WSU Daily EVERGREEN VOLUME LXXIII FRIDAY. OCTOBER 28. 1966 PULLMAN, WASHINGTON99163 NUMBER 15 Homecoming to • Schedule CUB remain open Friday, Oct. 28 CUB fountain area- color day with the Butchmen Alumni Registration-CUB 204 (Alimni Office) in expansion period 5-7: 30 p.m, Seafood Buffet (CUB dining room) 6:30 p.m, Homecoming Noise Rally (Rogers Field) 6:30-10:30 p.rn, Lighted Displays and Display Judging (all By Madelyn Deeb Plans for CUB construction be extended to accomodate the living groups) CUB director Matthew Carey include additions to the north, staff. Private offices for editors 8:15 p.m, Speech Dept. Play, "OUtward Bound", Bryan denied rumors Wednesday that east, and possibly west sides and a conference room are Hall Aud, the CUB will be closed for two of the original structure, which planned. 8:30 p.rn, Class of '41 No-Host Reunion Party (pullman will be maintained. years during the $3 million ex- The Post Office and the barber- Country Club) A new cafeteria on the first pansion to begin in the spring shop will remain approximately 8:30 p.rn, Chad and Jeremy Concert (Bohler Gym) floor will help to relieve the of 1967. at their present locations. The 9 p.rn, Homecoming Raunch Dance (Smith Gym) "There will be a time when crowded conditions ofthe present fountain area. A free-flow Post Office will be increased in Saturday, Ode 29 we are partially closed and a size and additional window ser- time when we are completely scramble serving system will be installed to speed up food vice and mail boxes will be added. 7:30-10:30 a.m. Kickoff Breakfast (CUB fountain) closed," said Carey. "but it The five-chair barber shop will 8:30 to 11 service. a.rn, Class of '41 Registration (CUB 116) will not be for two years." be designed for five more chairs. 9:30 a.m, Freshman Football, WSU Coubabes vs.OSU He could not say definitely Two dining and banquet rooms freshman (pullman High School Field) how long the CUB would be will be added to the present eating Air-conditioning will be in- 11 a.m, Class '41 Reunion Luncheon (enter through closed. are a, wit h a charcoal grill stalled throughout the building. CUB 116)~ "We will know more after the situated off one of the dining It will be designed to keep the 11 a.m.-1 p.m, Homecoming Buffet Luncheon (CUBballroom) architects have been here," the rooms. CUB thermometers at approx- 1:30 p.m, WSU vs, Oregon State University (Rogers director said. "Right now we The CUB music listening room imately 10 degrees below the Field) are waiting for them to submit will be expanded into four sep- their schedules." arate sections: a classical and The CUB expansion is being un- Immediately after the gamer "There will be so much re- a jazz room, a control room, and dertaken to meet the future needs Coffee Break Reunion for one hour for mod eli n g inside the original an earphone room. of the increasing size of. the Classes of 1936-37-38-39, Class of 1941, structure in addition to the new The Daily E vergreen office will student body. Classes of 1946-47-48-49 and Classes of construction, that it will be im- 1956-57-58-59 in Butch's Den. possible not to close for a time," All-campus living group open houses said Carey. 1941 grads feted "Students will not be bothered 5:30-7:30 p.rn, Country Style dinner (CUB ballroom) by the CUB closing until next 6:30-8:30 p.rn, Lighted Displays year," he added. "Expansion 8:15 p.rn, Speech Dept, Play, "Outward Bound", (Bryan will- not be completed until the Hall Aud.) Alumni gather fall of 1968." 9 p.m. to 1 a.rn, Homecoming Dance, "Rapsody inMemories" Plans for temporary quarters CUB ballroom for the food service, barbershop, • Post Office, Daily Evergreen of- for reunion Sunday, Oct. 30 fice, and the other CUBfacilities are being made. 11 a.m.-6 p.m, CUB Famous Smorgasbord (CUB ballroom) Carey stressed that there will The Class of 1941 will return TWe student body president in 2:15 p.m, Speech Dept. Play, "Outward Bound", (Bryan be temporary quarters provided, to WSU Oct. 28 and 29 for a 1941 will be returning. He is Hall Aud.) but said there may be a time 25th reunion during the annual now Col. Don Greeley of Pueblo, when food service will not be homecoming weekend. Colorado. Also returning will available. Asa V. Clark, Jr., Pullman, be the two senior class presi- chairman of a committee to plan dents that year: first semester the reunion, said that more than president Bill Biggar of Los discusses library, 100 members of the class-c-trom Angeles and second semester aoc many states--had sent in reser- president Ray Sundquist of Ho- vations for the two-day event. quiam. "This will