

I / . THE MAGIC OF JIMI HENDRIX part two of the MM's great series on page 14 WOODS: for Ronnie's EUROPEAN BY LAURIE HENSHAW RHYTHM TOP American stars are being lined up for British appen­ MACHINE ances later in rhe year. Current Pop 30 art­ COMING ists Martha and the AMERICAN altoist Phil Vandellas and Canned Woods has been booked Heat will be back in into London's Ronnie Britain in 1969. Scott Club for a two­ CANNED HEAT MARTHA AND VANDELLAS week season commen­ DATES tour later this year three-week tour plus TV dates cing March 31. He will appear with h11 European Rhythm Muh,ne, Martha, whose cur­ joins forces with the 1;omprilin1 Daniel Hu,nair rent chart hit " Dancing Count Basie Orchestra (drs), C.Or1e Grunts (pno) In The Street'' is a Canned Heat again for a package u1d Henri T .. ier (lta•t) . " revived 45 ", will which kicks off at the start a three-week tour Hammersmith Odeon this month. later in year on April 19. Dates are being set in London and through­ Howes also has high European tour later this TREK out the country between hopes that Aretha month. Full details of March 17 and April 12. Franklin will top a dates are on pace 2. The Basie band has The tour will also mammoth concert bill take in TV appearances On the iazz front, four dates on its own, at London's Royal Al ­ the Harold Davison beginnin1 at the Wake­ on ATV's This Is Tom bert Hall in November. Jones and BBC's Top Of Agency's 1969 import field Theatre Club on The Pops. procramme swines into April 18. Impresario Arthur action when the Mod ­ Woody Herman and Howes, who nerotiated ern Ian Quartet start a his Swincin1 Herd start the deal with Martha, is Top US underground 17-day tour at Cowen ­ their 1969 British trek also finalisinc details of group, Country Joe and try Cathedral next Fri­ at the Pnilion, Hemel a tour for Canned Heat the Fish will also play day (7). Hempstead, DII Friday, later in the year. Britain H part of a Since, Tony Bennett April 25. { PECIAL INSIDE AIETHA : All,ert H•II concert COUNTRY JO E FOR U.K. DATE I (I) HALF AS NICE ............ ........ Amen Corner. Immediate COUNTRY JOF and It>< 2 (3) WHERE DO YOU CO TO . ....... Peter Sarstedt. United Artosts Fish are- to tour Rrit In 3 (4) l' M GONNA MAKE YOU LOVE ME th15 month 1.1 pa" ('If a Diana Ross and the Supremes and the Temptations, Tamla Motown Europtan e-nb of t>n 4 (9) PLEASE DON'T CO ... .. ...... .... Donald Peers, Columb,a mtnts The toor hh bttn l U.P 5 (2) BLACKBERRY WAY ........... .. ...... Move. Regal Zonophone b) Noe1 Ga) rtbt and 6 (5) DANCING IN THE STREET starts at Houlds\\ orth Hall, Martha Reeves and the Vandellas, T amla Motown lanchestf'r, on March 12 7 ( 15) THE WAY IT USED TO BE ... Engelbert Humperdinck, Decca The Bnt1 h datt" fiMhsN 8 (6) ALBATROSS .... ........... ... .. Fleetwood Mac, Blue Horizon :~[hGG':.'