OCTOBER • 2007 CHICAGO SECTION AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Joint Meeting of Northwester Unversity Department of Chemistry and the Chicago Section ACS Basolo Medal Award Lecture, Dinner and Presentation FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2007 BASOLO MEDAL LECTURE 2007 Fred Basolo Medalist Dinner Location: Northwestern University Technological Institute Zhivago Restaurant & Banquets 2145 Sheridan Road 9925 Gross Point Road Evanston, IL Skokie, IL Lecture Room 3 847-982-1400 DIRECTIONS TO THE TECH DIRECTIONS TO THE RESTAU- INSTITUTE: RANT:From the Tech Institute in Evanston: Go North on Sheridan Rd. From the city: Take Lake Shore Drive and turn left on Central St. Turn left on North to Sheridan Road into Evanston. Gross Point Rd. and proceed to the Continue on Sheridan Road to the Tech restaurant. Institute at Noyes Street. From Edens Expressway: Take From the west: Take I-88 east to 294 Dempster east to Gross Point Rd. Turn north to Dempster east. Proceed east on left on Gross Point Rd. and proceed to Dempster into Evanston. Turn left onto the restaurant. Chicago Ave. and proceed to Sheridan Dr. Richard R. Schrock, Frederick G. Road. Take Sheridan Road north to the Keyes, Professor of Chemistry, Mas- (FOR DETAILS, SEE SECTION'S Tech Institute. The Technological Insti- sachusetts Institute of Technology WEBSITE) tute is at the intersection of Sheridan Road and Noyes Street in Evanston. Title: "Catalytic Reduction of Dinitro- PARKING: Free in the lot. Parking is gen to Ammonia at Room Tempera- also available at Keeler Avenue and To those attending the Basolo Medal lec- ture and One Atmosphere with Pro- Gross Point Road. ture, parking after 4:00 p.m. is available tons and Electrons" in the lot across from the Technological JOB CLUB will meet at Zhivago at Institute at the corner of Noyes Street Abstract: We have been able to reduce 5:30 p.m. and Sheridan Road. Parking is also avail- dinitrogen selectively and catalytically to able on the side streets just west of this ammonia at 1 atm and room temperature Reception for Dr. Richard R. lot--however, observe the posted signs. with protons and electrons. Reduction Schrock: 6:15 P.M. Car-pooling is always encouraged. takes place at a single molybdenum cen- Complementary wine, soft drinks, and ter that is sterically protected against hors d'oeuvres bimetallic decomposition reactions with Lecture room 3 is on the first floor of the (continued on page 2, column 3) Technological Institute and is most eas- meta-terphenyl-substituted triami- ily reached by entering through the doamine ligands such as 3- main doors facing Sheridan Road. The [(HIPTNCH2CH2)3N] where HIPT is NOTICE TO ILLINOIS lecture room is clearly marked and hexaisopropyl-metaterphenyl. The reduc- TEACHERS there will be signs at the entrance to ing equivalents make either ammonia The Chicago Section-ACS is an guide you to the room. (~60% from dinitrogen) or dihydrogen. All ISBE provider of professional devel- evidence suggests that N2 is being opment units for Illinois teachers. Basolo Medal Lecture: 4:30 P.M. reduced at a single Mo center in which Teachers who register for this month's The Medalist Lecture is open to the the oxidation state of the metal varies meeting will have the opportunity to public and admission is free to all those between Mo(III) and Mo(VI). earn up to 4 CPDU's. wishing to attend. (continued on page 2, Column 1) 10/07 2 (continued from page 1) (continued from page 1, column 3) Recent studies concern complexes that contain a variety of "Hybrid" lig- Dinner: 7:15 P.M. Dinner reservations are required and ands, in which only two HIPT groups should be received in the Section Office are present in the ligand, with the third via phone (847-647-8405), fax (847- group being a sterically less demanding 647-8364), email (chicagoacs@ aryl. Attempts to reduce dinitrogen cat- ameritech.net) or website (http:// alytically led to little or no ammonia chicagoacs.org) by noon on Tuesday being formed from dinitrogen. [(HIPT October 16. PLEASE HONOR YOUR 3- NCH2CH2)3N] complexes of tungsten, RESERVATIONS. The Section must chromium, and vanadium all failed to pay for all dinner orders. No-shows will yield any catalytic turnover of dinitrogen be billed. to ammonia. Other ligand variations will be discussed as time permits. The dinner cost is $34 to Section mem- bers who have paid their local section Biography: Richard R. Schrock dues, members' families, and visiting received his Ph.D. degree in inorganic ACS members. The cost to members chemistry from Harvard in 1971 under who have NOT paid their local section John Osborn. After one year as an NSF dues and to non-Section members is postdoctoral fellow at Cambridge Uni- $36. The cost to students and unem- versity working for Lord Jack Lewis, ployed members is $17. PLEASE and three years in Central Research HONOR YOUR RESERVATIONS. The and Development at DuPont in Wilm- Section must pay for all dinner orders. ington Delaware, he moved to M.I.T. in No-shows will be billed. 