be the biggest 25th Sundquist was also captain of gives rooters bus Rloney reunion ever held at WSU,»)Clark the basketball team which in 1941 said. Assisting Clark as co- was runner-up in the NCAA fi- By Erika Kuplis the overcrowded conditions in as a study facility. chairmen are Charles F. Martin nals, and Greeley was captain Discussions ranging from the Holland Library. Board mem- Another possibility offered by and H.K. (Toby) Saunders, also of the football team. Several problem of library seating to bers felt a big reason whylibrary Smith was the construction of of Pullman, andAlumniDirector, members of both teams will be the drafting of men before regis- seating is limited is that too Eugene Patterson, who also was present during the weekend. tration were heard during many people leave books on desks (Continued on page 5) a member of the class. The track team in 1941 won Wednesday's Board of Control while they themselves leave the a northern division championship meeting. library. and the baseball team was Two bas ic problems were It was pointed out that several runner-up in the northern dt- ppinted out in a discussion of yea r s ago library personnel vtston, picked up all books left on desks Fez in Vogue and placed them on the window Fez caps were still in vogue 'Noise' rally ledge so others could use the at WSU when the class was here desks. The feasibility of doing and members of the class say this again will be discussed with that all members of the student slated tonight library personnel. body were requested to wear Another problem--the need for The Homecoming "noise" rooter caps every Friday before additional seating spa c e-- was a game. This was enforced by rally begins at 6:30 tonight on discussed by Gretchen Hawley, Rodger's Field. a group known as the "Vigilance senior woman. She told the Committee," which was made up "First and second place tro- board that additional seating is phies will go to the paired living of "large athletes carrying large being provi de d on the fourth paddles." Former members of groups judged as the noisiest," floor of Holland Library. Jan Reitmeier, rally squad chair- the class tell of sneaking up Miss Hawley also outlined alleys and behind buildings to man, said. some plans and suggestions given (Continued on page 5) Joan MillS, 1966 Homecoming her by Donald Smith, director Queen and her court will be of Holland Library. Smith has presented at that time. offered two suggestions tohandle Standard time Alvin J. (Babe) Buris, Puyal- the increasing number of students lup, yell king from the class of using the library. 1941, will be introduced along One possibility is the construc- with five senior members of the starts Sunday tion of branch libraries for such '41 football 'squads Col. Don departments as humanities, Sunday, Oct. 30 at 2 a.rn, Greeley, Pueblo, Colo. F ran SCience, and social science. The w1ll mark the end of daylight Rish, Richland; stan Johnson, Ten- Year Planning Com mission saving time for this year. Clocks Enumclaw and Jo Englemann and has already formulated plans for should be set back one hour, D al e Gentry, Portland, ora., the construction of a science either at 2 a.rn, or before one Coach "Babe" Hollingbery, for library at the present site of retires on Saturday night. whom Hollingbery Fieldhouse is Stimson Hall. This will be built According to Washington state named, will also be on hand. during the 1969-71 biennium. law, "at ,2 a.rn, the last Sunday Butch will be escorted in to this in April clocks will be set ahead last home rally of the season. Smith pointed out that this and at 2 a.m, the last Sunday The rally squad will give a "Beat would leave the present third in October, the clocks. shall be Oregon State" skit. floor of Holland Library open 1966 HOMECOMING Queen Joan Mills received a bouquet set back one hour each year." A four foot high burning W for studying, Also if other branch )f roses Wednesday night following her selection by the student WSU w1ll operate on the new will blaze as students serpentine libraries were built, Holland Li- body. The announcement was made during a Homecoming time schedule, as w1ll all Pull- home to end the rally. brary could be used exclusively exchange dance held in the CUB ballroom. man businesses. Page 2 DAILY EVERGREEN Friday, october 28, 1966 Editorial Page --- "What's it worth to you?" Welcome Alumni There was a lot of excite- trative positions for one day; ment throughou t Cougar the sophomores wonthe frosh- Country the morning of April s hop fight and deamed that 2, 1941.
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