GEMM-like Tensor-Tensor Contraction Paul Springer Paolo Bientinesi AICES, RWTH Aachen University AICES, RWTH Aachen University Aachen, Germany Aachen, Germany [email protected] [email protected] 1 INTRODUCTION 2 GEMM-LIKE TENSOR CONTRACTION Tensor contractions (TCs)—a generalization of matrix-matrix mul- Let A, B, and C be tensors (i.e., multi-dimensional arrays), a tensor tiplications (GEMM) to multiple dimensions—arise in a wide range contraction is: of scientific computations such as machine learning1 [ ], spectral CI α × AI × BI + β × CI ; (1) element methods [10], quantum chemistry calculations [2], mul- C A B C tidimensional Fourier transforms [4] and climate simulations [3]. where IA, IB, and IC denote symbolic index sets. We further define Despite the close connection between TCs and matrix-matrix prod- three important index sets: Im := IA \ IC, In := IB \ IC, and ucts, the performance of the former is in general vastly inferior to Ik := IA \ IB, respectively denoting the free indices of A, the that of an optimized GEMM. To close such a gap, we propose a novel free indices B, and the contracted indices. Moreover, we adopt the approach: GEMM-like Tensor-Tensor (GETT) contraction [8]. Einstein notation, indicating that all indices of Ik are implicitly GETT captures the essential features of a high-performance summed (i.e., contracted). GEMM. In line with a highly optimized GEMM, and in contrast to Adhering to this definition, we can reformulate Equation (1) previous approaches to TCs, our high-performance implementa- such that its similarity to a matrix-matrix multiplication becomes tion of the GETT approach is fully vectorized, exploits the CPU’s apparent: cache hierarchy, avoids explicit preprocessing steps, and operates C C α ×A A ×B B +β ×C C ; (2) Π ¹Im [In º Π ¹Im [Ik º Π ¹In [Ik º Π ¹Im [In º on arbitrary dimensional subtensors while preserving stride-one A B C memory accesses. Another key design principle is the fact that where Π ; Π ; and Π denote arbitrary permutations of the in- GETT utilizes tensor transpositions [9] to pack subtensors into the dices respectively belonging to A; B, and C. The only difference caches, yielding highly efficient packing routines. between tensor contractions and matrix-matrix multiplication is A central challenge to high-performance tensor contractions—in that the former allows jIm j; jIn j; jIk j ≥ 1, while the latter requires contrast to matrix-matrix multiplications—is due to the increased that jIm j = jIn j = jIk j = 1. dimensionality of tensors, often resulting in suboptimal memory accesses; as a consequence, the performance of many tensor contrac- //N-Loop tions can be limited by the system’s memory-bandwidth (i.e., band- for n = 1 : nC : SIn 1 width-bound) as opposed to its floating-point units (i.e., compute- //K-Loop(contracted) for k = 1 : k : S 2 bound). Hence, developing a systematic way to exploit the system’s C Ik B = identify_subtensor¹B; n; kº caches is critical to increase the performance of TCs and push them b // pack Bb into Be from the bandwidth-bound regime to the compute-bound regime. Be = packB (Bb) 3 Previous approaches to TCs, such as Loop-over-GEMM (LoG) //M-Loop or Transpose-Transpose-GEMM-Transpose (TTGT) rely on highly for m = 1 : mC : SIm 4 optimized matrix-matrix multiplications to attain high performance. Ab = identify_subtensor¹A; m; kº However, both approaches suffer from inherent disadvantages: Fore- // pack Ab into Ae most, both LoG as well as TTGT exhibit suboptimal I/O cost, mak- Ae = packA (Ab) 5 ing them especially less effective in the bandwidth-bound regime. Cb = identify_subtensor¹C; m; nº While TTGT requires additional auxiliary memory, increasing the // matrix-matrix product: Cb α Ae × Be + β Cb macroKernel(A; B; C; α; β ) 6 memory footprint of the tensor contraction by up to 2×, LoG is not e e b applicable to all tensor contractions without relying on a strided Listing 1: GETT design. (suboptimal) GEMM implementation. Simultaneously to our research, Matthews [6] recently intro- Blocking & Packing. Listing 1 outlines the GEMM-like design of duced another “native” tensor contraction algorithm (TBLIS) that GETT, which is inspired by BLIS [11]. GETT begins to block along also adopts a GEMM-like design, attaining the same I/O cost as the indices of In ( 1 ) and Ik ( 2 ), at this stage the size of the sub- an equivalent-sized matrix-matrix product. TBLIS—in contrast to tensor Bb of B is constrained and can be packed into a local buffer GETT—does not offer multi-dimensional packing routines, which Be via tensor transpositions ( 3 ). The next steps involve blocking can result in strided memory accesses. However, TBLIS is already along the indices of Im ( 4 ) and packing the subtensor Abof A into available as a C++ library that avoids the code-generation process a local buffer Ae. At this point the data is suitable prepared for the currently required by GETT. macro-kernel—a specialized form of an in-cache matrix-matrix prod- uct ( 6 ). This design resembles that of a high-performance GEMM Super Computing ’17, November 2017, Denver, CO, USA 2017. ACM ISBN 978-x-xxxx-xxxx-x/YY/MM...$15.00 while the additional complexity due to the higher dimensionality https://doi.org/10.1145/nnnnnnn.nnnnnnn of the tensors has been moved into the packing routines. main memory registers 80 L3 L2 L1 TBLIS 2nd loop / macro-kernel 70 Eigen GETT (w/o k) nC 60 GETT (w/ k) kC 50 kC 40 mC += × 30 GFLOPs /s20 /core d a 10 ¹ º A C m1; m2; n1; n2 e o Be b l e e e e m1ke1m2 n1ke1n2 e e e e 0 1st loop 1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 test case nR Figure 2: Performance for TCs with varying arithmetic in- k C tensity (sorted w.r.t. GETT). Host: 2× Intel Xeon E5-2680 v3 using 24 threads. kC += mC × frameworks. These speedups highlight GETT’s excellent perfor- mance. Moreover, comparing the orange triangles (with parallel-k) Cb¹me1; me2; ne1º Ae Be me1ke1me2 ne1ke1 with the red triangles (without parallel-k) indicates that some ten- e m t micro-kernel sor contraction benefit from GETT’s ability to parallelize the loop a a n e R d r associated to Ik . p t u s 3 2 3 CONCLUSION nR kC kC We presented GETT, a novel GEMM-like approach for tensor con- mR = mR × tractions. GETT—similarly to a high-performance GEMM—is fully vectorized, blocks for all levels of the cache hierarchy as well as for registers, and parallelizes all five loops around its micro-kernel in- Cem n Ae Be e1e1 me1ke1 ne1ke1 dividually to yield good load-balancing. Moreover, it utilizes highly optimized tensor transpositions for its packing routines to attain Figure 1: Macro-kernel & micro-kernel. high bandwidth. These desirable properties reflect positively on GETT’s performance. Macro-Kernel. 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