AiCBBACM DAILT dBOTUkHON ' for fbe M<mth of March, 19SS 5,530 Pai4t7 eiondy toolfht and Son- ItaBber of Audit Bnreou d »j; altghtfy oodln Simdaj. of Otrenlatloo* (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS (OlHiUled AdrertUIng oo Pago lO.), SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1932. VOE, LI., NO. 169. GETS FRIEND OUT WHERE EIGHT MEN WERE KILLED SKAREKniED, AND HIMSELE IN. BUSINESS ON UPGRADE j 'i , - w In Such a Hurry to Help FOUR CHILDREN, Speeding Friend He is Also Arrested for Speeding. IN B M FIRE Bvimston, HI., April 16.— IS SEEN BY PRESIDENT (A P )—Alfred Parorti of Glen­ view, HI., is not the kind of fel­ low to sit back in an easy chair Father and Mother, Twins when a friend is in trouble. Major Bankmg Cri$is Over; Yesterday his friend, Richard Hansen of Highland Park was Ravi Unions Protest and Two Other Qiildren arrested for speeding by Motor­ Confident Budget Will Be cycle Policemen Eugene San­ ford and Fred Eichler, but he Wickerson Promotion Die When Flames Sweep merely chuckled when they told Balanced — Says Bonus him he needed a cash bond of |25. Cashing Plan Will Not Be Tenement; 3 Odiets Saved “That’s esisy,” said he as he Washington, April 16.—(AP)—^^ exercise of the rights of the wage telephoned Parorti. Organized labor’s campaign against earners to organize and act togeth­ er for the protection of their com­ Policemen Sanford and Eich­ promoting Judge James H. Wilker- Adopted — Favors Five New York, April 16.—(AP) — ler left the station. When they mon interests, Fire, aweeplBg through a Bronx returned Parorti was with son of Chicago to the Circuit bench “Also that he has Issued sweep­ ing injunctions without notice de­ Day Working Week To tenement In which many families them. Hanson was waiting. was carried to every Senator today “You surely made fast time in a telegraphic appeal that they priving workers of rights confirm­ slept, killed two adults and four getting here,” observed Hansen. vote against his confirmation. ed by Federal law. children today. "Yes,” said Parorti as he Senators Cutting, (R., N. M.), “He has shown by intemperate Spread Employment. It was the second tragic tene pulled the $25 out of his pocket. and xmjustified criticisms of labor ment fire of the week. A mother Ashurst, (D., Ariz.), and several “I have got myself out now and other Senators disclosed they had organizations and prejudice and and five children died when fire I have only $25. These police­ class conscious bias which unfits Washington, April 16.— (AP) —■ trapped them in their fifth floor received the messages which were men just arrested me for speed­ signed by a number of officials of him for promotion to higher judicial It is President Hoover’s belief that quarters Wednesday evening. ing.” Those burned to death today were various railway labor organizations. authority. current pessimism ou the American But Hansen got a justice of ’The telegram cited the resolution “We therefore earnestly urge on Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dombril, their economic outlook is not warranted and the peace to release him later. of the railway unions, adopted at behalf of the organized railway 12-year-old twin sons, Jacob and that several definite factors Joseph: Edith Weinstein, 7, and their (Cleveland convention 'Thurs­ workers of the United States and in «■ : fairness to all organized labor that Philip Weinstein, 10. f' y . day, opposing Wllkerson, whose point to orderly recovery. you use your vote and Influence to The Dombrils were fighting to I'''’' confirmation has been recommend­ This view goes with the conclu­ prevent the conflrmation of the ap­ escape when death overtook them. DARROW IS BETTER; ed by a Senate judiciary sub-com­ sion that the drive for liquidation Their bodies were found in the third mittee by a 3 to 2 vote. pointment of .Judge Wilkerson to floor hallway of the four-story The telegram said: the United States Circuit Court of has spent itself; and that the asveral structure. Three other children in TRIAL IS RESUMED “His service as United States Appeals.” financial aids of the government to the family got out without injury. judge has shown Judge Wilkerson’s ’They were signed by more than banking and business have con­ 60 leaders of as many unions. Children Trapped An inside view of Ohio state’s new $6,500,000 state office bu i!