BACHELOR & MASTER OF ARTS Historic works of art and contemporary creations; Objects brought to light by archaeological excavations; Objects from world cultures past and present, related to ancient cults and habits or unveiling daily lifes of past centuries; BECOME A ROLE PLAYER IN THE FIELDS OF HERITAGE Scientific instruments, technical installations, CONSERVATION AND horological objects, furniture, historic photographs, RESTORATION musical instruments, rare books, etc. Discover all these objects and these works, admire them, understand them and pass them on for the future. The conservation-restoration profession is multi-faceted. Participate in this fascinating enterprise and become a role player in the fields of conservation and restoration. century, MIH collection. century, th Time clock, Germany early 20 Time For a greater ease of reading, the text is written in the masculine. 3 It is evident that it is addressed as much to women as to men. Conservation assistant Conservator-restorer (holder of Bachelor of Arts HES-SO (holder of Master of Arts HES-SO in in Conservation) Conservation-restoration) The conservation assistant supports His role is to prepare and implement the conservator-restorer in certain con- preventive conservation (preservation servation interventions. during storage, exhibition and trans- port) and conservation-restoration treat- He also participates in the conservation ments (e.g. cleaning, stabilisation of of collections within a heritage institu- degradations and treatment of losses). tion: organisation and monitoring of For that he has to: museum’s collection storage facilities • Study and plan: examine the object, and exhibition galleries, organization plan the scientific analyses, prepare of the on-site care of archaeological the condition report, the diagnosis finds, organization of rescue strategies and the curative and/or preventive in case of disaster. treatment proposal; • Carry out conservation-restoration treatments; • Develop new techniques and adapt existing methods to resolve complex THE PROFESSIONS OF conservation problems. CONSERVATION-RESTORATION The conservator-restorer and conservation assistant can work in public or private collections, museums, archaeological trusts and conservation-restoration busi- nesses. These professionals regularly work in a team and collaborate with other specialists, such as chemists, biologists, art historians, archaeologists and ethnologists. The conservator-restorer with a Master of Arts in CR is also able to set up his own business and to propose his independent services to museums or to other heritage organisations, such as historical monument trusts and sites, libraries and archives. He can also work for private clients or for the art market. The Master of Arts HES-SO in conservation-restoration meets the demands of the European Confederation of Conservator Restorers, ECCO. The HE-Arc CR century, Archives of the Canton Uri. century, th is a member of the European Network for Conservation-Restoration Education, ENCoRE. Crossbow, Swiss, 16 Crossbow, 5 ELSA SANGOUARD DIPLÔMÉE EN 2008 URS LANG DIPLÔMÉ EN 2006 CONSERVATRICE AU MARINER’S MUSEUM, KONSERVATOR-RESTAURATOR FÜR UNOR- NEWPORT NEWS, VA, USA GANISCHE ARCHÄOLOGISCHE OBJEKTEN BEI DER KANTONSARCHÄOLOGIE AARGAU « Dans le cadre de mon travail de diplôme, « Seit meinem Abschluss im Jahr 2006 j’ai eu la chance d’effectuer 10 mois de hatte ich das Glück, bei der Kantonsar­ stage au Batten Conservation Laboratory chäologie Aargau und in Augusta Raurica ACCOUNTS de Newport News, VA, USA. Ce labo­ arbeiten zu können. BY TWO ALUMNI ratoire intégré au Mariners’ Museum a Zusätzlich konnte ich in den vergangenen pour mission de conserver les éléments vier Jahren an Ausgrabungskampagnen in OF THE HE-ARC CR exhumés d’un navire de la guerre de séces­ Rom, Sizilien und Zypern teilnehmen. sion, l’USS Monitor. Cela représente la Die Kombination von Auslandsaufent­ conservation­restauration de 210 tonnes halten und der Arbeit in der Schweiz ist d’objets, inorganiques et organiques, ayant für mich sehr faszinierend. Es besteht die reposés à 72m de profondeur au large de la Chance, ein neues Land kennen zu lernen, Caroline du Nord depuis 1862. sich weiterzubilden und Objekte mit einem A la fin de mon année de diplôme, pas­ anderen kulturellen Einfluss zu restaurie­ sionnée par l’icône américaine qu’est le ren. Improvisation und Zeitdruck spielen Monitor et motivée par des raisons person­ auf Grund einer kurzen Grabungskam­ nelles, j’ai demandé à rester travailler sur pagne und begrenzter Laborausrüstung le Monitor à mon supérieur hiérarchique. eine große Rolle. C’est alors qu’une position permanente de In der Schweiz ist hingegen meist die conservatrice­restauratrice sur le projet Möglichkeit vorhanden, ein weites Spek­ m’a été offerte ! Rapidement, de