COPYBIOHT, 1888, BY THETHE SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING Co. SPORTING LIFE.ENTERED AT PHILA. POST OFFICE AS SECOHD ctiss MATTE*. VOLUME 11, NO. 7. PHILADELPHIA, PA., MAY 23, 1888. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. clean hits la the Wo.r< eiter game, and in several other the press to try and stop It. Did you do it? One ploded. T had teen playing pok-T with a party ef gainea our players have had ordinarily clean hiU gob­ paper I believe mentioned it the next day. strangers, and had w»n nearly all the monpy. I had bled up by some fielder. It seems ai if every team After the gamo you tried to do me by getting out a just put 82.100 iu my pocket, wheu boom! boom! and MORE MORE LAW TALK. report that I advised certain pirttes to bet on the LATE NEWS. GAMBLING. we have tackled play an unmerciful game of ball wo all went into the air together. I felt of myself when they fall up againat iw, aud make their errors pame. This 1 nailed as a lie to the satisfaction of Mr. when I was gulnx, and fouud that I was unhurt. The in games with other clubs. Ztcher and Mr. Lolcholt. An-1 I say now as I said fellow next to mo had lost ao nrin and the fellow next Our pitcheni, excepting Kimber, who bos gone home ttien, the par tie a who started the report lied, and are to him was minus oue leg. \Vheu we started to coine The Pool-Selling Evil in to nurse a lame arm, are iu good condition, aud young Differences Between Club mean, low cowards. After this accusation waa cleared A Point About Unsigned dowu the fellow without ihe arm waved his stump at McAuliffe, who has a record of eighteen Btrlke-outs, away some of your citizens held meetings with one me, aud Bay*: "Are you hurl?" "No," says I. "Say," and who heUI the Cuban Ginnte dowu to seven hits iu another and finally came to the conclusion that my aaya he, "I've got £10 left, and I'll btt you fire a ball the North. two games last season, ia to be given a atiow now. and Player. eyesight was bad all on tlie saytto of some tqtiinteyed Reserved Players. player.'" At this point the crowd eeuerally giveg Dupee Shuw, who la without doubt the foxiest twlrler man whose focuased glaea just happened to bo right on J>*ck a laugh, and the laughter always increase! when in this League, la In floe trim, and Mitchell id ia the this particular occa*on. So the next day I was Jack addo: 'And he died before I could bluff him.'" pick of condition, too. hustled off to an oculist by one of the directors, and, The Tri-State League Suffering Weidman, our new catcher, was a good find pro- Whitney Disposed to Go Outside at the expense of the Canton Club, I had to uudergo a Changes at Chicago Athletic LINCOLN LINES. viJed be braces up in hia throwing to second, and hia rigid examination. back stop work with Mitchell bos been fine. He ia a The good doctor Morrow by name Informed the From the Same Cause of Base Ball Law Vary­ man who wonld have me blind, that my "lamps" were Sports News for Cyclists The New Team's Debut—Its \Veak and hitter, too. Strong Points Dilated lTpon. Kootis is playing centre field aad doing good eer- all 0. K. Then you accused me ot being intoxicated. as the South. vice. This nmn ought to kill the ball if be had the ing Opinions. I am pleased to say you are mistaken again, I don't General Intelligence, LINCOLN, Neb., May 11. Editor SPORTING least hit of luck. drink. LIFE: The base ball season in the Western Nothing got8 by Brady in left field and hia first The game waa not protested, nor has there any pro­ tests been filed against mo by any manager or club. League finally opened here on the 9th. Games error ia jet to bo made. FROM LEAGUE HEADQUARTERS. were scheduled with Leavenworth on the 5th, "WHEELING, W. Vft., May 17. -Editor SPOUT­ Crowley is built right for a fine cafcher, and, barring Arthui iYhitney, tho well-known third bar­ By publishing this letter, Mr. Kditor, you will con­ ING LIFB: Your remarks last week upon pool his throwing, has doiie well. If ho sticks to business man, is in a peculiar position. He is under re­ fer a great favor on me. It is the simple truth and The Senators to be Braced Up—An Tm- 7th, 8th and 10th, but almost constant rain for Belling on base ball in the Texas League apply and play* ball he will do. nothing but a plain statement ot facia. a week previous to the 9th prevented games be­ serve to the Pittsburg Club, which club will Sincerely