H3824 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE April 25, 1996 chairman of Maryland's Legislative Black Cau- that district so well who are here Mr. Speaker, I represent a diverse cus, the youngest person ever to attain that today: Kweisi Mfume, whom I consider district, a very diverse district. We position. one of my dearest friends, who was have people who have a lot of problems. As vice chairman of the House Constitu- elected with me and BEN CARDIN to the We have people who have very nice tional and Administrative Law Committee and historic 100th Congress; BARBARA MI- homes. We have people who are strug- as vice chairman of the Economic Matters KULSKI, our Senator who also rep- gling just trying to make it. It honors Committee, he has acquired a wealth of ex- resented that district. Senator SAR- me tremendously to know that they pertise and experience that he will now bring BANES, did you represent that direct? would send me here to represent them. to bear on the considerable problems facing You did in your heart, that is for sure. I have often said on the floor of the this Nation. Most recently, he became Speak- But we all reflect the kind of fine Maryland House of Delegates that our er Pro Tem of the House of Delegates, the work that has been done there, and I world would be a much better world second highest position of leadership in that did have the grand opportunity to and a much better place if we would body. serve for 4 years with Congressman only concentrate on the things we have I am delighted to join my other colleagues in CUMMINGS in the House of Delegates. in common instead of concentrating on welcoming my neighbor to the House of Rep- Very proud of your background, the our differences. It is easy to find dif- resentatives. I am sure he will follow in the temperament, the compassion, and I ferences, very easy. We need to take proud tradition of his district and enjoy a long particularly like the fact that here is a more time to find common ground. and distinguished career here in the people's man who is going to work for the So my mission is one that comes out House. American people, both sides of the of a vision that was created long, long Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I would aisle. He is not predisposed to any one ago. It is a mission and a vision to em- now like to yield to a gentleman who specific myopic kind of philosophy. He power people, to make people realize served with ELIJAH in the House of Del- wants to work for the American people, that the power is within them, that egates and then was his colleague as a for the people of Maryland. I salute they, too, can do the things that they member of the Maryland State senate, him and I congratulate him. want to do. So I am about that mis- will now be again his colleague here in Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I thank sion. I am looking forward to joining the House of the people, the distin- the gentlewoman. I might observe that with all of you as we travel this road I guished Representative from the our senior Senator has always served often call journey, which I define as Fourth Congressional District of Mary- every district in our State. life. land, Mr. ALBERT WYNN. Ladies and gentlemen, I am deeply There is a poem that Parren Mitchell Mr. WYNN. Mr. Speaker, I thank my honored to introduce to you a very fine said many, many years ago, that I say friend and colleague for yielding. human being who we will be privileged sometimes 20 times a day, and it is a In 1983 I was elected to the Maryland to serve with and walk with, ELIJAH very simple poem but it is one that I House of Delegates. As I looked around CUMMINGS. live by. It says: ``I only have a minute, the orientation, I noticed another Mr. CUMMINGS. Thank you very 60 seconds in it, forced upon me, I did young man who really impressed me. much, Mr. Speaker and Members, to not choose it, but I know that I must That man stands before you today. the Maryland congressional delegation, use it, give account if I abuse it, suffer So I can tell you from personal expe- to two of my mentors, both of whom I if I lose it, only a tiny little minute, rience, having stood shoulder-to-shoul- love. Their spirit is a part of my spirit. but eternity is in it.'' So I join you as we move forward to der with ELIJAH CUMMINGS, that he is a Their hopes and dreams are part of my true worker for people. I do not have to hopes and dreams. uplife not only the Nation but the tell you a lot. Let me simply say that To Kweisi Mfume and Parren J. world. May God bless you all and may I have watched this man and worked Mitchell, I just want you to know that God bless America. with this man. He has worked for eco- I love you, and I thank you for all that f nomic development, but he has never you have done for the city of Balti- RESIGNATION AS MEMBER OF forgotten the needs of the downtrodden more, the State of Maryland, the Na- COMMITTEE ON VETERANS' AF- or the less fortunate. He brings to this tion, and the world. I appreciate you. FAIRS House tremendous compassion. To my family and friends and to the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. All Members need to know about ELI- members of the Maryland Legislature LAHOOD) laid before the House the fol- JAH CUMMINGS is that he is a man of who are up there, only God could cre- lowing resignation as a Member of the tremendous sincerity, commitment, ate this path, only God. Only God could Committee on Veterans' Affairs: compassion, and faith in God. He will create a path where the son of two CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, do a wonderful job for the people of the sharecroppers from Manning, SC could HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Seventh Congressional District. He will rise to represent the people of the Sev- Washington, DC, April 22, 1996. do a wonderful job for the people of enth Congressional District in the Con- Hon. NEWT GINGRICH, this country. I am looking forward to gress of the United States of America. Speaker of the House, working with him. Congratulations and Only God, and so I must first thank Washington, DC. welcome, ELIJAH. God for this opportunity. DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I hereby resign my po- Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, the last I also thank Him for giving me the sition on the Committee on Veterans' Af- person before I introduce Mr. strength, the humility, and the cour- fairs. Sincerely, CUMMINGS or yield to Mr. CUMMINGS is age to walk the path that He has given MAXINE WATERS, the dean of the Republican delegation. me. So often we in public life forget Member of Congress. We are one delegation, but the dean of that we are very fortunate to come The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without our Republicans, the distinguished gen- upon this Earth and have an oppor- objection, the resignation is accepted. tlewoman from Montgomery County tunity to serve. So often we forget, be- There was no objection. who herself served with Mr. CUMMINGS, cause we get so caught up in our bat- f CONNIE MORELLA. tles and our struggles, that so many Mrs. MORELLA. Mr. Speaker, I people wish they could have the prob- ELECTION OF MEMBERS TO CER- thank the distinguished gentleman for lems we have. TAIN STANDING COMMITTEES OF giving me the opportunity to congratu- So I am just a happy, happy man. I THE HOUSE late not only Congressman CUMMINGS am also very happy, they tell me it is Mr. FAZIO of California. Mr. Speak- but all of us in the 104th Congress for unusual for Members of the other er, I offer a privileged resolution (H. having him added to our numbers. He bodyÐI have got to get this language Res. 414) and ask for its immediate con- will speak in a very strong voice, with rightÐto come over, but my two Sen- sideration. compassion, with justice, with knowl- ators, I want to thank you for being The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- edge. here and for all that you have done. It lows: Indeed, it has been mentioned that he is not just that they are here today, HOUSE RESOLUTION 414 has been handed quite a legacy. Our but they have been walking with me Resolved, That the following named Mem- very good friends who have represented for a long time, and I appreciate you. bers be, and that they are hereby, elected to April 25, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H3825 the following standing committees of the let us have a vote on it. That is the resentatives and the Senate and the House of Representatives: radical right of the Republican Party. President of the United States. So why To the Committee on Government Reform I say let the House vote on a mini- not bring it up? and Oversight, ELIJAH CUMMINGS of Mary- mum wage. Let us vote on it now. Let Very simple: They do not want to do land; to the Committee on the Judiciary, it. Instead, they have come up with MAXINE WATERS of California; and to the the other body vote on a minimum Committee on Transportation and Infra- wage.
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