I 1 r r A -• ' * {Ti jK, « 1 AI AM A IA Alf BA AV ! I F HiW ’ WW‘flflí&h ;e Of World Boxii -••■ • ’, ■ ¿' 7 • Ï - .' A Newspaper I G PRICE S With A :i . Constructive 6c <■ ;• •’} -'i. I Policy PER COPY ® C EI i i Lt VOLUME 19, NUMBER 99 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1951 PRICE SIX CENTS I- j Court Rules City Must Manassas Commencement Speakers -, 1. C. University ‘!<y ■ -• Not Segregate Residents WASHINGTON, D. C. — (SNS) — Birmingham's .racial zoning •• 'í¡ 1 Fights Entrance laws were doomed by the United States Supreme Court Monday when the highest tribunal let stand the decision of the U. S, B Cir- I cuit Court of Appeals voiding segregated housing areas. z-i-íí;-; li Of Negroes Originally, u. S. Judge Clarence white residents. In the, New Or- ¡’ 'is. Mullins in a memorable opinion in leans decision the court said that RALEIGH, N. C.— (ANP)—¡Hie B University of North Carolina-law.) Birmingham had declared Birm­ racial zoning laws violated the 14 th JgSig school, through its attorney began ingham’s racial zoning ordinances amendment of the United States laying plans here Thursday to fight, unconstitutional. He issued a per­ Constitution. Birmingham offici- i the admittance of Negroes to its1. als argued that their racial, plan- classscs. ’ , manent injunction restraining Bir­ was to insure peace and .order. A petition ano supporting brief mingham officials from enforcing The highest court refused to rule- were filed, just one day before on the appeal. such laws. the deadline/asking U. S. Suprem3;. Bombs shattered the $16,000 home LEMOYNE COMMENCEMENT - Platform on Bac­ Kincheloe; Prof. Hollis F. Price, president of Le­ Tub City of Birmingham appeal­ court review and reversal of the. which figured in the litigation less Circuit of appeals decision order-’ calaureate Sunday at LeMoyne College, when Moyne College; Rev. William Watson, pastor. ed the ¡decision to the U; S.. Cir­ •than 48 hours after the New „Or- Ing the school to admit qualified more than 50 graduates heard Dr. Samuel C. cuit Court of Appeals which later Second Congregational Church; Dean Paul Col­ leans court upheld Judge Mullins’ Negroes for legal training. 5$' .?. Kincheloe, Chicago theological Seminary pro­ :n a two-to-one decision backed up ruling. This home., is located in the lins; Prof. A. A. Branch, Mits Bessie Meachum; At the same time the university' fessor, center, and principal speaker, deliver a ,:nd bolstered the Mullins opinion. North- Smithfield area now called Dr. W. W. Gibson, Prof, Rufus S. Hawkins; Mr. Birmingham officials then appeal­ “Dynamite Hill.” trustee voted to fight the law school: thrilling and inspiring message, telling them that case, they agreed to admit qualified, Rockwell, recpntlÿ appointed treasurer of Le- ed to the U. S. Supreme ■ Court A few days ago two homes in "The eternal search for salvation is the great which let the lower court rulings this area that had been’ targets of Negroes to the university’s.medical-, search of man." Moyne; Miss Margaret Bush;, and Mrs. Mabie stand. about half of Birmingham’s nine un­ school, Reason given for opposing the admittance of Negroes was that From left to right: Graduating Seniors, Dr. Love Robinson. The court said City officials in solved racial bombings were burned DR J E. WALKER DR S. A OWEN the state has furnished equal-fh- Birmingham, Alabama, may not by tc the ground by mysterious fires recently elected first vice-president North zoning laws segregate Negro and (Continued On Page Four) Principal speaker for Manassa» cillties for legal training at High School Commencement Exer­ of tire Inter-Denominational Minis­ Carolina college. • English Study 7T cises will be Dr. 8. A. Owen, pas­ terial Alliance. ------ ------------------ Maxim Drops Fourth Straight tor, Metropolitan Baptist Church, Hundreds Will hear Dr. J. E. EXPERIENCE Club To Honor .Dr. Kincheloe Thrills and Dr. J. E. Walker, president, Walker. Wednesday evening, June and organizer, Universal Life In­ It may serve as a comfort to ' Bout To Cincinati Clouter Hayes, Faculty surance Company and the Tri-Stite G, at" Ellis Auditorium, when he Will us in all our calamities and af*< 1 Bank. address the graduating class. More fllctlonx, that he who loses any-':'.' BY KEN OPSTEIN — International News Service Sports Writer The English Study Club- of Ma- Baccalaureate Audience Dr. Owen will be Baccalaureate than 100 stuents wil receive diplo­ thing and gets wisdom by it, b speaker Sunday. June 3, at 3- p„ m . mas from Mr.;. Julius Goodman, a‘gainer by the loss. CHICAGO — (INS) — Heavy weight champion Ezzard Charles nassas High School under direction Dr. Samuel C. Kincheloe, chlca- „lection, constant work, and inquir­ at the school auditorium He was member, City Board of Education. — L’Estrange. i of Mrs. Ozie Johnson Hodge is pre­ -L:£; although addicted to strawberry sodas, had no such weakness senting a two-fold program in the . go Theological Seminary professor ■ ing Intellect. Dr. Kincheloe-further for Joey Maxim Wednesday night and decisively’whipped the and LeMoyne College Baccalaureate pointed out that after man was beautiful Cora P. Taylor Auditorium t’.