*»g at Columbus, showing terrific force of clear antagonism to the legitimate quered the major banking crisis; The two Weinstein children were mysterious explosion that killed eight men and injured 50 more, doing $1,200,000 damage. Giant marble that‘alarm over pending legislation trapi>ed in their apartment after slabs were ripped from the walls. Steel door casings were jammed out of place on the elevators as shown their father, Benjamin Weinstein, Famous Lawyer Stricken such as bonus payment and some of above. Two men missing were feared buried in the ruins. A gas main break was generally believed to had led his wife and two other chil­ the more severe taxes placed in the dren to safety through smoke-filled have caused the explosion, although accumulated marble dust or a bomb were other causes advanced. A revenue bill by the House appear series of labor clashes marked construction of the building, which was nearly completed. much exaggerated, and that the one halls. With Attack of Indiges­ PROHIBITION AS ISSUE Rescued by firmemen and by pa­ needed factor Is widespread confi­ trolmen who suffered severe bums dence. in dragging them out, the little tion. Bonus Cannot Pass girl and boy succumbed several L E V in TILTS AT TROUBLES BOTH PARTIES Mr. Hoover is confident Congres­ hours later in a hospital. HASTEN CONSOLIDATION sional sentiment assures speedy Benjamin Siegel, a painter who Honolulu, April 16— (AP) —Im­ passage of the billion dollar tax bill lived next door to the burned tene­ mediate fulfillment of a defense in well balanced form, and that a ment house was arrested on a promise to name one of the four ac­ JOHNSON, HERALD Becomes More and More a canvass of Senate sentiment shows charge of homicide after detectives STRESS ECONOMY It Is Impossible for the $2,000,000,- cused persons as the slayer of EASTERN ROADS’ APPEAL and an assistant fire marshal con­ 000 bonus cashing plan to become ducted an investigation. Police Joseph Kahahawai was sought by Factor As the Dates For law. said they learned Siegel had been the prosecution in the lynching case IN CONSOLIDATION He points to the economy cam­ permitted to store ropes and tackle here todaj'. Attacks Judge and News paign now imder way. In cooperative of his trade in the ground floor Exclusive of testimony relating Attorneys File Brief With L NEW DEVELOPMENTS Conventions Approach; effort between Congress and the ex­ locker of the burned building and it to the attack on Mrs, Thalia Mas- paper, Gets Retainer and ecutive branch as one of the great­ was believed spontaneous combus­ sle, of one and daughter of an­ C C. Saying That Speed Is Republican Dry Senators Proponents Believe That Will est ever undertaken by any govern­ tion aipong oily rags in Siegel’s other of the defendants, with which IN LINDBERGH CASE ment in a single year and places a ' locker caused the fire. Kahahawai and four others .was Promises Early light Suit. high value on the Federal Reserve charged, also was sought by the Necessary To Save Big Change Their Views. Appeal To Majority of system’s new program for an organ­ prosecution. ized expansion of credit. Before Ldeut, Thomas H. Massie Professor Albert Levitt came to 'This summary of the PresideEt’a CUMMINGS TO A Q resumes the witness stand to con­ Railroads. Hysterions Trip of Woman Voters Tuesday. views was given out by a thorough­ tinue his story thus far principally Manchester last night to address Washington, .^ril 16.—(AP)— ly dependably source as the result relating to the attack on his wife, group of local people on the sins of Activity toward, resubmission of of close study of the economic fac­ attorneys prepared to argue in To Trenton — the liepublicau pkrty In Gonnectl- the 18th Amendment showed itself tors. AS A PEACEMAKER caainbers the admissibility of testi­ Washington, April 16.— (AP) — Economy in the operation of the Attorneys for the proponents of the cUt and before he left he had suc­ today an increasing factor In the schools of Manchester, the princi­ Five Day Week mony along that line. Coupled with the summary came Clarence Darrow, chief defense Flare Lights Dp Estate. ceeded in getting a retainer’s fee political preparations for the June eastern four system railroad consol­ from the Taxpayers’ League execu­ pal argument for school districts a definite suggestion that wide­ counsel whose Illness halted the idation plEin today stressed to the In­ conventions of the Republican and consolidation, seems to have won spread use of the five day working trial yesterday, annoimced last tive committee to carry a rate case To Convince Smith’ s terstate Commerce Commission the against the Manchester Electric Democratic parties. over a large number of voters in week is essential throughout indus­ Hopes night he was “ much better” and Hopewell, N. J,, April 16.— (A P )— “urgent Importance” of hastening Company into the courts. Adver­ At the Capitol where hearings town to the proposed merger which try until a high degree of re-employ­ On the forty-sixth day since the tised to talk to the gathering, num­ ment has been obtained. The (Continaed on Page Two) consolidation. are in progress looking to an early will be voted upon Tuesday in a Friends That Roosevelt Lindbergh baby was kidnaped the bering exactly 97, on the misde­ President has been working bard to In a 263 page brief reviewing in vote by the Senate on resubmission, special election.
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