1975. He became full professor in 1980 APPETIZER COURSE - SERVED and the Frederick G. Keyes Professor FAMILY STYLE: Fresh tomato and of Chemistry in 1989. His interests mozzarella salad, breads, fire cracker include the inorganic and organometal- meat rolls with Asian sauce, calamari lic chemistry of high oxidation state, and fresh vegetables early metal complexes, the chemistry of high oxidation state dinitrogen and SOUP COURSE: Cream of Mushroom related complexes, the controlled poly- merization of olefins and acetylenes IN THIS ISSUE DINNER COURSE: Choice of entrée: with alkylidene complexes, and the cat- Beef Brochette (skewered beef tender- alytic reduction of dinitrogen. He has 1 — Basolo Medal Lecture loin filet marinated in house marinade received numerous awards including: 2 — Dinner Meeting and grilled with an array of vegetables), Pork Chop (center cut marinated and ACS Cope Scholar Award (2001), the 3 — ChemShorts for Kids: A baked), Salmon (broiled on a bed of RSC Centenary Medal (1991), the Sir Chemistry Scavenger Hunt spinach with Sonoma Curtier Russian Geoffrey Wilkinson Medal (2002), the Sir 3 — ACCA Lecture Series River Sauce), or Vegetarian Pasta Edward Frankland Prize (2004), the 3 — Education Financing August Wilhelm von Hofmann Medal of Solutions DESSERT COURSE - SERVED FAMILY the German Chemical Society (2005, with 4 — Fall Council Report STYLE: Assorted pastries and fresh fruit R. H. Grubbs), and the ACS F. Albert 4 — Come to Chemistry Day! Cotton Award in Synthetic Inorganic BEVERAGE: Coffee, Tea, Soft Drinks 5 — Basolo Medal Chemistry (2006). In 2005 he shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry with R. H. 5 — Message From the Chair General Meeting: 8:30 P.M. Grubbs and Y. Chauvin. He has been 5 — October Historical Events in Chemistry • Opening remarks and announce- elected to the American Academy of ments: Dr. Ken Fivizzani, Chair, Arts and Sciences and the National 6 — Section Election Slate Chicago Section American Chemical Academy of Sciences. He was Associ- 6 — Job Club Society ate Editor of Organometallics for eight 7 — Duties of Section years, has published more than 460 Councilors • Presentation of the 2007 Basolo research papers, and has supervised 7 — Chicago Section Connects Medal: Dr. Joseph T. Hupp, Chair, over 140 Ph.D. students and postdocs. to Congress Department of Chemistry, Northwest- ern University 8 — National Chemistry Day HAVE YOU MAILED YOUR at IIT • Acceptance: Professor Richard R. BALLOT? 8 — ACS National Website Schrock, 2007 Basolo Medalist for 9 — WCC Column: Ann Nalley Outstanding Research in Inorganic Just a reminder that ballots are 11 — llinois State Fair Project Chemistry. due in the Section office no later 11 — Ad Index than noon, October 19. They were • Closing Remarks: Dr. Ken Fivizzani mailed early September. 12 — Calendar 10/07 3 References: Anne Marie Helmenstine at http://chemistry.about.com/od/ October, 2007 Vol. 94, No. 8. Pub- chemistry101/a/scavenger.htm lished by the Chicago Section of The American Chemical Society, Editorial Staff: Cherlyn Bradley, Edi- The Elementary Education Committee Edited by K. A. Carrado, Argonne tor; Fran Kravitz, Associate Editor; of the Chicago Section ACS presents National Laboratory Fadwa Al-Taher and Richard Trep- this column. They hope that it will reach tow, Proofreaders; Frank Jarzem- young children and help increase their All past “ChemShorts”: http://member- bowski, Publications Business Man- science literacy. Please cut it out and ship.acs.org/C/Chicago/ChmShort/ki ager. Address: 7173 North Austin, pass it on to your children, grandchil- dindex.html. Niles, Illinois 60714; 847/647-8405. dren, or elementary school teachers. It Subscription rates: $15 per year. is hoped that teachers will incorporate Frequency: monthly-September some of the projects in this column into 2007 ACCA LECTURE through June. their lesson plans. SERIES ON COSMETIC A Chemistry Scavenger Hunt CHEMISTRY EDUCATION FINANCING Again this year, the Associated Col- SOLUTIONS Kids, tell your teacher that you would leges of the Chicago Area (ACCA) is like your class to do a chemistry scav- ACS is proud to announce Chase Edu- sponsoring a series of chemistry lec- cation Finance as a NEW affinity partner enger hunt! These are really popular tures, and graduate credit is being assignments where students are asked to provide education finance solutions to offered by Olivet Nazarene University. our members and their families. Chase to identify or bring in items that fit a This year, the topic is cosmetic chem- description. Examples of scavenger can help alleviate the stresses of financ- istry. Each of these lectures will be at ing higher education. Take advantage of hunt items are below. Many of these 7:00-9:00 PM on ten consecutive Tues- this benefit today! topics have been tackled in our previ- day nights, starting September 11 and For more information, visit www.
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