Project Readiness Financing Project Administration Manual Project Number: 52159-003 Loan Number: {PRFXXXX} May 2021 India: Sikkim Major District Roads Upgradation Project CONTENTS I. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 1 A. Overall Implementation Plan 1 II. PROJECT MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS 2 A. Project Implementation Organizations: Roles and Responsibilities 2 B. Key Persons Involved in Implementation 3 III. COSTS AND FINANCING 5 A. Key Assumptions 5 B. Allocation and Withdrawal of Loan Proceeds 5 C. Detailed Cost Estimates by Expenditure Category and Financier 6 D. Detailed Cost Estimates by Year 7 E. Contract and Disbursement S-Curve 8 IV. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 8 A. Financial Management Assessment 8 B. Disbursement 10 C. Accounting 11 D. Auditing and Public Disclosure 12 V. PROCUREMENT AND CONSULTING SERVICES 12 A. Advance Contracting and Retroactive Financing 13 B. Procurement of Consulting Services 13 C. Procurement of Goods and Civil Works 13 D. Procurement Plan 13 E. Consultant's Terms of Reference 13 VI. SAFEGUARDS 14 VII. PERFORMANCE MONITORING 14 A. Monitoring 14 B. Reporting 14 VIII. ANTICORRUPTION POLICY 15 IX. ACCOUNTABILITY MECHANISM 15 X. RECORD OF CHANGES TO THE PROJECT ADMINISTRATION MANUAL 15 APPENDIXES 1. Indicative list of Subprojects 16 2. Detailed Terms of Reference 17 Project Administration Manual for Project Readiness Financing Facility: Purpose and Process The project administration manual (PAM) for the project readiness financing (PRF) facility is an abridged version of the regular PAM of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and describes the essential administrative and management requirements to implement the PRF facility following the policies and procedures of the government and ADB. The PAM should include references to all available templates and instructions either by linking to relevant URLs or directly incorporating them in the PAM. The executing agency–Government of Sikkim acting through Roads and Bridges (R&B) Department, and the implementing agency–Project Management Unit (PMU), (ADB Cell) under R&B Department, Government of Sikkim are wholly responsible for the implementation of ADB-financed PRF project, as agreed between the borrower and ADB, and following the policies and procedures of the government and ADB. ADB staff is responsible for supporting implementation, including compliance by R&B Department and PMU of Government of Sikkim, of their obligations and responsibilities for PRF project implementation following ADB’s policies and procedures. In the event of any discrepancy or contradiction between the PAM and the loan agreement, the provisions of the PRF loan agreement will prevail. After ADB’s approval of the PRF proposal, changes in implementation arrangements are subject to agreement and approval pursuant to relevant government and ADB administrative procedures (including the Project Administration Instructions) and upon such approval, they will be subsequently incorporated in this PAM. ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank AFS – audited financial statement CAG – Comptroller and Auditor General DEA – Department of Economic Affairs DPR – detailed project report DPRC – detailed project report consultant EIA – environmental impact assessment EIRR – economic internal rate of return EMP – environmental management plan FMA – financial management assessment IEE – initial environmental examination IPP – indigenous peoples plan Km/km – Kilometer MDB – multilateral development bank MDONER – Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region NEC – North Eastern Council PAM – project administration manual PCR – project completion report PMU – project management unit PPMS – project performance monitoring system PRF – project readiness financing PWD – Public Works Department QCBS – quality- and cost-based selection R&B – roads and bridges SBD – standard bidding document TOR – terms of reference I. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN A. Overall Implementation Plan 1. Table 1 presents the overall implementation plan for the Project Readiness Financing (PRF) assistance and records key implementation, including project management activities (on quarterly basis), which will be updated annually and submitted to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) with updated contract and disbursement projections for the following year. Table 1: Implementation Plan over PRF Assistance Tenure 2021 2022 2023 2024 Year/ Activities Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 PRF Approval (Advance Action) A. Implementation Consultant selection Feasibility studies & DPRs Capacity building B. Management Activities ADB approval PRF signing PRF effectiveness Submission of QPRs Submission of annual report Submission of APFS ADB = Asian Development Bank, APFS = audited project financial statement, PPMS = project performance monitoring system, PRF = project readiness financing, Q = quarter; DPRs: Detailed Project Reports; QPRs= Quarterly Progress Reports Source: Asian Development Bank. 2 II. PROJECT MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS A. Project Implementation Organizations: Roles and Responsibilities Table 2: Roles and Responsibilities of Key Stakeholders Implementation Organizations Management Roles and Responsibilities A. Executing agency Government of Sikkim acting • Appoint a Project Director dedicated for the PRF assistance and through its Roads and establish a Project Management Unit at the R&B Department, which is Bridges (R&B) Department adequately staffed with suitable resources (including qualified accounting personnel) and acceptable to ADB. • Ensure good coordination with Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), Ministry of Finance, Government of India and for adequate allocation of annual budget to the project, as per recommendation of PMU. • Be the focal point at execution level for communication with all stakeholders, including ADB, facilitation coordination for all stakeholder consultations, and be the signatory to all key documents including withdrawal applications and audit reports for submission to the Government of Sikkim and the Government of India on PRF assistance; • Liaise with ADB to address any issues during detailed engineering design/procurement/institutional development works of consulting firm under PRF assistance. • Conduct review and approve detailed engineering designs/any other design works and resource/effort/cost estimates, including DPRs. B. Implementing agency Project Management Unit • Prepare through consulting firm and recommend to R&B Department for (ADB Cell) under R&B approval of detailed engineering designs/any other design works, DPRs, Department , Government of procurement process documentation, and institutional strengthening and Sikkim capacity building requirements and programs on training/workshops/ seminars/ conferences etc., including necessary coordination with all stakeholders; • Process bills for services contract. Conduct periodic review of the work progress under PRF assistance and submit agreed progress/project reports to the steering committee, Government of Sikkim, Government of India, and ADB. • Disclosure of information related to the project to the public through government website(s). Facilitate in ensuring compliance with conditions of PRF loan agreement under PRF assistance, Government of India, Government of Sikkim, and ADB guidelines, procedures, and policies. • Ensure compliance with ADB Safeguard Policy Statement, the environmental assessment, resettlement, indigenous peoples frameworks, etc. for the work under PRF assistance and the corresponding reports/plans such as EMPs, IEEs/EIAs, resettlement plans, IPPs, etc., as required, for each of the subprojects; C. Asian Development Bank • Provide guidance to state agencies–R&B Department, PMU (R&B), etc. on PRF assistance-related design and implementation issues; • Facilitate R&B Department/PMU on procurement processing for consulting firm/consultants’ selection under PRF assistance; Conduct periodic review of the PRF assistance; and Disclosure of information related to the PRF assistance, as per ADB’s Access to Information Policy. ADB = Asian Development Bank, DEA = Department of Economic Affairs, DPR = detailed project report, EIA = environmental impact assessment, EMP = environmental management and monitoring plan, IEE = initial environmental examination, IPP = indigenous peoples plan, MDONER = Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, NEC = North Eastern Council, PCR = project completion report, PRF = project readiness financing, PMU = project management unit, R&B = roads and bridges Source: Asian Development Bank. 3 B. Key Persons Involved in Implementation 2. The key persons involved in the implementation of PRF assistance are as follows: Executing Agency Government of Sikkim acting Officer’s Name: T.P. Shangderpa, through its Roads and Bridges Position: Principal Chief Engineer-cum-Secretary (R&B) Department Telephone No.: +91- 03592-203460 E-mail address: [email protected] Office Address: Roads & Bridges Department, Government of Sikkim, Nirman Bhavan, Zero Point, National Highway 10, Gangtok, Sikkim. Executing Agency Officer’s Name: Shanti Tamang, Position: Project Director Telephone No.: +91- 03592-203460 E-mail address: [email protected] Office Address: Roads & Bridges Department, Government of Sikkim, Nirman Bhavan, Zero Point, National Highway 10, Gangtok, Sikkim Asian Development Bank Indian Resident Mission Staff Name: Takeo Konishi Position: Country Director Telephone No.: +91-11-2410-7200 E-mail address: [email protected] Mission Leader Staff Name: Prabhasha Sahu Position: Senior Project Officer Telephone No: 91-11-2410-7200
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