\ \ \ SLL ICFA THREE-WEAPON TROPHY AFlA SPECIAL MEETING Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer I Secreta ry-T reosurerl, Add itiona I Di rector )Iume 17 Number 4 A quorum was present at AAU House on and such additional members of the Ex€ April 12, 1966, and the following amend­ utive Committee as the Division shall in J1IJ1EJ1Jn;]11 f EI1CJl]B ments to the By-Laws were approved for final By-law provide, may be nominated a Official Organ of the Amoteur Fencers League of America consideration at the Annual AFLA Meeting elected in accordance with procedur Management on July 2, 1966: established by the Division in its By-low; W. L. Osborn, Publisher J. R. de Capriles, Editor 1. Amend Article VII, Section 2, by add- 5. Amend Article XIII, Section 8, by ac P.O. Box 144 41 Fish Hawk Drive, Oak Hill, ing a new paragraph to read: ing three new paragraphs to read: Terre Haute, Ind. Middletown, New Jersey 201 -671 -5872 "(B)-Vacancies in the office of Addi­ /IVocancies in any Divisional office eXCE Feature Editors: Miguel de Capriles, Claribel Sounders and Ralph Goldstein. tional Director occurring between annual Chairman or Vice Chairman occurring [ Assistant Edito<: William J. Latzko meetings of the Divisian shall be filled for tween Annual Meetings of the Divisi Advertising Office: 5 Great Oak Lone, Pleasantville, N.Y. the unexpired term by the Executive Com­ sholl be filled for the unexpired term Telephone: 867-9191 mittee of the DivIsion.1I the Executive Cammittee. Policy Board 2. Amend Article VII, Section 12, by add- f'ln the event of a vacancy occurring in t N. Lewis, Chairman; J. R. de Capriles, W. J. Latzka, ing a new paragraph to read: office of Chairman between the AnnL W. L. Osborn, L. Sobel, G. V. Worth "Any member of a Division against whom Meetings of the Division, the Vice Cha 'bs~nptions for non-members of the AFLA is $3.00 in the U.S. and $4.00 elsewhere. man sholl perform the duties of the Cha Jbllshed November, January, March, May, July and September. disciplinary action in the nature of exclu­ man for the unexpired term. )inlOnS expressed in signed articles reflect the personal ,{iews of the writers and not necessarily I sion from future competitions has been American Fencing or t!1e AFLA. No anonymous articles accepted, Ii taken by the Division sholl, within ten days "I n the event that both the office of Cha Entered as Second Class Motter ot the Post Office in Terre Haute, Ind. II ofter notice or such disciplinary action, man and the office of Vice Chairman l: ') have the right to appeal to the Board of come vacant, the Executive Committ DEADLINE FOR 1966 ISSUES Directors. Upon receipt of an appeal, the sholl call, upon 15 days written notice, - June 12 September Aug. 12 November Oct. 12 Board or its Executive Committee, shall ap­ special election meeting of the membf point a committee of not less than three ship of the Division to fill these vacancie, members to investigate the circumstances 6. Amend Article XIII, Section 14, by c PRESIDENT'S CORNER velopment activities is scheduled in Washing­ of the disciplinary action so token and re­ leting the present text and inserting the f, ton for May 18 through 21. Appointments lowing two paragraphs: Raising: port to the Board thereon at its next meet­ to the U.S. Fencing Devehpment Committee ing. After considering the report and af­ "Sectional and Divisional Executive Cal !sponses to our advertisements in Ameri­ have not yet been finalized pending ascertain­ fording an opportunity to be heard to the mittees shall have the power to impose t Fencing and our personalized campaign ment of the scope and extent af the Program disciplined member and to a representa­ disciplinary penalties of expulsion or E unds to have U.S. fencers participate in as well as the funds that may be available tive of the Division approving the discipli­ elusion from competition for improper cc World Championships in Moscow (July for fencing. nary action, the Board may, by a majority duct connected with any competition unc i) have been encouraging. To date in­ Norman Lewis. vote of the members voting, sustain the their jurisdiction. The penalty of exclusi ual contributions ranging from $5.00 to appeal and either modify or vacate the from future competitions sholl be oppel l. 00 have been received from many sec­ disciplinary action." able to the Boord of Directors as provid of the country. I t is gratifying to realize SOUTHEAST 3. Amend Article XIII, Section 6, by de­ in Article VII, Section 12 of these By-lay fencers are aware of our problems and leting the present text and inserting the fol­ "Sectional and Divisional Executive Cal to help. CHAMPIONSHIP lowing: mittees sholl refer all other disciplinc Jr final appeal for funds is contained in by Manny Forrest "There shall be an annual meeting of the matters to the Boord of Directors." issue. We want to send as large a can­ The first Sectional Championship for the Division, of which there shall be at least Ed Note: Some question has been raised abc 'nt of fencers as possible. Please support newly created Section will be held on May 10 days written notice, and a quorum sholl the notice of this meeting and the form American fencers. 