~ha ,}2t~h); ~:~, 'l 9 (7) YOU COT SOUL . .. .. .. ....... .. Johnny Nash. Ma jor Monor tham Cross Tt-<"hnical Col• COUNTRY JO£ 10 WICHITA LINEMAN . ... ....... .. ..... lege (27); London· Room.I (17) Glen Campbell, Ember [ ~top.Nfll M"ftti 11 ( 12) I 'll PICK A ROSE FOR MY ROSE Marv Johnson, Tamla Motown House- (29) Datt· on larch 12 (8) FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE ..... .. .. Stevie Wonder, Tamla Motown 23, 26 and 28 ha\i:• MIil tll h&,r N"\'f\ r~r,.•rlrJ h1 t-.­ be fl.,ed. N~•k.lns \Ir- •h« th,, h\Ur \'1\11 13 (18) SOUL SISTER BROWN SUGAR .... .. .. Sam and Dave, At lantic Thr ,:roup unvl" ln Fuwrc­ I 41m fh•1 ,ur1" tlwit tht", WIii 14 (10) TO LOVE SOMEBODY . .... ... ... ....... .... Nona Simone, RCA on Mareh J:? Thl"\ n, d1tN'l Th<, "'11! \',-tl&lf\h ~ t • •fthr1 15 (13) ICUESSl'LLALWAYSLOVEYOU lo,· ror a tun{""e-J1 ,tate­ \lntil af1t"r ttw ..... 1"n,.,rn,ffll" and foJlo\\ up "1lh appe-ar­ ha,c" bttn c-.\fl,r-l•t<-J ·• Isley Brothers. T amla Motown ances in S\\i"den (H, Ul. DM Th, &1''~' m•, al , hot,-. a 16 (14) PEOPLE ..... .... .. ...... .. .. .. ....................... Tymes, CBS mark (16. 17) and ('( ,bl) nc-YI Jil~m rrl\'14,t,t {\\ \,,in Holland (IM. <"tJt" "' llh lh• 1t,ur 17 (11) OB- LA - DI OB -LA - DA .. ... .. ....... .... Marmalade, CBS Tut-)· fly bad, 10 m~rlll llll 18 (26) MONSIEUR DUPONT . .... ...................... Sa nd,e Shaw. Pye ~uc-h JI 1.nd may thf"n N"l"• DANKWORTH CLASSES 19 (-) SURROUND YOURSELF WITH SORROW up Bri•n Hutch of IM' N Cilia Black, Parlophone JOll'-'-l\ lH,'\h.\\ ORrtt ,,,11 Gay oHk~~ IOlJ '1\t Th~~ ta to ma ti:-rl'la ... C' t,•t l.t • 20 (20) MOVE IN A LITTLE CLOSER .. ... ...... Harmony Grass, RCA 21 (28) YOU'VE LOST THAT LOVING FEELING Righteous Brothers , London 22 ( I 6) FOX ON THE RUN .... .. .. ... .... .. Manfred Mann. Fontana DONOVAN COLLAPSES 23 (30) I HEARD IT THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE Marvin Gaye, Tam/a Motown 24 ( 19) SOMETHINC'S HAPPEN INC ..... Herman's Hermits. Columbia WITH INFLUENZA AT 25 (24) YOU AIN 'T LIVIN' Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell, Tamla Motown 26 (-) GENTLE ON MY MIND ............. ... Dean Martin. Reprise LOS ANGELES AIRPORT 27 (22) MRS ROBINSON (EP ) ... ... .. ... Si mon and Garfunkel, CBS DONOVAN COLLAP FD on rm·.,I at L(', An&\'lt'", airport 28 (-) FIRST OF MAY . .. ... .. ................. .. .. Bee Gees, Polydor last week. He was sufft-r1 n,: from 1nftue"nu and \I.I nnt tt'I Nod It tu 29 (21) PRIVATE NUMBER .. .. .. .. ... Judy Clay and Willia m Bell, Stax hotel. 30 125) COINC UP COUNTRY .. ................. Canned Heat, liberty Dono, an v,as on his wa, to thl' We t cast I«.\ •PN'lf (In an Andy W1lhams colour TV SPtt-111 with Jo•t- f; hctan\l anti l?O\P 30 PUBLISHERS thr SrrothHs Brolht"rs He nu NI fir t r.t!Nrsala fN \be 1how~1~~r .::.-=I~ I Cyul Shol"IC! ; 2 Morhmer; 3 Flom1ngo Musrc; ~II.,: _17 Northern Sonos. 