Complimentary to churches •3 /,<• /// i ( \ 'hff<:,., /r (£j/tJt&rfu*ti/iJ and community groups pinortttj ©jiyartumty Jkw* 2730 STEMMONS FRWY STE. 1202 TOWER WEST, DALLAS, TEXAS 75207 OAT VOLUME 4, NO. 10 October 1995 * What consumers New Column: Min. Farakhan can do to fight back against Looking at marches into insurance redlining the Law controversy Prom The Publisher ^ Thurman Jones L.^-^ phofft by D«fr{cfc WalUrm (( Hmrray for Miricsm ikimericsiii Bay of AtOBesBeBt »> In the midst of all of the furor over the that day. For a number of us, we proba­ roughly $3055 billion. Applying the- VIOO FM presence of Louis Farrakhan at Lincoln bly could live well by deferring any pur­ same approach,, the daily earnings are As you will recall, several months ago High School last week and his speech chases of goods and services from this $837 million. Combine these two num­ Minority Opportunity News (MON) about the upcoming Million Man day. Likewise, the decision to not go to bers and you get a feel for the tremen­ joined a nuirj^er of leaders in the African March, there has been little discussion dous clout we could have on the "sys­ American community to protest the bar­ regarding another major element of this tem" if these dollars were vacated on rage of offensive rap music on the air­ event. I specifically refer to the call for this day. Nearly two billion dollars in ways of what was JAMZ radio station. this day to be a day of Atonement for potential impact could get the The argument was not an issue of First a number of conditions that plaque attention of anyone. Amendment rights. Rather, we were our communities nationwide. Of course, I am realistic appalled with the continuing vulgarity Among these conditions is the enough to know that the likeli­ of many of the song that were being need for greater attention to the hood of this occurring is hot played at that time. In fact, when the sta­ economic plight of the African very great at all. I do realize tion came up for a change of ownership, American community. In this however that the implications of we officially protested that switch with regard, we have been asked to even all small number of us fol­ the Federal Communications Commis­ see the day of October 16 as a lowing through on this could sion in an attempt to drive home the Holy Day where there will be have significant impact. First, it point regarding the insensitivity of the reasonable sacrifice to illus­ would probably result in a much station towards the negative influences trate our collective displeasure healthier personal economy for they were perpetuating. with the way the current eco­ most of us for, as the numbers indi­ nomic system treats African cate, we already spend more money While we do not want to take any Americans." We should consid­ than we nnake. At least for this one direct credit for the change, many of us er this Holy Day, A Day of day, we would have a more balanced were very pleased to not that the new Absence, from a racist system personal ledger. Secondly, We would owners of the station, now known as V- that refuses to recognize our tend to IJC more aware of the fact that 100, have made significant and positive contributions to this nation and money is a resource, a tool, and not nec­ changes in both the format and the con­ to give us justice." Stated Farrakhan. " essarily an end into itself. The real bene­ tent of their programs. First, rap is work, while per­ We all should register our dissatisfac­ fit of having money is what can be done gone...completely. In its place is an easy haps having a more direct personal tion with the way that we are being with it. Acconiingly, the 16th of Octottcr listening format that specifically plays financial impact, could be accommodat­ treated. We should not go to work or could allow us to consider the impact of many of the familiar and peaceful tunes ed by most of us. To translate these deci­ school; none of us should participate in money in advancing a social cause that that the 25 - 55 year old African sions into an economic impact, we any shopping, sport or play." promotes our general well being. Lastly, American generation can relate to. To examined the total buying power of even if you don't do any of the above, it date, T have heard nothing but positive In flunking about the implications African Americans during this year. is my hope that you vinll use this as an comments regarding the new format. of this request, MON can't help but This figure is estimated to be approxi­ occasion to realize how much could be The new owners (also the owners of the wonder what the real meaning would mately $406 billion this year. With a lit­ done if we were to work together Oasis) are to be commended for filling be if this were to occur. For the sake of tle division, this turns out to be about Perhaps we would then realize that our this void in our listening options. discussion, lef s just consider a couple of $1.11 billion per day that we spend. On aspects of the overall plan, namely the the earnings side, African Americans commitment account is insufficient too. 1 also can not help but remember the decision not to shop or go to work on have projected earnings this year of -[MON]- call I received from Mr. Hyman Childs, the owner of KKDA and Kt04 during our protest efforts. Mr. Childs compli­ who provided information were for the past five years, served as a clear­ mented MON for the nobility of our inghouse for linking needy families effort but assured us that the problem Head Stasi: emphatic about their passion for the would take care of itself. He suggested program as it is meant to be. However, with child care. The Texas Department that, since the predominate listeners to The issue is child care there is concern that the present admin­ of Human Services has contracted with the rap formatted stations were 12-22 istration is not nearly operating at full CCMS to make available child care year olds, the marketplace and advertis­ capacity and, in reality, discourages options for low-income families. They ers would eventually realize that this The past two issues of MON have con­ those whose only desire is to do the very have access to nearly 650 Dallas County group has limited buying power and tained stories about the Head Start best job they can. child care providers that do a fine job in would less likely to buy cars and mort­ Program of Greater Dallas. Controversy In today's society, child care is a not only "baby-sitting" children, but gages and go more for sodas and videos. centers on the style of management tremendously important issue; econom­ providing a curriculum that prepares Sooner or later, contended Mr. Childs, it exercised by those in charge of running ics should not l?e the determining factor them for school as well. And because of would be necessary for the level of the program, including reports of pro­ in the quality of any famil/s child care. the extensive network of eligible child advertising support to drop so low that fessional misconduct at their adminis­ Head Start has, for years, been a savior care facilities under the CCMS umbrella, the station would have no option but to trative offices, violation of program pro­ for those households. But like any social many of the care centers arc convenient­ change ownership. Sure enough, this d id cedures, and illegal enrollment of chil­ program, especially one that is funded ly located near the parents work or in fact come to pass along with the dren from ineligible households. by the government (which means all of home. departure of the rap music. Since the stories' publication, sup­ us). Head Start must be held account­ Finally, to those who feel the Head While I applaud the market wis­ port for and against the Head Start able and MON has a role in that. Start stories are nothing more than com­ dom of Mr. Childs, I am nonetheless administrators has surfaced, especially The good news is that, in addition plaints and falsehoods by a bunch of very interested in yvhen he intends to do regarding Wanda Smith, the executive to Head Start, there is another avenue to cowardly employees and disgruntled right by our community and clean up director of the program. We want to pursue for families of Dallas County ex-employees—where there is smoke, make it clear that the Head Start looking for good, affordable child care. there is fire. Contlnued on page 6 Program is not under attack. Even those Child Care Marugement Services has. -[MON]- mTtc^w,(^mm(tmiir,(mss^ c f^ggg. <^wt.fc^. ti?^-, ] img®F»rains • • e Cover Story Criminal Law 18-22 ....OpcraHon Exodus, Waco ISO Dear MON: Editorials The million Man March is a joke! Personal Injury 02 African American It is another way for a few black Atonement men, so-called leaders, to shine a spot­ 02 Hcadslart light on themselves. 22 First Interstate Bank of If one million men can be mobilized (214) 688-7571 Texas, N.A. Responds to spend a minimum of $100 each to go Features to Washington, then we could take $100 10,11 Access to Insurance each, pool it together and we would 19 CRA Survey Results, Part III have The African-American Depository (214)688-1572 23 Soul Embassy Cafe 28 Million ManMarxih Insurance Corporation.
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