fng World-Radio) March 9, 1951 r .O ('nCO'P r3' 18BC Progr<1mme! .... 11"'" Regillered allhe G.P.O. as a Newspaper 1;i;:i~i@rro ~dutnon . JOU RNAL P RICE T HR E E PEN C E THE QUESTION THAT BAFFLED THE MASTERS The President shows the members of tThe Question-Masters' Club' the answe'T to the one they didn't lmo«l. Left to right are: Lionel Hale, Wynford Vaughan Thomas, John Snagge Wresident), Michael Barsley (Honorary Member), LioneL Gamlin, Gilbert Harding, and Robert MacDennot. rILe Club meets on Tuesday at 9.30 p.m. in the Home Service TliE WOMEN'S REBELLION ST. PATRICK'S DAY 'SCHOOL FOR FATHERS" A radio history oj the Suffragette celebrated in the programmes Wolf-Ferrari's opera from Sadler's tnovement_ Tuesday in the Home Service on Saturday Wells TheC{.tre on Friday (Third) MAIRE O'NEILL CALCUTTA CUP ']OLSON SINGS ON' in ' Juno and the Pa),cock' Commentary on the England v. Scotland A musical biography of the great singer by Sean O'Casey-W edne~day rtLgger march from T wic/,enham-Sacurday Friday in the Home Service WELSH \VOMAN'S HOUR CAMPOLI MURDOCH AND HORNE in the Light Pr(Jgr~mme plays William Walwn's Violin Concerto ~uests of 'Calling All Forces' on FriJa) afternoon at Wednesday's BBC Symphony Concert on Sunday in the Light Programme Issue dated BBC Publications RADle:> TIMES 35 Marylebone High St. MARCB 9 195 1 London, W.1 INCORPORA TING WORLD-RADIO ~ o PLAYS H 'The Case of Sarah Chandler': a play by ,/ The, Week In Brief~MARCH 11 to 17- e. E. Webber ........................ Sunday, 9.30 p.m. lI_lIollle Sel'vice L-Liglll ProgrwlIlI1l! T - Tllird ProgrulIlll1o TV- Telel'isioll H , Catherine Lacey in 'The End of Things' by Gabriel Marcel... ................. Monday, 9.15 p.m. H & L Programmes for St. P~trick's Day (see foot, of Page) ..•• ; ...............•... Saturday TV Mary Jerrold in 'The Sacred Flame,' by" H 'The Women's Rebellion': a dramatised impression of the Suffragette Movement W. Somerset Maugham...... Tuesday, 8.25 p.m. Tuesday, 8.0 p,m. L • Victorian House': a romance of the Great Exhibition of. 1851 by Dorothy H~wlett: H Sir' Adrian Boult conducts the BBC Symphony Orchestra with Campoli (soloist in 1-' Amber House ' ............... Friday', 9.30 p.m, Walton's Violin Concerto) at the Royal Albert Hall.. .......... Wednesday. 8.0 p.m. H 'Caesar's Friend' by Campbell Dixon and L Maire O'Neill in ' Juno and the Paycoc~ • by Sean O'Casey... Wednesday, 8.30 p.m. Dermot Morrah .................. Saturday, 9.35 p.m. TV Colin Wills visits Places with Problems. 5-Crawley.......... Wednesday, 8.45 p.m. FOH THr. CIIIL()IlEN B' Taking Stock: Public OpInion Polls ..........................•...... Thursday, 9.15 p.m. H Children's Service ................ Sunday, 5.25 p.m. L Welsh Edition of 'Woman's Hour ' ....................................... Friday, 2.0 p.m. L Any Questions?, from the Assembly Hall, Walthamstow ............ Friday, 8.15 p,m. TUKS H, The Sorcerer's Revenge, by Sir Arthur Grimble IlEJ.J(:IOL'~ SEIlYlCES L 'Tuesday Serenade': with Victoria Sladen, Sunday, 11.10 a.m. a Demand and Supplv: 5-' The Sword of the Dennis Noble, Joan and Valerie Trimble,BBC H The Framework of the Future: 5-' The Spirit': from J esmond Parish Church, New- Opera Chorus and Orchestra, conductor, Function and Patronage of Art' by John ; castle upon Tyne ................... Sunday, 9.30 a.m. Stanford Robinson ................ Tuesday, 8.0 p.m. Summerson ........................... Sunday, 9.15 p.m. a 'At the Heart of Things': a service for T Janacek's' The Diary of. a Man who Dis- T Impressions of Germanv: 'Divisions and Sub­ under-twenties, from Shrewsburv, conducted appeared •....................... Wednesday, 7:15 p.m. divisions': first of three talks by T. H. 'by the Rev, Wilfrid Garlick .... Sunday, 8.0 p.m. T Dar[!omizhsky's opera 'The Stone Guest,' Marshall.. ............................. Monday, 9.45 p.m. a 'Holy Week and itS Liturgy': by Mgr. from Paris ........................ Thursday, 6.55 p.m. H The World Today: 'Israel between East and CUlhbert CoIlingwood ..... ~ ...... Tuesday, 3.0 p.m. T Brahms' Requiem, conducted by Carl Schuricht West' by Philip Toyncee .... Tuesday, 9.15 p.m. .\!lISIC Saturday, 9.0 p.m. L Dr. Maude Royden in ' The Silver Lining • 'H Chopin piano recital.by Julim Isserlis Thursday, 4.30 p.m. Sunday, 2,30 p.m. FEATURES H - Excerpts from Ambroise Thomas' opera VARIETY 'Mignon , ................................ Sunday, 4.0 p.m. T 'A Ey-Election in the Nineties,' by Henry L Honor Blackman, and Richard Murdoch and Reed .... Monday, 7.40 p.m.; Friday, 9.45 p.m. H Sir Adrian Boult conducts the BBC Symphony Kenneth Home, guests of ' Calling All Forces' L Focu~ on the Census ............ Tuesday, 9.30 'p.m. Orchestra with Louis Kentner (piano): Rimsky­ Sunday, 12.0 noon Korsakov, Mozart, Brahms...Sunday, 6.15 p.m. L • Variety Bandbox ' ..............: .. Sunday, 9.0 p.m. SPORT TV 'School for Fathers': the comic opera by TV Professional Boxing: some of the princiral Er'manno Wolf-Ferrari H • Jolson Sings On':' a musical biography of the great smger ........................ Friday, 8.0 p.m. contests in Moss Promotions Boxing Pro- Sunday, 8.15 p.m.; and Thursday, 8.30 p.rn. gramme ................................ Monday, 8.15 p.m. T Handel's' Susanna,' from the Barber Institute H 'Variety Ahoy! ': a programme recorded on of Fine Arts, Birmingham University board H.M.S. ' Duke of York' off Portsmouth H Rugby Union Football: England v. Scotland Tuesday, 6.30 p.m. Saturday, 12.25 p.m. Saturday, 2.55 p.m. whelmed' with requests. So many have arrived In Honour of St. Patrick that it has been found necessary until further notice to include on Iv those received from overseas Forces themselves. -There simply is n.:> time in which to '~S" AINT PATRICK was a gentleman who Music-Hall in the Home Services on Satur­ day evening will have an appropriately IrIsh play items asked for by listeners in Britain. , carne of dacent people' runs the old song, In addition, requests for gramophone records and every year on March 17, the day flavour. The bill includes Jack Daly, the IrISh still corne in to Cal/illg All FOI'ces-which does not dedicated to his memory, Irishmen the world singer and comedian, • Terry,' the Irish minstrel, mclude such records. These requests should be Over hold celebrations in his. honour. BBC pro­ and the Tower Hill Irish Pipe Band. addressed to Forces Favourites. grammes' will, as usual, rdlect both the secular Following the precedent set on the eve of St. 'Two-Way' Family Favourites also has a sub­ and the religious aspects of the Festival. David's Day, 'Curtain Up! ' this week (Light stantial waiting list of requests, but more can still . On Saturday afternoon all Home Services will Programme on Wednesday) will present Sean be accepted from listeners here and should be Rive their listeners an opportunity of hearing O'Casey's Juno and the Paycock. with Maire addressed to the programme at Broadcasting House, O'Neill in her original role as Juno. London, W.l. B.A.O,R. shares in this special pro­ ~~m Han~a Bel~'s prog~am!lleIhe Three-Leafed gramme because it is technically possible to arrange Ive~., which Will receive Its first broadcast the a hook-up between the BBC and the British Forces prevlOuS evening on the Northern Ireland wave­ The ltuJiu Prize Network in Germanv for a broadcast simultaneously \ength. HE Italia Prize, awarded for works written in both countries. The arrangement is not practic­ talt will describe a jo~rney down the River T specially for broadcasting, is again open to able for other Forces stations overseas. R~n, which has the great port of Belfast and competition. This year the prize will be given for The BBC limits the kinds of requests it can accept . ~'il~~rld-famous shipyard at its estuary, and an original literary work-with or without incidental because it is anxious not to accumulate very long '. its Include of the songs of the nver and music. A large number of feature programmes. pro­ waiting lists-which inevitably cause disappoint­ ~ome duced during the last eighteen months, are already ment to. a great· many people for whose pleasure hea~el,qhbollrtng countryside. Listeners will also under consideration for the final choice of two such request programmes are designed. ba tk some of the people who work along its BBC entries. But there is still time for new feature . an~ s-a. weaver, a fox exterminator, a farmer, programme scripts of high literary standard to be • Radio Times' Now Costs Threepence by shipyard worker. Music will be supplieJ ~ considered. Any feature programme accepted for ADIO TIMES now costs threepence a copy. ros~d e Ql~een's Island Male Voice Choir (com­ broadcastin!! before April 1, 1951, will be eligible The decision to raise the price has been taken for selecLion. The final choice of entries will, of R bra led el~lrelY of shipyard workers), the cele­ with great reluc~ance by the BBC, whose'intention ileifasl G~sh ~arpist Aileen McArdle, and the course, rest with the BBe. has been and always will be to make its programme During the first ~'ear-the Prize was founded journal available to the greatest number of listeners In ad !r! Smgers. ' in 1948-twelve countnes submitted a total of will bro dltlon, all Home Services except West at the lowest possible price. twenty-one works to the jury. The a\\iards were The change in price is unavoidable because of Ireland ~dca~t Children's Hour from Northern made in September 1949.
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