When pot Don’t be a Hypnotist impregnates deals go bad boob about it NEWS OP/ED two men ARTS & LIVING Aliens’ pets 4 52 PAGE9 Men’s The basketball goes 2-0 PAGE11 SENTINEL Founded 1966. Volume 41, Issue 16 KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY • KENNESAW, GA TUESDAY, FEB. 6, 2007 Wealth of health for students Local businessman gives back love of music and spirit of kindness in him.” Feldbergs make a Now a Cobb County resident, her generosity donation that will last continues through the work of her family. Bob himself was challenged financially to through the years get through school. He worked two jobs in order to pay tuition. The scholarship, besides DANIEL BURNETT being a tribute to his mother, will make it STAFF WRITER easier for other students to afford college. “A lot of people get caught up on how to Current and future KSU students will ben- make money that they don’t go to school,” efit from the $20,000 scholarship donated Feldberg said. “I want to make it possible for by Bob and Elaine Feldberg. The Cynthia someone.” Feldberg Endowed Piano Scholarship was The Feldberg’s time as chairs of the KSU created to honor Bob’s mother, whose strong College of the Arts Annual Benefit Gala belief in education and a value of the arts in- helped inspired them to create the scholarship. spired her son. Seeing the impact that scholarships made on “It is an opportunity for me to say thank students, Bob and Elaine Feldberg decided to you to her,” Feldberg said. “So that even help. beyond her lifetime, she can change lives.” “I had the opportunity to sit with scholar- Cynthia Feldberg, a graduate of the Longy ship recipients and it intrigued me and brought School of Music in Massachusetts, “instilled a See MUSIC, page 2 Andrew Pittman | The Sentinel Res Life holds date auction to Kelly Schriver evaluates the health condition of a student by checking weight and other factors. Wellness Center tors beginning in March. Once raise money for scholarship trained, these students will be certified peer educators, ready TORI DYCHES bidders’ hearts by dancing. explaining how the schol- promotes new STAFF WRITER One participant decided to arship will assist them in to give classes and participate services up the ante by doing a little achieving their educational in new student orientations. Residence Life held the strip tease. and career goals. In order Peer educators will lead ses- second annual Residence “It was a lot of fun,” said for students to qualify for JOHN HOOPER sions on topics including stress STAFF WRITER Life Date Auction on Jan. Melissa Camp, freshman the scholarship, they must and weight management, sexual 31 in the University rooms. Communication major. “It be enrolled full-time and assault and alcohol abuse. The The date auction had was for a good cause. All the demonstrate financial need. The Wellness Center is of- training will be built around 21 contestants and sev- proceeds go to the Residence “I am so grateful for the fering two new services to all games and other activities and eral bidders. The auction- Life Scholarship.” Residence Life scholar- KSU students: one-on-one di- not around long lectures. Davis eers were Punit Patel and This scholarship is ship,” said one scholarship etary counseling and training has extensive experience work- Raquel McCowen. Those awarded to incoming resi- recipient. “It really helped of select students to be certified ing in public health and educa- auctioned sold from five dent freshmen or transfer me and my family out. I peer educators on health and dollars to $100. Contestants students who need financial was able to focus more on tion. Dacia Davis safety matters. The Wellness were required to fill out aid to assist in the payment my studies because I wasn’t Kelly Schriver is a dietitian Center is an extension of the surveys asking their inter- for on-campus housing. as worried about financial who is now providing the di- The Wellness Center is now Wellstar Health and Human ests, majors and ideal dates. Applicants are required to obligations and working so etary counseling requested by located in the same building as Services College. Some contestants even went fill out an application and much.” individual students. She said the Recreation Center but on On Thursday, Feb. 1, the the extra mile to win over write a 250-word essay See LOVE, page 2 that so far, much of her counsel- the opposite side. The new lo- Wellness Center held an open ing has been related to weight cation provides more space than house to introduce the two loss. But she has also begun the prior location in the Student new staff members who will helping students, particularly Center. According to Sherry Air Force teaches students to ‘aim run these programs. Students those who are away from home Grable, the Wellness Center di- trecked