Jan. 26-Feb. 1, 2012 Your Neighborhood - Your News® FREE THE NEWSPAPER OF KEW GARDENS, REGO PARK, MASPETH, GLENDALE & MIDDLE VILLAGE Boro offi cials demand end to Cross Bay tolls Page 2 QGuide Page 25 Gennaro wants Support builds for Dream Act to rename street ‘Pat Dolan Way’ Moya sponsors bill to give young immigrants state tutition aid for college BY HOWARD KOPLOWITZ BY HOWARD KOPLOWITZ Two months after borough HAPPY NEW YEAR! Immigrant advocates met civic leader Patricia Dolan was in Jackson Heights to find out fatally struck by a car, City Coun- how they could convince elected cilman James Gennaro (D-Fresh officials to back a measure that Meadows) wants to pay tribute to would make immigrants eligible the late head of the Queens Civic for state tuition funding sources Congress by renaming a street in regardless of their legal status. her honor. The Development, Relief Dolan was also president of and Education of Alien Minors the Kew Gardens Hills Civic As- Act has not passed on the federal sociation, founder and president level, but state Assemblyman of the Flushing Meadows Corona Francisco Moya (D-Corona) is the Park Conservancy and a longtime co-sponsor of a state version of member of Community Boarrd 8. the bill. “Someone like Pat Dolan’s Moya said immigration sta- passing – that has to be recog- tus should not matter when it nized with a street renaming,” comes to education and noted that Gennaro said in a phone inter- some immigrants drop out of col- view Tuesday. “I never really met lege because they do not have the anyone in the civic realm that had funds to continue. the passion and the effectiveness “We cannot have that happen of Pat Dolan. The people of Kew anymore,” he said. Gardens Hills 100 years from now Mayor Michael Bloomberg should know who Pat Dolan is.” is among those who support the Dolan, 72, was crossing Hill- bill, which allows young immi- side Avenue at 108th Street on grants who were brought to the her way to a CB 8 Transportation country illegally by their parents Committee meeting around 7:30 to tap into state financial aid for p.m. Nov. 15 when she was hit by a college. driver who stayed at the scene and Those who gathered Satur- was not charged with a crime. day at the Renaissance School, at Gennaro sponsored legisla- 35-59 81st St. in Jackson Heights, tion in the Council that would re- heard from an immigrant student name Vleigh Place between 72nd and a California state assembly- Road and 72nd Drive in Kew Gar- man, who got his state to pass its dens Hills as Pat Dolan Way. Resorts World Casino New York City in South Ozone Park kicked off its 15-day Lunar New Year celebration Monday own Dream Act. The block is the location with a Dragon Parade. See more photos on Page 36. Photos by Christina Santucci Catherine Tavarez, a 16-year- Continued on Page 18 Continued on Page 18 A CNG Publication • Vol. 16, No. 4 52 total pages 2 FH Cross Bay tolls draw rally Raise NY gambling COM . Electeds want state to make bridge free for Rockaway residents age to 21: Addabbo BY HOWARD KOPLOWITZ tions to excel academically TIMESLEDGER and professionally in order State Sen. Joseph Add- to create the next Google abbo (D-Howard Beach) or to invent the next criti- . 1, 2012 . 1, 2012 said he supports raising cal piece of technology that EB the legal age to gamble to revolutionizes the way peo- 21 from 18, saying the move ple live. 26-F AN would limit the number of “To do this, young , J youngsters with gambling people must have the op- addictions. portunity to study in ad- EDGER L “I believe the time is vanced fields of science and IMES T right to address the issues mathematics. With college of gambling through rais- costs continuing to grow, ing awareness and legisla- it is vital to provide a firm tion,” Addabbo said in a financial foundation for statement Monday. scholars to become the next The senator said a entrepreneurs.” study titled “Raising the Addabbo also said Gambling Age to 21 in New research has shown that York State” and published gambling at a young age is by the Council on Alcohol- a trigger for alcohol abuse, ism and Addictions in the drug use and criminal be- Community Board 14 Chair Dolores Orr (at podium) is surrounded by elected officials and community leaders in Rockaway to support a Finger Lakes region of the havior later in life, and plan for rebates for Rockaway residents who use the Cross Bay