nombreux trum an Hilfsmitteln und Literatur bei­ paramètres m’ont amenée à concentrer zuziehen. Diese Kontraste in Verbindung mon travail sur les objets organiques et mit Geschichte und Archäologie machen composites issus du navire. den Beruf für mich sehr lebendig und lie­ Ce parcours n’était pas un « long fleuve benswert. tranquille » (difficultés de communication Im Frühling 2011 beschloss ich, die Master­ dans une langue étrangère dans les pre­ ausbildung der HE­ARC zu absolvieren». miers mois, stress des démarches admi­ nistratives, visas multiples, etc.), mais je n’hésiterais pas une seconde si c’était à refaire. Le projet Monitor est exceptionnel tant par son envergure et ses challenges que par l’équipe qui en a la charge ». Warrior shield, Central Africa, MEN collection. Warrior 7 THE HAUTE ECOLE ARC WITHIN THE SWISS CRC Studying The HE-Arc CR master’s specialisation Since the start of the academic year in the conservation of archaeological 2011, the workshops and laboratories The HE-Arc CR is a member of the and ethnographical objects collabo- of the HE-Arc CR are located within a Swiss Conservation-Restoration Campus rates with national and international brand new campus situated in walking which consists of the four Swiss higher archaeological trusts and ethnographic distance from the Neuchâtel train station education training institutions in conser- museums. The master’s specialisation and near the town centre and lake. The vation–restoration. (www.swiss-crc.ch). in the conservation of scientific, tech- students share a large library and college nical and horological objects is located restaurant with the departments of engi- Destined to enable the understanding at the center of world clock making neering, management and health. of both the object’s meaning and its industry and works in partnership with material degradation, the course is inter- major technical museums. disciplinary and firmly centred on the hands-on training. The fields co vered The course language is French (or English depending on the tutor) but many pro­ are as much material and life sciences fessors of the HE­Arc CR speak fluently German and collaborate with important (chemistry, biology, physics), as human- Swiss­German, German and Austrian institutions. ities (archaeology, ethnography, history of art, history of techniques) and con- servation and restoration techniques. Students work under the supervision of professionals on objects from cultural collections from museums and archaeo- STUDY PLAN logical trusts. BACHELOR OF ARTS MASTER OF ARTS IN CONSERVATION IN CONSERVATION-RESTORATION Conservation aptitudes are acquired 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 1st year 2nd year trough theoretical courses, practical stu- dio and laboratory work, internships, vis- „ HE– Arc CR – Neuchâtel Archaeological and ethnographical objects its, on-site work and individual as well as Scientific, technical and horological objects team projects. International exchanges HE–Arc CR, Neuchâtel „ Hochschule der Künste – Bern with other European training institutions HKB, Bern Painting and sculpture are possible through the Erasmus pro- SUPSI, Lugano Architecture, interiors and furniture Books, graphic arts and photographs gramme. ORIENTATIONS Modern materials and media „ SUPSI – Lugano Students can begin their Bachelor Mural painting, stone, stucco and architectural surfaces studies in any of the three Swiss CRC Abegg Stiftung – Riggisberg Abegg Stiftung – Riggisberg institutions (except for the textiles spe- Textiles Textiles cialisation that is offered in Riggisberg) and from the 3rd year onwards can Full time, 6 terms Full time, 4 terms Part time, max. 12 terms Part time, max. 8 terms change to the institution that is spe- 180 ECTS 120 ECTS cialized in the chosen orientation. st nd rd st nd DURATION 1 year 2 year 3 year 1 year 2 year Autumn term 16 weeks 16 weeks 10 weeks Spring term 16 weeks 16 weeks Diploma: + 11 weeks 22 weeks Summer Internship 9 weeks of diploma Internship non obligatory 8 Admission and inscription conditions Bachelor of Arts HES-SO Place in conservation Campus Arc 2, near Neuchâtel train KEY INFORMATION Academic maturity or professional station (from 1997 to 2011 at La maturity/Maturité professionnelle or Chaux-de-Fonds). maturité académique (Swiss) or other qualifications judged equivalent: Fees Baccalauréat, Abitur, etc. Inscription: CHF 150.– Course fees: CHF 500.– per term Master of Arts HES-SO (two terms per year) in Conservation-restoration Bachelor of Arts HES-SO in Estimated cost of the three years conservation, or other equivalent Bachelor studies, including the qualifications: obligatory purchase of a portable Licence en Préservation (F), computer: CHF 3'500.– Bachelor Konservierung
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