2019 Fall Order Form UNITED STATES Expires: October 23, 2019 BILLING AND SHIPPING INFORMATION - A street address is required for delivery. Membership Number: _____________________________ E-mail address: _________________________________ Daytime Phone: __ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ Fax Number: __ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ Country code + area code required Country code + area code required BILLING ADDRESS: _____ Residential _____ Business SHIP TO: (if different) _____Residential or _____Business Name:____________________________________________ Name:___________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS: Please read carefully and fill out this form completely. Incomplete or illegible orders cannot be processed. We suggest you mark your calendar and make a copy of this order form for your records. If you would like to pick up your plants at the RSBG, please mark below: _____ I will PICK UP my plants at the Garden office on Saturday, October 19, 2019. Pickup will be from 9am to 12 noon only. PLANT SHIPMENT: ALL shipments will be via UPS Ground Service unless otherwise instructed. CHECK YOUR PREFERENCE: _____ UPS Ground (Do not use if shipping east of the Mississippi) _____ UPS 3 Day Select _____ UPS 2nd Day Air _____ Monday, September 23 _____ Monday, September 30 _____ Monday, October 14 _____ Monday, October 28 Shipping and Handling Rates PAYMENT INFORMATION This chart is for cost estimation only. UPS frequently adds surcharges for fuel cost and delivery area. Actual shipping costs will be adjusted on your final invoice. As a service to RSBG Members, prepayment is not required. Zones # of Plants A B C ____ Bill me with plant shipment, or fill in credit card information below. nd Weight 3 Day Select 2 Day Air Non-Member orders must be paid in full before order will 1-2 / 4 lbs. $14.00 $16.00 $30.00 $39.00 be processed. 3-5 / 10 lbs. $15.00 $19.00 $47.00 $65.00 6-10 / 20 lbs. $17.00 $28.00 $72.00 $105.00 _____Payment Enclosed (all non-members) Make Checks Payable to the RSF 11-15 / 30 lbs. $21.00 $38.00 $97.00 $143.00 _____Charge my bankcard (circle one) VISA MASTERCARD 16-20 / 40 lbs. $25.00 $46.00 $121.00 $182.00 21-25 / 50 lbs. $28.00 $53.00 $143.00 $221.00 Credit Cards will be charged at the time of shipment. 26 + charged per box Zones: A: OR, WA Account Number:___________________________________________ B: All states west of Mississippi River (Ground Shipping) C: All states east of Mississippi River (2nd day air or 3 day select) Expiration Date: __ __ / __ __ V# __ __ __ Month Year 3 digits above signature # Plants Total $ List Total ________ ________ Signature: ________________________________________________ Estimated Shipping Charge ________ ________ Date: ____________________________________________________ Handling Rate: $7.00 per box (average 10 per box) ________ ________ WA State Sales Tax (use your local sales tax rate) ________ ________ PAYMENTS MUST BE MADE IN US FUNDS ONLY! (Tax on orders picked up at the RSBG is 9.5%) Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden Mailing Address: PO Box 3798, Federal Way, WA 98063 Subtotal ________ ________ 253-838-4646 then press “4” 253-838-4686 FAX e-mail: [email protected] www.rhodygarden.org ESTIMATED TOTAL ________ ________ Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden NAME:___________________________________________ 2019 Fall Plant Order Form Please mark quantity of plants you want in the space provided. RHODODENDRON SPECIES Medium-Growing, Shrubby Species Continued DWARF & SMALLER-GROWING SPECIES Subsection Triflora JN#11022 228sd2012 12.00 Qty Species Name Code Price trichanthum 1975/169 17.00 calostrotum ssp. calostrotum 2004/077 16.00 yunnanense 286sd2013 17.00 calostrotum ssp. keleticum RSBG 19.00 TREE-LIKE AND BIG-LEAF SPECIES changii CGG#14003 150sd2010 21.00 Qty Species Name Code Price dendrocharis 1996/009 21.00 arboreum ssp. cinn var. roseum 519sd2003 17.00 forrestii ssp. forrestii 295sd1993 19.00 arboreum ssp. cinn var. roseum 1964/118 25.00 hanceanum "Nanum Group" RBSG 19.00 asterochnoum JN#12058 120sd2013 24.00 impeditum CCHH#8253 RSBG 19.00 denudatum CDHM#14580 284sd2013 16.00 keiskei 'Yaku Fairy' 1974/014 18.00 fortunei ssp. fortunei 185sd2015 19.00 leucaspis 1965/398 14.00 griffithianum SEH#501 488sd1997 18.00 megeratum NAPE#254 503sd2003 18.00 polytrichum JN#12380 233sd2013 28.00 minus "var. smokianum" 145sd2016 18.00 praestans GR#1409 122sd2014 22.00 moupinense AC#1157 2000/038 18.00 rex ssp.fictolacteum 118sd2013 19.00 nitidulum var. omeiense KR#185 1984/114 14.00 sidereum BE#1239 135sd2014 21.00 oblongilobatum JN#11080 213sd2012 19.00 sinogrande x rex ssp. ficto 126sd2013 26.00 ovatum NV#078 159sd2017 7.00-B species nova? (Subsection Falconera) 130sd2005 38.00 pseudochrysanthum 1973/400 19.00 species nova? (Subsection Fortunea) 227sd2013 18.00 racemosum CDHM#14541 283sd2013 14.00 MADDENIAS & "MARGINALLY HARDY" SPECIES racemosum SEH#042 1999/625 14.00 Qty Species Name Code Price tephropeplum GR#1406 120sd2014 17.00 camelliiflorum GR#0834 182sd2008 8.00-B valentinioides affinity DJHV#106 101sd2007 19.00 dalhousiae var. rhabdotum 517sd2003 9.00-B viridescens 'Doshong La' KW#5829 1974/111 19.00 edgeworthii CCHH#8016 324sd1998 9.00-B williamsianum 1966/606 16.00 edgeworthii KCSH#0392 587sd2003 9.00-B yuefengense RSBG 16.00 excellens TH#3773 267sd2008 7.00-B MEDIUM-GROWING, SHRUBBY SPECIES excellens DJHV#14509 188sd2014 15.00 Qty Species Name Code Price formosum var. form 'Khasia' 1998/012 14.00-B augustinii ssp. augustinii 'Marine' 2000/052 18.00 johnstoneanum 'Double Diamond' 1977/693 16.00 augustinii ssp. augustinii 'Barto Blue' 1975/309 18.00 leptocladon 168sd2014 15.00 augustinii ssp. augustinii 'Cerulean Mist' 2004/145 18.00 liliiflorum PW#116 325sd2003 23.00 augustinii ssp. chasmanthum 2002/036 19.00 lindleyi GR#0822 186sd2008 16.00 campylocarpum ssp. campylocarpum 107sd2014 19.00 maddenii APA#078 2008/046 14.00 cerasinum GR#1413 105sd2014 27.00 maddenii KR#11121 239sd2016 9.00-B cinnabarinum GR#1415 126sd2014 17.00 nuttallii DGEY#079 266sd2001 9.00-B cinnabarinum ssp. cinnabarinum 1977/116 18.00 pendulum 1999/527 24.00 crinigerum JN#12145 356sd2015 25.00 seinghkuense RSBG 17.00-B davidsonianum affinity JN#11038 246sd2012 15.00 Subsection Maddenia NV#003 172sd2017 11.00-B degronianum ssp. heptamerum 2001/165 15.00 sulfureum CCHH#8236 2000/113 19.00 formosanum 2002/062 27.00 AZALEAS keysii DJHM#16076 212sd2016 21.00 Qty Species Name Code Price lutescens 424sd1996 17.00 calendulaceum 221sd2016 14.00 macrophyllum 'Barto White' 1977/208 21.00 canadense SEH#13005 105sd2013 16.00 multiflorum