28 and 29 at the Miami Dade Junior College, consist of either seven members of a Di­ the notice. The March issue was in the m, Miami, Florida. Trophies for the regular vision or a majority of the members of a at Terre Haute, Indiana, on March 10. Ar ,bership: events have been donated by George Santelli Division, whichever number is less, present cle XII, Section 1 of the By-Lows provid ontinuing progress is evident. Several of and a sponsor is being sought for the Undu- in person or, if the Division By-Lows so that any notice is valid when mailed (not d Divisions, notahly New Jersey and South­ 1 4 Championship. provide, by proxy.u livered) to the membership. The form of n California, will exceed the'r 1964-65 4. Amend Article XIII, Section 7, by de­ tice identified the purpose of the meetir lbership by a considerable margin. Con­ leting the present text and inserting the fol­ The exact text to be considered at the A ulations. NATl. CHAMPiONStilPS lowing: nual Meeting in July is set forth above npic Affairs: June 25 - July 2, 1966 "At the Annual Meeting of the Division, that all members will have ample opportuni , major conference on U.S. Olympic de- long Islend University, Brooklyn, N.Y. candidates for the offices of Chairman, to study it before voting upon it. e Two AMERICAN FENCING AMERICAN FENCING Page Thr , NEUTRAL VIEWPOINT THIRD ANNUAL INSTITUTE by: Ted L. Hootman FOR. THE Ie research article, written by Mr. Nick Fencing Master of the USAF Academy, TEACHING OF FENCING a serious study to find the n Achilles' JUNE 13-17, 1966 , in American sabre fencing. Mr. Toth I in good faith and his findings should Again this year, the National Fencing Coaches Association's training institute is of­ Ie misconstrued as an attack ago inst am­ fered in cooperation with New York Univer­ ·s or their coaches. Rather, we should sity's Department of Athletics. The institute, Jd his constructive study and try to staffed by prominent coaches and outstanding gthen our position in sabre facing. We fencing personalities, is designed to introduce Mr. Toth will write an article on those participants to the latest techniques in both ns which did not result in touches, as group and individual instruction. Sessions, lrea of failures will show a more com­ scheduled for the morning and afternoon, are :nsive comparison. planned to be flexible enough to meet the r. Toth has an illustrious coaching back­ ld. He won the International Masters in needs of teachers of various levels of experi­ , at Innsbruck, Austria. He has developed ence. As may be required, groups will be 01 champions and at the present time classified into intermediate and advanced sec­ tions for detailed work on particular topics. J tremendo JS college record. Co-Directors: Hugo and James Castello, New is hoped that his advice wi II be foi­ York University. l by our sabre men, who wi II represent I in future international competitions. Staff: Irv D€Koff, Columbia University; Louis Bankuti, Columbia University; AI Pere­ da, New York University; Michel Alaux, Add: Coach, 1964 U.S. OlympiC Fencing tULE 21 (5) Team; Marty Schneider, Riverdale Coun­ In all weapons, fencers' cloth­ try High School. Ig must include a pair of stock- Special Lecturer: Joseph Byrnes, Armorer, 195 which will cover fully any 1964 U.S. Olympic Fencing Team. :nt of the legs not covered by Ie trousers." Topics: Physical Conditioning for fencers Safety procedures and practices To comply with the new rule, Systematic presentation of latest we have available hard-to-find white fencing hose long enough theories of ottock and defense not to leave a gap below the Methods of instructing the beginning knee. Fine quality, 100% fencer, and the intermediate and Nylon Helanca. No toe or heel. advanced fencer Psychological preparation and Fits snugly over athletic socks. What's in it for you on TWA? Confidence. Stays white. Easily laundered. management of the fencing team Long lasting. One size fits all. Fencing strategy and tactics for the The captain of your TWA jet has probably flown perienced to learn a little more. So at regular competitor at least a million miles more than you have.
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