over slush on the for the first time, plan and pre- rector, there has been very little high’ with a health care career sidewalks as the temperature pare healthier foods. Trying to decrease in the number of stu- hovered around freezing and eat healthy meals when you dents taking advantage of the enjoyed hot chocolate, bagels have to prepare the meals your- Center’s many services. The and strawberries dipped in a self is not easy. Learning what Wellness Center continues to fountain of chocolate. Students foods to buy and how to cook offer outreach programs in the had the opportunity to talk with them are not part of the college Student Center throughout the the staff about all of their pro- curriculum, but now there is a year. grams, and enjoy a relaxing place and person who can help. If you are interested in be- chair massage. Schriver also works with stu- coming a peer educator, contact The peer training program dents who have specific health Davis at 770-499-3296. The will be ran by Dacia Davis, needs such as managing diabe- deadline for applying is Friday, an experienced health educa- tes. She works with each case Feb. 9. To set up an appointment tor who will be conducting individually. with Schriver, call the Wellness the training for 16 peer educa- Center at 770-423-6394. Communication dept. moves to new heights KAREN PRESSLEY Wassmuth’s assistant, Sara Tilbian, agreed. STAFF WRITER “Growing pains come with change,” she said. The wait has been worth it, according to stu- Since the new Social Sciences building opened dents and faculty discovering and using the facili- this month, students have been finding their way ties on the top floor of the building. Some of the through the maze of rooms, corridors and facili- major highlights of KSU’s new communication ties. But it may be the fifth floor facilities include the digital of the building, where those The Comm media lab packed with the taking Media Studies, Public latest Macintosh desktops Relations and Organization Department“ has for exclusive use by com- Communication dwell, munication majors. The that has been the great- moved to the Macs are “bilingual” with est surprise. icons to serve as either a Dr. Birgit Mac or a PC. Wassmuth, chair of next level in New software is the Communication being added, including department, expressed capabilities “InDesign,” a leading her appreciation for page layout program that the patience displayed to train our is highly user-friendly, by students when they “Adobe PhotoShop” and arrived at the new pro- students. “Illustrator,” leading image- Tyler Crafton | The Sentinel duction facilities only ” manipulation and graphics Srgt. Maney demonstrates one of the career search tools available inside the to find some rooms not programs. Dr. Birgit Wassmuth health care RV. The information system is touch-screen and interactive, and allows yet finished and long- The lab also has a sound booth, professionally users to watch clips about the opportunities open to health care presfessionals awaited equipment not initially operational or equipped for doing voice-overs or sound edit- in the Air Force. In celebration of Health Profession Week and the year of the Air available. ing, and a non-linear video editing station with Force, members of the Dobbins Air Reserve visited KSU Feb. 5. They brought “The students have been fantastic, coping with a broadcast “green screen” curved-wall back- along their Health Profession Mobile RV in an attempt to spread knowledge of the changes and waiting expectantly until we ground, where students can do talking-head healthcare opportunities in the Air Force. were really operational,” Wassmuth said. See COMM, page 5 THESENTINEL WWW.KSUSENTINEL.COM WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY HIGH 57° HIGH 51° HIGH 48° HIGH 53° HIGH 49° HIGH 50° LOW 37° LOW 29° LOW 28° LOW 27° LOW 27° LOW 30° The Page 2 • News SENTINEL Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2007 • MUSIC from front page which the KSU Foundation mountain in Germany’s Black • LOVE from front page and be sold but my resident able,” said one male partici- me back to my own chal- places in an investment ac- Forest,” said Joseph Meeks, According to Dwayne assistant, Monica Maxwell, pant, “I actually didn’t know lenges as student,” Feldberg count,” said Cheryl Anderson dean of the College of the Arts. Peal, University Village helped me to see how impor- the girl who bid on me, but said. “The scholarship was Brown, assistant director of “So, it doesn’t surprise me that resident assistant, the date tant the event was.” this gave me a chance to designed for someone that Public Relations. “That ac- Bob and Elaine Feldberg have auction raised $450 for the “It was a little embarrass- get to know more about her.
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