.. t Washington and Lee Semi-Weekly Newspaper = .... Volume LIII LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, DECEMBER 16, 1952 Number 24 j Period for Ordering i M~thenJaticsProfessor Glee Club Band Plan i Wtll Speak Tontght ' • t d At 7:45 in Reid HaLL J · t Cone rt 1·0 G m •..+ COStUffiCS I S EX en Cd u:.~~~:' ~· Jv.~~~~··;~' ~~~ 010 C y " Expect to Sell Out • uver a pubuc tecture on matbe- * Christmas Program . G matJcs next Tuesday night. at 7:45 IFC Se D Three Sets Shortly l pm. in the Physics Lecture Room, At 8p.m. Tomorrow S Clence roup 26 Reid Hall. His t.oplc will be ts ate The period for ordering Fancy PI ns Awards "Mathematics IS not. Computation.'' For Hell Week The Glee Club and ROTC Band Dress costumes has been extend- a Professot McShane was born in wUl give a joint. Christmas con· ed unUl after the Christmas va- New Orleans In 1904 and received cert. at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Dore- I• callon, it. was announced today by The National Science Founda- hi.\ fin.t degree in engmeering at The Interfraternity Council has mus Gymnasium. • Spot McCicrkln. vice president in tlon has announced Its second Tulane University In 1925. Be announced the days for Hell end Over 100 students will partlcl­ • charge or costumes. graduate fellowship program for later ehanged to work in pure Help Week this year· February pate In the program, the first con- Orders wlU be taken from Jan- the academic year 1953-54. Fe!- nathemaUcs and received his Ph.D. 2-7. 1953. IFC President Blll Me- cert at Wa.sbington and Lee to uary 5 through 9, but. there will lowshlps will be awarded tor grad- at Chlca~o In 1930. During world Clintoek made the announcement feature both groups. In past years be no more requests handled this uate study In t.he biological. en- War II he did research work in last night. rollowlni the weekly the band and Glee Club have each week. Hours tor th"" extended per-~ gineering, mathematical. medlcal. applied mathematics for the Sal- meeting of the IFC. given separate concerts. lod will be the same as the origl- and physical sciences. These fel- llstlcs Reiiearch Laboratory at McClintock also disclosed that The band will offer mus1c rang- nat two-week limit whlch ended lowsh.lps ate llmlled to cltlzens or Aberd.,en Proving Ground. He has the Interfraternity Council is plan- log from Jazz to the semi-classics. te d 1 2 4 th the United States. been pmtessor ot mathematics at ning to publish a 30-page booklet. Larry Raymond and Paul Maslans- ~~~d:n:tni~~~ to p.m. in e More than five hundred Fellows the University or VIrginia since describing the fraternity system at ky will play a trumpet duet entltl- McClerkln explained t.hat the wlll be selected tor a year of 1935 Washington nnd Lee fot the bene- ed "Two Riffs on Park Avenue." 1 d in u 01 d In graduate study. Selections are In addition to numerous contri- fit of future freshmen. Also scheduled by the band are reason n a vane .g.. le . er g made solely on the basis or ablllly. butlons to re!'earch Journal'> In Among the proposed Items which concert arrangements of "Deep limit was two-fold. Many of the The maJority of the awards wUJ mnthcmal!cs Professor McShane is will be Included ln the booklet Pw-ple" by Peter DeRose, and boys wUJ have the opportunity to go to graduate students seeking author of the most complete work when 11. is published are pictures ''ChriStmas RhapsodY" by Newell get dates during the Christmas masters or doctors degrees In on lntecrallon yeL published In of fraternity houses, a listing of H. Long. Thts medley of Yuletide vacation," he pointed out, "and we sciencr. although a Umltcd num- book form. He is the translator f r t.e ttl to Deck th all" feel the recent announcement that bPr of awards will be made to ftotn lhe German or Professor t.he members o ra rn es - songs contains " e H , two fine bands, Johnny Lon& and gether with thelr home towns, and "Jingle Bells," "The First Noel," Ralph Matterle, wUJ play may en- postdoctoral applicants. 