: Petition of l\Irs. Louisa Winters and 22 others, of Also, petition and affidaviL of Marion M. Smith, widow of David the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, of Chester, Orange County, Smith, Company D, Ninth Vet'mont Volunteers-to the Committee on New York, praying for a law prohibiting the sale of fermented liquors Invalid Pensions. within soldiers' homes, arsenals, recruiting stations, navy-yards, forts, Also, papers in re Jeremiah Smith, desertion-to the Committee on and barracks-to the Select Committee on the Alcoholic Liquor TraffiC'. Military Affairs. By Mr. STOCKDALE: Petition of the Cotton Exchange of Natche~. By Mr. HAYES: Petition of H. H. Sindt and 126 others, citizens of l\Iiss., against the bill Jevying a tax on cotton-seed oil or compouml Scott County, Iowa, protesting against the passage of any law changing lard-to the Committee on Agriculture. present naturalization and immigration laws-to the Select Committee By Mr. STRUBLE: Petition of A. W. Moon, and 67 others, citizen::; on Immigration and Naturalization. of Hopedale, Ohio, urging the passage of H. R. 5978, and imposin:! Also, memorial of State Business Men's Association of Iowa, asking penalties to lessen and prevent gambling in farm products-to the Se­ for the passage of the Torrey bankrupt bill-to the Committee on the lect Committee on the .Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. Judiciary. By l\1r. SWENEY: Resolutions of C. H. Hughes post, Grand Army Also, resolutions of N. B. Howard Post, De Witt, Iowa, in favor ot of the Republic, Decorah, Iowa, in favor of pensionin~ widows, and pensions to widows and children of soldiers-to the Committee on In­ also pensioning minor children of deceased soldiers-to the Committee valid Pensions. on Invalid Pensions. Also, resolutions of R. M. Smith Post, Andrew, Iowa, in favor of serv­ Also, resolution of Reynolds Post, ·Grand Army of the Republic of ice pension-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. l\Iaynard, Iowa, upon the same subject-to the Committee on Invalid Al ~ o, resolutions of Lincoln Center Farmers' Alliance, Iowa County, Pensions. Iowa, in favor of the Butterworth option bill-to the Committee on Agri­ Also resolution of Hassenderfd Post, Grand Army of the Republic, culture. Guttenberg, Iowa, in favor of service pension-to the Committee on By Mr. KELLEY: Petition of the Board of Trade of the city of To­ Invalid Pensions. peka, Kans., asking for the admission of certain ores from Mexico free By Mr. TOWNSEND, of Pennsylvania (by request): Petition of !> of duty, relating, as the law now stands, such ores have been admitted members of the Grand Army of the Republic, and 105 officers and mern­ free of duty, and under said law large smelting interests have been bers of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, both of Sharon, Pa., built up in Kansas; under a recent ruling of the Secretary of the Treas­ praying for a. law prohibiting the sale of fermented liquors within sol­ ury the importation of said ores has been embarrassed, resulting in a diers' homes, arsenals, recruiting stations, navy-yards, forts, and bar­ retaliatory tax by Mexico upon our exports, excluding Kansas meats racks-to the Select Committee on the Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. · and pladng a duty of 28 cents on Kansas cornj protesting against such By Mr. TRACEY (by request): Petition of citizens of Voorheesville, rnlings, and asking Congress to provide for the introduction of said ore N. Y., asking for an increase of duty on hay-to the Committee ou free of duty and thereby preserve the smeltingindnstryinKansas, and Ways and Means. preserve to this country the markets of Mexico for our agricnl tural Also (by request), petition from Albany County, New York, praying products and thereby relieve the depression of the agricultural interests for a law prohibiting the sale of fermented liquors within soldier.;' of Kansas-ro the Committee on Ways and Means. homes, arsenals, recruiting stations, navy-yards, forts, and barracks-to Also, petition of Robert Anderson Post, Grand Army of the Republic, the Committee on Military Affairs. of Kansas, asking for the passage of the Ingalls service-pension bill­ .Also, petition of 14 persons of .Albany County, New York, upon the to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. same subject-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Also, petition of 600 citizens of Reading, Lyon County, Kansas, ask­ By M:r. VAN SCHAICK: Resolutions of Department of Wisconsin, ing for the free coinage of silver and protesting that the act demonetiz­ Grand Army of the Republic, asking that E. R. Parks be restored to ing silver was uncalled for by the people and productive of great wrong his former rank in the Army-to the Committee on Military Affairs. to the people, especially to the producing classes, but restricting the By Mr. WILLIAMS, of Ohio: Petition of West Branch MonthJ v money supply and increasing the value of gold and forcing down the Meeting of Friends, of Miami County, Ohio, against further expenrl ;_ value of other commodities; and asking that silver be placed as money, tures for Navy and coast de~enses-to the Committee on Appropriations. exactly as it was from the foundation of the Government up to 1873- to the Committee on Banking and Currency. By Mr. McCLELLAN: Petition of E. L. Olmstead and 40 others, praying for free coinage of silver-to the Committee on Coinage, SENATE. Weights, and Measures. By Mr. MORSE: Petition of 194 persons! praying for a law prohibit­ MONDAY, March 31, 1890. ing the sale of fermented liquors within soldiers' homes, arsenals, re­ cruiting stations, navy-yards, forts, and barracks-to the Select Com­ The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. mittee on the Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. By Mr. O'NEIL, of Massachusetts: Remonstrance of Hanagan Bros. Mr. HARRIS. There does not seem to be a quorum of the Senate present, and I ask that the roll be called. and 14 others, against increasing duty on lime-to the Committee on The VICE-PRESIDENT. The roll of the Senate will be called. Ways and Means. The Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators answered By Mr. OW&~S, of Ohio: The petition of George W. Richardson and to their names: 102 others, citizens of Muskingum County, Ohio, and members of Maj. Allison, Edmunds, l\Ianderson, Sawyer, J. C. Robinson Post, Grand Army of the Republic, of Chandlersville, Bate, Farwell, Moody, Stockbridge, in favor of a service pension and protesting against the passage of a de­ Berry, Frye, Morgan, Teller, pendent-pension bill-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Butler, George, l\Iorrill, Turpie, Call, Gibson, Paddock, Vance, •I By Mr. RAINES: Petition of 65 persons of Ontario County, New Cockrell, Gray, Pasco, Vest, York, praying for a law prohibiting the sale of fermented liquors within Coke, Hampton, Payne, Waltha.11, soldiers' homes, arsenals, recruiting stations, navy-yards, forts, and Cullom, HarrIB, Pettigrew, Wilson of Iowa, Davis, Hawley, Platt, Wilson of Md. barracks-to the Select Committee on the .Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. Dawes, Ingajls, Ransom, .Also, petition of citizens of the Twenty-ninth district of New York, Dolph, MOMillan, Reagan. l; • 4 'I "· .:_ ...: .... - - ..... :.or ... ,. .. \ . ] ~ . ... l .,. 1890. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE.
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