(Published by the Authority of the City Council of the City of Chicago) COPY JOURNAL of the PROCEEDINGS of the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY of CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Regular Meeting--Thursday, February 16, 1989 at 10:00 A. M. (Council Chamber-City Hall-Chicago, Illinois) OFFICIAL RECORD. EUGENE SAWYER WALTER S. KOZUBOWSKI Acting Mayor City Clerk 2/16/89 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 24829 Attendance At Meeting. Present - The Honorable Eugene Sawyer, Acting Mayor, and Aldermen Roti, Rush, T. Evans, Bloom, Robinson, Beavers, Caldwell, Shaw, Vrdolyak, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Carter, Langford, Streeter, Kellam, Sheahan, Jones, J. Evans, Garcia, Krystyniak, Henry, Soliz, Gutierrez, Butler, Smith, Davis, Hagopian, Figueroa, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Kotlarz, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, Laurino, O'Connor, Pucinski, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, Osterman, Orr, Stone. Absent - Alderman Tillman. Call To Order. On Thursday, February 16, 1989 at 10:32 A.M. (the hour appointed for the meeting was 10:00 A.M.) The Honorable Eugene Sawyer, Acting Mayor, called the City Council to order. The Honorable Walter S. Kozubowski, City Clerk, called the roll of members and it was found that there were present at that time: Aldermen Roti, Bloom, Robinson, Beavers, Caldwell, Shaw, Vrdolyak, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Langford, Streeter, Jones, Krystyniak, Henry, Smith, Hagopian, Figueroa, Mell, Kotlarz, Banks, Cullerton, Pucinski, Natarus, Eisendrath, Levar, Shiller, Osterman, Stone - 29. Quorum present. Invocation. Reverend P. David Saunders, Quinn Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church, opened the meeting with prayer. FEBRUARY 17, 1989 PROCLAIMED "HUMAN RIGHTS DAY IN CHICAGO". The Honorable Eugene Sawyer, Acting Mayor, presented thevfollowing communication; 24830 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/16/89 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY OF CHICAGO PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, Fairness and equal protection under the law is a basic tenet, of good government and the right of all people, and the hopes and aspirations of the people are embodied in their government; and WHEREAS, The citizens of Chicago have worked to assure that right of fair and equal protection on behalf of those who are not receiving fair and equal treatment, and have asserted through their government that it is, indeed, their wish that all citizens be fairly and equitably treated; and WHEREAS, The City ofChicago, recognizing the aspirations of its citizens, did legislate an historic ordinance, the Chicago Human Rights Ordinance, on the 21st day of December, 1988; and WHEREAS, This historic ordinance becomes law on the 17th day of February, 1989 In accordance with the will ofthe City to assure all citizens of equal protection, fairness and justice under the law from this day forward; Now, Therefore, I, Eugene Sawyer, Mayor of the City of Chicago, do hereby proclaim February 17, 1989, to be Human Rights Day In Chicago and encourage all Chicagoans to support and celebrate the equal protection of all citizens. Rules Suspended-TRIBUTE TO LATE MRS. ELLA PETERS FLEMINGS. Alderman Caldwell moved to Suspend the Rules Temporarily for the purpose of going out ofthe regular order of business to consider a proposed resolution. The motion Prevailed. The said proposed resolution reads as follows: WHEREAS, God In his Infinite wisdom has called to her eternal reward Ella Peters Flemings, a great humanitarian and Chicago public school teacher; and WHEREAS, Ella Peters Flemings was born April 23, 1909, in Mobile, Alabama; and 2/16/89 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 24831 WHEREAS, Ella Peters Flemings received her education at Mobile's Emerson Institute and was graduated from Spelman College in 1932, with a Bachelor of Science degree. That same year she and Amos McFarland Flemings were married in Mobile; and WHEREAS, Ella Peters Flemings taught In the Mobile public school system for five years before she and Amos moved to Chicago; and WHEREAS, Ella Peters Flemings touched many lives with her warmth and understanding In a very special way; and WHEREAS, A model wife and mother, Ella Peters Flemings leaves behind a devoted husband of 54 years, daughters Eunita Johnson, Joan Small and Maxlne Leftwlch; sons-in- law Costello Johnson, Lynn Small and William Leflwich III; grandchildren Gina Perry, Pamela Perry, Lisa Williams and Darin Johnson; a brother, Nathaniel Peters; nieces, nephews and many, many friends; now, therefore. Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this 16th day of February, 1989, A.D., do hereby express our sorrow on the passing of Ella Peters Flemings, and extend to her family and many friends our deepest sympathy; and Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Mr. Amos McFarland Flemings. Alderman Caldwell moved to Suspend the Rules Temporarily for the immediate consideration ofand action upon the foregoing proposed resolution. The motion Prevailed. On motion of Alderman Caldwell, the foregoing proposed resolution was Adopted unanimously by a rising vote. At this point in the proceedings. Alderman Caldwell called the City Council's attention to the presence ofthe family of Mrs. Ella Peters Flemings. REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS RESUMED. REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY OFFICERS. 24832 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/16/89 Rules Suspended-EXECUTION OF GRANT OF CONSERVATION EASEMENT OVER PROPERTY KNOWN AS NORTH PARK VILLAGE IN FAVOR OF CORPORATION FOR OPEN LANDS. The Honorable Eugene Sawyer, Acting Mayor, submitted the following communication: OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY OF CHICAGO To the Honorable, The City Council ofthe City ofChicago: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN - At the request ofthe Commissioners ofthe Department of General Services and the Department of Planning, I transmit herewith an ordinance approving and authorizing the execution of a grant of a conservation easement over city- owned property commonly known as North Park Village In favor of Corporation For Open Lands. The easement will restrict portions of the property to recreational, scenic and nature preserve purposes. Your favorable consideration of this ordinance will be appreciated. Very truly yours, (Signed) EUGENE SAWYER, Acting Mayor. Alderman Natarus moved to Suspend the Rules Temporarily for the Immediate consideration ofand action upon the said proposed ordinance. The motion Prevailed. Alderman Natarus then moved to Pass the said proposed ordinance. The motion Prevailed by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas - Aldermen Roti, Rush, T. Evans, Bloom, Robinson, Beavers, Caldwell, Shaw, Vrdolyak, Huels, Fary, Madrzyk, Burke, Carter, Langford, Streeter, Kellam, Sheahan, Jones, J. Evans, Garcia, Krystyniak, Henry, Soliz, Gutierrez, Butler, Smith, Davis, Hagopian, Figueroa, Gabinski, Mell, Austin, Kotlarz, Banks, Giles, Cullerton, Laurino, O'Connor, Pucinski, Natarus, Eisendrath, Hansen, Levar, Shiller, Schulter, Osterman, Orr, Stone - 49. Nays — None. Alderman Natarus moved to reconsider the foregoing vote. The motion was lost. The following is said ordinance as passed: 2/16/89 COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. 24833 WHEREAS, The City ofChicago Is a home rule unit of government pursuant to Article. VII ofthe Illinois Constitution of 1970; and WHEREAS, The City ofChicago is the fee owner of property within the City ofChicago bounded by West Peterson Avenue on the north. North Central Park Avenue on the east, West Bryn Mawr Avenue on the south and North Pulaski Road on the west, which consists of approximately 108 acres and is commonly referred to as "North Park Village"; and WHEREAS, The above property has significant natural, scientific, educational, cultural, scenic, recreational and aesthetic value In Its present state to the general public; and WHEREAS, The Corporation For Open Lands is an Illinois not-for-profit corporation created for the purpose of furthering conservation of open lands, natural areas and wetlands; and WHEREAS, It is the Intention ofthe City Council ofthe City ofChicago to preserve and protect portions ofthe above described area as public open space by impressing such areas with a conservation easement running In favor of the Corporation For Open Lands; now, therefore, Be It Ordained by the City Council ofthe City ofChicago: SECTION 1. The above recitals are incorporated herein by this reference as finding as fact by this Body. The granting of such a conservation easement over city-owned lands for the purpose of preserving open space for the benefit of the public is a function which pertains to the local government and afTairs ofthe City ofChicago. SECTION 2. The granting of a conservation easement over portions of city-owned land commonly known as North Park Village in favor of the Corporation For Open Lands substantially in accordance with the restrictions, terms and conditions set forth In the "Grant Of Conservation Right In The Form Of Easement" Is hereby approved. SECTION 3. The Mayor is authorized to execute on behalf of the City ofChicago and the City Clerk shall attest a "Grant Of Conservation Right In The Form Of An Easement" in favor of the Corporation For Open Lands upon the approval of the Corporation Counsel substantially In the following form: [Grant Of Conservation Right In The Form Of Easement Immediately follows Section 4 of this ordinance.] SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect Immediately upon its passage. Grant Of Conservation Right In The Form Of Easement attached to this ordinance reads as follows: 24834 JOURNAL-CITY COUNCIL-CHICAGO 2/16/89 Grant Of Conservation Right In The Form Of An Easement. This Indenture,
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