June 23, 2008 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 10 13405 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING MASON SMOAK Harre’s leadership and service will be held at and successful career after narrowly escaping Strongbow Inn Restaurant in Valparaiso, Indi- Nazi Germany. HON. TIM MAHONEY ana, on Thursday, June 26, 2008. A German Jew born shortly after the end of OF FLORIDA Dr. Alan Harre has spent his professional World War I, Irving Klothen barely avoided de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES career improving the quality of life at portation by the Nazis when he and his par- Valparaiso University. Dr. Harre’s Strategic ents fled their native Berlin in 1941. Mr. Monday, June 23, 2008 Plan set goals for the university in every as- Klothen displayed his strong work ethic and Mr. MAHONEY of Florida. Madam Speaker, pect of campus life. During his tenure, the uni- his resolve to make the most of his abilities as I rise today to pay my deepest condolence to versity has built several new facilities, includ- he simultaneously completed his secondary the Smoak family and to honor the passing of ing: the Center for the Arts, Kallay-Christopher education at night school and worked full time a great American and close friend. Mason Hall, the Christopher Center for Library Infor- for a picture-framing company. Smoak was an outstanding human being, mation and Resources, and has broken In 1943, Mr. Klothen entered the U.S. Army whose bravery and character left lasting im- ground for a new student union. Valparaiso and his service included guarding German pressions on all who knew him. This kind gen- University has also ranked within the top four POWs in France, where he met the love of his tleman exemplified the meaning of leadership. in its class in U.S. News and World Report’s life, Miriam Frank. He and Miriam, another Mason was loved by all in his community, a rankings of America’s Best Colleges under Jewish refugee from Berlin, married in 1944. lifelong resident of Lake Placid, Florida who Harre’s leadership. Dr. Harre also contributed Following the war, Mr. Klothen graduated dedicated his life to his wife, children, and to the development of three new Master of from New York University with a degree in church, as well as the University of Florida his Science programs and established a chemical engineering and would receive sev- alma mater. Unfortunately, Mason passed Valparaiso University Phi Beta Kappa honor eral patents for his work with animal-feed ad- away on Friday, June 20, 2008 at the age of society chapter. Perhaps Dr. Harre’s greatest ditives. His expertise led to business trips that 33. on-campus achievement is the increasing of turned into family vacations with his son and His accomplishments within the agricultural the endowment fund from $37 million to over wife across the globe. As an employee of community will serve as inspiration and guid- $200 million. American Cyanamid Co, he traveled to Eu- ance for aspiring citrus growers. Mason pro- During his time at Valparaiso University, rope, Latin America and Asia. moted awareness of agriculture and citrus Alan has shared his unrivaled expertise and Mr. Klothen, a loving father of his son Ken issues in both Washington and Tallahassee, knowledge of his field with local organizations. and loving grandfather of Erich and Rebecca, often testifying at the request of elected offi- Alan has served two terms on the Board for never forgot his roots and the family he left cials. He enjoyed fruitful partnerships with UF/ the Greater Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce behind to move to the United States. In 1989, IFAS and served the community as the current and was named Distinguished Community he visited the Berlin Jewish School, which he President of the Highlands County Citrus Leader by the Chamber in 1998. He was a attended more than four decades earlier. He Growers. He was also the Chairman of the founding member of the Porter County Com- committed to assisting the new German Jew- Heartland Agricultural Coalition, a Board Mem- munity Foundation and a co-founder of the ish community through work at the now-Jew- ber of the Highlands County Habitat for Hu- non-profit group Rebuilding Together. Alan ish High School of Berlin. Even last year, he manity and Florida Citrus Mutual’s Federal Po- also has served as the Chairman of the Qual- funded a program to allow teachers from that litical Action Committee, and Past President of ity of Life Council, and in 2007, received the institution to visit Jewish schools in the United Highlands County Farm Bureau and the Flor- Council’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Dr. States. ida Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranch- Harre and his wife, Diane, are also