DOCUMENT RESUME ED 221 682 ,CE 033 709 0 AUTHOR, Wentling, Tim L., Ed. TItLE ARRIVE. Annual Review of ResearCh in Vbcational° Elucation. Volume One. INSTITUTION Illinois State Board okEducation, Springfield. Dept., of Adult, Vocationalant Technical Education.; Illinois Univ., Urbana. Dept. of Vocational and Technicar,Education: PUB DATE Jun 80 NOTE 36013. EDRS PRICE MF01/PC15 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Affirmative Action; Career Change; Career bevelopmenti- Correctional Education7 Curriculum Development; Disabilities; Disadvantaged; *Educational Research; *Educational Trends; Employed Women; Employment; English (Sdcond Language); Futures (of Society); Instructional Development; Job Training; Limited Englidh Speaking; Minority Groups; Postsecondary Education; *Research Needs; *Researoh Projects; *Research Reports; Research Utilizationl Secondary Education; SeX Fairness; 'Sex Stereotypes; ,*Vocational,Education; Youth Employment ' ABSTRACT This book represents a sampling of current reseatc priorities in vocational education dlong with suggested directions for further education. In the first of'the book's five sections, research efforts related to sex equity in vocational education are summarized by M. Eloise Murray. Both Sex equity studies and sex affirmation studies are included in this review. Section 2 describes past trends and predicts future trends in vocational education curriculum add instructional reseaich. Reviewe'r Curtis Finch summarizes research of the 1960s and early 1970s as 'overly simplistic, while recent resedrch has been more comprehensive and specific. In-section 3, research for Special needs populations is reviewed by L. Allen Phelps. Four major special populations are addressed: limited English-speaking, handicapped, incarcerated, and disadvantaged learners. Included in this.section are four lighthouse studies. Richard W. Feller and David V. Tiedeman examine research related to career development theory in section 4. They first outline the sturcture of career'development theory as/it has evolved over the . past 30 years and then summarize examples of'cureent research in career development theory.In'section 5. Robert McGough and Daniel Vogler provide a review of recent research sponsored by the Department of Labor in the area of employment ind training. (KC) *************************************************************.********* . * Reproductions supplied by EDR5 are the best that 'can be made * * from the original document. .. * **********,*********************************************************** .* c.) co 4.) 1 c:1 Cm) Ui RR1VE A NNUAL REVIEW of RESEARCH in VOCATIONAL EDUCATION VOLUME ONE TIM L. WENTLING, Editor UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS '/ IUCA,TIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY CENTER (ERIC) This document has been reproduced as receNed from the person or organization originating it Minor changes h?ye been made to improve reproducton qualm, Points of 'drew or opinions stated in thus docu TO THE EDUCATIONAL ISOURCES ment do not neCesSaray represent official NIE INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." position or policy Cooperatively published by University of Illinois College of Education Department of Vocational end Technical Education Office of Vocational Education Research Illinois State Board of Education Donald F Muirheid. Chairman Joseph M. Cronin. Superintendent Department of Adult. Vocational and Technical Education. Research and Development Section (") The Office of Vocational Education Research (OVER) was established within the Depart ment of Vocational and Technical Education, College of Eddcation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1978 in an effort to meet the need for expanded research, evalu anon and development in vocational education Tim L Went ling is Director and all department faculty members are affiliated with the Office of Vocational EduCation Re- search. In ,addition, many graduate students serve as graduate research assistants in one of its programs of research. The mission of the Office of Vocational Education Reseatch is to advance the involve ment adepartmental, college, and university faculty in research in vocational education by providing a structure and environment in which major f unded research attivitips can be managed Further, OVER seeks to provide those agencies, institutions and orga- nizations interested in improving vocational education through research, planning agd evaluation with the professional services of a qualified team of individuals OVER also serves as a forum for the Jraining and upgrading of researchers and provides service and policy consultation to Research and Development funding agencies. In addition, OVER sponsors seminars, workshops and conferences to expand impact on other re searchers and professional