-v light heavyweight king in a 15-round title fight at the Chicago of the school. In the first half of Day : peaker Sunday, delivered a made aware of certain difficulties the program the club will make Its thrilling and inspiring message to in connection with life ; “Jesus said, stadium. the senior class and the record ’you therefore, but be perfect as The only noticeable effect from Frank Gilmer awarded the heavy­ debut at which time members will be presented formally. Visiters are breaking crowd attending the memcr your Father is perfect^"’ Charles’ frequent trips to the drug weight champ 78 points to 72 for able affair. Maxim. cordially invited to attend the af­ store for ice cream during training fair. ’’When, people find that perfection was a strawberry colored eye and The International News , Service As the sun began rapidly urging can’t be accomplished, then what?” sport card named Charles the win­ the shadows along the green enclos­ The speaker answered this question ’ that showed itself on Maxim in the The later half of the program will ed platform and intermittar.t 11th round. ner by an 82 to 68 margin and gave be devoted to the observance of J. with the declaration,' ‘Religion gives Charles nine rounds, Maxim two, breezes of Magnolia blossom per­ : There were no knockdowns but A Hayes and Faculty Day at the fumed air blew across the beautiful an inner place because you have -I' and called four even-Stephen. school. Mr Hayes, principal, has made the great committment.'’ CHARLESTON, South Curoltna— Charles was in command almost at Charles shook Maxim with a long green and spacious LeMoyne College Testimony in the first direct court every moment. served Manassas High School ■ and campus, Dr. Kincheloe, after the The senior class was expressly right to the temple in the opening ,North Memphis area for ,tre pgst aware of. the signlfcance of this challenge to school segregation in This was the 29-y6ar-old cham­ round Hut was booed by the crowd Introduction by President,Hollis F, the south ended Tuesday at Charles pion’s eighth successful title de- ’twenty-two years. His services have Price,i rose, took his text from the speech in view of the mounting any Feast Of Corpus-Christ of 9,000 for another right that land-' been invaluable, .for the residents of widespread belief that college grad- ton and a three-judge Federal Tri­ iense since-he -won the crown In ed on the Cleveland challenger’s fifth chapter of M.itthcw and com­ bunal' began deliberations on their Chicago two years ago and the the community as well as the boys menced delivery of the address that untes are moving further away jaw after the bell. and girls, are living fu'.er. richer, from the teachings >f Christ and a decision, which is expected within a I fourth time he beat Maxim. , shall of certainty be indelibly in- month. Charles opened with a rush, carry and more useful lives because of genuine belief in God " Procession Impressive' Judges Ed Hintz and Tommy ing the fight to Maxim, and shook •tere into the Annals of LeMoyne Thomas each scored the fight 85 to having been exposed to his sti- College history unde.- the heading, Dr. Kincheloe closed the momen­ Attorneys for Clarendon County, 65 in favor of Charles and Referee (Continued On Page Four) perior leadership. "Great and Memorable Speeches " tous address with, '‘The eternal S. C„. summed up their defense with t Dr. Klnche.oe stated that “all search for salvation is the great a request for more time to remedy On Thursday night, the Feast of Body and Blood of Jesus Christ The president, faculty;, and. ad- inequalities in the county schools. Corpus Christi (Body of Christ), whole and en’lre under the appear­ ministration of Lane College .taking men are seeking perfection " He search of man. ” went on further to,enumerate ways Lawyers for the Negro Citizens who May 24, 1951, the parlshoners of St. ances of Bread and Wine. In this Spider Rock Dance Contest To cognizance of these facts, have vot­ Iran pipeline plans go urn despite brought the suit against Clarendon Augustine turned out four hundred occasion, the Consecrated Bread ed .that Mr. Hayes be awarded a employed toward this end including: The study of Theology, human af- proposed ' nationalization. schools urged that the extension of •strong for a mammoth procession, was carried in procession by Father Take Place At Beale Avenue Certificate of Merit at'its commence time te denied and that segrega­ candle light procession, in honor of Landelin Belcher, OFM in a largo lr.cnt program Thursday, May 21st.
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