YK#1235 294sd1998 29.00 luteum 'Golden Comet' RSBG 16.00 ochraceum RSBG 19.00 nakaharai 'Mt Seven Star' 1975/267 16.00 oreodoxa var. fargesii 160sd2015 17.00 pentaphyllum RSBG 22.00 oreotrephes 1973/211 17.00 schlippenbachii RSBG 25.00 oreotrephes 1977/776 19.00 serpyllifolium 1979/173 19.00 pachysanthum RBSG 14.00 stenopetalum 'Linearifolium' 1965/447 17.00 pachysanthum 1978/064 21.00 VIREYAS parmulatum 'Ocelot' 1982/047 24.00 Qty Species Name Code Price pingianum Hu#8199 1979/161 21.00 blackii RSBG 19.00-B platypodum CGG#14005 156sd2010 27.00 commonae SEH#11032 RSBG 19.00-B rubiginosum CDHM#14516 285sd2013 15.00 himantodes RSBG 21.00-B simiarum CDHM#14688 161sd2012 21.00 javanicum 2001/022 32.00-B Please Note: Steve's Selections are bolded. 1 Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden NAME:___________________________________________ 2019 Fall Plant Order Form Please mark quantity of plants you want in the space provided. VIREYAS CONTINUED COMPANION PLANTS CONTINUED Qty Species Name Code Price Qty Species Name Code Price kawakamii 1979/026 11.00-B Lilium poilanei DJHV#1069 190sd2014 9.00 konori var. konori 1999/283 19.00-B Lilium regale 156sd2009 8.00 lochiae 2000/036 18.00-B Lilium sargentiae SEH#142 480sd1996 8.00 poilanei CDHM#14725 174sd2012 12.00-B Lonicera crassifolia SEH#085 RSBG 9.00-B praetervisum 1988/049 18.00-B Magnolia macrophylla ssp. macro RSBG 37.00 rugosum 1999/288 15.00-B Magnolia sieboldii RSBG 27.00 rushforthii RSBG 11.00-B Magnolia sprengeri RSBG 26.00 scabridibracteatum SEH#11081 344sd2011 29.00-B Meconopsis 'Lingholm' RSBG 9.00-B sororium SEH#27018 RSBG 9.00-B Nothofagus cunninghamii RSBG 15.00-B suaveolens RSBG 12.00-B Paeonia mairei (ex. SEH#058) RSBG 8.00-B taxifolium RSBG 17.00-B Paeonia mascula RSBG 16.00 yongii RSBG 24.00-B Paxistima canbyi RSBG 18.00 HYBRID RHODODENDRONS Pieris formosa var. forestii 'Wakehurst' RSBG 18.00 Qty Species Name Code Price Pleione formosana RSBG 8.00 'Anne Teese' 11.00-B Podophyllum pleianthum RSBG 11.00-B 'Barnaby Sunset' 14.00 Polyspora (Gordonia) longicarpa RSBG 12.00-B 'Contina' 21.00 Primula moupinensis SEH#086 RSBG 6.00-B 'Crane' 14.00 Sarmienta repens RSBG 19.00-B 'Ever Red' 29.00 Saxifraga hirsuta 'Watermelon Froth' RSBG 14.00 fortunei ssp. fort x yuefengense 14.00 Schefflera delavayi RSBG 33.00 'Fragrantissimum Improved' 19.00 Schefflera fengii RSBG 21.00 'McNabii' 11.00-B Schefflera species NV#023 189sd2017 34.00 'Naomi Glow' 24.00 Sinopodophyllum hexandrum RSBG 9.00-B 'Peter Bee' 17.00 Smilacina (Maianthemum) jap RSBG 7.00-B 'Plover' 18.00 Soldanella villosa RSBG 16.00 'Ptarmigan' 14.00 Sorbus reducta RSBG 14.00 'Sirius' 9.00-B Speirantha convallarioides RSBG 15.00 'Spicil' 12.00 Trillium albidum RSBG 15.00-B 'Tally Ho' 15.00 Vaccinium/Agapetes species RSBG 15.00 'Trewithen Orange' 19.00 Vaccinium padifolium RSBG 18.00 'Walter Maynard' 9.00-B Vaccinium sikkimense RSBG 14.00 'White Waves' 10.00-B Ypsilandra thibetica RSBG 8.00-B 'Wine & Roses' 24.00 COMPANION PLANTS GIFT CERTIFICATES Qty Species Name Code Price Give a gift certificate for catalog shopping and let the Aeschynanthus buxifolius SEH#27013 RSBG 12.00-B recipient choose the right plant for the right place in Agapetes cauliflora affinity SEH#27023 RSBG 14.00-B their garden.
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