communities and assists in the sharing and publication of research outcomes ©0 1980 by the University of Illinois Board of Trustees and the Illinois State Board of Education General Review Board: VOLUME ONE RICHARD HOFSTRAND Contract Administrator Research and Developrnent Section Illinois State Board of Education MILDRED BARNES GRIGGS .. Associate Professor and Chairperson Home Economics Education Department of Vocational and Technical Education University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign H. C. KAZANAS Professor and Chairman Department of Vocational and Technical Education University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign JAMES LEACH - Assistant Professor Department of Vocational and Technical Education University of Illinois at Urbana-Chanipaign RONALD McCAGE 'Manager Research and Developmeht Section A , Illinois State Board of Education J. MARC.OWE SLATER Professor Department of Vocational and Thchnical Education University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , '. a. - , Section Editors: VOLUME ONE M. ELOISE MURRAY , Associate Professor Divisiorrof Occupational and Vocational Studies Senior Research Associate 0 The Institute for Policy Researth and Evaluation The Pennsylvania State University CURTIS R. FINCH Professor and Chairman General Vocational and Technical Education Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University L ALLEN PHELPS , Assistant Professor Department of Vocational and Technical Education University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign RICHARD W. FELLER Assistant Professor Counselor Education, Northern Illinois University DAVID V. TIEDEMAN Professor and University Coordinator Office for Vocational, Technical and Career Education Northern Illinois University ROBERT L McGOUGH Assistant Professor Division of Vocational and Technical Education Virginia Polytechnic-Institute and State University DANIEL E. VOGLER Asiociate Professor Division'of Vocational and Technical Education Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Preface Researchers in vocational education have recently expresseda concern for the needto improve the foc.us, conduct, and impact ofresearch activities related to the delivery Of vocational education. In order to-affect this area of concern, moreabout the 'state of the art' of researobfwithin the realm of priority activities must be known. Exam- ples of qu'glity research need to be identified and "held up" to the communit of researchers and potential researchers. This, itis thought, will proVifte a base for the further judgment of research and forthe identificatfon oh/olds in current researchas well as the design of future research These are the broad goals of this first volume of the,Annual Review & Research in Vocational Educatibn. To acComplish these, goals, a plan requiring four steps with thein- volvement of many people was implemented. These stepswere. 1) the identificg:ation and selection of topic or priority areas.....2) the identifica- tion, sglection, and invitation of section editors, 3) the reviewof re- searcWand selection of lighthouse studies by section editors, and 4) the/Compilation and publication of the volume. ThrOugh an,analysis, of legislation and current research activity, five areas:On/ere identified as priorities for program improvement. Sex-Role StereVtyping and Sex Equity, Curriculum and Instruction, Special Popu- latiols, Career Development, and Employment andTraining. Section editors were then identified and invited based on their expertisein one cif these five areas, as exemplified by research experience in the conient area, experience in editorial workand recognitionas a national leader in research on vocational education. The responsibilities of the sect:son editors included reviewingextant literature on the topic, 'deo- tifyiqg lighthouse studies which are current (1975-present), exemplarj, and,rhich vary on focus, purpose, methoerand findings, synthesizing thepxample studies,on method, topic and findings, and offeringsug- gestions for future needed research. Ttle five sections included in this first volume of the Annual Review of Research in Vocational Education not only representa sampling of cOrrent research priorities in our field but also provideus with direc- tion4or future research The sectionsare briefly described in the follow- ing 0.aragraphs. Resparch efforts related to sex equity in vocational educationare summarized by M Eloise Murray in Section One. A distinctionis first made between those studies specifically related to the goal ofsex equity and those (termed "Sex Affirmative") which focus on maximizingop- portunities for certain groups of people (usually female). Studies of this l4tter type have been included with sex equity studies, since Murray feels that
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