1Coutant·,. complet.e reference work an ex-planation or the system and ''Silent Night," and "0 Come All courage many of the students who Graduating college seniors in the on the Oltrerentlal and Integral Its rules. Ye Faithful." At. least one instru- 1 t science:. who desire to enter grad- Calculus New Pledges ment from each section is given a were prev ous 1Y not. P1 ann Irli to a - uate school are encouraged to ap- Th'· is the fin;t pubhc lecture tend or on the borderline to do "' The list. or nf'w pledges for the solo during Its performance. so ·• ply for Lhe awards. on mathematlcg to be held at. past several weeks as announced Other numbers on the band's Over •·e alread." The three-pat L rating syst.em for wa!;hlngton and Lee In six years. b M Cli lock in d J lt H t f the Ul b "Lad 250 Costumes ha• ·' predoctoral Fellows will consist of ------- Y o n c 1u es. ac are, 1par o proeram w e y been sold and Indications are that test scores or sclenllftc aptitude Sigma Nu ; Tom Bibb and Charley of Spain," "Parade of the Wooden the total may surpass last year's and achievement. academic rec- Leyburn Plays Claunch. Kappa Sigma. Soldiers," and sousa's "El Capitan" total or 450. The POSt-Christmas ords. and recommendations re- The "Help Week" Committee of march. 1 ordermg period last year was very gatding each Individual's meriL. F B k F d the IFC Is making further inves- Old School Sonp popular and the Student Union Postdoctoral applicants will not. Or aS et Un tlgattons mto projects which the In an effort. to revive some of was filled to capacity by last. min- be J-equired to take the examina- pledges will participate In during washington and Lee's old songs, ute costume-seekers. lions. Contributions pledged Thursday "Hell Week" this year. the band wlll play it.s own arrangc- IL Is certain that three o! the The sttpend~; for predoctoml to hear Dean James Leybum sing Sam Davidson, chairman of the I ments of "College Friendships,. eight st>ts will be gone by January Fellows range !rom $1400 to $1800; and play are believed to be the committee, says this year's pro- "Fight! Fight! Blue and Whl~" 5, McClerkln reports. The most. lhe btlpend for postdoctoral Fel- largc~>L amount given tor any jects are aimed nt giving aid to and the ''W&L Swing.'' "Fight! popular combination has been the lows Is $3400. In addition, tuition single or group performance dUl'· needy people instead of helping Fight! Blue and White was popular Royal Guard and Lady. The other and certain required fees will be lng the 8-12 :30 p.m. benftl for the town. as was dono last year. here some time ago, but has lost Lwo sets which wer~ expl'cted to paid by the FoundaUon. Limited the ChJ'Istmas basket fund. The So far the proJects decided on In popularity recently. The band run out by today at·e Hussar and Iallowances will br provided for benefit. was sponsored by the Lex- ~ have been painting a house and hopes to revive lt. Girl and Officer and Girl. There dependents and for travel to a lniton and Buena Vista Lions clennlng ~n~ makJ.na repairs on Hl&hllght of the Glee Club's por­ were a half dozen lett yesterday, Fello" ·s graduate Institution. The clubs, in cooperation with WREL. the Ch.lldlen s Clinic in Lexington. lion of lbe program will be Or. buL t.he e were expec!A'd to vanish tenure of a fellowship Is for one Leybut n's performance was In ProJects ~round the school are Randall Thompson's "Testament before the deadline. year and can be arranged to be- tc:.pon!-e to calls totalling approx- also undeJ consideration of Freedom." This composition, McClerkin cmphaslzed thnt.there ~1n at any time after June 1. 1953. lmately $40 In pledges from W&L llelp Week written whlle Dr. Thompson was are plenty or attractive costumes but. must. not normally be later st udf.'nts. He played a Brahms The "Help Week" Idea was oriK- head of music at the University available in the the remaining sets, than the beginning of the academic sonata. then played and sang GU- tnat.ed last year, and the commit- or Vlr~lnla. is a group of the writ­ but a few more sets wUJ probably I~·ear at the mstltutlon or the Fe!- bert and Sullh•an·s "Most. Disagree- tee hopes to make It a permanent lngs or Thomas Jefferson set to five-daybe gone byextension the first periodfew days or the iow's choice. able Man." part of "Hell week.'' Davidson says music. "Testament or Freedom" Is Appllcallons for the curtent Na- The dean was roused from bed a large percentage of the fra.tern1- divided Into four groups: 1- The tiona! SCience Foundatlon fellow- after the first. request. Cor his per- ties participated last year. and the God Who Gave Us Life, ll- We ship awards may be obtained from formance came from the PI Kappa pledges found that. they actually Have Counted the c ost. ill- We Junior Clothes the Fellowship Office.
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