University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 10-13-1961 Sandspur, Vol. 67 No. 03, October 13, 1961 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 67 No. 03, October 13, 1961" (1961). The Rollins Sandspur. 1160. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/1160 The Rollins Sandspur Volume 67 Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida Friday, October 13, 1961 Number 3 Rollins Tors Win Soccer Open er Against Emory University Legislature Approves Of Atlanta 6-2; Freshmen Ab le To Relinquish Beanies By ENRIQUE HUBER Investigation Committee Sandspur Staff Members of the Investigation will have other duties as general Committee were approved by the aides to the court. The Rollins Soccer team easily- Legislature at Monday's meeting. After much discussion, proposed defeated Emory University of These six people, whose duty it allocations for publications, the Atlanta, Georgia, 6-2, last Satur­ will be to prosecute and defend in Union, and the Annie Russell The­ day in the Sandspur Bowl. Emory Student Court cases, are seniors atre were tabled for vote next traveled from Atlanta full of self Matt Carr and Susan Hazard, week. confidence and in good physical juniors Mike and Karen Para- Kris Bracewell, editor of The condition, since they had practiced chek, and sophomores Larry Flamingo requested $1500, $300 for one full month. Abraham and Cam Jones. They over last year's allocation to fi­ Rollins, after only four days of nance a revamped literary mag­ azine. practice, showed Emory, as well as the enthusiastic and cheering Foreign Film Series The Executive Committee pro­ crowds, that it takes more than posed a cut of $50 in the $550 conditioning to beat a good team. R Book allocation requested by To Begin Year editor Mary Frances Amick. The Tars started the attack in Much debate was aroused by the first five minutes of the game With French Movie the proposal to cut the Sandspur's when Elias Terzopoulos scored the allocation from the $6,440 re­ first of four goals. The first The Famous Film Series re­ quested by editor Lauren Kiefer quarter ended 4-0 with Rollins turns to Rollins this fall under to $6,300. The main argument for dominating completely. The sec­ the auspices of the Rollins Union the $100 reduction was that a ond quarter was scoreless but in and the Language department. $200 telephone bill appeared in the third quarter the other half Don Nesbitt, film committee the last year's financial report of the double scoring threat from chairman, has released the sche­ from the 'Sour. Past editor Lee Greece, Demetrius Coutsolioutsos, dule of films for the year. Rogers explained that the un­ accounted for one goal. A French film, StendhaFs "The reasonable bill was due to the use Red and the Black", will be the of the phone for long distance During the fourth quarter Em­ WHERE'S THE BALL? The two you see tangling played in first presentation. The classic calls. ory scored two goals, but Ed last Saturday's soccer opener against Emory of Atlanta. The tale of ambition and revenge will Diane Scott suggested that the Leal of the Tars came back to Tars were victorious in the game. be shown in the Fred Stone The­ Sandspur make an agreement score another to finish the game. ater on October 17. with the Telephone Company to Rollins played outstandingly and The screen version of Stend­ limit the use of their phone to lo­ should have little trouble defend­ hal's great romantic novel has cal calls to eliminate this problem. ing their state championship. Men's Rush Will Conclude Sunday; been hailed by critics as "one of Bill Tone argued that the news­ the all-time masterpieces of paper should be granted its full French cinema." Directed by requested amount so that it could Silence Begins Tomorrow At 9 a.m. Claude Autant-Lara, "The Red continue without any quality-re­ R Club Announces and the Black' stars Gerard ducing cutting corners. Men's rush, which has been Philippe as Julien Sorel, the am­ The Tomokan's reauest of $12,- Cheerleader Tryout highlighted this week with formal bitious young priest; Danielle 050 was cut to a proposed $10,000 Darrieux as Louise de Renal, Class Nomination parties, will conclude "tomorrow since co-editors Kris Bracewell Sorel's first lover; and Antonella and Leila Bevin's argument for For Next Monday and Sunday with the beginning Lualdi as the arrogant heiress the $700 increase over last year's Mathilde de la Mole. Stendhal's The Womens' "R" Club has been of the silence period and the dis­ allotment was a foreseen in­ Meetings To Be work, one of the first psychologi­ placed in charge of cheerleader creased enrollment this year tribution of bids. cal novels, is more than the story tryouts for this year. which did not materialize. of an opportunist's career: it is a ' The silence period begins on The Executive Committee ' has All interested girls are invited Held Next Week study of class society in 19th cen­ Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. proposed that the Union be voted to attend the tryouts, to be held tury France. its full request of $3,515. on Monday, Oct. 16, at 4:00 in The schedule for class. nomina­ and continues through Sunday Also to be shown during the The Annie Russell Theater's the physical education office. In tions and elections was set by the morning until 9:00 a.m. The pur­ 1961-62 season are: "Nights of request for $2,000 was questioned the past, only upperclassmen were Standards Committee of the stu­ pose of the silence period is to eligible to be cheerleaders, but the Cabiria" (Italian), Nov. 21; "The as no expendature, income, or dent government in a meeting last give the actives and rushees time Captain from KoeDenick (Ger­ amount over budget returned to rules have been revised this year Monday night. Nominations for to include freshmen. to give serious thought to what man), Dec. 13; "Calle Mayor" last year's Council Were request- officers of all four classes will be they want in a fraternity. (Spanish), Jan. 4; "The Inspector ed. Sally Zuengler, Comptroller, Sandy Smith, '61 cheerleader, held next week. General" (Russian). Feb. 13; "M. explained that until this year, all is available to answer all questions During this time no fraternity Hulot's Holiday". (French), Mar. funds connected with both the Freshmen cafndidates will be- concerning the tryouts. man may communicate with a 27; "The Young and the Damned" Union and the ART were classi­ chosen during the B period orien­ (Mexican), April 10; and "The fied as general funds and the rushee nor a rushee with a fra-- tation meeting next Wednesday, Confessions of Felix Knell" (Ger­ amounts in question could not be ternity man. After the rushees October 18. All upperclass nomi­ man), May 2. determined. pick up their bids at the campus Inside The nations will be held in Rose Skill- All films will be shown in the Lee Rogers nointed out that post office, they will go to their there should be no argument man Hall according to the follow­ Fred Stone Theater. Price of ad­ respective fraternity houses for mission and time of showing will about the ART allocation as the ing schedule: Sophomore Class, 'Spur pledging. be announced later. (continued on patre 2) Monday, October 16, at 1:45 p.m.; Dr. Romita To Junior Class, Tuesday, October 17, at 1:45 p.m.; Senior Class, Stampede On Holt Avenue Ends Women's Rush Run For City Wednesday, October 18, at 1:45 p.m. Commissioner In Each class nominates four of­ November ficers: president, vice-president, secretary, and treasui-er. Nomina­ ... Page 3 tions are made from the floor. All candidates must submit, Sorority their names to the Chairman of the Standards Committee at least Pledge Pictures five days before the elections. A member of the committee will .. Page 6 check their eligibility. Elections for all classes will be Men's Intramurals held Wednesday, October 25, in Begin Season the Student Union under the su­ pervision of the Standards Com­ ... Page 7 mittee. The Standards Committee is President McKean composed of the Student Council Vice-President, Frank Dunnill, Speaks On Rollins' Chairman; Student Council Secre­ tary, Barbara Wolcott; Chairman Institute For of the Lower Court, Bill Tone; General Studies Junior member of the Upper Court, Leon Hollon; and one fac­ HOLT AVENUE was the scene of much cdnfusion last Sunday when Rollins entering women ... Page 8 ulty member from the Upper received bids to the various' sororities. Here's part of the mob scene. Pledge pictures are to Court. be found on page 6. l*wo The Rollins Sandspur Friday, October 13, 2961 Columbian Freshman Schmidt Finds US Chapel Staff Installs Three Members Into Ranks At Recent Sunday Service The Chapel Staff held its' Plan. Each year at Christmas- Strange After Three Years In Country yearly ' installation recently at time the Staff gives an all col­ By PAT TEAGUE American relations with his own "The U. S. has been giving us the first Chapel Service of the lege Christmas party.
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