yours, "SANDY" McDEBMOTT. portaut Decision by President Young, quite well also ti the condition of affairs in the Those ecorfg of people who are at tho present neither sign nor release him and which sub­ Etc. ing played. A fair crowd greeted our boys on Tri-State League, for I verily believe that this moment giving us the laugh, telling ur we are no their first appearance, and nearly every one was earthly use, tbat our teaai is a desert of weakness and stantially traded him to Detroit for pitcher MERRY MANCHESTER. Special to SPORTISG LIFE. evil, in-,connection with high salaries, will prove that we are out of the race, may possibly change their satisfied with jhe game they put up, although Gruber and then repudiated its bargain. It ap­ WASHINGTON, D. C., May 19. Secretary and their work wan quit*1 auiatpurfoh. This will gradually the downfall of a majority of tho clubs long be­ minds before lontf. We are putting up a ver) clever pears that President Nimick, of Pittsburg, gave Exultant Over Lowell's Temporary Down- Acting Manager Burket has been recalled to article of ball just at present. In fielding we are in wear off uudt-r the able tutorship of Captain Sylvester, fore the season is finished. How many of our a written agreement to the Detroit directors to fall—Agaiu in the Lead—Home Players Washington, and Walter Ilewitt and Captain who, by the wav, is the only veteran we towns are nfflictei with this fatal parasite, the tbe front rank, and when tho boys commence using have aeide the stick, aa they will, wo shall just fctay with the exchange on even terms. Detroit thereupon in I>emuiid, Etc. Jim Whitney, are now in charge of the Sena­ from Tooi.ey. Them i-, however, some good material pool room, I know not, but Wheeling is the pos­ leailerd aud give them (w good as we get. It's pretty negotiated with Whitney. He wanted $2,oOO MANCHESTER, N. H., May 16. Editor SPORT- torial team. A general bracing up is expected iu the team, particularly Crtaay, first baaeumn; Byline, sessor of two, and tbeir pernicious effects are early in t!i« game to freeza ua out, amU it? June, July short stop; Mussey, third basemttn, and Frech, catcher. for the season. Detroit ofiered him $2,100. IKQ LIFE: The most exciting game of the sea­ to take place, and every member of the team Moore, i«i t-^her, has good corves, fair command of tho being already felt in more ways than one. Out­ and August are good months, long ones, too, and we've Whitnoy agreed to the terms. Then Phillips son was played upon our grounds this afternoon, will be expected to work continuously, if neces­ got a little of May left, and September is all there. ball and some spet-d, and will probably stay on the side of the mere moral aspect of the case, tho came to Detroit and negotiated with Gruber. between the Maroons and Lowells. It was a sary, with the hope of reviving interest at home. tt'nni. The team in at present constituted it weak at taste for gambling inculcated in young and old, Taking one consideration with another I should smile if we aren't ia the swim. W. CLIFFOBD. The colt wanted $2,000. Phillips was inclined contest that each club entered into with a grim It is proposed to play Ed. I)aily regularly in tho bat, but the management will remedy thi* an fust and the inevitable pecuniary loss to those who to and long-premediUted determination of defeat­ right field, when not in the box, and on such a* possible. Tliey are in communication now with close everything when somebody told Phillips several tfo<>d men, who if secured will materially indulge iu this degrading propensity, we find that Gruber had a lame arm, whereupon Phillips ing its opponent if it came within the possibili­ occasions Jim Whitney will cover right garden. the two most important THE SOUTHERN LEAGUE. strengthen th«- team. and disastrous effects on declared the deal off unless Detroit would pay a ties. It was tho second game this season where The practice of playing certain men by turns Fulier and Stover have been released. the game itself. The first of these is tho de­ Reservation Privileges Secured—The Clubs good round sum for Whitney, and returned to the representatives of tho two rival cities havo will be abolished, and the full strength of the Cnrt->t aud Loner, who arrived from Tbiladelphia In creased attendance and consequent financial loss Contrasted—Memphis Club Notes.
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