creating Madam Speaker, I ask you to join me in ers. the Alan and Diane Harre Scholarship Fund paying tribute to Irving Klothen. Through his Florida will miss Mason’s dedication and for Valparaiso University. beautiful family, and his contributions to Jew- dogged determination to Florida citrus. Madam Madam Speaker, Dr. Alan Harre has de- ish communities in America and Germany, he Speaker, I will miss Mason as a true friend. voted his life to improving Valparaiso Univer- has left a lasting contribution that we can all f sity and to serving the people of Northwest In- admire. diana. At this time, I ask that you and all of my DR. ALAN HARRE distinguished colleagues join me in com- f mending him for his lifetime of service, perse- HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY verance, and dedication. I also ask that you NAACP PICKS YOUNGEST LEADER OF INDIANA join me in wishing him the best of health and EVER, JEALOUS AT THE HELM IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES happiness in the years to come. Monday, June 23, 2008 f HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL Mr. VISCLOSKY. Madam Speaker, it is with IRVING KLOTHEN OF NEW YORK great admiration and gratitude that I stand be- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fore you today to recognize the many years of HON. JOE SESTAK Monday, June 23, 2008 dedicated service of Dr. Alan Harre. Having OF PENNSYLVANIA Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I rise today known Alan for many years, I can truly say IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that he is one of the most committed, knowl- in recognition of Ben Jealous, the new presi- edgeable, and honorable citizens in Northwest Monday, June 23, 2008 dent of the National Association for the Ad- Indiana. Nowhere has his knowledge and Mr. SESTAK. Madam Speaker, I rise today vancement of Colored People, NAACP, and to commitment been more evident than in his to recognize and honor the life of a husband, enter into the RECORD an article from the New faithful service as President of Valparaiso Uni- father, grandfather, and Veteran, who, through York Carib News for the week ending June 3, versity. Alan has served Valparaiso University hard work and determination, fulfilled the 2008 titled ‘‘NAACP Picks Youngest Leader with two decades of dedicated leadership, and American dream. Irving Klothen, who passed Ever.’’ he has been a constant fixture in the away on Thursday, June 12, at age 84, be- The NAACP was founded in 1909 by an Valparaiso community. For his efforts, I would lieved strongly in the principles of democracy interracial coalition that battled segregation like to thank him and extend my best wishes and took full advantage of his opportunities in and lynching and helped win some of the Na- for his retirement. A celebration honoring Dr. the United States, building a prosperous family tion’s biggest civil rights victories. The mission ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:16 Feb 02, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR08\E23JN8.000 E23JN8 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 13406 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 10 June 23, 2008 of the National Association for the Advance- He succeeds Bruce Gordon, who resigned IN HONOR OF CELEBRATING 80TH ment of Colored People is to ensure the polit- abruptly in March 2007 after serving just 19 BIRTHDAY OF GERALD (JERRY) ical, educational, social, and economic equal- months. It has been public knowledge for KOPEL AND 56TH ANNIVERSARY ity of rights of all persons and to eliminate ra- some time that he has had a number of OF JERRY AND DOLORES KOPEL cial hatred and racial discrimination. bruising clashes with board members over With a background in communication, com- management style and the NAACP’s mission. Dennis Courtland Hayes had been serving as HON. DIANA DeGETTE munity activism and extensive civil rights ex- OF COLORADO perience, Ben Jealous has strong credentials interim president and chief executive officer since that time. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for leadership of the NAACP. Ben, who will Monday, June 23, 2008 start his position September 1, is a former Jealous was born in Pacific Grove, Calif., managing editor of Mississippi’s historic Jack- and educated at Columbia University and Ms. DEGETTE. Madam Speaker, I rise to son Advocate. In 2000, he became executive Oxford University, where he was a Rhodes recognize a dual celebration for two distin- director of the National Newspaper Publishers Scholar. He began his professional life in 1991 guished members of the First Congressional Association, NNPA, the Black press of Amer- with the NAACP, where he worked as a com- District.
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