15 Corhri : 19 Peter w~~ ::r::n !t ~•:l :m,._ ,_ • Oouna, ~ Un,ted Art1sh ; 6 Jobel e / Cort.n; 7 Mounce, 20 Cyril Shone, 21 Screc,r\ Genu; 22 Morib.i, 8 Fteelwood lmmcd,ole, 9 Teepee; 10 Moon M u'\1c· 23 Jobete Corl," , 24 Cu,I Shcv,e, Corhn 0 ·, I Jobctc /Corhn, 12 Jobcle _ Corlm; 13 25 Jobete1c ·o,I'"; 26 Acvtl Rose: 27 Polle'". B.B. TOUR OPENING Corlm 1-1 Ab•OO•I; I) JOOl'fl.• , Corhn, 16 Chop 28 Ab,go,1; 29 Eosl . 30 Metr,c: T HE Flrrt,,., \'IOd Mac-B II King to ur or Britain, v. h1{"h also features Sonny Terr,• and Brownie MtGhee, optns at Lo ndon's Royal Al~rt Hall on April 22-and not Mareh 22 al stated in last wttk's MM The dales are; Ro ·al Albe-rt Hall (April 22); e wcastl t Town Hall (23); Camhrldit 11 g;~ ea~!~mi ~~~ia cc:~~~ 6.); <;olston Hall. Bristol top twenty albums 27); Birmingham To ...,n Hall gf.); Manche,;;lrr Free Trade I Hall (29) wrrn A BLUEBEAT HOT 10 GREAT 1 111 EVERYBODY NEW NEEDS LOVE SINGLE .. SI "" Sm•h UN ITY - 504. 0 SMl 10,,\4 ~ DMl. 103-& lo,.ql ....,i... NU l{,U O:J.I , 1•1 SEVEN LETTERS lmlml 12 St«-0 or M t,)rt o l.P o~ , m Rt.:o«ts !\k..·• H('\1 $• Art-t,t (\ DAVI • 1, 1 REGGAE ON BROADWAY LOOKING FOR STAG£ • 1-1 TE-TA -TOE fn: ..,.,.u GAS- 106 BAND ARRANGEMENTS ? ····- • ~. , .......... 1 I • 111 BANGARANG ~ 4.l1n\ S,~ Co·• UNITY- SU I .l I CM•TTtt lltAl Duke Ellington Voted on, Sf.INS "TAJ.($ 'IOU~ Mt SIAlO l lGHn'I ~ N)I.IT(f'I ~ P11:£m 7 1, 1 RIVER TO rU'IIOY TOP Musician TOP Big Band THE BANK JOHNNT l !CH.UO$ 0.,.d MoflJOI' Cl.Al J AUSTU• Ml-' II.ZIii CAN l c;u 001 Ot nes MOOO 2nd ALBUM <Hf lt'I Nf.... M(\11,, 0 TOP Arranger TOP Composer t•t 001 10o«{AJltl 14.1..fA .... "1, ~~•::i:~ITY TrNTOONt nc:ooco Released soon S,~r Coi. UNITV-501 'l'OU lflONC TO .,., H(AIT YOU Vt OU.NOltl • 121 REGGAE HIT N'SA ...... t,,U..HQ Harold McNair C\MNTA ll C:USl• THE TOWN tlCl.lMUN(HflO ILPS9098 Th. Eo1hoo,o,,, CllAI • U,S<.ll-U.not,IJ"'ol•f flfMUI GUN.At> • Voted TOP British Flautist 10 1•1 RHYTHM HIPS HUll'r 110< ~ & l oll) t-ld lvuell NU 1£A1 -(119 lO"1' Ml "' 1TH AU 'fClul HlA.111 ltUIWIIO N• S MAS 0Ut NAO• Gary Burton PATW ..._ t~ ....., SOUi. CO.UH;; • • C..._I S...,. ,o S'Wtt1 & ClMTt f TIMf WAS,~~ Voted TOP International Vibist Wtt,ll Hf Sffl CATHlt\lAl YOU Alf MY SU~Nt TONS OF sons 'IOU-. MOK'IO'I' lit SOMflO(\'f t0 \1 $ ALBUM 11,'°". ....... ..,•• ,....,.... Nina Simone \IM) t(M: fl• ( ATIUOG\11 JIC..-'-lla.. RELEASED ...... N.W,11 r ........ - •-::J Yotect 3rd Female ,,,,,.,n,,ian,u Vocalist 11.,,..,. C:•11•-- W.... holl....._ 7th PICCADllY,. .........., MUSIC..... - LONIOfil,W.I .,..... , .. MARCH MELODY MAKER, March l, 1969-----Pqe 3 BBC - TV SERIES FOR DUSTY IN SUMMER BARBARIN DUSTY SPRINGFIELD Lo uis drumme r is likely to have her own TV series on BBC­ I T V this summer' Barbarin Apart from starring, NEMS Enterprises taken over she will feature regular guest artists.

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