Bridge. Photo by Christina Santucci state found the earlier in Continued on Page 18 BY HOWARD KOPLOWITZ a round trip. the toll for all Queens resi- Jay Walder, a Rockaway life a person starts gam- But in July 2010, citing dents. native, let the community bling, the more likely he or The governor may budget woes, the Metropoli- Cuomo’s budget pro- down by not trying to scrap she is to experience symp- have included ending the tan Transportation Author- posal would only spare the toll. toms that correlate with Cross Bay Bridge toll for ity partially rescinded the Rockaway residents from “We know that Jay pathological gambling. Rockaway residents in his rebate, only reimbursing the charge. Walder claimed to be from Addabbo, who rep- budget proposal, but elect- residents after they made Goldfeder’s predeces- Rockaway, but he forgot resents the area around ed officials who represent one round trip in a day. sor, Queens County Clerk about us,” Smith said. Aqueduct Race Track and the area said they will not State Assemblyman Audrey Pheffer, said the toll U.S. Rep. Bob Turner the new Resorts World Ca- proclaim victory until the and Rockaway resident Phil is unfair because it charges (R-Middle Village), who sino New York racino, is plan is adopted. Goldfeder (D-Ozone Park), residents to access another wrote to Cuomo about end- the chairman of the Sen- The elected officials who made ending the toll part of the same borough. ing the toll, said he had ate Racing, Wagering and gathered Sunday at the foot his top priority during his “It’s an added tax to discussions with the MTA Gaming Committee. of the bridge on the Rock- campaign, said the fact that those residents that are about the unfairness of the He said with Gov. An- away side to urge their the governor was in favor of here,” she said. “We’re the toll, but said the agency drew Cuomo in favor of colleagues in state govern- scrapping the charge was a only borough that has to was “not interested in fair- changing the law to create ment to support Cuomo’s big step toward its elimina- pay to go to our beautiful ness.” Las Vegas- and Atlantic proposal. tion. ocean.” City Councilman Eric City-style casinos in the Then-Mayor Rudolph “Our families could Smith said elected of- Ulrich (R-Ozone Park) said state, it is appropriate to Giuliani instituted a re- not and should not bear the ficials who represent the he was “delighted” to hear consider raising the legal State Sen. Joseph Addabbo, bate program in 1997 for burden of filling the budget peninsula should not rest Cuomo was siding with gambling age. shown here with Lady Gaga Broad Channel and Rock- holes of the MTA,” the as- on their laurels. Queens residents. “Our economy hinges look-alike Renee Cole at away residents who used semblyman said. “We have to make sure “We’ve been fighting on winning the future,” the Cross Bay Bridge that Goldfeder and state the MTA doesn’t back off” for so long,” he said. Addabbo said. “For Ameri- Resorts World Casino New York gave residents a $2.26 re- Sen. Malcolm Smith (D-St. of the plan, he said. ca to own this century, we City, says the state’s legal gam- bate on their E-ZPass state- Albans) introduced a bill The senator also said must provide our younger bling age should be raised to ments each time they made in Albany that would end outgoing MTA Chairman residents with the condi- 21. 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FOREST HILLS LEDGER RIDGEWOOD LEDGER HOWARD BEACH TIMES (USPS#025128) is published weekly by News Community Newspaper Holdings Inc., 41-02 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, NY.11361, (718) 229-0300. The entire contents of this publication are copyright 2011. All rights reserved. The newspaper will not be liable for errors appearing in any advertising beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error. Periodicals postage paid at Flushing, N.Y. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Forest Hills Ledger Ridgewood Ledger Howard Beach Times C/O News Community Newspaper Holdings Inc. 41-02 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, N.Y. 11361 3 Lucky Year of the Dragon brings Chinese baby boom F H T IMES L Families plan births around serpentine zodiac symbol, which characterizes power and success EDGER , J BY JOE ANUTA squeaked in just weeks be- rise, according to the data.
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