,, )}'"''' -~~ - 1 ~-----r------,-----~~----~------~----~------~----~ '/l \l"t t'X)NDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1988 lnstde: JAZZ * 'TUL Box JAZZ 6pm- 8pm JAZZ *Reviews *Alternative TV 8pm-11 pm REGGAE OLDIES Classical RALLY LATE NITE 11pm-2am TUL BOX JAZZ R E VOX HUMANA world News, etc., to benefit the jobless in THE TOMBSTONES THE HOUSE OF LOVE THE HOUSE OF LOVE Ireland. c IS THE OFFICIAL PROGRAM GUIDE OF Now, the album The Long Acre debuts PREACHIN', PRAYIN', GUITAR PLAYIW 0 The House Of Love, originally a five onVirginRecordsand lnTuaNua delivers ,,,,u,, an Impressive comucop1a of songs. A long the same lines as X, or R piece band, now consists of four members Imagine Siouxsie Sioux and Lone Justice even a blown-up Dash Rip Rock, the JjJ,Uj, STAFF from London. Interestingly enough, they synthesized, but with an Irish flare. In Tombstones play southem hardl ine D derive their name from the f emi ni st author Tua Nua consists of seven members, and rhythm and blues that truly kicks. AlaisNin. Theirself-tltled album is their CHRIS LIDY GENERAL MANAGER has a diverse sound ranging from driving With a ghostly, almost surf-like debut release on Relatively Records. rock to country-folk ballads. guitar and a bone rattling bass line, House Of Love reminds one of a sedate R MARK MIESTER PROGRAM DIRECTOR The first songs on both sides ("Woman these guys real ly rip it up. The Jesus and Mary Chain, reverberating, On Fire" and "Seven Into The Sea") borrow intensity level on this album is on a E JAMES LIEN MUSIC DIRECTOR dissonant guitars and all. Faint touches of an unre 1ent 1ess U2 beat incorporated into constant level...high! luxuria and space exudefromthisquartet. their own emulsion of music. The ballad Hailing from Birmingham, v GILL CREEL MUSIC DIRECTOR Scorching, driving tunes, such as "Meeting Of The Waters" offers the Alabama,(they give a big "no "Salome" and "Happy", rip with tranquility of the Uilleann pipes and the thanks" to the Birmingham Pollee I SUSAN ESTES ASST. MUSIC DIRECTOR alternating, resonant guitars. "Road" slow-rhythmed acoustic guitar, whlle Dept.), their southern roots come does the same but with a bass guitar. out strong in their music. Basically E TODD ANDRAS BUSINESS DIRECTOR "Emotional Barrier" brings one almost to "Sulpher" and "Love In A Car" offset the tears with inspirational country-folk. every song on this album is great but uptempo tunes with slow somber sounds. w NANCY RUSSO ASST. BUSINESS The other songs pattem themselves in~o "Snake Oil Boogie" and the" Axemen The remaining songs are ba 11 ads. A11 songs melodious folk-rock. All songs ment of New Orleans" are exceptional. DIRECTOR are recommended and not to be ignored. S· LENNY BERTRAND TECHNICAL DIRECTOR 1isten ing because they are simply quite The album cover compl irr}ents the good and deserve to be heard. music perfectly, an eene Sllkscreen of -Erik Andries L1 BBY CURTAIN PUBLIC RELATIONS the band in a cemetary with Munster­ DIRECTOR -Erik Andries type lettering. Pretty SUZANNE KAISER CCNMUNITY EVENTS neat! DIRECTOR so, if you are into real KAREN KRUSE NEWS DIRECTOR rootsy rock-n-roll th is album on Twilight Records STEPHANIE HANOR PUBLICATIONS IN TUA NUA THE LONG ACRE is for you. DIRECTOR -Mark Vicknair CRANDLE BRANOON EDUCATION DIRECTOR SARAH ROTHSTEIN PSA DIRECTOR This band originally featured the song "Seven Into The Sea" in the L tve For JORDEN ROSENBERG SPORTS DIRECTOR Ireland compilation in which they played with a slew of other Irish icons, such as BRIAN GOLDBERG JAZZ DIRECTOR Van Morrison, Chieftains, U2, Cactus 2 3 ;:;. Llen w111 spin the station's current What? You mean you've never heavies,andmorethanafewofnextyear's Big Hits as well. heard of bands 11keOUrD1dact1cEldres, Admission prices will be lower than Beef Jerky Queen, and Fresh Young usual at Tipit1na's in an effort to draw M1nds? Well,don'tbealanned, that's crowds out to the events on what might part of the idea. In keeping up WTUL's usually be considered a slow mght. The . tradition of being the only station in idea is to take a night where nothing 1s Wi}~~. =~~~~~a~~~~~o~g;:nt~ t~~~~~~d :a~l~l{l~~e~~\~~ha~~~ ·X bring New Orleans' best new music Llverpool, England with the initial spark into the foreground. This past spring, of the idea for the 'TUL Box. "Zane comes WTUL joined forces with T1pit1na's from Liverpool, which like New Orleans, music club on the comer of Napoleon and has a g-eat ceputatlon for music but not a Tchoupatoulas to present the 'TUL Box, a lot of places for new talent to get heard weekly 11ve concert to be broadcast live This way, we felt we'd be giving some of over the airwaves . .. the newer bands a here on WTUL each so you WZ(It to.be a ROCk and Rolf Star? How break by giving Monday night. to get your band on·the "TUL Box: them a chance to Every Monday · == Budd1ngbands of atl stzes, types and genres are play on the b1g night, stating at , w~icome on the JUL Box each Monday n1ght. If you stage at T1p1tina·s. 1Opm three new o6.ybur'barid Would lll<e to be on the "TUL Box, But the 'TUL localbandswlll take sutnnlt a tapecf·any length, ~orm~t, or quality to Box isn't just for to the stage JVLBOXi,c/owruL, Tul~neumversttyCenter,New new underground underneath the :pr,JeanstLA/ 701 .T8. Eventhouglltapes are belng bands. so far, famed banner of the sUbmitted to a radio station. they need not be a1r several national New Orleans legend quality. Be sure ~nd include a phone number that d even Professor Longhair :w()rks along with yQur tape so tha~!VTUL can track ~n you doWn when your tape comes<:IJP and it's your 1n t ern a t i on a 1 fortheircrackat the .tumtobet.Jn.derthe lights,onthestageatTipltfna's, bands have Big Time. WfUL :and on ttwradlo at the same time as well. appeared on the 1 w111 also simulcast I·=: .. := · :~=··· · · broadcast as well. the concerts using their recently Most notably were the recent broadcasts J purchased microwave relay units (paid by the Godfathers, Soul Asylum, Camper for, incedentaly, by your pledges during Van Beethoven, and Iceland's The last year's Marathon) and other new Sugarcubes. So tune in every Monday equipment provided by Tip itina's as well. night at I 0:30pm to hear the latest in New Each band w111 play a short set, and then Orleans· best new music, and live concert clear the stage for more fresh talent to broadcastsbysomeofthebiggestnamesin -Moses Darden follow. Durfngsetchanges,DJ/HostJames progressive music as well. 4 -----lliiiiiiiil-.-,ez<l.,_ 5 T E WTUL wishes to thank our Summer Sponsors without whom our operat10ns would not be c G et your weekly infusion of poss1b'e For mformat10n on sponsorship ~ -~ rates call 865-5887 and ask for Todd. H technolog ically inclined mus1cal JUST OFF THE PRESS rhythms every Wednesday night on Agam, our smcere thanks to the N WTUL. The Techno Show features -BORGHESIA's second album (Play 0 alternative electronic music from acts It Again Sam USA) SUMMER SPO NSORS of 1988 as far away as AustralIa and behind the --M)EV's third album, also on CD Iron Curtain to local performers such (Nettwerk, Vancouver) as Grey Dah 1. -SEVERED HEADS compact diSC, N Unusual rem ixes, hard-to-find containing their 12" singles, including ALTERMAN AUDIO CAFE BRAZIL imports, and compact disc rel eases are the new "Greater Reward" (Nettwerk) E part of what makes the Techno Show one -MANUFACTURE's f irst album 1n UPTOWN SQUARE PRYTANIA THEATRE of the most innovative shows on the air. September (Nettwerk) w Although established groups such as -SARA McGLOCKLIN In September SHEPARD SAMUALS TOWER RECORDS .S Skinny Puppy, Cabaret Voltaire, Front (Nettwerk): Cocteau Twms w111 want to 242, Yello, Kraftwork, and Ministry hear this. LA CREPE NANOU BLUE CRY ST AL are often played, the tumtablesareusually -PAILHEAO 4-track EP sometime spinning up-and-coming acts like Smgle soon (Wax Trax, Chicago) THE CUTTERY TIPITINA'S Gun Theory, A Split Second, Moev, MCL, a;Grumh, Manufacture, Nltzer Ebb, and JIMMY'S ARBY'S Xymox. Of course, an integral part of . u'p ANrY·coMING >~ -~::~.· .' ~;;t .~ h.~:: - .~ progressive radio is exposing obscure OUR LADY OF HOLY CROSS COLLEGE groups. WIthout WTUL, who in New S kinny Puppy's next album is commg Orleans would have known about Clair out soononCapitol Records(notNettwerk ). COMPLETE WINE CELLAR AND DELl Obscur, Smersh, Vomi to Negro, Hard Ministry's third album should be out soon Corps, The Force Dimension, Negativland, on S1re Records. Secess 10n •s new I 2" of Free World? Dark Enchantment w 111 be out soon on Every other week the show emphasizes SJre/VirgmU.K Camouflage's first album a different sound. One week listeners may , Voices arx:J Images , 1s to be released experience the rhythmic stimulation of domestically from Wamer, probably on upbeat techno. The following week sounds Sire. Anne Clark 1s workmg on a live VOX HUMANA STAFF : from industrl a1 bands such as Ei sturzende, album from up mNorway. OAF 1scompllmg Neubauten, La Ibach, Foetus and Front Line ED 1TOR : Stephanie Hanor JAJIIVA. agreatest hits album, and two new Subway is a com pl etely volunteer Assemblymaygrindthrough theairwaves. records are soon to be released. CO NTRI BUTER S: Enk Andries, student-run organizati on of If you have a feel or dimensioned stereo Skinny Puppy wi 11 be tourmg the U.S.
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